Showing Posts For Lunacy.5183:

Returning Player, State of the game question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


So from what I hear, the game is in a pretty healthy state I expected worse, knowing how broken PvP used to be years ago (Thieves 2-shotting people, Guarding not dying, Rangers being useless, etc).

Thanks for the info guys

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Returning Player, State of the game question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


How is class balance viability? Are most classes still pigeon-holed into 1-2 specs?

Thanks for the nice response btw

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Returning Player, State of the game question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunacy.5183



I quit about 1 year after official release and am re-downloading the client now.

Can someone give me a short breakdown of what changed? How is the game’s population? Dev support/transparency/content updates/cash shop?

Thanks !

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Taking pvp seriously

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


I wouldn’t have the guts to delete such a thread if I was a mod tbh.

It simply summarizes the issues with sPvP, it has amazing potential and can steamroll a lot of the competition in esports atm, but Anet prioritizing PvE over sPvP and WvW is just…disappointing I suppose.

GW2 has a flexible and innovative design and doesn’t feel sluggish to play like a lot of games out there, still no matter how good the game is, if it’s major issues aren’t addressed for like…half an year now? Yea, we’re going nowhere. The zergs in pub games, the lack of variety, no ladder etc.

Even if the thread feels and looks like a rant, coz it is, it’s probably one of the more constructive ones in a while, and I feel it deserves something else rather than “Soon” or “When it’s ready”…Come on…

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Recruiting 3 more for Tourney team

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


I’ll just link the post I made a few days ago

To cut it short, I’d rather fill the roamer role than the bunker one since I’m better at that.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[EU] Looking for a tPvP team

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


As title says, I’m looking for a constant team that does tPvP daily(practices and all), not a guild that does tournaments.

Mains: Elementalist/Guardian
Builds: D/D Aura Share Roam*Staff Support for Kyhlo / Supportive Bunker
Timezone: +2 GMT

Have basic knowledge of all classes, in-depth understanding of my mains only. Also with a mic and fluent in verbal English. Can switch for the team’s sake, but I’d achieve best results with my mains. Send me a pm on the forums if anyone’s interested and we can talk in-game.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Tip from personal experience, NEVER run zerker amulet on an ele UNLESS you know absolutely what you’re doing, have enough fail safes and have a build that requires it absolutely. Eles are squishy as they are(bunker builds excluded ofc), giving them zerk amulet is making them a 90% glass cannon.

From personal experience also, I run an aura share d/d build, started off with soldier, then moved to knight and i’m using zerker atm, but still questioning it over knights(all 3 with zerker jewels). But once you feel comfortable and confident enough with ur setup, you can afford it to be more squishy, not earlier imo.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

How to get a Large Health Pool in sPvP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Knight amulet+30 in water is about 22k hp if i’m not wrong, but you lose nearly all toughness.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Agreed. 8v8 is a zerg fest, and when you first start going into 5v5 you start losing 1v1s fairly often (from personal experience). Reason I haven’t touched pugs in a fair while unless I need to test something for overall performance.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Ele feels like it was meant to be simpler?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Ele’s insane learning curve ticks people off, that much is true, but it is prolly the most rewarding class of all. Reason? Once you can play it on a good level, it shines.

IMO, eles were meant to attune dance to be effective, regardless if you take 10 in arcane or 30. 20 spells instead of 10? Hell yeah I’ll switch constantly.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Hot-Join Score Screen

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Bad build lol, bad.

30 in arcane for surge and you have no arcane skills running?
30 in water and no remove condition on regen?
10 in air, One with Air…?

Do yourself a favor and run Aigoo’s build if you’re going S/D ( don’t eat me )

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

How do you beat this setup?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


A decoy attack sounds like a plan, however we do not have the defense to bunker up their close point since we run only 1 real bunker, so that’s out of the question. Will try the decoy thing tonight.

Other suggestions?

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

How do you beat this setup?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183



Bunker Guardian
Support Ele
Shatter Mesmer
Condition Necro or burst Warrior
Roam Thief

Bunker Guardian
Aura Share D/D Ele Roam
CP Defense Thief with shadow trap, backstab spec
Shatter Mesmer(Portal on CP)
Support Necro

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

How do you beat this setup?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


The ele moves constantly, or the engi and reinforces keep, making it 5v4 for us while they have a lot of healing and it wastes time. Also if they see us be 5 at one place, the engi will just cap their close point back, and you’re back to square one, wasting time and resources of caping 1 point, while they likely have 1, in a lot of cases, 2.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

How do you beat this setup?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Been running into this more often than not in paid.

