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Lv 12 alt, got one chest from a mob and 1 key from daily. Boom got one. Game has been giving with colossus fang recipe ( which I guess is really rare) and now this from one key. Just need a Pre cursor now lol
Eas, easy way, have an ele drop an ice bow, you use skill 4 on the first one on the left, you start heading to the right side while they go to the back one and the ele uses skill4, when that is done you can use skill 4 on the one infront of you, ele can on the right cornor and all your left with is the door and the very last one. As a ranger i one shot burrows with an ice bow so its a little easier but those can damage almost 90 percent ususally.
Simple…. Only three scenarios I can think of that makes it possible to fail with lv 80 party.
1. You don’t follow known steps, heads, little, champ
2. Your vit is lower than 16k going in, that number is a guess because my glass cannon ranger doesn’t even get 1 shot in that dungeon.
3. And the one I truly believe, you don’t dodge. The poison is the only thing you have to worry about. If it kills you you didn’t dodge, if it kills you multiple times you new to learn to dodge.
It is solo by many people, I’m in no way an elitist and had to solo it with what seems to be the least loved class.
This is strictly opinion and all about wvw. Using any pet in WvW really limits the ranger in the aspect of movement and damage because the dang thing is like a ball and chain holding us back. When trying to run away from a Zerg that you initiated if your pet gets hit then you get slowed down. You can’t hit stow and recall doesn’t help much since it gets hit on the way back.
So that slows you down now on strict damage we all know part of our damage is in our pets. In WvW we switch targets so rapidly the pet looks so lost if its somehow still alive. It can’t hit the same enemy your trying to switch to therefore just running around. If we could stow this pet and get our full danger output to ourselves this would make WvW so much better since it won’t be holding you down.
Any WvW rangers agree or just me?
Bonus: the pets vs that class that just clones its self is usless, you switch non stop there and it doesn’t help at all.
I say use the jeweler 1-400 guide, just level up to 50 and make the jewels, they are master. The mats in total cost 80c, so 40×80c and monthly done.
Just picking this out of your statement, dungeon recipes require dungeon tokens that make some sweet exotics and a really nice profit. And it also depends on what “gear” you are crafting. Like I’m going for aether so crafting is just a cheaper route but still takes a crap load of time. Not saying crafting is well made just saying there a certain aspects you have to do, like a ridic goal or find that item that makes money, to have any fun at it. Look into the weapons and gear that are not legendaries but are the best exotics to craft.
So after beating path 3 instead of leaving I decided to explorer the stairs in that pit. Turns out there is a whole room hidden behind moss that’s not really a Jp but more of a walking puzzle that’s empty but if you fall you fall in water. I tried this the next time I went before beating the boss and it was still empty. Now my question is does anyone know if a certain path triggers something in here or was it removed or is there nothing to it?
Had the same problem many times with the npc fighting rather than pion his bubble, got to the point where we just resorted to the “safe” spot and killed him. Sad it sometimes has to resort to that but spending 10s in repairs and just getting nowhere takes it toll.
I will just say from experience, I say go jeweler because there are some nice recipes to make good profit. Of course can’t say which but there is one right now that takes 30s of mats and sells for 2.7g ( that’s people buying, people selling are asking above 3) and that’s just one recipe.
Unless you have a dungeon recipe (which is incredibly rare btw), no 30s item/s will sell for 2.7g.
How rare are these? I got it on a couple runs so thought it was just another recipe but turns out it makes bank.
I will just say from experience, I say go jeweler because there are some nice recipes to make good profit. Of course can’t say which but there is one right now that takes 30s of mats and sells for 2.7g ( that’s people buying, people selling are asking above 3) and that’s just one recipe.
I think the guy is called angry joe on youtube. He reviews alot of games and got my friend to buy it last night haha
I am to lazy to look threw all the posts to see if anyone put it up as an idea but what about the bosses in WvW that everyone has forgotten about? Personally I have only done one and thats the giant forest grub and it drops a huge chest. There are many other bosses as well threw out EB that would take sometime to kill esp with another server swooping in. Champs and Legends. Just another thought that i think should be farmed.
Wondering if this is a bug or a hack, logged in today and all my gold, from bank and character are gone. All my items, silver and copper are still there but just my gold is gone. any reason for this? Has anyone else had this happen or did i get hacked?