Showing Posts For Maethar.5627:
Personally, I wish every match was Skyhammer.
We also played them several times last night. Never lost to them but it is virtually impossible to slow him down once he has picked it up. Easiest thing to counter him is to simply not let him pick up the orb, he has no invuln or blocks while channeling the pick up so it’s not hard to keep contested. Additionally, because he is so focused on trying to pick up the orb he’s usually very susceptible to burst and has no damage even if he does try to fight you.
I agree with a lot of posts in this thread, especially with Ostrich. I do think there are other viable engi builds however, they’re just overshadowed because of how strong HGH is currently.
Engis are close to eles in strength right now but their fix is much simpler in my opinion, just reduce hgh stacks duration and then re-evaluate their strength. Honestly I’m surprised that there is minimal qq about engis considering how powerful they are at the moment.
Hotjoin is what it is, anet won’t be changing it. A deserter debuff for those who don’t play in actually tourny matches would be good, although somewhat easy to circumvent.
Don’t forget if you kill the Lord in the prematch of Foefire then he doesn’t respawn and you can’t kill him during the match
Yeah, no load screen bug which is great.
There’s still that other bug when you try to join the next tourny match when it pops up right after a match ends with 0 seconds to go and you get a Network Error. Usually you get sucked in when it really starts but not always.
Thieves get the attention because they have a 0 cd teleport, but really several classes can do this. Anet just needs to fix the doors.
100% agreed, tournies are great but it doesn’t work for a sustained system, we need solo q and premade matches(bo3 perhaps).
Btw your flame armor looks sick.
As said before, oftentimes waiting will get you sucked in.
If that doesn’t work join a hotjoin match quick to reset your loading and that should fix it.
Yesterday paids were popping all day.
Of course, that doesn’t make anything that you’re saying less true. I think it’s mostly thanksgiving taking a decent amount of players away, but it is a very bad sign if during a holiday you can’t even get 8 teams together to play a paid tourny.
Personally I think they need to do away with the tourny system. It’s a great idea and perfect for weekly’s/monthly’s when they come out, but it’s terrible for standard play. Additionally, making it so that you only face one team (bo3 perhaps) makes it far easier to implement a logical matchmaking/ladder system.
Yes, ele’s downed state is awful. Yes, thieves have the best downed state. The point is, each class has different advantages in different situations, thieves have a strong downed state. Also, while it is stronger, it is by no means far overpowered, at most it takes you 3 extra seconds.
I don’t see why people complain about mesmer downed state at all, several other classes have a stronger downed state than they do.