Showing Posts For Menmaro.4607:

Raid learning Issue - question for dev

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Another one? Ok, I started raiding just through pugging and continue to do so. It takes time, it takes effort but at the end of the day if you put both of those in, you will raid. I can’t stick to a guild schedule so that’s why I PuG. It isn’t that hard to get into pugging.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

No Loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


me and my guild are having the same issue.

No idea why this isnt addressed anywhere.

I just opened a ticket after we killed Vale Guardian Twice and there was no chest.

I feel you

Maybe its not happening that often?

check reddit forums, it’s happening alot

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Raids & Legendary armor -- unrealistic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


This is a troll post right?

You want to access the hardest content in the game, designed to pique the interest of hardcore players and test their strength in unity, whilst also having access to the best armour in the game, without much effort? Are you kidding me? I’m assuming you haven’t touched t4 fractals at all. Raids were designed for hardcore endgame players, taking that away and giving away “easy” modes to this hard content is an insult to anyone who’s spent hours and hours trying to get their first kill, then developing their skills to be able to clear wings per week. If you don’t have time to play the game, don’t assume you can accumulate the prestige this game has to offer.

I’ve seen so many posts saying how hard it is to get into raids or how long it would take to craft legendary armour/weapons, but I’ve never seen a post that quite captures how lazy someone can be or neglecting the time others have spent acquiring prestige in this game. Like many have said as well, people are complaining that raids are too easy and for good reason! People are 8 manning raids with ease once they reach a certain skill level. If you can’t commit at least a few hours to this game a week, don’t complain you can’t enjoy content designed for people who do commit.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

How to get into raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Yep I have the same feeling too, can’t get into raiding because noone wants a daredevil. I’m leveling a ranger right now so that I can take condi ranger/ dedicated healer druid into raiding. At least then pugs can’t say no to a healer unless they’re absolute kitten lol

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


I saw a bound thief last night, I knew his game was to bound 3 times over BP. So I kited back a bit and waited for the red smoke feild circle to stack more stealth and dropped scrapper hammer #5 om it. That pretty much stopped him in his tracks because he has taken around 4k dmg while probably low on inarive and endurance and now is on defensive mode. It is that simple and predictable a thief can be.

This right here is why im glad I dont run bound lol

I alternate between running bound and dash but when I do run bound I don’t use all my dodges at once… seems stupid to do… I always have one dodge available incase I need to bolt, plus signet of agility.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


I was gonna pretend this forum doesn’t exist because of the amount of salt in it… but I couldn’t resist the urge.

- You cried about our stealth attacks, so the devs implemented a kitten 1 sec ICD if we miss rendering any x/D build useless in pvp.
- You cried about our “infinite” dodges, so the devs nerfed our signet of agility to only return 1 and a half dodges.

Thief cannot 1v1 any other class in the game – that’s fact, you can’t deny it, show me a video of 2 equally skilled players, one being a thief and another being whatever the kitten you want it and show me the thief winning a 1v1. 9 times out of 10 the thief was better than the opponent.

Idk where this notion of “no CD instant port no cast time ability” came from. The only “instant port” abilities we have with no cast times is Sword/x “2”, Steal and shadowstep. Steal and shadow step both have 20s+ CD and sword 2 is a port to an enemy so you can’t really use it in a sticky situation. If you’re talking about shortbow 5 then that has a cast animation and isn’t an instant port. Plus you can’t use it with hard cc.

Thieves weren’t meant to 1v1, that’s why we have a boat load of escapes. Because it’s our only form of defense. I literally can’t play power D/D anymore because to land a CnD you need to make sure the enemy doesn’t have a passive aegis or shield up, then you have to make sure to land the backstab otherwise you have to wait 1 second doing kitten all because of the ICD. I can’t play Sword/Dagger because of the same thing and more.

Heck you can’t play thief in teamfights with staff well because of the aoe damage. What nerf do you want to thieves huh? Because at this rate I wouldn’t be surprised to see you nerf thief into the ground just for your own satisfation.

