Here’s my two cents on the three issues.
24 HOUR COVERAGE: splitting the day in X slots won’t change anything. The stacked servers win specifically because they have more people in off-peak hours. They will simply keep winning the off-peak timeslots and nothing is going to change.
If you want to solve this, modify the scoring by using a function of current population ratios, with a minimum cap to avoid the “let’s leave the map empty to nullify enemy point gain” tactic.
A basic example:
- if ratios are between 1:1 and 1.25:1 point scoring is normal
- between 1.25:1 and 1.5:1 the advantaged server gains only 3/4 of the points, the outnumbered one gains 1.25X
- between 1.5:1 and 2:1, bigger server gains X0.5 points, outnumbered one gains X2
- etc.
- in any case bigger server gains at least 0.3X the normal amount of points, no matter by how much they outnumber others
Note that in my example I used fixed thresholds but the best implementation would actually be a continuous function (to avoid the “don’t come inside the map or we trigger the next threshold” phenomenon) of at least 3 variables (the 3 servers’ relative population ratios) on each given map (or maybe the total on all 4 maps is better, given the prevalence of map-hopping off-peak tactics).
If anyone whines about “but this way my playing time is worth less”, point them to the fact they’re not being “punished” because they play at 4:00AM (or whenever) but because they’re playing 50 vs 10. Easier fights = less points. Can’t see how can anyone complain about this.
In fact, a truly optimal function would also increase the points gain for those times when the maps are full for all servers, as when the population is capped gaining points over the enemy servers becomes exponentially harder (since all 3 servers can immediately respond to any threat on their side of the map with a huge zerg) and should be rewarded more.
SNOWBALLING AND STAGNATION: you’ve an incredibly easy way out of this: make it so the system has a tendency toward rebalance, with the tendency getting stronger and stronger the bigger the score and map situation disparity is.
You already have one such mechanism in place (the NPC commanders to help players recap the starting tower) but it’s ridiculously weak. It should start at at least thrice the current strength and scale all the way up to 50X if needed. Things like hordes of superbuffed NPCs recapping tower+keep on the borderlands, blocking the runaway server from ever upgrading structures in the “enemy” parts of the map, blocking it from deploying siege at all… seriously, the sky’s the limit as far as “let’s make the system cheat and ENFORCE balance no matter what” is concerned.
You need to ask yourselves what’s the underlying design philosophy of WvW. So far, the party line from Arenanet has been that WvW is supposed to be a casual-friendly game mode but the actual implementation caters to the ultra-hardcore. If you want it to be REALLY casual friendly, well… casuals want to have a fighting chance and they don’t care whether it’s their skills or the system “cheating” the element which is providing that chance to them. If you want to have matches which always stay balanced on a razor’s edge and get decided in the last 30 minutes, the only way to be sure is to make it so the system itself enforces it, no matter what the actual play situation is.