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[Lion]Leoni Bianchi -Italian WvW Guild on PS

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Ciao, non c’è problema anzi fai benissimo a domandare.
24h non le copriamo, i numeri che abbiamo gli ultimi tempi sono 5-10 il pomeriggio e 10-15 la sera.
Di comandanti ne abbiamo 3 contando solo quelli che lo hanno comprato, ma normalmente giriamo senza tag, quindi capita che a guidare a volte sia qualcuno senza.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

[Lion]Leoni Bianchi -Italian WvW Guild on PS

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I Leoni Bianchi sono una gilda principalmente WvW oriented su Piken Square, con una buona componente sPvP e un po’ di sano PvE.

Siamo una gilda per molti aspetti social e amichevole dove il giocatore medio vanta una certa anzianità di servizio sul pianeta terra; una community di amici casinisti che gioca insieme da svariati mesi e non ci interessano giocatori elitari modello “primi della classe” o non disposti ad integrarsi nel gruppo o immaturi. è richiesta anche un po di tolleranza verso un linguaggio più o meno forte a seconda della situazione .
Quando è serata WvW le uniche domande ammesse prima di entrare sono “con che classe vengo?” “in che border?” e “quanta coda?”… quando scendiamo in campo l’unico caos ammesso è quello portato nelle file dei nemici.

Come detto sopra, abbiamo anche un nutrito gruppo di giocatori attivi in sPvP e in PvE oltre che in WvW e ci sono serate ed eventi dedicati a queste modalità di gioco.

Attualmente reclutiamo principalmente player con PG livello 80, attivi in WvW e disposti a cambiare la propria build secondo le esigenze del gruppo.
Se siete interessati ad entrare in Gilda postate la vostra candidatura QUI avendo cura di leggere e aderire al nostro REGOLAMENTO.

Siamo ovviamente muniti di un nostro server TeamSpeak, Forum e di un Calendario di gilda.


Contatti In-game: Ciuffo, Vayl Sinerequie, Lamah, Dimisian, Namtar Hakimi

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Things i think would improve wvw's quality

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Defending pays in loot bags if done right. Some experience and silver but I’m hoping most WvW players don’t play for these things.

Supply camps are indeed refueling stations. They are camps that have supply!

I do agree that the commander should provide some more functionality, but that is already the topic of many threads on this forum.

Wooden gates are made of butter yes. Reinforced gates can take quite the beating and I think the map-size is fine. I really don’t want to walk EVEN further if there are no waypoints up.

Sure you may think in numbers that 3-4 minutes to walk to places is not a long time but after a couple deaths or way pointing to go to a new objective, these 3-4 minutes add up to a lot of time spent doing nothing and being bored out of your mind. Is that really what you think WvW needs more of?

supply camps flip every 5 minutes from hand to hand (like a …) and i don’t think that this is the behaviour that arenanet devs had in their minds.

i’ve seen too many times huge blobs not placing a single siege weapon to break down a gate… melting it (<30 sec) if it was normal, some more time if it was reinforced. nothing can really stop it.

about the time spent moving the reason for having a bigger map is just one: the more is the distance between objectives the more disadvantageous is to move like a single blob.
maybe should be found a way to let people move without spending too much time walking… only a slight reference to the simil-lattice system of eso (but i don’t really know how it works)

another fix can be “dead people respawn automatically after 1 minute”


What you don’t understand is that people don’t defend for one main reason…. it is boring. Most people play the game to actually play, not to sit around waiting for something to happen. That will always be the case with defense.

Defending pays in loot bags if done right. Some experience and silver but I’m hoping most WvW players don’t play for these things.

i’m not saying that people have to stay in their keeps/towers to be instantly prepared to defend the objective, nobody wants it and nobody do it (false, some server does…).

there are situations like: the tick is within 15 minutes, the lord buff lasts 5 minutes. we can lose the keep/tower and recap it before the tick, because the objective is currently worthless (without upgrades or without supplies or something like that). but why should i be awarded/encouraged more for capturing it than for defending it?

lastly, i play only wvwvw 2-3 hours after dinner 4-5 times a week and i get less rewards than a player that plays only pve the same hours. but that’s another story.