I will say to you what I say to anyone who complains about thief being “OP” – L2P.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


I feel bad for doing this but I really want LS2 since Im a huge Lore geek and I also want the central tyria mastery points lol. I’d get it myself but Im really low on gold/irl money. I’m on EU, literally would be eternally grateful if I got it and would definitely pay back if required :P

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


if your the theif, and one of your team went far and the rest mid? then your teamate screwed up. Far is your job. Help at mid as best you can. then the rest of your team can push far if need be. but the problem is if you can’;t down that tanky DH on far, then you are leaving home unprotected if the mid fight goes poorly. so help mid and be ready to save home when needed. (also take objectives.) never waste your time on a tanky character you can’t kill it’s pointless. even if you get the decap it will take to long.

Uuum, also i should note, i’m new to thief, so i could be giving you very bad advice.

Yeah no far is not your job if there is a DH sitting there, you will get nuked before you can say sup.

Sure you should be trying to decap whenever possible but it is tough. I’ve been able to 1v1 a couple of DH’s by kiting and waiting for the opportune moment. If you couldn’t kill a DH with another teammate then it sounds like you were just mashing buttons and need to learn when to use what skills.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


What build you running? Seem to be doing decent damage with a high hp pool O.o

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Can we up the damage on BS?

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Sorry for not posting even though I am the OP, real life just hit hard.

Why I proposed the buff to BS was primarily to help out power d/d. I doubt that d/p would benefit greatly from BS as the only reason you go into stealth in d/p is to sneak up on someone taking a point. honestly I’m sick and tired of d/p and I enjoy d/d way more, but I also dont enjoy playing condi d/d where I spam 3 and hey presto they die.

I just want more build diversity when going into PvP. As in "Hey he’s running s/d, or d/d condi or d/d power whilst I’m running something else and we still have an equal chance of winning. Thats how the game should be played. Skill level not what build you run.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Can we up the damage on BS?

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


You’re talking about pvp, right?
Yes, the damage should be adjusted in PvP (Deceiver is the one who knows what exactly is different) but nothing should be done with the weaponskills as I usually hit a thief for ~8,5 k, a full zerker ele for 9 (in wvw) and I’m not even running signets – I’ve had 2 really interesting fights with thieves lately, I’d say they were pretty long, but actually lasted only half a minute the second maybe 2 minutes, because thief vs thief is so freaking fast. Up the BS damage and it’s true one shot.

Yeah when I say HoTM I meant pvp xd sorry

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Can we up the damage on BS?

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Ok so I know this topic is gonna get a lot of dislikes and downvotes etc. etc.

But it seems Anet wont rollback the 1s ICD change it so poorly chose to implement so we are stuck with it for the foreseeable future. Such a pity.

As I was saying though, in HoTM I tried doing marauders, rune of the scholar with some crit sigils and set up a few backstabs. I’m hitting about 5k in one backstab normally and I’ll crit to about 6.2k. Kind of low damage for all this hassle. I mean, you have to first enter stealth, with d/p it’s easy but with d/d it’s extremely difficult with todays blocks and dodges. You then have to position yourself behind the enemy and hope to the lord they aren’t braindead potatoes that have no clue how to dodge once you enter stealth, not only that but you also have to do that and hope they dont activate any invulns or blocks which every profession seems to freaking have. So yeah, the damage just is not worth it.

Look I know you have “visions” for each professions and think that the players should play the game how you want it. But at the end of the day we are the players, we want to play the game how we want it. Not feel like it’s a chore having to play the same freaking build over and over and over again. Please let us choose how to play our hero’s. Even if that means going power d/d again.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Anet can we please have a test server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Ok so the idea is simple, reserve a server for a beta environments and allow people to test out the updates you want to bring out. Whether it be balance updates or game changing updates, put it on the test server first. Then people can make blogs/fansites with news of what is on the testing environment so that the community as a whole can voice their opinions on balance changes and therefore you can make a balance change and revert it without looking like you’re stupid. Also if an update brings a bug (like the one that cost us a day yesterday) it can be spotted on the test server environment and therefore fixed.

I completely agree with this. It would also kill the “insider trading” issues that the game has. Granted, we’d all get an idea of what to expect before go live, but everyone else is doing it, so why not ANet?

