Ly Ann at ur service
Showing Posts For Lyan.6804:
Ly Ann at ur service
@Seed: its easy to understand what ur typing and i think its pretty cute lol
@IDarko: awsome work guys, pretty well done. The ugly charr is ruining all the shine there though xD
Ly Ann at ur service
i would like to see that video, cause i see SN here, SN there and i dont remember any of this…. im getting old i think
Ly Ann at ur service
U do realize GW2 is a teamplay right? Ressing is part of the strategy, helping ur mates is part of the war. And 1 thing that makes GW2 different from other games is exacly that, any class can revive.
Ly Ann at ur service
This thread is getting quite amazing, i think most of u forget this isnt about guilds, its about server.
AR easily have zergs because they are everywhere, like i say on ts, u guys simple reproduce too fast, kill 5? no worries look behind u and u have 30 more.
It is easy to say a guild+ pugs cause sometimes when ur going with ur guild, some ppl just join ur group.
Sad about Arborstone…
AR ur on fire, this definetly isnt the same AR we fought before.
Ly Ann at ur service
All that is posted above is what really happens, we have an awsome comunity
You could help us have even greater battles, Bessie is in trouble at ur prime time, come save her
Btw if you are BR you will find alot of portuguese players here including me.
Ly Ann at ur service
(edited by Lyan.6804)
It was a good matchup, ty all for the nice fights and gl with ur next matchup.
Ly Ann at ur service
hi, gl to u all, i was wondering if any PRO member transfered server to Abbadon Mouth European server? I thought guild tags are unique and theres been some problems in Gandara, so i wonder if leader or any officer could pm me. Ty in advance and GL to the rest of ur match.
Ly Ann at ur service
Yeah like i said, “unless u didnt knew”.
And everyone pls, noone blaiming AM server just that guild. its unfair for all 3 servers, Gandara and AR for losing stuff and AM cause they are there.
Good Fight at AM border today guys, u guys really hold sunnyhill after so much pressure, good def there^^
Ly Ann at ur service
Also when Hills was taken by that PRO guild, why AM comes defend a keep that u didnt got by playing fair?
If i would know something was taken without a normal attack i would not even try to defend it, unless u didnt knew, but u were fast to def it after the cap.
Ly Ann at ur service
Guys, really.
Stop this flaming about our server, this is only one guild, who no one of us ever have seen. And i asked a lot people. Where looking for them, but if you guys see them, why you dont make a video? Or a screenshot.[Army] Why are you on our server? Hopping? World completion or playing dirty
Hm yes, thanks for the information. The guy will be kicked tomorrow.
i saw 2 O.o
Ly Ann at ur service
Theres always bad apples anywhere, what counts its the good ones, and i think everyone thinks the same, PRO guild isnt a whole server, and i bet they dont feel good about those bad apples in their server.
Ly Ann at ur service
I dont know how is it really to be in any of those servers cause i was born in Gandara and stayed and fight like a good girl, but while transfers are free i would prolly try each server out and see.
Maybe u find 1 that feels like home.
And like Soggyfrog posted, Gandara would also welcome u
Ly Ann at ur service
I was going to AR borders but changed my mind after that PRO guild visited Gandara BL while i was there.
Heh, a guild from AM comes into our BL and “magically” takes our stuff killing lord, that really made me mad, this is coward. So i move with guild to ur BL and take what i can without “magic”.
Now u were actually lucky that AR tryed to block us all the time, as you see, we are not fighting them, i could see that they are defending you.
Bay for example we were inside they came with a zerg from behind and try to kill us, some of us died and came back, wiped them all and took Bay. At Garrison, AGAIN, AR comes from behind and we failed, while u see on a different perspective.
I have to say that at this time i would rather attack AR since their morning zerg is way to big, but AM took our stuff in the most worse way that could had done it.
Also, i found in this forum other server had the same issue… orbs are gone but they are still arround
Ly Ann at ur service
Idiocy? i have more important things than worrying about some idiot that loggs off, but when i read forum and see that some even think they are awsome by doing so… yeah ur a coward and glad u admit it. At least that.
Ly Ann at ur service
This is the same saying zerg commanders are the best… while all they can do is just take the zerg and cap stuff to lose it 5 minutes later.
