Showing Posts For LuckyTortle.1529:

Fire Shaman event in iron marches Stalled.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I’ve been working toward the berserker elite spec weapon ‘Wild Abandon’ and I need to loot an item from the end of this boss event in Iron marches (very North West corner). The event has been stalled on the invuln phase where you have to kill the embers that spawn, but killing the mobs does not progress the event bar.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

WvW 1 vs 1 Arcana Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I have been using a build very similar to this in wvw for about a month now. In large scale combat it doesn’t do too much, but in small groups it is amazing at setting up a kill on a player. As for sPvP it doesn’t work as well in there because of the stat barrier.

While I do agree to an extent, Elemental Surge (The arcane Grand Master) isn’t that amazing, it does have one fantastic use. While attuned to earth your arcane skills will apply immobilise. Immobilise is a very strong condition and makes it so your opponent will stand still and be unable to dodge. Scepter, Earth, 2 is your rock barrier, You can activate it for extra toughness and then reactivate it on an enemy to throw 5 rocks at your foe over the course of about 2 seconds. These rocks, once activated, will follow your target even in stealth, and are not interrupted if they go behind you.

Arcane power is what makes this build pretty great, when activated you get 5 guaranteed critical hits, each of these hits counts as you landing an arcane attack and will apply the conditions based on your attunement. Arcane blast is a 1500 projectile that you can use to catch people and deal a moderate amount of damage.
So with what I’ve told you, you can create a combo that goes something like this:
Earth: 2->2->(3 if you want to blind)->Air:2->3->5->Fire:->2->3(aimed slightly behind them)

This combo basically locks them down in immobilises then bursts them with air and then knocks them down for enough time for your dragon’s tooth to land and your pheonix to hit them 3 times. This will do A LOT of damage. It may not be as high as some other burst builds but it still does a lot.
Pheonix will give you vigor, that is why I haven’t taken any vigor/endurance traits.

As for food, you’ll notice I took the condi duration stuff just to give me that extra time, though it probably isn’t neccessary.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Recipe: Gift of Souls uncraftable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


PSA: The mystic forge recipe only works for the LA mystic forge (this kind of makes sense now that I think of it). The thread can be closed now, my problem is solved.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Recipe: Gift of Souls uncraftable?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I have the ingredients listed on the wiki to dump into the mystic forge and create the recipe. However, it will not let me forge all four items. I can insert the 10 crystalline dust, 10 candy corn cobs, and 10 Tyria’s best nougat centers. The elonian wine is greyed out. Has the recipe changed at all?

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Player names showing when option is disabled

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I haven’t entered Edge of the Mists in a while, but today I noticed that all the nameplates of the culled players were being shown to me. This also occurs in normal WvW, but not in PvE.

I have asked my friends and they tell me that they have no issues. The option to display player names does nothing for me anymore.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

No circle for Ice Spike on Staff Ele.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


As the title says; I’m pretty sure there used to be a white circle indicator, for allies and you, for the area of affect of Ice Spike ( Skill 2 on staff, water) for Elementalist. I haven’t checked whether the red circle for enemies is missing.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Attuned 1st official kill

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


Repsectful post

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

'Balance tweak' on the Wurm?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


Guild Wars 2 was just hit with another bug fixing patch, and I’m glad to see they fixed the issue with players luring the Great Jungle Wurm heads outside of their event areas. However, the lack of information on this ‘Balance Tweak’ they mentioned on the Wurm due to this fix is a little disconcerting. In general, the bug fixes that Anet release usually don’t give a lot of information about the actual fix put in place. With the amount of effort put into this Wurm boss, I, along with many others, do not want to have to test the event to find out what the fix was. If an Anet official could please elaborate on the Balance Tweak, that’d be fantastic.

Also, take it as a suggestion that I would like more detail put into these bug fixing notes in the future.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

3 Headed Wurm achievement thoughts

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


The so called ‘meta’ achievement for the ancient jungle Wurm has one major problem in my opinion. I agree with every achievement on the list, however, I believe that there needs to be one more achievement for killing all three heads and completely finishing the Wurm boss. This achievement should be needed to get the title. Here is my reason:

