Showing Posts For Loviatrix.1589:

Does anyone work at support for GW2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


My friend and I are trying to come back to game after a year. He is having trouble accessing his account. He put in a ticket last night and sent a follow up email early today.

He has had no response all day….

What is the usual wait time, does anyone know?



Terrible customer support and no contact info whatsoever!

Dagger/dagger and healing power

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I have actually been testing this out this week to see how much heal power I can sacrifice before I start being forced into water attunement more often or longer than I like to be in combat. I settled on just over 700 heal power as a comfortable level for me. Everyone’s play style is different though so it depends on what your goals are. I like to be able to heal up quickly and get back to the fun stuff. I’ve always seen survivability as more important than raw dmg though…a dead mage casts no spells. So I am running with 1738 power (well over 2k once the might stacks start rolling in) 1179 precision (Im an auramancer so I get the 20% perma crit during battle) 1638 toughness and 1556 vit.

LoL - Sanctum of Rall

in Guilds

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Legacy of the Lion (LoL) is looking to grow slowly with a few active PVEers.

A bit about us:

We are small but active, usually grouping nightly for dungeons, FoTM or Map clears – whatever goals we have we work together to achieve. We use ventrilo when we group. Up until now we have recruited soley through grouping, inviting new friends who have joined us on vent for a group and hit it off. We group most often between the hours of 8 and 12 PM EST. We are seeking mature players who are interested in PVE content and are willing to help each other grow and improve. All of our current members have multiple 80’s and are in full exotic – starting to work on Ascended pieces (I just got my back piece a few days ago woooo! ;pth)

We are interested in building a Guild that has a sense of true friendship and cooperation – our goal is to grow slowly while keeping the feeling of closeness that we have now. We do not toss invites around like they mean nothing and we don’t treat our members that way either! RAWR!

If you want to know more, or want to come chat us up in vent feel free to toss a whisper to Sarine Fox (<—- that’s me!) or Seriadon.

Rock on Tyria!

[Elementalist] Swapping into Air attunement causes character to auto attack nearest mob

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Another patch and no mention of a fix for this. This cant be that hard to fix! So annoying! =(

It's time to admit FotM has failed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Yes the dc issue is completely frustrating. Also the very design of the lvling system is forcing me to pug to progress instead of playing with my friends and guildmates. I actually had to say to my guild today that my recommendation is to just pug w/e they can and forget waiting for others since that route will just keep us all at the lowest common denominator. How crappy is that? We will still group in the evenings of course but we had to give up on doing it as a group, which is sad….look at my sad face! =(

It's time to admit FotM has failed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


For those of you still spamming in LA for a group, please consider using Yes I agree that it is ridiculous that a third party had to create a decent lfg tool, but at lesat in the meantime it has been a big help to me.

that is all, carry on =)

FotM Disconnections / Crashes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I have a guildie who is a part of our regular prime time EST group. He disconnects every night around 10 PM est due to his router resetting. He has no control over this as his internet is provided by his landlord (who has not been helpful in finding a solution to the problem). Needless to say this is quite a problem with the FOTM disconnect = lockout issue. We have been trying to progress as a group and re-do things for people to keep them up to our level….and every night this one guy disconnects on the Maw fight and cannot complete the level because of it. So very frustrating! We like our group and don’t want to leave anyone out so at this point it means we all have to wait for a fix.

I hope that Anet is working on a fix for this =/ Even if it might take them some time due to difficulties that we aren’t aware of…..just simply a blanket statement “Hey, we are working on this, it is a priority but we have no ETA to share at this time” would go a long way to making alot of people feel better I’m sure.

So how bout it Anet?

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Sarine Fox, my human ele……..LOVE her! =)


No one is MAKING you wear MF gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Hey Combat, maybe your whole group wouldnt have died in the first place if you had some heal power to help keep them up or maybe more dps to take the mobs out faster. lol the fact that the MF dude is the one who seems to be waiting on the fringes and running away when things go bad does not help to make your case. You and I both know we are talking about more than 30 vit too. I’ve experimented with reducing the amount of heal power I have to find the acceptable threshold for me and dropping the number makes a very clear difference.

No one is MAKING you wear MF gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


An inspect option would be nice. I run full power toughness heal power on my ele to help with group heals and it sucks that any random pug we pick up could be running MF instead of something more beneficial. Leave the MF gear to consenting guild groups and farming overworld please.