@Shadowscamp: i wish comm could do stuff like that though like u say would lead to troll comm prolly, its sad that ppl aim for ppl instead of siege knowing we could save that tower and others even go afk on sieges >.<
Ly Ann at ur service
About the port, its faster if u go to the mists and pass portal to LA. I didnt even knew ppl would go to a wvw map to go LA lol.
For me its fun since i have an awsome guild and we have fun trying to counter enemy and try new tactics.
WvW is getting new patch soon as we hope early in next year so maybe some of the issues here will be fixed. I do hope they value more defending and placing siege instead of zerglings.
Ly Ann at ur service
It wouldnt be bad just to clean the eyes of the same maps but it would be pretty hard to balance and then u would have ppl QQing that, that server has a better map that ours and so on…
Ly Ann at ur service
Logging out in order to deny an enemy loot, badges and possibility of rallying nearby downed enemies is not trolling or rage quitting. It is a valid tactic, in fact any side that doesn’t have a queue should consider this a benefit for being outnumbered, one they should use as often as possible. Those of you crying about it and moaning how this is an exploit are missing the point. What have people been told when they complained about opposing servers having players from different time zones take over the entire map while everyone else slept? “Suck it up, this is war.” What about when people complained about a blatant misuse of AOE limitation to five targets by zergs turtling across the map? Or using mesmer portals to take advantage of the culling issue to attack the enemy? Or when entire teams from opposing servers camp jumping puzzles just so they can gank everyone else in it? Thats right, this is pvp and destroying the enemy by any means is all fair game, as well as denying the opposing side the badges and siege equipment. After all, “this is war.”
So how is logging out is any different? It is not an exploit, it is coded into the game on purpose. Because it is unsporting? As if rolling over your enemy with a zerg several times their size is very sporting. If I drop and there is no queue and there is only a slim chance of me being rezzed and if there is no tactical advantage for me to remain where I am, such when defending a keep. Then I will log off, relog and be back in the game in 5-10 seconds. Same results as if I was staked, but sans repair cost to me and any reward for my enemies.
For me ur just a coward, i would say learn to play if u think that all that is meant to be like that, and yeah it is war and for me u do me a favour cause anyone like u that loggs out to not pay repair are mostly noobs cant afford some silver for repairs? or better yet, u think ur bag of loot will matter anything to me? do u imagine how many bags of loot any real wvwer loses cause they die in a zerg and theres lots of loot to pick up? Pls quit WvW ur a shame and anyone else that think they are so pros by doing that.
Worse than doing it is saying were good by doing it… only reason i post here.
Ly Ann at ur service
@Starfall: i would say the same, that ur lucky that AR and AM had their full BL and u both came to Gandara BL, to not let me go to sleep so early, after both servers take bay and hills u really expect us to give garrison so easy?
About being cowards i would like to call it being smart, if for u is being coward why u do it too? or should i name the times that u went to take something cause it wasnt upgraded?
About the numbers, all servers keep complaining we dont have ur numbers, its just incorrect, its all about timezones and whos online or not, cause at prime time i say were pretty even.
In any case i think this matchup is pretty good, all 3 servers are good fighters, and gl to all.
Ly Ann at ur service
Noooooooooooo, need sleep
Ly Ann at ur service
I had a bad reset start yesterday since i dced a lot of times in a row, and was really tired after this past week.
While both servers hitting on our BL and we losing keeps, SN moved to AM border and capped tower, keep and so close to garrison… at least we made u back off from our BL and gave us time to go back, cap everything and upgrade.
Also the golem attack at Bay, poor golem haha, he was so confused, didnt know what to do.
Now to the guild Army, i do know takes alot of effort to make portal bombs work, but in my opinion putting so much ppl in a portal and we cant even use skills to attack u guys its just not cool.
And thats all i see from u guys, no special siege placed to counter siege, only portal bombs and thats making me a bit mad. Cause game needs some fixes with lag and culling, and u use that to ur advantage.
About the rest of the fights, there were some nice fights already, i will not be restless like last week, my poor guildies need some rest <3.
@Tortun u really scared me haha.
Ly Ann at ur service
O.o, i guess supply is more important for some ppl than others
Ly Ann at ur service
We are close to the last hours of this matchup, and i am sooooooooooo tired, i have not been sleeping much this week.
