(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)
Showing Posts For MatsTeixeira.5823:
The main system will work like this.
Create a MINI MAP – 5 times bigger than MINI ARENA. PVP Brawl Arena i guess.Use a TELEPORT GATE.
After create a NPC for log in. The server will choose 15 players random per side.
Will be 15v15v15 based on WVW players or if not based on Single SERVER.This system also works using GUILD1 vs GUILD2 vs GUILD3. Guilds can contract players as mercenaries to help if a 15 players will not achieve.
This system will allow to create a free arena system for random players, or used in GVGVG. After using PVP BRAWL arena points you lvl up, giving small reward track
This will work like a mini WVW inside PVP system.
By mats
3.0 Regulations
All weapons and amours rings/amulets will be set up too EXOTIC/WITHE values similar to PVP/PVE Build. You can choose any type kind of armor items, SINGLE RUNE, MULTIPLE SIGILS AND A UNIQUE AMULET. YOU can make your own build. In this game mode, you will have ALL MAXED UP RANK AND HABILITES. The max of SIEGE/STRUTURE WEAPONS is limited by mach. You can help revive players only in DOWNS STATE, you can’t revive DEAD PLAYERS. They you go on start Waypoint. During the match, one of the conquer structures from your color team can have a CHALLENGER WAIPOINT/ that will work only 5 minutes, after is off.
Guild Buffs and other things that increase or give advantage to your toon is locked up. Won’t Work.
How we get status in your equipment?? Could use some of existed BUFFS in WVW or like I said below:
Easy, example: during a main event 10 players will receive after conquer a CASTLE, based on AOE Buff they will receive one off 3 battle nourishments with status with timers. Base on goals system you can receive:
OFFENSIVE GIFF: Amour set up to more 10% all status during 6 minutes.
DEFENSIVE GIFF: Take less 10% damage during 5 minutes
STRUTURE GIFF: You can carry more 10% of supplies. Repair or Build faster 5%.
This will give a buff to teams and based on them, this create a multi strategy systems by commanders, the main goal is to set up with teams, each mini sub party base on buffs will do in main match.
TOWERS/KEEPS. – Will Give OFFENSIVE if you attack / DEFENSE BUFFS BASED If you protect.
LANDMARKS – Will give Random BUFFS like Speed BOONS.
SUPPLYS – STRUTURE ACTION – Repair or Build faster 5%. You can carry more 10% of supplies.
This will introduce A NPC.
He will sell free per match.
10 – Flame Ram
8 – Arrow Cart
6 – Ballista
4 – Catapult
2 – Trebuchet
2 – Siege Golem
30 – Shield Generator
1 – Ascended Commander – TEAM 50 / LEADER
5 – Conquer Commander – OFFICER Commander 10 /players max team
The commander system will use to redistribute the teams. If all are in use says 0 in values.
If any GOLD / SILVER commander have a Disconnect more than 5 minutes, the TAG can be change to another player, by pick up again in NPC.
Each NPC / RED PLAYER / CASTLE / VET GUARDS etc will give fixed points in event based on you color team. The MAXED POINTS server ins the current match.
Keep 1 * 100 points
Tower 1 * 50 points
Landmark 3 * 30 points
Supply Generator 2 * 15 Points
Red Player Dead – 1 Point
Veterans – 1 Points
Introduction of a variable score.
Challenger Dragons Keeper – a half/mini dragon that will be release after per SINGLE CASTLE is conquer by red SERVERS. He returns for 3 minutes, when KEEP in in your color team, after fly out again. They can be kill.
The main achievement is to have the keep in your color instance for many times. That way will increase a boost of 2% in all score until the dragon stays in your color keep.
By mats
This System is only a MAIN EXAMPLE:
1.0 Introduction.
Well, the main goal in this system is to create instances of 50 players for server, using the map of EDGE OF THE MIST as a battlefield ground. This system will be a mix based on PVP System (5vs5) with EOTM rules in new WVW variation. The max duration will set up as 90 minutes. Pre match time before HOT JOIN: 15 minutes. This system doesn’t allow to level up the regular WVW player rank. The Level existed bar will work after maxed 100% give players a 10% boost level in Existed Dungeons /Maps Reward Tracks in continuous mode. 0-100% level.
2.0 Servers.
Example: Presume using a HOT JOIN system.