. Along with maybe 200+ others, we have all been tirelessly working day and night on Blackgate, suggesting tactics and builds. We have put a lot of effort into this event to try and finish it. We have one single goal in mind. Kill the Wurm. Killing the Wurm is a BIG achievement. The problem comes when groups of people, looking only to get the achievement, interfere with our strategy. Those of you who have faced the Wurm agree that the event needs a lot of coordination (especially in phase 2 (the decapitated heads.)) We need to have enough people on each head to down it within the 1:50 timer since 10s are lost due to the heads being invulnerable. “Achievement Hunters” purposely stack on one of the heads just to get the achievement causing the other groups to have less numbers. We ultimately fail and we get, ‘Yay! I got my title, thanks Blackgate!’ in the map chat. I understand that getting those achievements feels really awesome and I’m okay with people choosing a Wurm to be on for the achievements as long as we can rely on them and have even numbers all round. People need a reason to try and kill all three heads and they should not be given the Jungle Wurm Slayer title if they haven’t actually slain it.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I would have to agree with the majority on this. I think that fixing the dumb scaling bug and allowing the full 2 minutes for the final dps would be just fine. I’ve been with Blackgate attempting the Wurm event for the entire time that it has been out, and we have been dealing with some pugs but if everyone is willing to learn and alter builds etc. we have no trouble getting those wurms down to less than 10% each time we get to phase 2. We’ve also nailed our strategy and almost always reach phase 2 unless some unfortunate scaling happens which cause the burns to do next to no damage.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Elementalist/Thief/Warrior signet heals.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


By active I meant literally activating the heal skill. The passives aren’t fully on par with Warrior ( they’re close), but there always comes a time when you need the instant health and 3-4k health just doesn’t deliver relative to the cooldown.

Signet of Restoration does have an inbuilt ‘fix’ but it requires traiting into a pretty useless traitline to get “Signet passives are always active even if the signet is used.” So sure, you can use that active and not be kitten afterwards, but you’ve already lost a lot of your effectiveness due to the trait line.

Signet of Malice is only really good if you can get multiple hits/conditions on multiple mobs, but let’s face it how often does that occur in EVERY area of the game? It’s usually just PVE.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Elementalist/Thief/Warrior signet heals.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I saw the developer post on the ‘Healing Signet’ thread that basically said they need to focus on improving the active effect of the skill before doing any hard nerfs to the passive heal. I propose that this ( improve the active effect) be done to the Elementalist and Thief signet heals too (Signet of Restoration, Signet of Malice). I find the passives on these to be average at best, and very situational. The actives should be improved so there is more of an incentive to chose them.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Reduce Blind miss chance.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


So I’ve been thinking about the state of blind in both PVE and PVP/WvWvW and I’ve found it to be incredibly effective to the point of it being rather over powered. I run with my guildmates doing dungeons and we always use the thief pistol offhand attack ‘blinding power’. 100% miss chance for non champs that can hit 5 enemies in an aoe each second makes us pretty much untouchable. In WvW thieves with certain traits can blind you constantly with stealth skills and actual abilities causing you to miss 60% of your attacks. It’s a bit insane and I think it should be toned down. I don’t know what a good miss chance would be though.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

10/25 SBI-EB-NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


Already sick of this matchup. It’s nice to have a challenge every once and a while but this is just over the top. I’m fine with just roaming around taking camps and the occasional tower; but when I’m forced to do it? Not fun at all. I want the choice of being able to defend our land with siege or going behind enemy lines, but any resistance I find is a huge resistance. I’m forced to just run around, usually in a group of 2-5, capping the odd ruins and camp. I even find good, fair fights which are quickly disrupted by a group of about 15 who think it’s funny to kill an outnumbered player and have the opportunity to spam /sit or /laugh (pick your poison) on top of their mangled corpse.
I wish I could say I was looking forward to the next 5 weeks but honestly, that’d be a lie. The only thing I look forward to is when we’re matched up with servers that all have a fighting chance to win.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Looking for Guild (NSP)

in Guilds

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


A fellow Norther Shiverpeaker! My guild is looking for members, we’re a bit more on the casual side.

That’s a link to the post where I explain our guild. Feel free to read it and if you’re interested leave a post on it with your IGN and I’ll contact you in game

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Small Guild Alliances

in Guilds

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I’ve been reading over this post and it is exactly what I’ve been wanting to be a part of with my guild. I will have a chat with my guild leaders tomorrow about the possibility of joining this alliance. We’re a pretty small guild made up of friends so we only have about 5-10 actives during our peak hours. I’ll contact you in game via mail or whisper if you’re on, Ash Folio. I really want this to happen We’re mainly based in Northern Shiverpeaks but we have a few friends in BlackGate due to some weird stuff that happened.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Elementalist auto attack

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


This post is concerning the auto attacks when changing weapons not attunements. I usually swap between dagger/dagger and staff on my elementalist and have noticed that the skill number I put on auto cast transfers over to my staff. E.g. I put skill 3 of air on auto cast for dagger/dagger but, when I swap to staff, skill 3 of air is still on auto cast which causes that skill to be use at a time I don’t want it to be used. I think it would be a good idea to save auto casts for weapon sets.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Can't get 100% map completion

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


My server has been on red team for five weeks in a row, I’m usually patient but that’s over a month…

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Excess Ascended Rings

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


All these ideas sound like they could work really well. I too have excess rings just lying around. I’m leaning more to the salvage for vials/globs/shards, though how would it work? Does each ring have a percentage chance to salvage into vials>globs>shards, in that order?