I just wanna send a big THANK YOU to everyone that helped but speccially yesterday night cap, Tzarielle, Luranni, Haldir and my wonderful guild that doesnt give up, and keep following this crazy commander and Guild Leader. SN, u guys are the best <3
SN kept moving maps to not let greens cap anything destroying anything that they atempt, sometimes was hard in middle of a siege but we hold it.
We made Gandara, FR, EB all red and half of FS BL.
I am sry FS, it wasnt my plan to attack u guys, but was a crucial night and we needed to set a distance from FR and only possible with blue since green was already all ours.
For me isnt about winning, its about winning FR, so whatever happens in this last hours, we gave them a fight.
Im very proud of u Gandara.
And as for the posts saying Gandara got new guilds, i have to say yeah we got new pve guilds… as u never see them in wvw so… and also 1 main wvw force of gandara left our server.
Ly Ann at ur service
Awsome fights at Gandara Borderland yesterday, i would like to thank everyone that helped, listened, supported 2 SN portal bombs wich were an amazing sucess and kitten it worked good.
Also would like to say that FR are brave, they didnt quit, if u would destroy 3 trebs in 5 minutes u would have catas, and more trebs, attacking North and South DB, and that was awsome to see. And using alot of portals to confuse us :s
So ty to everyone that contributed for those amazing hours of defence and ty DIUS for coming to Gandara BL to help def in the last minutes of our DB.
Keep fighting Gandarians^^
Ly Ann at ur service
After wasting so much siege/gold on upgrades and im the type of person that passes trough a tower and see no upgrade running i will do it, i realized that i will just waste my money anyways, so when i put gold on it its for my server to hold on better to it.
There are days we get frustrated, in a normal day if we lose something i allways try to say its ok, no worries we get it back.
As long as we can learn with it, its ok to fail, noone is perfect and ppl have to realize that.
Now what i cant stand is the blames, ppl blame eachother so much while u should be focusing in working together. I never quit the map i am unless im tired while most ppl just leave.
I mostly get mad with ppl ofending others, specially uneducated ppl that forget that our server is from all over europe and offending other nationalities ur offending our server aswell.
Did we lose it? Its a pain speccially for the ones that feel the loss, but if u did ur best, its what matters. And others learn with it. Stop blaming others and pls be nice with new wvwers.
Ly Ann at ur service
why not join the Last server on the last tier?
what if the two biggest guilds on two servers join forces by jumping to the last server;
usually the last server is the one with the least w3 population.I would love to read on the forums something like:
“guild ‘Logitech’ [LT] (just an example, looking at my keyboard, lol) would like to form an alliance with any other guilds out there by jumping to the last server”these would have to be some big guilds like 100+ members, and that are mostly w3 oriented. that way they can make the last server a little more competitive against top servers.
I have seen some servers battle each other (specially bottom tier servers) for as long as I can remember.
if you want to move up in the rankings I suggest joining forces.
but that’s just my opinion and a suggestion. thx for reading and would like to read your Ideas/suggestions/comments/ on this.
That actually made me imagine a server with only organized guilds and experienced wvwers, imagining server full of ppl that would make last server on rankings go up on tier so much xD
Ly Ann at ur service
Before making new threads, u should check other posts like this, theres like 10 threads about this, and u see Gandara and u would see any other server so go check those threads and u see that is happening everywhere.
I do believe this is just random ppl, because real wvwers wouldnt logout to not pay repairs or whatever reason, its up to Anet to put a timer before ur able to logout. Prolly that would fix it.
Ly Ann at ur service
I stole ur golem yesterday i give u 1 today, i dont want to be a sinner xD
though i think its too late for that…
Ly Ann at ur service
Im from Gandara. I started WvW because of the monthly achievements, i didnt knew anything about WvW.
Well it was enough for me to get “addicted”. Im the type of person that observes everything arround, what ppl were talking, what the enemy was doing went to watch some videos and guides and with time i thought were so unorganized, we could do this and that, and started using chat after a while.