People call us elitists if we put criteria into our LFG messages. When all the MF gear peeps come to my house, take care of my kids, do my laundry and go to work for me each morning they can decide what is and isnt within my rights when it comes to my free time. /nod

IMO putting MF gear into a game (dungeons specifically) and NOT adding the ability to inspect other players is wrong and unfair to those who genuinely want to be as helpful as possible to a group and who may have limited play time that they don’t want squandered unneccessarily.

Healing Mesmer viable? Sure is!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Hey guys, new mesmer here….

I’m confused =( I traited for mantra heals yet do not see any healing when casting them…..unless of course it’s the #6 slot one. Don’t know if I am doing something wrong or am bugged….any help is appreciated!

I Don't Like Agony. Do You?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Thank god they are finally putting in some type of progression for those of us who are strictly PVE players. I can’t wait to see the new skins! Cant wait to see the new dungoen!! I have no problem working my way in deeper as I pick up enough infusion to proceed…’ll finally give me a reason to log in every day. Thank you for listening to the dungeon/raid crowd Anet!

This should make PVE guilds more attractive as well instead of just as a glorified friends list.


Level 80 Elitest need to go!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Ok I didnt take the time to read past the 5th or 6th post here. This seems to be a recurring theme on the forums lately and in case no one else has mentioned….the +heal power gear doesnt start till lvl 65. We’ve all heard the arguments that stats scale back blah blah but the fact is that generally people are going to have better survivability at high lvls, period…..and then in most cases only after they have already tried out a dps spec and hopefully figured out that w/o enough hps, toughness, and heal power they are a detriment to any group they are in.

Do I take lower lvls into my groups, yes, but I’m always much happier when the people who respond are lvl 80 and let me tell you the difference in clear times is very noticable. Like one of the previous posters stated, I dont have a ton of time to get things done and dragging lower lvls through while constantly having to rez them does get old and frustrating.

Personally after maxing one toon with a friend, we ran a few dungeons and then rerolled and started over with toons that we specifically picked to be more dungeon friendly, ele for me and guard for my friend……we lvled them to 80 and didnt bother doing any dungeons till we had full traits and were specced out for survivability. So after all that effort if we want to minimize our frustration that is our right. We didnt ask anyone else to struggle through with us at low lvls.

Subject Alpha... what am I missing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Also, spread out so that the red circles spread out more too and are thus easier for each individual to avoid. There was a good guide for this fight let me see if I can find it…..

Chat Suppression is Ridiculous

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


+1 – Chat suppression is out of control, especially when we have no other modality for forming a group. While on topic, mail suppression is ridiculous too. I tried to send my nephew some gear last night and ended up having to send the last 3 pieces through another friend to send to him because I was suppressed after sending (I think it was) 2 mails. Both these mechanics need to be looked at.

ANET doing there best to lose players...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I have to agree the skins are awful =(

I cannot find one out of all the dungeon skins that I would actually spend time working for let alone wear if it was given to me free. This is supposed to be the main motivator for running dungeons, yet I already have full orange gear on 2 toons and am happier with the lvl 65 skins I am wearing than anything else I can find, including cultural. At this point there is really nothing for me to work towards….why bother with legendary when I can complete the dungeons with the weapon I already have?

I actually re-subbed to EQ2 last night since I’ve already lvled up a second toon trying to give Anet time to make some much needed changes to end game and incentive to keep playing. Such a shame since I really love every other aspect of the game; but with no end game incentives to keep pushing and improving my toon, what’s the point?

Guide to Kill Giganticus Lupicus in the Arah Dungeon.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


If only people gave this kind of love to the gw2 wiki we might actually find these guides when in said dungeon and looking for them hehe.

Easiest PuGable dungeons/paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Uh, yeah, what are you guys thinking? I’m not an exploiter but I would like to get through the exp dungeons and not have all the easier ones buffed all to kitten like CM story please. good lord.

No motivation to do dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I agree that skins are not enough of a draw to keep people coming back. My thief has a lvl 65 skin on her rare 80 set, I prefer it to the dungeon skins and plan to keep it unless I can find something else that is sleek and assassiny looking….which none of the dungeon sets are. So where is the draw for me? Im afraid that after all the waiting and hoping Im going to end up leaving the game shortly if things aren’t changed =(

I tried out WvW tonight hoping that would be a fun venue for me, but the lag killed me with all the people and anyway I’m an end game PVE’er at heart.