So you had an idea of upgraded structures earning more points. The problem is that it is REALLY easy to defend a T3 tower already. I’m concerned that it will give the server that is ahead early a huge advantage. Most servers are a lot of fairweathers that don’t play after they start trailing on the scoreboard. That’s not good for fun fights.

well i’m not paid to find perfect solutions XD
jokes aside, yes your’re right… it has too many flaws.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Things i think would improve wvw's quality

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


ATM defending doesn’t pay, supply camps are nothing more than a refueling station, commanders are just a pin on the map, gates are made of butter and maps are too small.

Maybe there is a simple solution to some of those things:

1) Structure’s point value must be higher the more upgrades are made. This incentive defending not only the structures but also the camps connected to it, because the sooner the better.
The downside is that nightcapping is more felt.
In this case option is to deactivate this “value bonus” during night hours like 12 am -> 8 am… but why punish who can play only in the night?
well in the most cases nightcappers don’t find opponents to fight with, so easy cap should not be well-rewarded… and if more than one server has nightcappers they still get points for their fights.

2) Make gates invulnerable to players skills, so that they can be broken only with siege weapons. Because it’s really embarassing see the gates literally melted by zergs.
I know arenanet say “we can not punish players for gathering in big groups”, but i think this is not a punishment because they still have lots of supplies with them, so they can build more siege weapons.
However if they cap a camp there will be enough supplies only for ten players, so they are still encouraged to defend and upgrade camps so there are enough supplies for all of them.

For the commander system there was a CDI so we just wait and see what arenanet give us.

And for bigger maps… at the moment how much time does it take to go from an objective to another in the borderlands? if it’s really far it takes 3-4 minutes i think. it’s not enough. and zerging pays too much.
I know that making a new map takes a lot of time… but imho it has to be done.

What do you think? Is there something i’m missing?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

In-game objective information overlay

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


i find it very usefull, it’s very well done.
i’d like to be able to set custom names for the objectives, using the same names i use to call them.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Edge of the Mists coming next week!

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Some people (me included) prefer to have a reason for opening up a new map.

Opening it up in order to combat Scarlet for a few weeks is a rather good solution for that.

do you know that you will have to face other players from other servers and not only scarlet’s minion?
and that is the main reason that brought us this new map: a wvwvw overflow map while waiting border’s queue.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Edge of the Mists coming next week!

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Edge of the Mists coming next week! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
With Scarlet’s bull kitten inside! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

seriously… WTF?
they didn’t noticed that nobody cares about energy probes in wvwvw like the other temporary pve things added before?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

no balance changes? yet new cash shop item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


after 2 months of nothing, nothing but a boring copy-paste of last year’s winterday stretched over 2 months, and this is what you came out with?
do you call this a content release?
after the holiday break i was about to leave this game because i was seriously bored, but i said to myself “why don’t you wait the next patch, they will surely add something new”…
but here we are, and arenanet once again confirms himself as disappointing

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Patch D\L for new players is a joke.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Pro Tip:
The percentage of download doesn’t tell how much MB you have downloaded but how many files you have downloaded

edit: i didn’t see Healix reply

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

WvW Season 1 Matchup Schedule Nonsense

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I don’t understand how the schedule has been created.
A server “A” meets another server “B” only 1 time while another server “C” meets “B” 2-3 times.
I tried to do the schedule by myself, and i found that 4 weeks (4 matches) are enough to matchup each server only once.
So if you want to let them meet twice you can do it with 8 matches.
Instead we have 7 matches with odd matchups and this has no rhyme nor reason….
WvW is unbalanced by definition, so why introduce another unbalance element?

attached a possible matchup schedule that i made…


Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Pls remove achivments from Season of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