SERVER 1 : 500 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – DESOLATION
SERVER 2 : 250 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – RIVERSIDE
SERVER 3 : 150 Players in a HOT JOIN variation. – FAR-SHIVER PEAKS
The number of a game play instances are based in less number/50 » 3 instances
In order to create a balance system, to max up number players, SERVERS will work like this:
There will be 4 fixed instances per hour, work out based in different 15 minutes’ startup lag in HOT JOIN System. The main system will add N more players per server based on que system, because the EXIT GAME/ DISCONNECTIONS. THE SERVERS IF YOU disconcert you can join in a NEW match or play a CURRENT match rotate players to maintain 50 players all time.
INSTANCE 1 – first 15 minutes
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
INSTANCE 2 – 30 minutes’ after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
LIKE this : INSTANCE 3 – 45 minutes after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
INSTANCE 4 – 60 minutes’ after
SERVER 1 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 2 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
SERVER 3 : 50 Players in a HOT JOIN variation.
So using this system we can have a 4 instances per hour. The max of game challengers will be: 4 instances per hour. Next hour we have more fixed 4.
24×4 fixed instances we have » 96 matches.
So if using 1 place – 3 Points / 2 place – 2 Points / 3 Place – 1 Point
During a challenge System of 4 matches/Hour which each winning give 100 points per win; example:
SERVER 1 – 2 WINS * 100 points / SERVER 2 – 1 wins *100 points /SERVER 3 – 1 wins * 100 points.
Using a Dedicated RANK List, we have:
SERVER 1 – 200 points / SERVER 2 – 100 Points / SERVER 3 – 100 Points
During a day: x 95 availed maxed matches the result can be different.
by mats
Dry Top & Silverwastes
Lost Bandit Chests across Silverwastes.
Buried Locked Chests across Dry Top.
Case you dont have many try : The best place IMHO to get OBSIDIAN SHARDS is the Karma Merchant, Tactician Deathstrider in the Temple of Balthazar when it is uncontested (rarely) for 2100 Karma each. The most likely time is when the server is busiest.
By mats
Check up NVIDIA control panel. Choose Manager 3D Settings. Choose
Aplication Game GW2, Set some preferences for :
POWER MANAGER Mode – Maximum Performance
SINGLE MONITOR – If you use only One screen.
In game set up for VSINC on/off – and cap FPS to 60
Thanks for reply’s.
After having see the main game open and watch twitch channel, i check out the webpage stops every time game make a dc.
I resolve them after see the guilty piece. A router SMC. Since that i try other one Lynksys, After change it, the dc to server massive stopped.
i may a bit make a Br-back, login panel appears , enter the game again.
For best experience, connect game via Ethernet, not wireless.
Normal Ping : 78 / Average : 116
Bad Ping : Happens sometimes.
A good tip for after a irregular dc stay whit webpage open, preference a video, and see if it stops to. If that happens internet problems.
After playing in main map SILVERWATES in the last days, i have disconnections to server all time. Lost rewards, and events because that.
STEP 1 -First enter the SLIVERWASTE MAP – INSTANCE 01? – wait for players, make events next when map has ? people, play normal. After 20-40 minutes DC.
next what happens is step 2.
STEP 2 – First enter the SLIVERWASTE MAP – INSTANCE 02? – wait for players, make events next when map has ? people, play normal. After 20-40 minutes DC.
Next STEP 3,4,5 …. and so on, just because in not in a party…
One time i ask my guild friends how system in maps works. I know this game now is MEGA SERVER.
Now i have a few questions.
1 – If the game have a auto balance in population system? That system could create a better experience in FPS Balance.
2 – Why if you are in no Party game does not save last map instance?
3 – Why they don’t input audio info about population in maps after map login? Populated players area affect FPS
4 – Cloud we stay in the same instance by map time age, example : Map login 9:00 ?
5 – Why after a DC the events are always over … Does the main events are at same hours in all instances?
What i propose is something like this:
1 – Account Login
2 – Check account bound zone map register.
Now in order to avoid lost map instances, party’s, and rewards what i propose is something like this.:
If you are going to visit map for stay few minutes, example boss time all instances will do. If you wanna stay a bit longer, you must do one thing:
How it works.