Good lord, dont tell me I have to go back to EQ2!?! I’ll never live it down lol.

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


Yeah I had 30 mins to kill this morning and a couple people who wanted to do a quick run. SM is fast, easy, and the reward is worth it. I save the explorables etc for evening when my kids are in bed. Darned kids and always wanting attention and stuff!

Do NOT nerf please.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I hope you don’t nerf zerging completely to hell right away before I get to figure out the mechanics hehe. Maybe a cool down on waypoints would be a happy medium, so you cannot keep using the closest one and the more times you die you have to start further back if you release to run back?

I’m super stoked to see some dev responses in this thread, and I’m glad to know that you are looking at the dungeons! Coming from a long time raiding background I’m really enjoying the challenges and I do hope that you take a look at the rewards. I ran CM story this morning twice in a 25 minute period and the reward is the same as Arah which took my group over 2 hours last night. I’m not advocating exotic drops etc, but the cash reward at the end needs to be at least the same as 2 hours spent grind farming overworld zones.

I think dungeons are hard because we dont know how to handle that kind content.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589


I think the difficulty progression is worked into the dungeons by lvl. I dont have an issue wtih the difficulty or learning curve, I love a challange and when I have to run back to a fight for the 10th time I am usually thinking of how I will evolve and get better and perhaps tweak my traits some after to help me survive better. What I have a problem with is that the overworld mobs are so easy that mass slaughter farming them is actually way more rewarding in cash and gear than putting in the effort to run a dungeon.

Oh and not being able to save an instance to go back and finish later if it starts to run long etc sucks too.

Risk vs Reward in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Loviatrix.1589



Is it just me, or is the reward system for dungeons completely unbalanced?

I have run nearly all the dungeons story mode and a couple on explorer so far…..despite the fact that each time after all the hard work we end up with enough silver to “just” cover our repair costs and ANOTHER stupid pirate hat that I wont use. I understand that ANet wants the casual player to have the opportunity to get the same gear as the more hard core types, but drop rates on rare/exquisite gear need to be raised in dungeons. The cash reward at the end needs a very serious bump as well.

A couple of my group members last night were well over 70% magic find geared and literally only got blues and whites in the 2.5 hours it took us to do the lvl 80 on story mode. Is magic find even working or are we all wasting cash and stats?

Oh and please make food auto consumable! We need to be able to right click a stack and auto consume, with a toggle to shut it off when we dont want to use it. I cant tell you how many times I’ve come off the end of a 20 minute boss fight to find that my food ran out somewhere along the way and now I didnt have any magic find on at the end when it counts.

As things stand right now, there is NO reason to run a dungeon more than once….which is so sad to me since that is why I play MMO’s! If I have the same chance to find gear or sellable items just running around any given zone and slaughtering things then what is the point of running a dungeon? The “doing it for the challange” thing gets old when you know that at the end you will get more of a slap in the face than a real reward.

Also….there seems to be no skill factor at all to pulling in a dungeon everything is SO social and so trigger happy that you cannot use finesse at all, something that I think alot of people enjoy as part of the challange of leading a group through a dungeon run.

Please please please give us a real reason to run dungeons and make the reward worth the time spent. There is NO endgame for me at this time and every night I get more frustrated.

Dont read past here if you havent done the lvl 80 dungeon yet!

The Zhaitan fight…..all I have to say is……REALLY? Sure the fights leading up to it were fairly epic and took some skill…..but then we finally get to face the big baddy and he sits there making faces at us while we blast him with cannons and he can’t really touch us? Very anti-climactic and dissapointing after everything we went through to get there.

I understand that the whole game is supposed to be “end game” but the way things stand currently I dont have any real incentive to keep going.

Sorry to sound negative. Just as an FYI, I’ve been the one in group every night trying to be optimistic and telling the others that I am sure that ANet will fix things so that we all want to stick around for a very long time. I mean, what game doesn’t have stuff that needs to be tweaked at the beginning? Please don’t let us down!

P.S. I’m sure you guys have a reason for being so stingy with the max camera distance but if you could reconsider it would go a long way towards alleviating alot of constant irritation while playing. So many things are so large and truely epic in the game, and we cant fully appreciate them with the current camera distance and FOV. Oh and the walls on the Airship in the lvl 80 story mode need to be made solid so the camera doesnt pan through them!!!!!