Showing Posts For Lite Ning Girl.7958:

WvW Hidden Room

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

Right after you walk out of Lion’s Arch to Gendarran Fields, there is a boy sitting that looks like the guy in the tree swinging his feet back and forth. He doesn’t have a name like the cats you would occasionally see in GW1.

How long?

in Lore

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

I think I read somewhere that Zhaitan’s defeat is before the karka event because we don’t see any risen karka.

Fastest moving character in the game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

If you want to look like you are moving faster, make an asura. Their animation has to be faster to make up for their small bodies making them look faster than they actually are.

So I want this armor.. how to get the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

If you’re not interested in crafting at all, sell all your materials on the Trading Post at lowest seller price.

If you haven’t worked toward World Completion, start now. When you complete the higher zones, you sometimes get items that sell for 1 gold each and you’ll have made a lot of coin from killing the higher level enemies.

Dungeons are very beneficial when it comes to making money despite the cost of armor repairs. (I haven’t done many but the little I have has proven worth it.)

WvW is can also make you money quickly if you can travel with a group that is taking places quickly. You get a lot for not doing much.

Least played Guardian race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

One question though, isn’t it hard to see what your Asura is doing in an event? (i’m serious, ‘cause i’m thinking about making my own Asura but i’m scared that i will not be able to see what i’m doing)

I think it is easier to play as an Asura than Norn or Charr specifically during jumping puzzles. My camera always messes up when I play on my Norn and I have yet to do many jumping puzzles on her because of that. On my Asura, I get through them really quickly.

During events, I think I can see myself fairly easily. If you have trouble with seeing yourself though, you can dye your armor some neon color.

Cooking - Worth it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

I haven’t done much in cooking but in the little I have done I’ve realized how addictive it is. I’ve been running back and forth between the station and trading post, depleting my saved up money, just to have enough ingredients to make something new or try to get better at it so I can make something that is levels above me. Still, I think it is the most fun craft and worth it despite it taking up all my inventory space.

Emissary of the Mad King 3/5

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

I have 3/5 and have completed everything but the clock tower which is said to not count and Attend the Party.

Hilarious moments during personal story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lite Ning Girl.7958

Lite Ning Girl.7958

During a part of the Asura personal story, Mr. Sparkles says something like, “Prepare to don the behind hat,”. It is one of the funniest things I’ve heard in the game’s dialogue.