After alot of time in wvw ppl started listening to me, and we made a wvw guild so we could comunicate better, ppl kept insisting i should have comm because would be easier for ppl to locate me in map so i did. I was one of the first commanders on Gandara, at that time u could go to any BL and rarely u would see a comm.
In my opinion, ppl that buy the comm should think on their server first, what can u give to ur server? Everyone can learn how to WvW but do u have ur priorities settled?
Comm plans also fail, noone is perfect and how the enemy reacts also influences, u cant blame a comm if their zerg gets wiped, but what are u doing? Pew pew pewing wont give us any points and this is all what is about. Being ready to defend a point if zerg dies, and ALLWAYS try to comunicate with other comm on map if theres one.
So please before u activate ur comm or even waste money on it cause in my opinion comm needs some fixes, does ur server need u? If not, dont do it, if what u do any1 else could do without the tag, u dont need it.
I would go for the achievements in WvW to be able to get it and can also say 1000 badges is not much, i mostly dont pew pew pew and i get alot of badges, but hey i spend my days in wvw.
About guilds that isnt right, although i have a guild, who tells me u have any experience in WvW just because ur a leader of a guild? How many bad guild leaders there is? I left my old guild for some reason…
And there is actually a 1 man guild on Gandara wich is a good comm and he can lead the train so that doesnt fit.
Also ppl can talk to comm to try their tactic/plan, idk how others react to this, but i listen to my server and if they are right or their plan might work, why not? Ppl mostly buy comm tag cause ppl wont listen to him without the tag. So communicating is the issue here, talk to the comm maybe ur plans will work out nicely, some of mine worked when i helped players that had good ideas, and noone knows everything.
just my 2 cents
Ly Ann at ur service
Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^Got mine with Karma which i earned in WvW.If i want the best equipment i am forced to PvE.PvE’ers get tokens or whatever,in wvw i get karma which is useless to me so why shouldn’t i be able to use it to buy the gear? I don’t want to do one dungeon a day or even a week if ever,i do have fun in the game for me it’s wvw.You obviously don’t wvw,how is it fair that pvers get the best gear for just killing AI over and over and over? wvw is ever changing, dungeons are “fixed” do it once it stays the same.
I dont pve, i only do wvw all day long and did 2 times the dungeon fractals since its out^^
Im sry, a game where nothing changes since launch? I have my equip finished since i dont know when.
I do understand that WvW is in pair with PvE and so we should be able to get same items, but, just my luck i never got an exotic in the hundreds of hours i did in wvw, i crafted my equips.
Now, a different thing would be asking if something will change in WvW and afaik huge content coming, and wvw players will be more rewarded too or give some sugestions about it.
Im the black sheep in this thread but im sry i like new stuff in game, something to aim for is nice to have.
Ly Ann at ur service
In case some of u dont know, theres a video guiding how to play gw2. Downed state has been here since allways. Its part of the game and gw2 is meant to be a team game.
when u started playing it was here, its pretty easy to avoid ppl ressing, u just have to know how.
Its nothing new, i would expect after all this time ppl would adapt to the game mechanics, stop trying to make gw2 another game.
Ly Ann at ur service
Say that to a non aoe class pls? That type of thief is OP, what is OP for me? something u cannot counter, the only class i have problems with is thief and mainly cause i cant aoe… i cant see them, would have to change my built because of 1 class? How does 1 single target dps has so much burst damage and cant be seen? Ranger is single target dps too, we dont 2 shot ppl… and dont talk to me about range, cause they have pistol too…
Pls tell me how to fight something u cannot see if u dont have aoe?
Yeah, root him, sure, he can just go out of it lol.
Ly Ann at ur service
Assuming u all have exotics gear, how did u get them?
Unless u use badges equip, u had to pve, craft or buy.
And if u want pvp without equip stats u allways have spvp/tpvp.
Also usually pvpers want to have the best equips. So, if u want, u do it, noone forcing u to.
And how would u make fair ppl that have to do dungeons to get the items, and u would just have to keep aoeing a zerg to get same item?
Instead of this thread u would have pvers complaining wvw players get more benefits.
Kind of hard to balance things out, do 1 dungeon a day with friends and try to have fun in game^^
Ly Ann at ur service
Gandara at reset was pretty bad, we had AM everywhere and they had alot of numbers, Aurora main presence was on their borderland wich they were defending with all they had.
