Showing Posts For Lightingale.6502:

i hate bananas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Does anyone have a video showing the sound of the banana? I tried to find it on youtube but can’t find it

Helping Downed/Defeated Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


make it repeatable then, like entrophy achievement. doesn’t matter, the point is people stop rezzing others as soon they made the title. today layed in a chatty map for 15 minutes, at least 20 people ran by and didnt even bother to resurect me. this was not the case looooooong ago, when the game was still fresh and many more people that actually cared about their fellow adventurers in tyria. now, just ego ego ego game, but, i do not fully blame the community it is oversight from anet and a lack of new content.

I think the reason people don’t rez other players anymore is because of those people in SW who keep telling everybody not to rez players and to WP out if you die. I mean, if you’re not going to rez me when I die, then why on earth should I rez you when you die? And besides, if the custom is to WP out immediately when you die, then there’s no point in trying to revive someone, because they’ll be gone before you can finish reviving.

fastest way to get dragonite ore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


You should do Silverwaste chest train, I get so many dragonite ores i just end up destroying stacks of them

Jumping puzzles: yuck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


The only thing I hate about JPs is that some of them, if you make one tiny mistake you die and then you have to start all over. sometimes this means wasting like 10 minutes.

now I always watch Youtube video before starting a JP, cuz i don’t want to waste my time having to restart JP over from the beginning just cuz of one small mistake

[suggestion]- laurel purchasing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


i agree with OP that we should be able to get laurels some other way besides waiting weeks to get enough laurels to buy stuff. It’s very annoying having to wait so long. Above somebody said we get about 2/day, so the game should just give 2 per day instead of a bunch every few days.

Remember when enemies dropped loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


I think mobs should drop precursors more often, like maybe once every 5 mobs. That way getting legendaries won’t be such a boring grind for new players

How to keep mini in use all the time?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi I just got a mini teragriff and it disappears sometimes, like when I die. It’s still in my inventory but I have to keep re-activating it. Is there a way to just keep it with me all the time?

Also in my Hero Panel, under miniatures, there’s this icon to the top left of my character that looks like an owl. Is that icon supposed to do anything?

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


I would like mounts that can let you go really fast, maybe 166% or something. It’s because SW chest train is a very important part of GW2 and moving faster will help everyone out

Reserve space after disconnect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


I agree This problem happens to me at least once a week and it’s super annoying.

It's all useless

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


2) There is no failure – we cannot fail at all. How do you expect anything to be challanging if we can’t fail no matter what, but simply try and try again untill we get it right. In the original GW if the whole party died during a mission be it normal or elite you had to redo the whole thing. There were also other factors often like an NPC you had to keep alive. If we had this then maybe some people would start using some other stats besides berserker. But obviously we are past the era where challange in gaming is no longer a common thing, but only rarely appears in games like “Dark Souls”. Now we are back to the “Ursanway” build which got nerfed in GW only now it’s called “Zerker”. Yeah something that was considered bad in the original is now ok in the sequel.

What?? Many events can fail. You can fail to kill Tequatl. You can fail SW vinewrath. And yes, if you fail you can just try again. But you try again from the beginning of the event, ie you redo the whole thing. What are you expecting? That if a group fails to kill Tequatl, then all participants will permanently die and their characters get deleted?? Or maybe the whole sparkfly fen will become infested with mobs and become inaccessible

And there are many escort and defending events in the game. I’m not sure why you say there’s nothing like keeping NPCs alive

SW coin purse... open at lvl 55 or 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


OK I’ll try opening them on lvl 55 then. I have to get my alt up to that level first but that should be easy! thx!

SW coin purse... open at lvl 55 or 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi I’m just wondering if it’s more profitable to open the Embroidered Coin Purses you get from SW chest train on a lvl 55 character? I know you get more low level crafting mats which are worth more, but you also miss out on ecto, orichalcum, and ancient wood?

Are tonics single use?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi. I know there are 3 kinds of tonics, Endless, Infinite, and ones without these adjectives… I’m wondering which tonics are single-use? Like will the tonic disappear from my inventory once I consume it?


I found the place most toxic people gather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


If i were you, I would just continue killing the ambient creatures and let them be mad (might even be entertaining, watching them rage). There’s no rule against killing ambients or doing tasks to fill a heart.

How to get back into SW map I was in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi. Twice today I got D/C’ed during the Vinewrath part of Silverwaste. When I re-enter SW, I’m in a totally different map and all the progress I had was lost, which is extremely annoying. Is there a way I can stop this from happening?

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Your bulid is unrelated to your armor.

Some armor add to your stats like adding to power. These are not important?

Also I’m very confused by “Once a peice of gear is transmuted it will keep that look until you decide to transmute it again or destory it.”

So if I simply unequip the helm, then re-equip it again right away, will my appearance in my wardrobe be gone and I have to spend another transmutation charge?

Also, if i use transmutation charge on an item, can I still sell it later in the TP (assuming it’s not bound)

(edited by Lightingale.6502)

Help with wardrobe and transmutation charges

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lightingale.6502


Hi I am a new player and I just hit lvl 80 a few days ago but my character still looks like he is lvl 5. Meanwhile everybody I see has cool looking gear and weapons

So I want to change my appearance using the wardrobe. But after google searching, it seems that if I change my appearance in the wardrobe, then change my equipment (ex. I find a better helm with better stats), then my wardrobe settings will disappear. Is this really how it works?

If so, then it seems that wardrobe is only for ppl who have the best possible armor and will never change their equipment. Unless there’s a really quick way to farm transmutation charges (other than using gem store)??

EDIT: Even if I have the best possible armor, if I want to change my build, then I cannot keep my wardrobe appearance, correct? I’ll need to pay transmutation charges again?

(edited by Lightingale.6502)