Showing Posts For Kyoshiro.6735:
I was wondering if the devs have tried changing chill damage trait by creating a new condition?
I was thinking if marrying the dhuumfire trait with the reaper grandmaster for chill damage. Leaving it as burn. I wasn’t sure if this was looked at. I would like to know if it was explored as a possibility.
(edited by Kyoshiro.6735)
ping spike is still occurring for me. it’s unfortunately made the game unplayable.
I am a returning player. I recently returned for ls3. I have never had connection issues before. I am doing very frequently. I cannot que pvp because of the quickness with which I get returned to character screen. I lag out of world maps at a slower pace but it will happens several times per one single event. Is there any help for this? I am experiencing no isp problems other than gw2. Thanks
I cant load any of my characters in to the game.
I am also having this issue.
I tested the Reaper again this beta weekend. I have approximately 70 hours+ with the Reaper.
In an effort to experience more of Heart of Thorns, I also tested Dragon Hunter.
I began my Beta weekend at 3pm EST; my first test session lasted about 15 hours. I gave as much to this beta weekend as I could. More than I could.
I really believe in the Krewe that works on Guild Wars 2. I believe there is passion and a meaningful connection between the Employees of Arena Net and their costumers.
I want to start off by saying that the Dragon Hunter was a lot of fun to play and felt like it added more to the guardian class. Adding a range and ambush option on a melee support class gave me a sense of freedom and options before during and after battles. Dragon Hunter is truly impressive!
My experience with Dragon Hunter and discussion with friends and guildies has led me and others to the conclusion that Reaper is not adding enough. Shouts do not match up in depth as traps or physical skills touted by the Daredevil.
My main concern is that Arena Net feels like Reaper is very close to finish and only needs minor tweaks. And I feel strongly their needs to be more attention given to Shouts.
I don’t want to have to run soldier runes, and Augury of Death or use BB as a crutch.
A thoughtful suggestion I would like to offer is considering LF gain on shouts and shouts affecting the cooldown on Reaper’s Shroud.
Thanks for the great work, I appreciate the effort you guys are giving. You are the best gaming company in the world. Thank You for the follow through!
Stay Frosty! (watch out for traps!)
YSIM should generate significantly more life force, and while traited with Augury of Death when YSIM is activates it will finish the cd on reapers shroud. (increase lf gain on YSIM).
Great work guys!
My game crashed on Temple Winds and Forest NIfhel pvp maps. I play on Isle of Janthir.
Located in North East of USA
A warm welcome to all who make their way to this post.
I want to offer my heartfelt thank you to the teams working on the HoT release. Keep your head up guys, you are in my estimation the hardest working, most communicative group of passionate MMO developers in the world.
While you guys are still in crunch time please take a moment to acknowledge the quality and quantity of your work and know that it is very much appreciated by this long time MMO player.
I pay 20 dollars a month to play Guild Wars 2. Because I believe in your designers. It takes a lot to put your unfinished work out their and ask for feedback. It takes a lot more to distill that feedback down to what is best for the game and Guild Wars 2 as a whole. That takes teamwork. Arguably the biggest key to your success.
Thanks again and as always…Stay Frosty My Friends!
I know, I was like…Eureka!! lol
I have been thinking about the problems that plague using the great sword on the Reaper.
Adding an evade to Death Spiral would alleviate many problems and still retain balance.
I would take this change and some more stab on the shouts and call it good!
Stay Frosty my Friends!
Beta weekend! When everyone is happy and OP. I wish every weekend was a Beta one!
Stay Frosty!
It’s important to note that we are all passionate and interested in the Reaper’s balance.
Damage reduction while wielding the great sword and stacking trait stability on shouts addresses most feedback; certainly all the feedback related to great sword skills1-4 and gap closing in general.
It is not my intent to offer suggestions that interface with other game balance.
Stay Frosty!!
I feel after playing Reaper that there is no pay off for using the great sword because we didn’t consider putting a low mobility low armor class profession on the front lines.
Adding in a baseline damage reduction for wielding the great sword would give us time to fight longer with it. As of last BWE it is more of a death stick for us.
The Stacking stability on shouts would allow us to get to the fight and use our wind up abilities effectively.
These are the two most critical concerns I had running the reaper. The ability to BE in the fight and stay there.
Stay Frosty!
The two main points I would like to focus on: Lack of damage reduction while using great sword AND the lack of stability.
During BWE2 I played Reaper exclusively and used several builds in PVE and PVP. I played 25 hours of Reaper for a total of 55 hours.
While the Reaper has greatly improved there are in my estimation, based on actual gameplay experience some changes that should be considered.
Great sword
1) While using a great sword and not in shroud damage received is too high
Casting a gravedigger in pve results in a 5-10k health loss. In PvP being outside shroud basically kills you.
2) Grasping Darkness when working as intended ignites the feeling of revenge in my necromancer I have been looking forward too. However, Grasping Darkness is still tough to target and cast reliably as a pull. It will work as an interrupt.
3) On Great sword auto attack, I still barely used this. Its so incredibly slow and plays into the low damage reduction of a light armor class in melee, namely it doesn’t feel good getting blasted.
Reaper Shroud
1) The auto attack seems too weak.
2) Executioner’s Scythe seems to have had its damage lowered in favor of a hard CC. I prefer the change but the CC needs to be 2 or 2.5 seconds if the damage is too remain low.
3) I quickly grasped the new death’s charge mechanic and didn’t have a problem using it, although I wish it went further or added swiftness.
Shouts and Augery of Death
1) YSIM Doesn’t heal enough when all five targets are present. I would like to see this become a monster heal around 4 targets hit.
2)Augery of Death should allow for 3 seconds of stackable stability per shout.
In closing the two main points I would like to focus on: Lack of damage reduction while using great sword AND the lack of stability.
Thank You guys So kitten Much for working on this game. After 3 years you guys are still doing it!!
Thanks for being specific, Nyth. I feel like all the classes work really well in solo PvE questing and events too.
The article on Reaper for really hits the nail on the head. The Reaper specialization is a real opportunity for Guild Wars 2 to show it’s stuff, and wave it’s Flag high!
Thanks for sharing!
I played the reaper as long as they would let me and tried many things for hours at a time, I did not try every combination of everything, but I am firm on my requests and believe my suggestions are valid based on 30 hours of gameplay, and being 1k hours into my main-a necromancer.
One last thought!
Stability in moderate stacks could help with offering groups sustained damaged.
I noticed many classes could impair movement and evade to create distance forcing a weapon swap by me to stay in the fight, and/or simply chain cc me until I was dead with hammer and longbow skills or even guardian great sword pull.
Chain CC not fun.
Thanks again guys, keep up the great work!
In summation Great Sword does not provide the necessary life force generation or damage to be considered a main build weapon.
Shouts do not do enough damage or provide enough debuff and this cripples “augery of death” usefulness combined with a cast time, and it feels like punishment to use.
Being unnaturally slow is unappealing in all aspects of the game, including running pve maps or other large areas. No one wants it too take *% longer because…well just because.
Obviously I do have some simple thoughts on improvements.
Specifically, I do believe:
1) the blind field needs to be bigger
2)an option to teleport to a running target via flip skill mechanic on death spiral would be welcomed.
3) fixing Great Sword 6’s targeting
These suggestions come from the best place I can be in. I really want this expansion to succeed. Thank you guys for your hard work attention to detail and passion for good gaming.
(edited by Kyoshiro.6735)
I ran the reaper for the weekend. I tried many builds and variations.
(edited by Kyoshiro.6735)
I want to push for Cantha and its continent.