We were on third with alot of points difference already on first night/day.
I have to say AM is pretty good, u guys upgrade everything, siege all to the max, kitten hard to take from u.
Aurora plays smart, i just think u dont have the numbers to cover other BLs.
I think this match up is full of nice fights, and for me all 3 servers play nice and fair.
We reached second yesterday and fighting for first, so FIGHT Gandarians!!
Ly Ann at ur service
Im on Gandara, and we have no night crew in this EU server, yet i keep on waiting for some miracle that some US ppl would move to our server because we will never go up on ranking like this. The rank itself its not what bothers me, its the deception of knowing that soon other server will just zerg everything we buit and upgraded without having any problems to get it and that took us so much time to build.
Matches like this are not fun, we keep on fighting for nothing anymore when we so far away from 2nd place, but our numbers ofc decrease alot.
I would do the same as this guild and move to an US server, but here is the problem, will the guilds that face FA has a night crew that u will have good matchups? or u will just zerg and night cap too? cause if that is so, no fun too i think.
And i would choose a lower rank server, FA is atm top 10, so i would assume they are not that bad in night crew. While u have 150 members, a lower ranked server would need u more and benefit more from a night crew.
So, makes me kinda sad, if i imagine any US server that would like to go to a EU server to have better matchups would prefer to go to Desolation, Blacktide, Seafarers Rest or Far Shiverpeaks, so my server would never be chosen cause its not top 10.
So in my opinion, the server ur leaving will miss ur presence and the server ur joining u will be just few numbers more. And that will make no big difference.
Also, im sry but isnt very polite to discuss gramatic and english when ppl are trying to expose their ideas, and thats nothing to do with what is the issue here.
Ly Ann at ur service
copycat >.<
Ly Ann at ur service
Hmm, pretty weird that i know nothing about this?
If that really happened, pls send me a message with who was in that meeting, because reps of Gandara that none of us know of?
Phoenix, all i have to say to u is hate the player, not the server. You really hate us since the guilds from UW moved to us and like i said, i understand that. But many of us speccially the ones that are here since launch or BETA even are not the cause for it.
U as u say as leader of the UW alliance shouldnt put accusations on a server because of some random member if that is true.
Give an example as leader. Leaders dont bash other servers ty.
Ly Ann at ur service
If u zerg over points and dont put sieges or upgrade it, u will simple giving the enemy 5 minutes to gather and zerg ur points away. Even a non upgraded tower with lots of sieges can put a kitten whole zerg down. Problem of today, not many ppl care about upgrading or sieging what we have, so u just giving ur enemy a free transport to more points. The better upgraded and sieged a tower/keep is, the harder it is for them to take it.
Zerg needs to know when to pull off and come defend. U need to keep what u conquer cause lots of ppl are not here for the karma and xp. Zerg needs to know that by defending u get karma, and silvers and xp too. Stop conquering if ur losing ur main buildings.
I remember i lost a T3 tower QL, cause zerg was trying to take durious back. Now, a full upgraded tower with sieges and no manpower wont work too. Priorities must be set and every single 1 of us must learn what are our priorities.
A zerg can be used in many ways, make use of ur manpower the best u can
Ly Ann at ur service
You know how i see it? They need 2 servers to attack us, means we are a threat, gives me joy in fact. Better joy when we kill both servers in each side at our garrison.
Better yet, let them all pass outer gate, they see red and kill eachother so they help us.
Sometimes its very annoying since u cant make a move without the other server ganking and sandwich u, but thats WvW.
That cant be avoided, it makes ppl lose the fun but u gotta get over it. Even in RL wars ppl have allied to take down others.
Ly Ann at ur service
Commander Name: Ly Ann
Server: Gandara
Primary Tactics Used: Ninja, Defensive, Offensive, pretty much depends on whats going on map, Suicidal (gotta put those sieges down)
Works alone or with other commanders: Prefer with other commanders, speccially Commander LLoantix.
Style of Commanding: My guildies are my special forces (also friends and allied guilds), while the zerg follows me. Im the friendly type and that works pretty well with randoms. I listen to everyone, help ppl if they want to try something new, wich may be a good idea. I wont attack if what we have isnt defended so other commander keeps the zerg while i setup def most of the times, but all depends on the map situation. “KILL”
Way you communicate best: TS3 ( open to every1. Team chat for randoms and whispers.