This system will create a virtual party whit a NPC Map Travel Assistant located in main cities.
0 – With pre instance zones available , server will input the players in a system like this.
1 – Go to NPC Map travel Assistant, this system is free in gold change.
2 – Register the map you wanna travel. I want to travel to : SILVERWASTE
3 – Your register is save. If Map instance available with all registrations max 50 per map, game advise you can enter in that map by travel map assistant.
4 – With your save login, you will travel to MAP-SILVERWASTE – instance 0001 during next 24 hours
5 – Server will send you to that instance 0001 any time you travel there, even after a DC or restart client game.
6 – Server make a population auto balance system base on time inscriptions example : 50 players max that way controls better experience for all players
6.1 – Base on population quantity, you will do less events, cause have less players to help you. So game will do a BONUS base on Population : Example Magic find. or or other random bonus.
7 – After a DC you always send to instance 0001, even you are in normal party or virtual NPC party
9 – You could register travel system to all Tiria maps, to avoid many registers you can only travel in this way in 2-3 Maps.
10 – If you wanna use more zones, purchase Map Travel Tickets, in TP using gems.
Arena game developers using a Beta System like this can create a better game play system.
We as players don’t lose party’s, population on maps, at least we count 50 players in that map any time.
This system is possible, to use in massive events, like bosses. Tequatl event …
Hope HOT version don’t came like with this map instances bugs…
By Mats.
this was a reply cause :
”.My guild(s) contain hundreds of people and one is bursting at the seams with a waiting list. We frequently have many more than 10 people online, and there are probably going to be more than 10 wanting to raid. If I have any number not divisible by 10, we won’t be able to play together.
Instead I’d request raid sizes of a minimum maximum (i.e. the smallest amount that the maximum raid size should be) be 20 players and preferably more, so if I have 21 we can form groups of 10 and 11, or larger groups if I have more than 21. This game is supposed to be about everybody playing together, not being excluded because “we have enough people”.
im not talking abou LFG system and 20 players.
i was concern about if you have 10 full group of guild players to do the raid in guild system. Or even better in raid mode after create a party with yours friends, the system will search for the rest of the players. I use to play in this mode in LAST CHAOS , no WOW, and the system works well, and better no waiting in front of the raid doors.
All raids in Last Chaos, , make a party, use ticket to get in and play.
By mats
HOT for Vets -Limited System like F2P Option
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MatsTeixeira.5823
What i prupose if its possible, give a free portal ticket to all veterans players, to try HOT expansion, even with limitations, like the F2P version system. That way all players will be happy.
At least save some exp. mast. and other sfuff.
Example: Exp – 1/8
Masteries – 1/8
In this way all Vets will play HOT, and arena can test servers and game play…
By mats
What i propose Arenanet create a NPC. for auto match partys of 10 people.
You sign in and you will put in a full 10 players party list , them you will receive a pop up message to join in after party full. For a Guild system use same principle, all guild members online, will receive a pop up message to join in.
Well gear in new itens change. Some news are:
Ferocity was the new iten had to armour.
New 2 story mode. Wardrobe system . New Skill Point and traits, build system.
For 4 months you can do many things. Complete personal story mode, dont need to do wvw to 100% map complete. Outfits many are available to all professions. Revenant was add as new. Specializations are new. HOT is comming as a expansion.
Find new maps like Drytop and Silverwaste. About gear many still the same.
by mats
Arena Net should by my opinion sell HOT to veteran players as half price and sell HOT To F2P players as the normal price.
For what i read, i presume new players will be welcome at least try the game.
Few questions ? What is the max free 2 play account lvl in game – 60?
Trading post protection system ?
About F2P gold spammers ?
Protection system about mail itens…sell itens ?
Create a Guild system protection like the trading post can use guild bank and chat, but no trade itens..
by mats
What i want to ask a few things.
Does new free players will have a Trading Post dedicated ?
How much level they can reach in free account mode?
Does a free player after buy HOT will have all itens and gifs, money, in there account wihout start again ?
Does the game will be protected against free players spamm gold sellers ?
What do we get as a veterans players…
We wanna play HOT the same way…
By mats
Just a question. Can we use specialization skills, like a necromancer use greatsword
in current game without HOT patch, meaning learning or having acess to traits and skills in current tyria. It will be great if they open that part of game for free to introduce new system, even if is harder to make it in current maps, than HOT main map.