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

More noticeable red AOE circles.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I noticed that in certain situations (Mainly dungeons) the red circles that indicate an enemy AOE attack are very hard to see.
An example would be the Harpies in the Fractal dungeon lvl 10+ with the Raving Asura: When the harpies use the lightning ball skill that knocks you off the platform, you cannot see the circle or at least not fully (usually just a segment of it).
Another example is the tree boss (can’t remember its name) at the end of the swamp fractal. The AOE circles can sometimes land in the small water puddles which make them nearly impossible to see when you’re standing there.

I suggest giving the circles a filling colour; maybe like the texture for the target rings when placing an AOE, but red and a little faint.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

New Zealander suffering from excessive lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I am with Vodafone too, same thing for me. it used to be from 6pm-whenever I woke up that the lag spikes would occur but recently it has begun at around 4pm.

Edit: I just did a ping test with a server in Dallas Texas and I should be getting a ping of around 200-210 ms which is more playable than the 320-400 ms I get when my game starts to lag.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

(edited by LuckyTortle.1529)

New Zealander suffering from excessive lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


Okay so I live in New Zealand which is located a fair bit away from the NA server I play on, and when I first log in to Guild Wars 2 I can enjoy myself for roughly 2-3 hours before I get growing lag problems. It starts with a tiny amount of input lag and eventually grows into about a three to five second state of waiting for my skills to be activated after pressing the button. It ends with the occasional ten seconds of the ENTIRE world frozen (but still animated) and me running around pressing skills that do nothing until that ten seconds is up.
I do understand that creating an Oceanic server would be troublesome because there isn’t a large enough playerbase that would help up-keep the server and its costs. I just want to know if there is anything I can do.
I have tried Leatrix to possibly help the problem but it did not succeed. I actually resorted to trying a free 30 day trial of a ping reduction service that actually works. I do not want to be forced to pay a subscription for a service that will help me play a game that I bought specifically for the fact that it lacked a subscription fee.

Please list any fixes I could try to aid my problem. I do play wirelessly, but that is because I’m on a laptop and can’t sit close to my router with an ethernet cable plugged in (besides, we only have one cable and it’s used by our PC which is unable to run GW2 well).

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

More diverse weather effects.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


So I’ve been exploring maps on my alternate character for a few weeks now and I’ve seen some rain, some night and some day. I decided to go to my Borderlands in WvWvW and I was struck by lightning whilst in the middle of a snow storm. This may seem picky, but I think it would help with the overall feel of maps if there were more weather effects. Instead of just rain, night, day in, let’s say, Queensdale (Human starting zone); there could be light rain, heavy rain and thunder & lightning. Also in snow maps there could be light snow and heavy snow storms. Please let me know if any of these suggestions exist in any map, because I may have missed them.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Damage addition for multiple skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


This is just something that popped into my mind. Having an option to toggle whether or not the damage you deal is shown as one number or many numbers corresponding to the skills you used. An example of what i would be like is if a main hand dagger Elementalist used Fire Atunement’s auto attack; instead of seeing three separate 300’s on your target, you would see one solid 900. After a second or two the number would disappear and the damage addition would reset. The critical hit visual would still remain but would act more like a Greatsword Mesmer’s auto attack when it crits on one of the hits.
Let me know your thoughts.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


Thank you all for the clarifications. I meant absolutely no offence, at all; I just wanted to confirm to those who give up easily in NSP that there is no alliance.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I’m seeing a lot of “This is a worthless server,” and, “No point fighting a worthless fight,” over here in NSP. It’s really sad watching this happen. If you hadn’t guessed already, those quotes came from people in our own borderlands. It would appear that we can’t control our own land while DH and AR are left unscathed, which leads me to my next point. I’ve seen a lot of “DH and AR have an alliance,” which I’m not sure about. It would appear true, but every so often I see some Green pop up in Blue and some Blue pop up in Green. Any confirmations on this would be kind, as I could tell all of those in our BL to stop assuming things if it isn’t true. It’s a shame to see a once cheery server become a monster of it’s own creation that ever so slowly eats away at itself only to make it smaller. More and more I see people saying that they’ll transfer servers just so they don’t have to lose in WvWvW. I want to see them grow-up and realise that losing isn’t always the end, nor is it a reason to give up. Just endure through it whilst doing the best you can. We had a good start; they can use that as hope for the future.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