1. Bunker Guardian at Mid.
2. Bunker Engi at Far Point
3. Bunker Ele at Far Point
4. Shatter mesmer Roam
5. Backstab thief or Condition Necro Roam

While ur busy fighting 2 ppl off ur spawn, they have the keep, and even if you get the far point, which will get uncapped fast due to the mesmer, you still waste 3 ppl trying to get the ele and engi down, until they come again. And if you ignore the close point, the ele just moves to the keep and it’s the same kitten.

Discuss, no troll posts.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Whine posts are because people really care about GW2 PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


10 players that want to “ruin” the game will never have the same suggestions, thru discussions they’ll eventually decide on the best change for a certain thing, and along with the dev’s opinions, it adds up.

Edit: I mean, if they listen to inexperienced players, they might as well delete the mesmer and thief class, give ranger perma 25 stacks of might and so on, people with more insight into the game will always provide more valuable opinions.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

(edited by Lunacy.5183)

Whine posts are because people really care about GW2 PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


The wisest thing Anet can do is get the best 10 players together based on streams/rank/wins etc, pay them some cash, and discuss the game with them. A person who has played hardcore and knows every class’ faults and strengths can help them give suggestions to balance things out, and when you have say, 10 of those, you can’t go wrong. Good players will always have more insight on the game problems and better suggestions how to balance it than devs, sorry to say, but it’s true.

The last major patch was evidence that Anet makes good and bad decisions. For example, buffing D/D eles was the right idea, but the change of the signet was not that great, it made it even worse since it gave it actually a 50% dmg increase(50 to 75%). You won’t see 15k backstabs now true, but thiefs didn’t need a dmg boost in the first place.

Not that my post will change anything, but IMO that’s the best way to balance things out.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Elementalist downed state: From zero to hero.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Yea I suppose it takes a lot of time and effort to get to someone who just moved 2 meters from you and take 2 seconds of your precious time to stomp him. I don’t know why I’m even arguing. This board is filled with the most hilarious and kitten complaints I’ve ever seen in a MMO anyway.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

No health bars is losing me

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


You can see HP bars in a pretty large cone in front of you or is moving the camera while fighting and keeping track of what’s going on too hard?

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Elementalist downed state: From zero to hero.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Better? It’s just fine. Or no wait….
Can they make me able to vengeance also? Or pop an illu that does 4-6k damage? Or give me stuff that would require 2-3 stomps?

Also milo, read. I said considered, coz most ppl just suck at eles and then rant on the forums. Eles require 1-2 stomps now instead of being a free stomp and it’s not like you can move that much with it, it lasts…2 seconds at most? In case most “informed” people don’t know, they nerfed the duration hard.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Elementalist downed state: From zero to hero.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


So when a class that was considered to be one of the weakest (and it’s not) gets something good, people start to cry rivers? Do me a favor, cry a BIG one.

@Fate, kinda makes you sad doesn’t it….

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

PvP needs to be fun

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Yea as others stated, Ele was prolly the worst class to start with. Sure they look cool, but they have the highest learning curve from all the classes, being able to use 20 weapon skills and 5 utilities according to the situation and chaining them would be really intimidating for a new player.

The idea of matching rooms by level is nice and would be nice to see that.

Also you can’t really expect that he’ll play for 30 mins and get good at ANY game. Yes, you will run into ppl that can just steamroll you, and you can’t really complain that someone is better than you. It’s like saying “I’m gonna start playing LoL” gets into a game with little to no clue of anything, gets hit by a truck. Pretty much the same case. You could have at least dueled with him a bit before hitting pugs even.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

(edited by Lunacy.5183)

Mesmers In TPvP: Let's Talk Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


That’s funny too. Every pet seem stupid but mesmer phantasms are deadly. And If I shatter them, they chase my enemy. Even if he dodges, they change their path and hit most of the times. But it’s even better when I have three clones, I shatter them and before they hit I can summon three more and shatter them too.
6 suicide clones at the same time applying damage and confusion.