At least introduce a like a learning mode system of HOT, even you have to complete it in HOT map.
By mats
For what i have read i understand all reasons. Servers system cost money, other applications to use so, other applications used same pay servers. The main goal of this ideia is to use a pay system server based on MAP TEAM system witch use GEMS to create AUDIO Chat system. This way, pay the server a private game server, and second reason only COMMANDERS and GUILD TEAM LEADERS are allowed to create the AUDIO Accounts. For a easy chat system only commanders will talk, others players will listen only. All users in game will be happy, because its a easy dedicated GW2 AUDIO CHAT system.
But thanks for the reply post.
By mats
The main goal of this system is based on create a sub server for audio voip system in game. The GW2 TEAM SPEAK will be only a dedicated server.
First is to create account on Voice server attached to Game Account. This login system and services software could work as 3th party software.
Each time you log in game. 3th party software will lunch minimal App to acess Voice system. This plugin could work like game as a BIN. File dependent.
To do it, Arena will create a automatic dual login. Each time you login in game, your account will be attached to VOIP SERVER – WORLD SERVER. as a possible listener user
Example: LOGIN GAME – Auto login VOIP MAIN SERVER – Sub VOIP Server : Desolation
Next your account used VOIP can work in 2 ways:
1 – Guild TEAM Chat
This system will be free for charge system.
Leaders will create a VOICE ROOM CHAT – GROUP CHATS – PASSWORD login
YOU as a user can manager : VOIP Audio and Talk Volumes, mixer options.
YOU as a user will have 2 OPTIONS :
A – Listening Only – Hability to listen only your friends, requires your sound system to use.
B – Listening and Talking – Hability to listen and talking with your friends, requires microphone and sound system to use.
1 – MAP TEAM Chat
This system can be manager using GEMS Store system to create/Activate trial 30 days use accounts to filter used VOIP ACCOUNTS system, similar to PVP ARENAS
In this system for example: each time you enter in a main map \ Queensdale or WVW \ Eternal Battlegrounds.
Leaders will create a VOICE ROOM CHAT – GROUP CHATS – PASSWORD USER login,
This system requires 4 users password system
Example only commanders are availabe to do so. They can give a diferent password via main map chat or wispper mode system
Manager ways with a diferent Passwords Audio hability:
- Audio output to all players in main map
- Audio output to party only
- Audio output to a guild only
- Audio output to a second commander group, only for commanders team group system
YOU as a user can manager will have to receive a PASSWORD to login Audio Chat Groups MAP/WVW group
YOU as a user can manager : VOIP Audio and Talk Volumes, mixer options.
YOU as a user will have 2 OPTIONS :
A – Listening Only – Hability to listen only your friends, requires your sound system to use.
B – Listening and Talking – Hability to listen and talking with your friends, requires microphone and sound system to use.
Example a Commander in WvW will talk give orders to players.
By mats
Wanna know your opinion of the best song track in game.
For me as a musician, my choice goes for the theme " A Land Restored ".
Used a good stereo system, and enjoy,
By Mats
Does Arena agree to a few guilds use EDGE of MIST as a private background for
private battles between them, killing other players…
By mats
GW2 – Instance improvement
In this topic, i like to share some ideias to improve cpu issues in game system.
Question 1 – CPU Bound in game
I will not talk about computer hardware, they are to many configurations about that.
For what I see in videos, hardware builds, hard core machines all say one thing, why I don’t play with 60 fps in any event.
Resolution to Question 1.
1 – Improve instances in Meta Achievement.
New Meta Achievment “Tyria Recall Your Services”
The game have many events, example, map of Ruins of Orr, WVW, for each event the pre starter system will work like this. In normal mode make the event with no changes like works now. The event will give you a drop, a Key Event. The keys will be include in your account, like the Karma system, or transmutation keys. You can use the keys in any toon you have. Each key will give you a chance to make 5 or 10 events in instance mode.
01 – Next Talk to a NPC, he will lead to inscribe in all events you want make in Tyria. but to do so, in return you have to give her/him a key event. Now the server will save your orders tasks. Next time you will make the same event in instance mode.