Not enough resources? Servers don’t cost that much. Especially for a company throwing 200-400 THOUSAND dollars at eSport rewards (if not more, in some cases).

Lets logic that a bit: If a patch comes out and crashes servers, this means no sPvP arenas open. If no sPvP arenas open, then no eSports can happen. See how that works? Its all about the priorities, kids.

ANet, stop being so mysterious. You might think its cool, but seriously, really isn’kittens hurting your company, every time something like this happens.

You might think “But we’re not like other companies! We are innovating!” YES! You are, in-game, you’re doing great. Organization and management-wise, you are doing horrible. There is a REALLY good reason why other gaming companies, especially MMO companies, have test servers open to, or a portion of the public. There is a reason why everything is known, before it goes live.

Exactly this, I understand you may risk spoilers from these testers, but I’m sure the people who enjoy the game won’t go looking for them and would rather play the game enjoying the experience with any surprises found ingame.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Anet can we please have a test server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


This might be useful

Discussing gw2 wiki and how it broke

ANet Stephane

Weird way of applying updates. Don’t they have a staging and/or test server where to check if the updates work or not? It seems like these are pretty easy problems to check.
BTW, thanks for all the hard work with the wiki :-)

Our staging environment does not mirror exactly the live environment, for practical and resource reasons. Some of the errors that were on live yesterday could not have been caught during the tests and we’re going to look into ways to improve our testing on these updates.

Even if it doesn’t mirror it 100%, it can still help identify bugs, plus you can still use the testing environment for things like balance changes

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

Anet can we please have a test server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Ok so the idea is simple, reserve a server for a beta environments and allow people to test out the updates you want to bring out. Whether it be balance updates or game changing updates, put it on the test server first. Then people can make blogs/fansites with news of what is on the testing environment so that the community as a whole can voice their opinions on balance changes and therefore you can make a balance change and revert it without looking like you’re stupid. Also if an update brings a bug (like the one that cost us a day yesterday) it can be spotted on the test server environment and therefore fixed.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Hmmm good idea, although I play gw2 on low settings so I doubt people would like to watch 30 fps thief one hit wonder xD

I do too
But then again, I’m a woman, so no one expects me to do great stuff.

“And here’s my one hit wonder low resolution 30 fps video in which I show 50 deaths to mhhm bop by the Hansons”
“Nice, Jana slowclap

not to sound like a feminist or anything but have you seen terissimo? She’s a girl and kitten does she play thief so well. Just cuz ur a woman doesnt mean you can’t outproduce a guy :P

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Your opponent seemed pretty shy – but yeah, I guess all of us should make more videos to show some examples how the game is like for us.

Nooooo, most of my fights are “ok steal in backstab and try to dodge”… steals in then dies instantly… well kitten

Yeah well – could make a good video as well “One Hit Wonder”.
I’m pretty good at marketing videos, btw.

Hmmm good idea, although I play gw2 on low settings so I doubt people would like to watch 30 fps thief one hit wonder xD

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Your opponent seemed pretty shy – but yeah, I guess all of us should make more videos to show some examples how the game is like for us.

Nooooo, most of my fights are “ok steal in backstab and try to dodge”… steals in then dies instantly… well kitten

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Yeah but “it’s anets vision that D/D should be condi” – we have to adapt to that.

Hmm yeah, but Anet needs to get it into it’s head that the players are the ones playing the game and paying lol. They should give us the freedom to change our builds as we envision them

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


No, azukas talks about condi as to him/her D/D is a typical condi set and was never meant to be power OR EVEN IF WE HAVE TO GO WITH THE FLOW AND STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY

XD whats wrong with power d/d? It used to be playable before the nerf.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1 s CD on autoatacks in stealth.

in PvP

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed, that a simple statement you cannot argue with, would push this much uproar. Who’s accusing whom for being “emotionally charged”?

You have to admit, that Thiefs can get the most out of stealth. And their stealth attack is always stronger than any other attack from the same weapon set. And you don’t even lose your stealth, if your attacks get blocked, evaded or even missed. The 1 sec cd for a strong attack on a profession, which uses no cooldowns on weapon attacks at all, looks like a good deal to me.

