Showing Posts For Math.6904:
I think most of the problems you are facing is actually a problem with how you see the game, don’t take this as a personal attack or anything, this is just my opinion about the game:
SPVP is being worked, a designer said that this is where they are focusing right now, so we need to see how it goes before say something.
(TL:DR about pve: PVE is like a single player game with co-op for me and not a grind for loot)
Dungeons is what i think you (and many others) are looking in a wrong way.
Actually, its not a problem with Dungeons, but with what people imagine what “Pve content” should be… most seem to think that Pve = loot, and there is where we have a problem, this game is not about loot, you shouldnt run a dungeon a million times to get your exotics. To compare with another game, Pve = skyrim for example, you don’t do it for rewards, you do it because you think its fun… pve in this game for me is like a Single Player game with Co-op mode.
World bosses are just a event, and again, the game is not about loot.
Community is dead in alot of games, but this one seems to be better for some reason, but i’m in a WvW Guild and very active, and i talk alot in /map or /team. My advice: look for a WvW guild, i don’t know if you like it or not, but give it a try if you can.
And its friday, the most busy day of WvWvW.
Well, we from SBI did our jobs in HoD map, too bad SBI doesnt want to play anymore and are losing everywhere else… can’t even hold our garrison…
as a SBI player, i’m disappointed that our server gave up
DR is unnecessary in the currently format, they should just remove it…
Mounts in WvW can cause an unnecessary problem with the balance between attack and defense.
but you are saying that waypoints are a problem because you waste money on them? you can usually make more coins in your way than you have payed for it… unless you spam it, which i don’t see happening…
and why do you care about your gold anyway? you still playing for loot?
This game for me is like a Skyrim with massive co-op mode.
you can rush for the end, kill the end boss and unistall, or you can enjoy everything that you DONT have to do (with the plus that you can do all that with your friends!)
Well, my girlfriend started to play recently and she can only play on weekends, so she levels very slowly, but that wasnt a problem for me, as a Ranger lvl 80, i went to the first zone with her and we had alot of fun.
i also made a alt to play with her second toon, i made the same race and story so we could do everything together.
its been fun for me, maybe you should “play along” with what is happening around you and not really care about level.
as the part that you are much stronger than the mobs in the area, that is true… but isnt something ridiculous that takes always all the fun, and as you go up the mobs will get stronger and that problem will go away.
Would be really good if this Server kitten stroking had its dedicated forum
there is one in gw2guru, but you wont find anything usefull there.
just people venting or trolling to be honest…
During prime time HoD was neck and neck with both SBI and ET even though both servers were focusing them with the majority of their servers.
Heres some screen shots taken during last nights primetime, Please note the time stamps on my minimap….. it clearly shows a massive offensive by BOTH ET and SBI on HoD’s door step at garrison…. BOTH servers working to take the garrison which they didn’t even after HOURS of attacking. you have the nerve to jump in with comments about them not having skill? lol.
Time for a reality check.
If both T1 servers weren’t hell bent on HoD, and HoD had room to breath instead of having to defend 2 servers all day….. well things would be much much different. But thats neither here nor there, because thats the game. But heres the thing HoD is keeping pace during primetime PPT wise with two servers primarily focusing them…. some of you need to take your pride and put in your pockets and stop with the trash.
Its starting to stink. Win or lose its good pvp.
i was there at your map, at your garrison, and i can only say one thing… BOTH worlds wasnt together, they were against it other… that was pretty much the only reason why we could’nt take it.
even later, when we lost sunnyhills for some dumb reason, when we were going to take it back, ET start to attack our tower with crazy siege (4 trebs, 4 cats, all their zerg there)
and if you take a look at last night overall, HoD map was the only one with a good SBI force, ET was attacking us everywhere too, so dont come with the “2v1” to us… we suffer from it too, its the mechanic of the WvW
to be honest, i just want to hear what ArenaNet thinks about it, or like i said somewhere else… Henge will be fighting empty servers even in NA Prime Time
Toughness is much better for dungeons as it improves your sustainability whereas vitality is good for stopping burst damage (hence it’s great in pvp).
as a ranger, i found vit better, since you can get power from it, our heal have a small CD and we can’t remove conditions (atleast with my build)
with toughtness you can probably take more hits, but since i’m far from the boss, i can dodge from more things.
lol, endgame starts on lvl 40, just saying….
besides, i like WvW, and i know many that love it just like me.
as someone probably said to you already, maybe this isnt the game for you.
i have a gear philosophy for GW2, isnt anything hard but many don’t see it this way:
the 2-1
2 “dmg” or “tank” stats
1 “tank” or “dmg” stats
all other affixes with 3 stats of only 1 category is kinda worthless for me, i play a ranger (30-0-20-20-0 with Carrion gear – if you care)
it works perfectly for me (Spvp, dungeon and WvW) and i think everyone should try it once, you will be happy.
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing. also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
well, i would say “why you dont stick with the other MMOs where you can win because you have better gear and not because you play better”
while i don’t see the sPvp in GW2 as a “quasi RTS” i ask you:
you want power from gear on pvp? why?
you want to win because of your gear, and not because of your skills?Dude, please don’t insult the gaming skills of everybody on here by suggesting it requires skill to play GW2. You have number 1, which is your autoattack. Then you have cookiecutter 2-5 that you have no control over and any other players of the same class and the same wep have THE EXACT SAME THING, so there’s no tinkering. then you have 6-10 which are going to be nearly identical to everybody else, because anet was too lazy to make a plethora of skills like gw1.
so, click 1, auto attack, spam the other skills. and before you tell me i’m playing it wrong, I was like, 80-3 in WvW in less than 40 mins. this game requires no skill, just an ability to click, press 1, then alt tab while you go read something/watch something more interesting.
again, if they had said from the beginning they were making a pvp quasi-rts, then i’d have had this coming. but this was an MMORPG-branded sequel to another MMORPG. Don’t act like I had unrealistic expectations.
you are comparing general pvp with WvW? WvW is about strategy, not your combat skills, it sure helps but yeah, you are not wrong when you say that you can win WvW just playing 1 (since you will just got carry but the zerg)
have you ever tried a dungeon or a SPvp match? you don’t seem like someone that have done it alot (or sucessful)
" gives me no sense that my character has ‘progressed’ since he was here before."
that isnt true, you are stronger than you were before, mainly because of traits and gear.
yes you go back in lvl and can’t one shot everything, but you sure are stronger than the first time you did it.
i’ve noticed it alot because i like to play with my friends, and they can’t play as much as i do, so i go back ALOT to lower level zone, and there i always feel that the zone is much easier, its much harder for me to die and everything dies faster, but isnt a overpower god mode thing, which makes it even fun for me and my friends to go back and lvl then.
pls do not make this game ever a gear treadmill, there’s a lot of us who enjoy the game as it is gear-wise atm and most of us don’t come to the forums because we are playing. also the making gear “worthless” in pvp has always been my dream in MMO’s, finally it happened! thank you Anet!
Why don’t you just stick with LoL then? The PvP is much more polished because… it’s a PvP game.
If Anet wanted to make this a quasi RTS they should have stipulated that from the beginning. I sure as hell wouldn’t have purchased it.
well, i would say “why you dont stick with the other MMOs where you can win because you have better gear and not because you play better”
while i don’t see the sPvp in GW2 as a “quasi RTS” i ask you:
you want power from gear on pvp? why?
you want to win because of your gear, and not because of your skills?