02 – After the server will make a reunion of n players will create a instance to take all to there, like the system of story mode, instead 5 players, this one has 20 persons to 50 max. You will receive a recall. If server on list has not enough players you will send to make the normal event, send you to the next near waypoint.
03 – To improve this system, the event will work like the fractals system, difficulty is added. example 1 to 10. This way you will receive better drops
04 – The difficulty in system will be random.
05 – Timers on events. Like the normal gameplay you only can make n per day, even if you make the normal system, or instance system, all events starts same time.
06 – This way servers can distribute players for instances, causing less lag on main maps.
The same ideia, could be add to WVW, Edge of Mist, Etc…
By mats
If you wanna use your laptpot. get a external laptot cooler, and to save the keyboard, find one normal with usb, link it. thats it.
If you wanna a litle help here goes.
CPU – I3 or I5, – 3.6 or 3.8
Motherboard – Asus motherboard
Drive – HDD 250gb or use the one of you current laptop
Ram – 6 gb minimal cause game uses at least 3.5 with Windows 7
GPU – A 770 GTX
DVD DRIVE – Ifs possible
That way you can play at least 40 a 60 PFS max, of couse in large events, cpu counts and FPS drops. See prices on web or by them in second hand using ebay. that way save money.
By mats
The main ideia, is to give us a playing preview of HOT new habilities, professions in live game in Gw2 . Example for each server, players with accounts BETA, will participate in a special event to let us all view in real time, the classes with HOT habilities. That event could appear in heart of mists or WVW or even in PVE. For a few hours all of us will see a live game play of HOT in main GW2 game.
By mats
Beta Specialization Armour System
How works : With ARMOUR VALUES and a small HEALT BONUS you can increase or decrease Toughness or Life HP as you like. To gain it you can have total bonus or have more HP or TOUGHNESS as you like.
This will be a new Trait system setup add to Professions already in use: Ligth, Medium, Heavy Profs.
See the image …
Hope you like it and coment…
By Mats
Why the Dragon Ball Arena does not count a bit of experience for PVP.
At least if you lose win some PVP experience scroll.
Post a review, please…
[Level 80 ] Raids are an instanced PvE/PVP event containing different stages and occurs once a day*
• Your level must be within the required range.
• You must have a special scroll to enter.
• The party must be in a fellowship.
• A Fellowship party may have up to 8-10 members.
• In a Fellowship you can recall players to start event
• Teleporter can be found on map.
• There are 5 Boss-Monsters in this raid, but 4 ‘stages’ only. Each stage has one Boss monster except the last stage (which has 2).
• Mobs lvl 84 – Unlevel All Agro, they can follow you in stage zone
• QUEST: This achivment your party have to kill all X (300) NUMBER OF MOBS divide on the 5 stages
• You will have to protect 2 NPCS and take them to last stage. They have the keys to unlock the giant chess…
• Rewards : #Raid Coins, Power Orbs – buff increase damage FOR 5 SECONDS, Boss Chess, plus award time end, better time better rewards
• Single Waipoint zone
• After complete, your TEAM PARTY will have figth in PVP against other servers, other partys that complete to raid to, inside Altar Zone of this this dungeon like the 2 “WAVES” system.
• The server team can if wins steel #Raid Coins” to trade for rewards
• There are 3 Raids, 1 on each server
Note: You cannot enter another stage without completing the previous one.
Example : To Begin
Stage 1 – Temple Conquest
In the first stage, you keep following the straight path while you’re killing monsters on your way. Note that these monsters have a big group agro. They can notice you from far away. At the end of the path, a Boss-monster shows up. After you’ve killed the Boss-monster, you will notice that there are 3 gates. 2 of them are closed while one of them is open. You will notice that the gate will be opened and you will be able to move on to stage 2.
Stage 2 – Alchemist Zone
In the second stage, there will be groups of monsters agrivating on you. You keep killing these while you are running towards the Boss-room of this stage. If you do kill a VETERAN BOSS the gate to the boss will not open. When you enter the to a Chamber (Boss room), you will see a Boss monster floating on a big red circle. After you killed it. A group of chesses will appear on the circle and a (sparkling) dimension Teleporter will appear in the corner of the room. This will happen if you complete stage 2
Stage 3 – Witchcraft Area
After running through the teleporter, you get back to Temple Conquest (the Boss Room of stage 1). As you might have noticed, another gate will open. This Left gate leads you to the Witchcraft Area. The process of that area is the same as the others: You kill the monsters that appear on your path. But beware! They tend to mob heavily.