You forgot to add that thieves can’t 1v1 any class unless the people playing are braindead. They have very little condi clear, no blocks (except for bandits defense which can only be used once a minute), kitten damage on sb, 0 teamfight potential, drop like a feather when cc’ed. Need I go on?

Yeah the thief’s stealth attack could be “OP” on any other class but thief. Stealth attacks are what made thieves unique and sure you wouldn’t get punished as much if you missed it before but let’s remember this. To set up a stealth attack on d/d you need to first land CnD which is 5 or 6 init I believe, then you need to position yourself behind a moving hero and hope to the lord that they dont have the brain cells to dodge as soon as they see u stealth, and only then you hit about 9k damage tops? I agree that d/p needed a nerf but this one completely kittened over any X/D build in existence.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


I agree, they nerf thiefs ability and d/d is completly usless now in wvw and pvp, but then they have dragonhunters whos traps insta kill any thief and that hasnt got nerfed yet?

anet please think about things before you do them.

Look into D/D Acro, Trickery, Daredevil power thief. It’s legit.

So something like this?

Im curious as to why though

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1 s CD on autoatacks in stealth.

in PvP

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


You want equality? Then give up your special stealth attacks and use normal auto-attacks in stealth like every other class, even Mesmer.
You want to stay special? Then deal with the special treatment.

You for real right? Mesmers have clones and illusions that do a ton of damage, not to mention doing damage in stealth doesn’t reveal them as they can still stack up conditions.

You’re one of those people that gets kitten on by thieves yet cant play one to save your life aren’t you?

and which illusions and clones are those? lol i cant remember the last time i died against illusions, shatters? yes, but just “tons of damages illusions”? i think it was 2 years ago

Yeah I meant shatters lol

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1 s CD on autoatacks in stealth.

in PvP

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


You want equality? Then give up your special stealth attacks and use normal auto-attacks in stealth like every other class, even Mesmer.
You want to stay special? Then deal with the special treatment.

You for real right? Mesmers have clones and illusions that do a ton of damage, not to mention doing damage in stealth doesn’t reveal them as they can still stack up conditions.

You’re one of those people that gets kitten on by thieves yet cant play one to save your life aren’t you?

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


“Thief to Venomoncromist: specialized with dual wielding axes, they flash over the battlefield using various poisons and toxins.”

Hell no, dual wielding axes and more poisons? As if poison builds weren’t already in abundance. And the idea of dual wielding axes as a thief is very distasteful. (Sorry if this sounds insulting, it wasnt meant to be).

An idea I loved when I saw on reddit was Swashbuckler. So dual wield swords. Cant remember what the spec would be like but I loved the idea of swashbuckler and dual wielding swords as a thief.

Another I had was Shinobi, so going back to a sort of ninja like thief who specialises solely on stealth attacks and conditions such as crippling and such. Maybe even conjuring Jutsus or something? Idk would be cool.

The swaschbuckler is also a very good idea, but as for the dual axe, I was kind of refering to these weapons: Dont forget that elites come with a weapon collection of a good looking item:

Oh right, when you said dual wielding axes I envisioned a viking with 2 axes and it turned my right off. Those I can deal with actually, but like I said, there are too many venom builds out there now and not enough stealth builds which is what I imagined thief would always be like :/

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


“Thief to Venomoncromist: specialized with dual wielding axes, they flash over the battlefield using various poisons and toxins.”

Hell no, dual wielding axes and more poisons? As if poison builds weren’t already in abundance. And the idea of dual wielding axes as a thief is very distasteful. (Sorry if this sounds insulting, it wasnt meant to be).

An idea I loved when I saw on reddit was Swashbuckler. So dual wield swords. Cant remember what the spec would be like but I loved the idea of swashbuckler and dual wielding swords as a thief.

Another I had was Shinobi, so going back to a sort of ninja like thief who specialises solely on stealth attacks and conditions such as crippling and such. Maybe even conjuring Jutsus or something? Idk would be cool.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


This is a joke of a thread. If you know you are going to miss, stow weapon mid back-stab and no one second ICD. Now can we talk about relevant things?

