Showing Posts For Lorithias.2873:

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


Sure u can justify it’s ok if u deal that much damage cause the other op burst class do nearly same, nice try.

Pets and a Lack of F2 Responsiveness

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


The points I see that need urgent fixing:

- Pets need to home in on their target, rather than running in straight lines.

- Pets need to attack while moving, and not stop before attacking, because even mobs can dodge pet attacks. The only way I can get my pet to do damage if it doesn’t have aggro, is by going melee.

- Pet F2 skills need to be executed on the move as well, and have an animation/charge-up of no longer than one second, and be near instant in cases such as condition removal.

- All pets need a 75% AOE damage resistance, including damage from auto attack cleave swings from players. As is now, pets are useless in PVP against professions such as warriors and guardians, they simply destroy our pets without even targeting them. If a player wants to kill a pet, then that should only be possible by targeting the pet. No other profession can have its profession-mechanic negated like this. We are balanced around our pets, so they should not be so easily destroyed.

I agree totally u point all the real problem and give great solution. we clearly need these changes.

I will up this post until i know we have been heard

Ranger Pet Comments post 14th Sept Updates

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


Pet are horrible, u must fight your enemy AND the IA pet i really hope they will change that soon …

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


OK for the damage but our pet are really an important part of our gameplay for dev and we just can’t use it in keep siege … we are the only one class with this problem.

And serioulsy … competence F2 reactivity are HORRIBLE they MUST change that things .. my lynx wait 2,5s before jumping on his enemy ! so easy to dodge u just have to run a little bit away .. and the OP is right, pet die way too fast ! sometimes a warrior or a thief just don’t target him make 2 aoe sword and pet is dead .. sound like stupid …

Is the Rengar Fun?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


u think u didn’t make enough damage with thief ? try warrior greatsword and if always not just leave this game, Ranger is not for u.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


I love the way where ppl talk about balanced game only when they win.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


Ofc when a tennisman just win the two first set and loose the three next, everybody knows he is better than his opponent … interesting pov…

if he looses the other sets wile sleeping i think i know who is the real winner

If he looses cause his opponent just go make others things instead beating the ball … i think everyone will ask themself : did he really want the first place ?

FS are not sleeping, Nug was not here so they just leave and go pve. U didn’t see the amount of screen who prove we are have the same population over the nigth ?

So for u we must don’t take point cause FS want pve and no more WwW ? come on u know it sound stupid.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


Fs proved they are better, having the lead on the weekend when real life commitments can be halted, come Sunday night & the week VS start to dominate because most of us work…

Ofc when a tennisman just win the two first set and loose the three next, everybody knows he is better than his opponent … interesting pov…

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


It’s sad how ppl cry for a open and persistant WwW, so when it come they cry because it’s not like battleground and they can’t win ONLY (ofc) cause of shedule …

how is it they can play day and night every day, why do they not have jobs or sleep? howcome FS was dominating on the weekend but when RL came around everything changed so fast? is it a timezone thing?

Our secret to stay and play all the night : maple syrup. Better than Red Bull.

shhhh don’t give our best secret !

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


it’s not ME, it’s 90% of players in the match up.

OK, then don’t play on NA server, just deal with the fact you won’t earn as much points. What’s the difference to you, personally, in how many points the server will get while you’re beating on that gate?

Are you having fun capturing empty keeps anyway? It’s not fun for anyone, even you, so this type of gameplay is not to be catered to

Sure it was really more fun to get focus by the 2 others servers all the week end, and u can tell me it wasn’t volonteer but when bay is under attack from South by FS and North by Desolation trust me even the better you’r u will have bad time. But for you it’s was balanced and fine.

But it’s ok we deal with it so do it too now, the fight isn’t done with this weekend and i think we will have many surprises from all server this week, let’s see that and gl all.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


Kayato wrote what i though.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


well, but it’s a start, eh?

they could limit upgrades at “night time” as well. If you upgraded your keep in “prime time” and keep defending it over-night – your upgrades stay. If someone captures it – they can’t upgrade it till morning. This may be the case only with claimed keeps, for example.

Finding a server in your time zone is NOT a problem, why should these players be “protected” when they ruin the game for everyone else?

Because these players work at night ? two of my best friend was here the last night capping, we live in middle France, one of them is a nurse other is firefighter, they both work at night so they live more at night than day so why u blame them if they play with their shedule ?

And pls stop thinking we are all canadian cause we’re not ! u humiliate yourself by hiding on this.

Thanks to Nug for this week end, u was boring like hell ^^ specially with your wall artillery on bay ! it was impressive !

edit !

At least you won’t be able to say that people can’t take back nightcapped forts.. Sunday morning, all maps were blue and at the end of the weekend, the 3 fortress of FS map were stolen and fully upgraded (at least Bay and Aska) on “fair timezone”.

Ofc it’s always a fair timezone when u win xD


(edited by Lorithias.2873)