In this stage you have to kill 5 Veterans a 6 Elit Veterans, since both of them streng or cure healing the regular monsters. After having these killed, this path will lead you to Chamber – Boss-mob room of stage 3. As soon as you finish it off, another dimension gate will appear and teleport you back to Temple Conquest
Stage 4 – Altars
The room to the Altars is the Front Gate of Temple Conquest (Boss room of stage 1). The process of killing villains on your path is the same as other stages. But there is something slightly different in this one: Power Orbs & 2 Boss-Monsters. These can be collected at the Altar of Creation and Altar of Extintion while you are on your way to face the Boss.
You can pick a Power Orb up by running through it in the altar. The altars are greenish mountains with stairs. Only one person can claim the orb, but the whole party benefits from its bonus when it’s being activated – you can do this by simply double clicking on it. There are 2 altars that contain an orb. Both have the same layout.
As mentioned before, this stage is not usual like the others. It has more than one boss. The first boss that will appear will be in between the commanders X (the name of the monster in stage 4) . After passing the Altar of Extintion, the Altar of Darkness will appear with the last Boss Monster. Having it killed, you will have 2 PVP server waves, like event system to kill, them after end, teleport back to town.
By Mats
Will all have a NPC skills weapons.
Marjory is one of the first necromancers to fight with a greatsword (it was given to her in The Ghosts of Fort Salma, and first used during Return to Camp Resolve).
Other classes will have a related story NPC weapon, or we will choose one…
By Mats
By what i saw in Living Story 2, Marjory is one of the first necromancers to fight with a greatsword (it was given to her in The Ghosts of Fort Salma, and first used during Return to Camp Resolve). Is this the first specialization weapon.
Now necromancers will have Seraph Skills… from Belindas spirit or summom her sipirit to figth whit us… Now the other class will have a NPC related weapon.
By Mats
Well my english is not the best but here goes :
1 – Find a good guild
2 – Lvl on open map and make events
3 – if you have gems buy a outfit you like, that way you look the same 1-80
4 – After get lvl 35 – go to lvl on mist – pvp
5 – a lot of events in world , heart of the mist WvW Zone lvl you to 80 fast since you have there the same PVE gear and rank system
6 – Buy exoctics weapons and clothes
7 – Lot of loot rewards for sell or to craft
8 – you only achive a powerfull build only to 80, until that choose best for you,
9 – Open the maps, waipoints and views
10 – Now that you are 80 buy good gear and open 80 zones
11 – choose a good build to 80 and start by low books traings, skills you can by them in skill trader
I lvl my other gardian and necro there…
Hope helps
The main ideia for me is only for ascended rings and accessories cause they are account bound, and i spend a few hours make dailys to get them. And one thing i pass 1 item, ex gathering tools i buy in npcs, cheap, other thing is pass 6 acount bound accs and rings everytime.
I dont have ascended gear for now. I presume if ascended gear are account bound to, so that bag works great.
In a session of game you can change bettween toons, for example .a thief, other times a waarior, a elementalist and so on…with different lvs.
Case you have all 5 slots with 80 lvl caracthers that works even better.
if 8 slot is small, 20 do the job and have space to put other itens. i guess if they make bags like that, will be bougth via gemstore. The main goal is what Nevets Crimsonwing.5271 wrote:
“Account bound items should be accessible for any character on an account without having to go to the bank.
This happens all the time in dungeons/fractals. A party member wants to switch characters-say from guardian to warrior. He has to go to LA, take off all his armor, switch characters, go to LA, put on all the armor, then go back into the instance. The purpose of account bound gear is surely to be able to use it on multiple characters on your account. Why the annoying timegate?”
Even if you have that account bag, and put a pre selection of itens, specially accs and rings for ex, that will be great. Untill that happens, the old solution to this problem is simple. Play daillys and spend laurels in all accs and rings to share between toons.
(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)
The main ideia for this Special Account Bag is this.
For example: I have 3 caracthers 80 lvl , i wanna use my ascended rings and accessories.
Problem is everytime i log in, i have to go to bank share that itens between characters.