If we knew we were gonna miss, we wouldnt have started the backstab attack then… there are so many factors that go into missing a backstab that you can’t keep track of. The issue with this 1 second cd is that it makes gameplay way too clunky. If I initiate a backstab it means I want to get revealed at that point and do a chunk of damage. If I miss the backstab and have to wait for one second, then Im in stealth possibly in some sort of AoE that I wanna either get out of or down the enemy asap so that I can get out of it.

Another thing is that people now as soon as they see a theif go into stealth will dodge roll. You know how hard it is to hit a backstab when someone dodgerolled away knowing you only have one shot?

Before you start to incite an argument for 0 reason, look at why people are angry at the nerf and then judge whether it’s justified or not. From the looks of your post you just read the title and drew your own conclusion.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


This 1sec cooldown when you miss a stealth attack makes no sense. It’s so DIFFERENT & STRANGE this even exist. The only reason I can think of why ANET targeted the thief as the ONLY CLASS to get a 1 second debuff if your attack misses in stealth (since anybody can be stealth) is because they have ‘stealth attacks’. I would rather they completely REMOVE STEALTH ATTACKS, just let us auto-attack like other classes, than we get this 1 second wait period.

Like another poster said “PvP is to fast to be one second behind.”

While we are talking about 1 second differences, how about that 4 sec reveal in pvp amirite? Anet seems to just want to destroy the thief’s ability to utilize stealth in spvp at all. Not only is there a higher reveal uptime there (Unless it was changed ages ago and I never noticed) but now we also have to deal with CD’s on stealth skills because people couldn’t be bothered to use 1 of their 600+ ways to mitigate damage? Take backstab for instance, with the aftercast included in the recharge of the skill you can use it 1 time every 2 seconds so you can maybe get 2 off if you’re quick but outside of that you better not hit some passive invuln or anything like that because you now get 1 chance to do any sort of damage while everyone else can have the game do it for them.

For those defending this nerf, if we have to time our backstabs better consistently and deserve nerfs on all our burst, why shouldn’t every other class in the game have to time their defenses better and receive nerfs on all their defenses so they can’t ignore all the damage thrown at them? Why should they be allowed such high invuln uptime, high block uptime, insane healing, AND extreme aoe damage and control while we can’t use 1 single target skill that doesn’t even hit all that hard anymore without doing major setup for it and in the end only getting 1 chance for it?

THIS THIS THIS. I dont mind the 4 second reveal, makes you think about when to engage in stealth and when not to. What kittenes me off though is that I have to time my backstab now so that I “might” hit it (not get blocked or evaded) and not even do that much damage, whilst other classes can just press a button and they block EVERYTHING. Why? What’s the point?? If I have to time my most important skill as a dagger dagger thief, why can’t other classes get punished for poorly timing their skills?

Oh that’s assuming I didnt already get punished for poorly timing backstab or just spamming 1. The 4 second reveal was more than enough warning for kittening up a backstab.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

1s ICD for Stealth attacks

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


Just to show how much bullkitten this nerf contains, here’s an adorable fact. FOR SOME REASON EVEN IF I DO LAND A BACKSTAB I STILL HAVE TO WAIT 1 SECOND BEFORE BEING ABLE TO AUTO ATTACK. I have lost so many fights because I backstab and do nothing for 1 second whilst revealed… Wat… Am I supposed to stay visible now? Oh and thats if i land a backstab… now i cant olay d/d cuz whats the point in CnD for a slight chance that I will land a backstab and that I won’t misscalculate my attack distance or my opponent evades or blocks it. Backstab didnt even hit that hard kitten . Now I’m forced to play d/p pvp and I cant use black powder HS into backstab anymore cuz Ill be vulnerable for a whole second.

I just dont know how Anet thought this was a good idea. I just dont understand it. People need to stop crying about thief damage and them being “broken”. Theyre squishier than a kitten feather guys. CC them and unload on them it’s that easy. This wasn’t a nerf, this was a cripple and I’m appalled that the company that made my favourite game actually thought that this was a good idea. This is why you need to implement balance changes on a testing server so that if you do kitten up, the community can at least point out the mistakes and help you out.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..