Showing Posts For Lok.3102:
What I want to happen:
- Solo Queue
- Team Queue + Team Registrations
- Solo Leaderboards
- Team Leaderboards
What is going to happen some day:
- Custom Arenas replacing Hot Join
- Spectating
Site appears to be intermittently down. Hosting problems? I might suggest Amazon S3 w/CloudFlare. Your site shouldn’t serve anything dynamic since you are just crawling the leaderboards (which are updated hourly). You could create static files on an hourly cron and then serve them through Nginx with CloudFlare.
do Devs actually want melee focused classes?.
No? Where are you getting that impression? All professions have weapons and builds suitable for ranged and melee (well, maybe not a ranged Guardian). You can have both, or one or the other.
Guys, best way to learn PvP is repetition. Don’t worry so much about losing, or people not communicating in PuGs. Pro-tip: PuGs just don’t communicate. It’s been that way forever, in just about every game.
If you’re just trying to learn how to play the game, then hit hot-join or solo-join tPvP and just play games. Don’t rage yourself by getting upset because your PuG is losing. You’re going to lose a lot, especially anytime you face a premade. I crack up everytime I’m in a tPvP PuG and they start raging that we’re losing, when we’re up against a much higher rated premade. It’s like crying you can’t win a 100 meter race against Usain Bolt.
If you want actual communicative tPvP then you need a premade. Find some friends or go join one of the big tPvP servers, like Anvil Rock or Jade Quarry, and you should have no problem finding people.
GvG. That is all.
It would be the biggest homage to your GW1 PvP fanbase you could offer. You’d probably bring a lot of players back who have went back to GW1.
I would rather have GvG than “WoW Arenas”. (though TBH Conquest should have been GvG from the start)
(edited by Lok.3102)
you can leave early, guaranteeing a loss to the ppl staying. and getting a loss on yourself. The point is, when ppl leave they doom the team to loose. Do you think that it is ok?
Stop playing with bads. If your teammate is griefing your team you have bigger issues.
Just noticed the Frisbee dude artwork is on the Leaderboards.
For those who don’t know, it’s a popular meme of which most people don’t even realize it’s GW2 artwork. Actually, a lot of people still claim it’s from LOTR, but I guess that’s proven otherwise now.
Can be great in WvW and PvE. Not so much in sPvP.
What I don’t understand is why ArenaNet isn’t monetizing sPvP players through its gem store.
They have done very little to appeal to sPvPers in that venue. Why not offer unique PvP-only skins?
At least I’ve read that Custom Arenas will be a voucher purchasable from the Gem Store, but honestly. Why don’t they care even the slightest about monetizing sPvP? It would make you realize that sPvP is worth investment and profitable. (You could hire more sPvP developers!)
Wouldn’t surprise me if some people use bots in PvP to do the right things at right time to win games.
How in the world did you come to that conclusion? Bots are dumb, there’s no way they could compete in high-end tPvP. I guess you don’t PvE enough to realize that.
they need team ratings and separate out solo, otherwise the boards are a joke. say some guy plays on a team and is undefeated vs all the top teams, then during the day he solo queues, he will never be top 100 ever even though he plays on the best team.
This. At the end of the day Anet isn’t promoting playing the game when solo cause people doesnt like to lose rank.
Solo/Duo Que
Team Que (3-5)
It goes beyond this, solo needs its own leaderboards.
It’s not a hard model to understand, but understandably it may be difficult for ArenaNet to implement.
- Solo Queue. Solo leaderboards. Who are the best players?
- Team Queue. Team leaderboards. Who are the best teams?
There is a major inherent problem with sPvP infrastructure, in that there is no official entity known as “team”. Teams are created on-the-fly and have no permanency. You don’t register teams nor name them. Therefore ArenaNet has no way to create leaderboards for teams, but they really need to do this. Right now leaderboards are horribly misleading. I’m seeing top players, but everyone knows these players are at their ranks because of their team.
Was separating pve and pvp beneficial?
Having it any other way is dumb. Only PvEers who want to stomp players with their gear and not skill would have it combined.
As mentioned, the Elo rating needs to be made visible. There is no point of reference to gauge performance.
If I am ranked 5th, how well must I perform to reach 4th? How many points? Or better, how many wins against similarly ranked teams? 2 wins? 3 wins? 1000 points?
Right now the leaderboards are good for showing off, but they lack the ability to tell you how much progress you need to overcome your competitors.
Someone needs to provide proof of this. Leaderboards just came out, only NOW can this actually be verified. Anything else is speculation.
Someone actually needs to log off from a tPvP match at least 5 times, before the hourly update of Leaderboard statistics, to prove this is true or not. Take before and after screenshots of your current win/loss.
Hope you like all your newcomers.
Anvil Rock – 55 players in Top 100
Jade Quarry – 11 players in Top 100
.. The rest
(edited by Lok.3102)
There is no team infrastructure. Teams are soft created. You don’t register them, you don’t name them.
We do have guilds, and at the very least a column for Guild should show up.
How can possibly be somebody with 10 games in top 100 players?