This thread has really turned to custard =/
It’s a shame to see the amount of hatred between AR and DR. I also see some hatred from NSP (my server) but not nearly as much as the former. I get the fact that you’re angry about exploiters and stuff, but complaining about them on this thread isn’t going to fix much, if not anything. Just report those who you catch and hope they get what’s coming to them. Now, on to the battle.

I have to say, seeing our BL be covered in green and some red for these past few weeks have been really stressful, especially when we look at the other server’s BL and see that they’re the right colour they’re supposed to be. But i suppose that’s because they’re defending better than we are :P I get a slight rush of joy when I see a red camp in DR BL or a green camp in AR BL, but that candle is quickly snuffed out when I look at the score. I do give props to us here at NSP for holding our area in EB for so long without much failure (for what I’ve seen), even with those trebs constantly laying down the pressure on our outer-most towers. DR, you guys are really fun to hold off and AR you guys equally deserve that praise.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Please do not act like DR or AR wouldn’t do this. We, from NSP, are trying to defend our land even if it takes 20+ of us just to defeat 3. We can’t see your numbers on the map so it’s strategically plausible to send a large group to retake one of our last camps. We’re not “camping” the citadel, we’re grouping and reclaiming that which is closest to us.

I laugh at people who talk big like that guy. I have teamed with 5 or so people and taken out big zerg of DR or AR but i don’t need to come on here acting all tough b/c each side has done it.

So you laugh at who I am. That’s incredibly low. I was merely responding to his outrageous claims. I am not acting tough, I was making a valid point.

Hmmmm go back to my post i quoted the other guy you quoted and said that guy not you.

That would make a bit more sense :P I wasn’t quite sure who you were talking too and assumed it was me because the large amount of text i used in my post.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Please do not act like DR or AR wouldn’t do this. We, from NSP, are trying to defend our land even if it takes 20+ of us just to defeat 3. We can’t see your numbers on the map so it’s strategically plausible to send a large group to retake one of our last camps. We’re not “camping” the citadel, we’re grouping and reclaiming that which is closest to us.

I laugh at people who talk big like that guy. I have teamed with 5 or so people and taken out big zerg of DR or AR but i don’t need to come on here acting all tough b/c each side has done it.

So you laugh at who I am. That’s incredibly low. I was merely responding to his outrageous claims. I am not acting tough, I was making a valid point.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Please do not act like DR or AR wouldn’t do this. We, from NSP, are trying to defend our land even if it takes 20+ of us just to defeat 3. We can’t see your numbers on the map so it’s strategically plausible to send a large group to retake one of our last camps. We’re not “camping” the citadel, we’re grouping and reclaiming that which is closest to us.

As for me; I have been teamed up with another d/d Ele and have been patrolling the southern part of the borderlands, picking off strays and taking abandoned camps. Been really fun. I had this one time when we were in AR borderlands and we got chased by about 10 AR guys/girls. They managed to pick of my partner and 2 of them kept chasing me: a Mesmer and another d/d Ele. I lead them into the water and just kited and tried to juke them using the central island. The Mesmer gave up but the ele eventually caught me. That chase lasted for about ten minutes. I felt so tense :P Props to whoever that was.

I had another encounter with [PRO] where my partner and I encountered an invader in the distance. He had seen us and was jumping up and down, taunting us. I told my friend that he was baiting and we should run the other way, but as soon as that came up in chat he was already riding the lightning towards the invader. I followed and tried my best to keep the 5 invaders off his tail, but more DR showed up and quickly dealt with us. Whoever that was I’m just going to say I wasn’t responsible for the engagement :P

One last congratulations to DR for almost completely dominating the WvWvW map. NSP recovered all our land apart from the eastern keep about 6 hours ago but DR prevailed and eventually took all of that back. Great play guys. Keep it up.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

Can't connet to login server [Merged Threads]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


This is happening to me too. Sometimes I can actually load into a map but when I try to port into another I get the error message.

Edit: It now says the my character has 0% world completion.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

(edited by LuckyTortle.1529)