Tell those idiots to roll into the shatter so they explode while you’re immune. I know it’s a difficult concept requiring someone to think, but it does wonders. Shatter build is fairly strong. At the same time it’s telegraphed so much than only bads get hit with a majority of the damage. If you can’t dodge a mind wrack every 10.5 seconds, or the big burst (cry + mind wrack) every 21 seconds you should probably give up fighting other builds that have more consistent weaker bursts. Portal needs a change, but honestly I can’t even respond to all the misinformation in this thread like the all powerful condition mesmer, or the mesmers buffing entire zergs. Go play the class, then come back… at least do that before you spout nonsense.

Kinda makes you wonder why you don’t see good teams without a mesmer, doesn’t it?

See what I did there?

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Mesmers In TPvP: Let's Talk Nerfs

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


1. Ability to teleport a whole team in sPvP is just too much, so is treb repair, both are broken.
2. Superior survivability due to being able to stun break into invis, create an army of clones and while you’re busy figuring which is the real, he’s bashing ur head.
3. Ability to melt ur face by chain shatters, while removing boons, applying confusion and stunning at the same time.
4. A HUGE 10 sec HASTE field.
5. Mass Invis if needed.
6. But it get’s better, he can turn you into a furry bird, and no, you can’t dodge a moa cast from stealth, nor a hasted one.

Pretty much on the same scale as thieves, broken. No class should be able to bring so much to the board while sacrificing so little. Amazing burst, amazing survivability, amazing utility skills, amazing support, yea sure…And look at other classes.

To any mesmer who’s ready to “dodge” my face, get on a ranger, play it for a day, then try to argue, or any other class short of a thief for that matter.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Backstab build still does absurd damage:

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Ele – 2050 toughness, 3k armor. BS for 8k, C&D for 6k, Steal for 4k, HS for 5k
Guardian – 2100 toughness, 3.3k armor with shield. BS for 7k, C&D for 5k, Steal for 3k, HS for 4-5k

Time window: 1-1.5 seconds.
Stun Breaks used: 2 on Ele, 2 on Guardian
Dodges made: None, coz you can’t keep track of a thief in a team fight.
Conclusion: No, thieves are not fine and no don’t go at me with “Dodge it”.

I would post screenshots, but I forgot to take them, will next time tho.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Reviewing all of the Traits: Analysis and suggested changes.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


I agree with so much of the stuff, BUT “Grounded” is fine as it is, it gives you absurd burst with D/D if you know how to use it. Slam it into a glass cannon build and you have a monster if someone doesn’t break “Updraft”. OK, I’ve said too much lol.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


1. Healing Guardian bunker
2. Close Point Defense Mesmer
3. Ele Roam Aura Share/ Thief Roam Venom Share
4. Axe/mace+mace/shield Warrior for burst
5. Condition Support Necro

Oh look I made a balanced lineup…

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

So is everything OP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Kinda makes u wonder how u don’t see the top players complain about balance and how they face roll people with their builds…Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Everything might not be perfectly balanced, some things need a tweak, but it’s nothing to lose sleep over once you learn how the classes work and which are their counters and once….people start making their own builds that work instead of using the first major traits they see fit, grabing a random weapon and so on…

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Spoon Foy's Big List of Fixes

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


/flame, /flame, /flame

You forgot the bug when u don’t get tournament chests coz of whatever.

I agree with 1, 2 and 3, not that it will change anything.
4 is fine.
5 is um…necros have a lot of good stuff anyway, I’d leave it at that.
6 is also fine, since it’s a build. A guardian can do a 1v2 for a long time, so can an engi. Does that mean that when an ele can solo 2 ppl it’s broken? Not really, just a good player behind the controls.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Yeah I get they're assassins... but really?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Being good in sPvP is not all about talk, it’s about learning how other classes work, how you can counter then and sharpening ur reaction time.