If Little Timmy who has never played 1v1 beats Kobe Bryant in a 1v1 game 10 times, with Kobe Bryant giving it his best, does that make Little Timmy better than Kobe Bryant in 1v1?
It seems someone is mad because he is not in the top 100
Also this.
(edited by Lok.3102)
Very interesting. However, I won’t have real interest until the list is expanded and my name pops up there.
I also want to add that this system, well… it kinda makes me want to play ranked matches only with a competitive team (which I can’t anymore), because with the current match system, playing with a team increases your odds, and playing solo decreases your odds. That pretty much means that I’ll probably stick to hotjoin until the devs implement a solo(/ duo) only queue, or else I’ll lose rank points unfairly whenever I get matched against premade teams.
Yes, a solo-only queue and leaderboard is greatly needed.
Thanks, that eases my concerns. =)
The only other major problem is a lack of search box..
Top 100 only? Talk about underwhelming. That’s not many players at all. At least show Top 1000. Most your playerbase are not in the Top 100. I didn’t realize you were releasing this feature to be useless to most players. A lot of people want to know where they stand and if they’re progressing, but they may not be in the Top 100.
In vanilla World of Warcraft their battleground leaderboards included just about everyone down to Rank 2 or Rank 3, so even complete noobs could see if they were progressing.
The WvW leaderboards are incomplete. Don’t get me wrong, server rankings are necessary, but what about players? Where are the leaderboards on top kills/captures/world rank/etc? Do we have to wait a year to see this?
ArenaNet took nothing from GW1 Necromancer. Instead, they modeled GW2 Necromancer after the warlock from World of Warcraft. Necromancers are not warlocks. Warlocks have one or two demons at a time and are obsessed with conditional damage. Necromancers control hordes of undead are not necessarily obsessed with conditional damage.
The GW2 Necromancer is not. It’s a kitten WoW warlock, made so to appeal to WoW players. Most of its minions are demons and are summoned, not raised.
Just make the loot bags stand out more ArenaNet. Extra sparkly/shiny and a tad larger.
This game isn’t very social, that’s no secret. I remember my astonishment in BWE #1 when nobody was talking. Well, that was because there was no /say command! Still, nobody was talking in /map chat either. This persisted through a lot of the beta weekends.
Now PvE /map chat is actually pretty active, even on emptier servers. sPvP /map and /team chat however is different, if people are talking it’s usually bickering between each other.
If you want useful communication in sPvP you should probably form a premade.
Anet has created a PvE game that is extremely casual-friendly. It’s a game that, by their own admission, is a game that is meant to be played, put down, and picked back up later.
The only people who play the game and put it down are people who play 10+ hours a day and burn through the content. Very few people fit into this category. It makes no sense to cater to hardcore players who represent .0001% of customers. The PvE treadmill was designed to be operated at walking pace, not Usain Bolt. World of Warcraft hardcore raiders fooled themselves into this game thinking it offered the same.
As for sPvP.. well, unless you’re rank 80+ …
I get lag in WvW but never in sPvP. Comcast West Coast.
First thing that pops into my mind would look just like the quick-loot tray on the right side of the screen with a scrolling list of ordered cooldowns showing name/icon. (No loot in PvP)
You guys have done a terrific job with the UI, keeping skill and player information centralized at the bottom center.
To continue this, ICD timers would have to fit near the skill CDs too.
My thought is, like you mentioned, little icons (no text) representing the activated ICDs. They would be the same size as the condition/boon icons, and have a spiral cooldown. These icons should be positioned fixed right of the boons/conditions, just above the elite skill, and should grow left and down. Hovering over the icon would show the text of what the ICD is.
They said a week. They admitted it’s not ready yet. Now they said soon.
Soon means soon.
You realize the irony occurring here? The only reason the forums are up in arms is because ArenaNet gave us an ETA a week ago. A week ago had they just said “soon” then people wouldn’t be complaining now.
What do you want, them to say “in a week” and then in a week if it’s not ready the forum can go on their immature tangent again?
It’ll be ready when it’s ready.
Okay, so Custom Arenas will probably show up in the hot-join server browser? That’s good then, I was afraid of another interface that would have people split and therefore negatively affect tPvP queues. Although it’s still possible that tPvP players will prefer Custom Arenas over tPvP, regardless of tPvP rewards.
Removing AoE cap altogether is probably not the best solution. I mean, you all think about the elementalist perspective. Let me give you my thief perspective: Shadow Refuge + Zerg + No AoE cap = Invisible army just like before the end of culling.
You really want to get back to that?
I imagine their code can tell the difference between AEs that deal damage and AEs that give effects such as stealth. Remove the cap from the former, leave the cap on the latter.
The problem is it would make certain professions and builds incredibly powerful. Everyone would play those builds.
I think they should buff AE from the siege weapons. Siege weapons should be the zerg killers. Remove AE cap from siege weapons (if it exists) and buff the damage.
I have a question I’m not sure has been answered before.
Aren’t Custom Arenas negatively going to affect the queues for hot-join and tPvP, by spreading the players thin?