This special account bag works likes this.
i buy one for each 80 lvl toon, in there i put that itens. So next time i will log in, the itens will appear in my second toon, and so on. The bag save the itens, that way i share the itens betweens toons everytime i log in
By mats
i understand thanks, using the mode 1 or mode 2 presets with kill ALL mobs, parties
issues and skipping ( even is a tactic to play!) are over.Think on a new play mode.
About the rewards is a GW2 drop adjustment, if you get champion boxes, laurels, karma, skill points is about random drops. The rewards can be Points achievements, gems, etc everything you can use in the economy of the game. Remind all the award boxes are in final stage in a big chest
and only if you get them you will see what is inside. The big Chest will open if for example:
1 – Event completed or
2 – Kill 100 Trash or
3 – ALL MOBS ARE DEAD if single spot time
4 – Etc ( Random objectives )
5 – All earlier 4 goal achieves
Trash, champions or others …
If you know what mob you kill, and know that mob drops a item with value 5 silver all
time you will farm in that spot… lol
this is only a idea for new dungeon game set system, not how you play now…
you are right you tube runners only tell you how to make the dungeon faster…
and maybe we sometimes get on wrong parties…
and if you have to do more hundred times case you do not know what is your final award…
do you make it ? i guess you do. think like a lottery ticket
By mats
(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)
That i resolved already, i have guild, and i know they will help me.
Harder is to get waiting for players near Dungeon NPC and create parties after.
If you have NPC party System will be more easier to make dungeons. It does not exist
so we will wait.
About inside mobs and there values is a game issue. The numbers can be random.
if you wanna 10 champions why not. The value of 400 is to indicate the total number of enemies inside the dungeon.Cloud be less i know. I never count how many are inside.
That was only a idea, you will have to clean ALL dungeon to get your awards.
If you for example make that event only one time participation in a day
prepare yourself for 30 minutes of fun.
The strategy here is to create new dungeons game presets using the same 3D objects
and layouts, increase only the numbers of mobs, time respawn and type by database engine.
if any of you make a lot of % lvl in PVE using dungeon explorable mode or by the first time its very interesting . This system i talk about can be a event achievement, only if i saw thousands of players after Clockwork invasions with a bit lag game cause the number of players, reminds me WvW in PVE mode, is only 8 against thousands mobs with less lag with the same or better drops awards for example.
More they are harder to finish. As i said i used to make dungeons in raid mode
in other old game, used mode 1, i was made by party of 8 , with a bit difficult in 30 minutes average time with bosses in the middle and in the end.
The awards are the best of that game.
Thanks for your help, mosspit.8936
Thanks to all by post reply answers
By mats
(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)
Please see the Dungeons topic “New Dungeons Systems” posted by me.
is just a crazy idea, but can be used as in Game event.
By Mats
That is right, it is not my main language.
After read some posts here.
i decide to answers the post messages and make more clear the main idea.
The main goal is you have fun with your friends, and get the options to others, without raking. Speed runners make the dungeons in fast way because you get inside the dungeon with minimal 5 or 8 more players.You will understand why.
It was a bit scary after the first times i went to 1 dungeon.
i started to kill mobs and die alone and see the other players in the end of dungeon kill the last mob and take the rewards using running mode. I was inside there 2 or 3 minutes. Dungeon Over
Using this method by drop tickets by the mobs, tickets are account bound, after you get them you can create your party, invite your friends and use Mode One or Mode Two to play the dungeon.
Only if you can get the parties you wont make it. if the game use the NPC Party system you can create your own party.
Parties System Work like this :
Form equal party mode, the EXP and the loots are splited among all the party
members equally cached in dungeons. That way you do not have to worry about “F” search loot. You will get the rewards in the end of the dungeon, like a chests boxes of items. If for example get a Best Time you chest boxes will increase by percentage and the Head Skulls. There will no drops during the event. In the end you will have the Head Skulls to trade by coins and the Chests Boxes for random items.
How works:
The Mode 1 and Mode 2 you can do only 1 time a day
This example is only for Ascalon, they can create the same for other dungeons in the game.
1 – You register yourself for event parties.
2 – Player Name : Player Z .
2 – Party type : Write message.
Player Z – 80 lvl – "Map XXXXXXX – Party 8 players for TC Ascalon ".
3 – Others will see Available parties in the world.
