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EU silver Leaderboards not updated?

in WvW

Posted by: Micho.8729


Hello is it something wrong with the official leaderboards?

FSP, PS and RoF have only one match while the scores for the rest are correctly updated with 2 matches.

Why don't you ban bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Micho.8729


Do Anet ban bots or at least care?

Within my guild,we have many inactive people, out of which 2 accounts have been stolen and used as a bot.

Out of curiosity we keep them in the guild while we are waiting to see when they are going to be banned!!!

We report those bots every day (we are not a very big guild but we at least submit 4-5 reports a day)

The first bot is still active… We are reporting it, approximately since Jun 2013

The second one is newer… we have just been reporting it for 2 months…

So do they ban bots? does reports even make a difference?

Client Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Micho.8729


same here macbook pro retina 2013

Clone/Phant problem

in Thief

Posted by: Micho.8729


Same thing happened to me in SPVP. In order to confirm, i stayed in stealth for longer than a single phantasm attack and the phantasms managed to hit me again even though i hadn’t pop out of stealth.

fps drop with patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Micho.8729


same here. pre pacha had always 30+ FPS even in zerg. Now my fps drops to 10 in zerg and the game is unplayable.

Mac osx 10.9

Stealth Mechanism

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Micho.8729


Lately, i see lots of posts about thief’s. The majority of them are complains about stealth.

I main a thief and i have well over 1000 hours of game time. After the continuous thief nerds, thief is not one of the strongest professions (both wvw and pvp) but it is definitely still viable and in a good spot.

Some of the previous thief nerfs were understandable while others were not. I would rather not see any more “random” nerfs to my favourite class so i made this post in order to suggest a possible way to FIX perm stealth.

Stealth as mechanism can definitely get countered from intelligent players an it is definitely not broken in GW2. On the other hand, stacking stealth for long durations…can indeed be very frustrating.

Changing how stealth works will require redesign of the whole thief class and thus i believe such a changeshould not be implemented.

My suggestion is: Leave stealth exactly the way it is BUT when a thief/mesmer re-applies stealth (stealths for longer…) Revealed buff should re-stack as well.

For example:

reveal duration = 3 sec (default ) + times class reapplied stealth * 1.5 (with a maximum cap on 15 seconds…same as max stealth duration)

Exact number is something Anet should figure out on their test servers

This way, good thief’s will remain unaffected by the changes.

Troll thief’s will NOT be able to perma stealth since they will be penalised from reveal buff

Thiefs will still be able to stack stealth in order to run away from a fight but they won’t be able to reset fights on the spot.

Mesmers will suffer from the same debufs…

Overall, a change such as the above mentioned will encourage thief’s to engage more into fights and less time hiding in stealth.

PS: Thiefs need more ways to condition cleanse apart from stealth and runes of lyssa.

Please make ascended armor ALT friendly

in Crafting

Posted by: Micho.8729


As it is, they already have too many Account shared features. I totally agree with some of their choices such as account shared wallet fractal levels etc. At the same time, I disagree with some of the account changes that take the feeling of character progression away e.g making WXP account bound.

If armour becomes account bound then weapons and accessories should become account bound as well… If a change such as the above is implemented, i personally feel that the feeling of character progression will disappear.

Inline with the above observations, If we make everything is account bound, XP (similarly to WXP) should be account bound as well… LVL 1 char to 80 and then make as many alts as you want straight at LVL 80…

The above scenario won’t differ very much to current PVP with the only difference that you once farm the set you want (if you farm legendaries 1 set will do for ever…)

Anyway to sum it UP I disagree with eliminating any effort players need to put with the excuse of “ALT – friendly”. Progress should be hard and rewarding.

To Anet: Stop adding new – useless stuff every 2 weeks… we DON’T care… Players need new Permanent- bug free content (don’t remove dungeons and stuff at the end of the event just to reuse it in future paches as new content…). Additionally, as other posts mentioned before, Effort needs to be rewarded. Make it hard for ascended gear but ensure players, that making one is an achievement and not something that needs to be changed within the next month.

(edited by Micho.8729)

Let's unite for a Mac OS X native client

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Micho.8729


+1 for a native Mac client !!

Skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: Micho.8729


I agree, skill lag is ridiculous and has no place in any competitive environment.

Still cant understand how can they add rubbish updates every month while fundamental for the functionality of an MMO stuff remain unsolved…

BTW there are serious issues in every side (WvW, PvP, Pve all have serious bugs for months) of this game that remain unsolved.

Even though, i still have good time and love this game

Lag issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Micho.8729


Game is totally unplayable… lag varies between areas. in some areas have 5 secs lag in others havent. This is ridiculous…

Experience lag every day since a day before pach. Lag stops around 10 PM

Virgin Media