@Burrid I’m gonna explain to you how a thief works and a rather easy way to counter them. A GC thief will first steal you, thus most likely hitting u with one of the 2 charges on basilisk venom. Don’t stun break it. Next they will C&D, thus applying the 2nd charge, now stun break it and dodge roll. He will likely miss his backstab and still be in stealth. He has about 2-3 seconds more of stealth so he needs to land it it asap. Since you dodge rolled, you’re a bit far from him. Don’t stop moving ur char and flipping sides. Count to 1 from ur first dodge roll and dodge again, then run a bit away from the spot. If ur using a dagger in ur off-hand, use lightning attunement and hit “4” after the first dodge roll if u want. Also I’m having trouble believing ur half toughness specced if he BSd u for 15k.

For the record, I main a guardian, I have a thief, but I rarely use it. People cried about retaliation guardians a bit ago, they nerfed it. I’m still a ret guardian and ppl are still killing themselves trying to take me down and thieves don’t do more than 5-6k on a charged BS to me, so yea…People need to stop crying when they get bursted on a glass cannon and figure out their own builds.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Yeah I get they're assassins... but really?

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Thieves are fine. If you’re in a PuG game you can run whatever u want and people run whatever they want, i.e. u can go glass cannon vs glass cannon, and thieves are best at that, you will most likely die instantly to a good one.

Tournaments are another matter. Running a glass cannon in tournaments is usually a bad idea. Why? Coz you’re putting all effort into 1 or 2 skills, losing nearly all defensive skills and you’re not supporting allies. Sure you’re supporting allies by doing damage, but any team that knows what they’re doing will have a lot of CC and you’ll just hit a brick wall before u even finish your combo. You have no utility skills, u have no survivability, you essentially give your team a -1. Any sane person will run a balanced/tanky/supportive build in tournaments since it’s not a 1v1, its a 5v5 and I rather buff my allies, heal them and CC stuff into oblivion rather than gamble, pop all my cooldowns and hope my combo goes thru all CC flying around. I can wish the best of luck to a thief who tries to get near my support guardian in tPvP.

High level play is balanced mostly, needs a few tweaks on account of swiftness, but it’s alright. People are just getting rapped by thieves that know how to play and who to burst(i.e. light armor squishies). Learn to play.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Well when you’re for example on Battle of Kyhlo, 3/3 round in tPvP and half ur mates get the bug in less than 15 secs, you pretty much lose it coz 3/3 is tight and usually features pretty good teams. Throw in that it happens constantly and you have yourself an issue.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Not to sound ungrateful, but this is getting out of hand. In PvE it’s not big deal since u can just reload and go back, but in WvW and sPvP tournaments its honestly game-breaking, hope we honestly don’t have to wait until Monday for a fix. Sorry if this looks like an angry post, but I’m honestly annoyed as hell.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

[Henge of Denravi] Demise of Sanity is recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


Timezone: International
Guild Website:
Focus: PvE/WvW/sPvP
Type: Semi-hardcore

Demise of Sanity is a guild that was formed by friends from other games, which is now growing into a serious one that focuses on all aspects of the game. Guild wars 2 offers an unique experience in all respects, so we feel we shouldn’t be limiting members to just 1 or 2. We are slowly recruiting more members and developing our community into quality over quantity unlike other guilds out there. Becoming just a number isn’t a thing you should fear with us, we’re essentially a family, with people helping each other, laughing together and occasionally, trolling each other.

What can you expect from us
To our members, we offer:
+A friendly environment with helpful and attentive members
+Groups in all aspects of the game daily
+Guild organized events
+Emblem, guild bank, weapon and armor smith, buffs
+Freedom of choosing what you want to focus on
+A website and a TS3 server

What we expect from you
From our members, we expect:
+Dedication to the guild
+Daily activity
+To be helpful and friendly
+To interact with other members on our website and/or TS3

New members are put on a 5-day trial to see how they will get along with everyone, if everything goes well, they are allowed to join as a full member and allowed to join a system that is unique to our guild(and therefore disclosed to guild members only).

Players willing to join may fill an application on our website and/or contact the following people in-game: Mirage of Lunacy, Azure Death or Fenrir Snowpaw.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


“Arenanet listens to their community and this is great, but maybe they’re listening too much…”
One of the smartest things I’ve read around the boards lately.

If u want to balance dungeons, the 1 token per 1 armor/weapon piece and make the dungeon extremely challenging and un-exploitable would work. People are finding way too many ways to exploit dungeons at the moment, sorry to say.

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.