4 – They send a Party Invitation Ticket to party leader.
5 – Player z will be the party Leader and “auto” accept the players, after 7 players are available, game send a Party Recall Message.
Your Party is full and you wanna send auto message to the party players.
“Partie list complete, please go to the near location…”
6 – Advise members for play the event in chat mode
7 – Near waipont and time encounter
8 – Enter the dungeon using tickets.
There is more if you dont do the dungeons, dont have coins, dont have coins to trade
for armours, sets, weapons etc and you have to use Trading Post in exchange for gold to get them.
This metod you can make a bit more gold by sell itens. And have hours of fun inside dungeons
By Mats
(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)
The major idea is all player get dungeon coins or other events rewards
with out this method: Running mode
i guess my necromancer need to do jogging on dungeons…
“As it is, most everyone runs past everything they can. Kinda boring. "
Jade Quarry
I guess that way is only run mode, all get the same rewards.
Now what if the rewards change by challenge type :
- Existing Easy way – Running mode
- Medium – Mode 1 – see the post
- Hard way – Mode 2 – see the post
THAT WAY is up to you how to play…you choose
By Mats
The main goal is stay longer as possible inside the dungeon, all players work as a team
and the rewards are equal to all. If one dies during the event the final times will be different
The challenge mode is because you have to complete the quest with the players are in.
A time limit and faster timer are not wrong ideas, but that maybe increase the challenge to
choose the bests one, the ones who are in the ranking … and i wanna avoid that …
5 or 8 players in, same players out:
1 – Register yourself for the event
2 – Ascalonian Catacombs Tickets
Ascalonian Event . Enter the event and the system create a auto party mode … example
8 players are in this event party
I play like this in old game using the mode one and two and works well…
and is lost of fun, at least you chat about tactics during the events.
Sorry but this is just 2 ideas that will change the game inside the dugeons…
a clone of what exist with new rules
By Mats
hi this is my first Post…
Can you make a new system dungeon like this:
Insert another NPC for this quest event
Dungeon Name : Ascalonian Catacombs is the same, like a clone mode work system
Dungeon Event Mode
Dungeons Skull Master Achievement
Day: 11/25/20**
Dungeon Name : Ascalonian Catacombs
Quantity system – Match Killer Event
You must have Tickets to do so, so the tickets are drop by normal mobs
Ascalonian Catacombs Tickets
NPC Dialog :
" Hello Brave hero, I am a old pharmacist and a doctor, please find me Head Skulls for creation of my medical recipes, you will found them inside this dungeon, if you have bravery for that i will reward you "
Mode 1 – Easy Rider Ticket – Use 50 AC Tickets to enter in Dugeon
Group of 5 or 8 Players
Objectives : Kill all Mobs inside the dungeon ( Mob appears a single time )
Normal Mobs 80 = 375
Medium Hard Mobs – Veterans = 20
Hard Mobs : Champions = 5
View enemies on screen :
Enemies inside : 400
Enemies Kill : 150
Final Reward:
Head Skulls for Dungeon Coins
(Normal Drops) or Inventory Chest Boxes of items TO AVOID auto loot search .
inside the Big Chest. You get X boxes for example / 8 players.
1 Big Chest award will open only 400 enemies are defeated
The Big Chest Box are not open until : 400 of 400 Enemies Dead
Mode 2 – Hard Rider Ticket – Use 100 AC Tickets to enter in Dungeon
Objectives : Kill all Veterans, Champions and 90% of other mobs
Group of 5 or 8 Players
All group have to reach 800 Head Skulls
View enemies on screen :
Enemies inside : 800
Enemies Kill : 150
1 – Champions Defeated : 5/5
2 – Veterans Defeated : 10/20
3 – Other Enemies : 35% / 90 %
Drop Event items : Normal Drops or random drops inside Inventory chests Boxes
The Head Skulls are inside the Chest which Head Skull are divide by 800 / number of Players in the party ( round Numbers ) ex: 200
The Big Chest Box are not open until quest 1,2,3 are made.
The same above about random kill, quest made receive X boxes/8 Players
Trade Head Skulls for Dungeon Coins
(Normal Drops) or Inventory Chest Boxes of items TO AVOID auto loot search.
You get X boxes for example.
by Mats
(edited by MatsTeixeira.5823)