Ly Ann at ur service
But, u see ur dyes, all ur allies do! In WvW why would u care what dyes ur enemy is using? Most of the time when u can look at him is to kill and not get killed….
Seriously… this is a REALLY big issue….
Ly Ann at ur service
By the looks of it, first we talking about mesmers hiding and porting ppl, then culling issues.
Portals are awsome, and if u ask for 5 limit ppl passing trough it, i will just ask 5 mesmers doing it, so u will have again 25 ppl porting to u.
What will happen next? new thread QQing, ppl are exploiting portals.
About the orb, u really missed the point about hackers it seems, was alot on forums, dont blame it on mesmer portals cause they didnt even used portals. The exploits mesmers and thieves were doing by jumping some walls was an issue too. But afaik it has been fixed.
Ly Ann at ur service
If they will make Commander title easier to get, i will see 20 commanders per map instead of 6…
that would be awsome…. not
Ly Ann at ur service
Something OP, is something u cannot counter, u can counter mesmer portals as far as i know…
Not talking about exploits here, talking about mesmer portals for tactics and to surprise enemy.
Ly Ann at ur service
I really dont know what to say to this but mesmers are in all servers like stated before, u dont want a mesmer portalling to ur sieges? Solve it by defending them? U dont want to get flanked suddenly? Watch ur flanks? U dont want a mesmer to portal u inside something u conquered? Sweep it?
Ok, lets say mesmer portal are OP. If its OP why u dont use it then?
Ppl in this game only complain and complain, how can u have fun when u keep complaining all the time?
part of the game, deal with it. im not a mesmer btw….
Ly Ann at ur service
Now this is just sad, you took 10 guilds from underworld 2 weeks ago, taking the majority of our wvw population claiming you were an amazing server on the way up already! and you still cant defend yourself, while underworld recovered and united all of its server and is moving up the ranks.
If you can’t keep your rank, you drop. You shouldn’t try to ruin even more servers with you’re own selfishness begging guilds to move to your server and save you.
2 vs 1 isnt going to be fixed by server population, fact is until you get it 1vs1vs1 you aren’t going to last very long.
At this point you have numbers, your communication and organisation is the issue now i imagine.
The guilds that came from UW didnt change our real problem with night crew. In my opinion it isnt the day time we have problems with, we do pretty good actually. Our problem was never daytime, but ppl jump server like from any other server, because of this nightcapping issue.
I am from Gandara, since even in Betas, i never jumped server, also i dont blame anyone that did it to get better WvW matches. It would be bad if some Guilds would leave Gandara so i understand ur anger.
I really didnt like guilds leaving servers making their WvW matches even more difficult, i even thought about leaving Gandara for a while to try help another server but some guildies didnt want that.
So my shout is basically for night shift, lots of US guilds maybe have lots of queues at their primetime, so why not try ask?
Im glad ur server is back on track
Ly Ann at ur service
Gandara needs a night crew, most ppl lost the will to fight this week because we are facing the same 2 servers from last week, and everyone knows, no matter how hard u try, at night they will just cap everything with huge zergs.
Ppl lose money, the ones that really use it, to see it all gone when u go to sleep.
This isnt a war of brits and frenchies, i dont even know if brits are majority on Gandara.
Dont think so.
I support this shout to guilds, with another shout for players that can support us at night. (at daytime if u want too)
We will prolly be facing GH and AM next matchup, no frenchies yay.
Gandara pls keep fighting!!
Ly Ann at ur service
I’m pretty annoyed when people decide to spend 30 minutes to kill grub. However, on one occasion for some reason grub was in front of Bravost and he helped to drive back invaders who attempted to capture the tower.
As much as i hate that grub, he saved Bravost, he helped us kill Jade Sea invaders that day, so my hate for him is not that strong now.
We also tried killing Commander Grubby (the grub) when was calm so when we would need ppl they would all come, but guess what? he respawned 30 minutes later
Ly Ann at ur service
Oh yeah he is, got me confused there sry :x
Do i need to say more?
Ly Ann at ur service
(edited by Lyan.6804)