If arenanet doesn’t want to remove these achievement i think that if they give 0 AP people not interested in wvwvw but only interested in Achievement Points will be discouraged in entering wvwvw
i’ve wrote a post here about it

Maybe it’s not the perfect solution, but it’s better than nothing and it should be easy to do

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Season Achievements should give 0 AP

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Too many people are just in WvWvW not for playing WvWvW but for doing something else: increase their Achievement Points.
I think you already saw this video that clearly explain the current situation Arenanet brought in every server in WvWvW.
(by the way, i’m waiting to see if any dev shows in wvwvw and stops this behaviour like it previously happened with a gvg :p )

But there’s a way to deter people who don’t care about wvw and take away enjoyment from their despicable behaviour: by REMOVING AP FROM SEASON ONE WVWVW ACHIEVEMENTS.

Players who normally play wvwvw don’t do this from AP and these achievements are only an incentive to play it, with or without AP.
Players who normally don’t play wvwvw but want to, still have guidelines to have something to do in it, with the only reward their success.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Dead player name tag color

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


yes, i totally agree with the op.
especially when you have low details and you can see only enemies tag you strive to distinguish alive enemies from dead enemies.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Do you agree w/ FREE Transfers to med servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


i obviously disagree. these free transfers don’t take into account wvwvw population and relative queues.

tomorrow the extimated time in queue @ piken square will be : 10 hours in prime time, otherwise 5 hours…

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Currently free to transfer to medium servers

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


this is kittening insane…

…and unusually, Piken Square, currently ranked 2 in EU, possibly 1st next reset, is free to transfer too ? Huh ?

[] Insert random Seafarer’s Rest flashback here[]


I feel your pain, PikenBros.

i feel pain in my butt … can you feel it?

(I’m Namtar from mmorpgitalia :P)

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Confirm that server balance is an issue?

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


maybe this link will help. it’s something that every wvwvw player has learned after the first weeks of playing but sometimes we forget about it.

WvW is not intended to be “fair”. There are servers with more people, there are servers with better organizations and that will always be the case. […] SPvP is the part of our game that aims for a completely level playing field. WvW would never be able to match that goal.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Yes, because i love reading players whining about they can’t play wvw in a modality that wasn’t tought for

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Simple Solution To Save GVG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moloch.8013


This section is about WvW not GvG.
You should know that Orbs were removed because people cheated but it was well know that arenanet worked to bring the system back in some other form.
Making post like yours only shows your ignorance.
You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

Don’t take it personally, it’s plenty of people like you

edit: thread moved?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

No Grind -- The Quote

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


reading this
and this
it doesn’t seem the same game we’re playing right now…

what happened? to many players? too much money? ncsoft pulled the noose?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


are you scared of wvwvw? don’t worry we also have a reward for you for not joining it!

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


from massively

However, there will be smaller rewards doled out along the way, and even if you don’t participate in WvW, you could be on the receiving end of some goodies if your server does well.

so wvwvw players do all the work and pve players that don’t set foot in wvwvw can take rewards… WHAT?!
so why i can’t take rewards form dragon boss killings while i’m in wvwvw?
this is madness


However, there will be smaller rewards doled out along the way, and even if you don’t participate in WvW, you could be on the receiving end of some goodies if your server does well.

Anet, WHY would you add something as stupid as this??? This is just another reason for PVE carebears to populate winning servers and do absolutely nothing for it.

However, there will be smaller rewards doled out along the way, and even if you don’t participate in WvW, you could be on the receiving end of some goodies if your server does well.

Anet, WHY would you add something as stupid as this??? This is just another reason for PVE carebears to populate winning servers and do absolutely nothing for it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all got rewards for what the PvE players are doing?

just noticed your posts guys…
i know that feeling bro * hugs *

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

New Ascended Weapons Feedback

in Crafting

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Salvaging EXOTICS to get required materials? No thanks. Good luck with this.

every day this game requires more farming than the previous…

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

New Ascended Weapons Feedback

in Crafting

Posted by: Moloch.8013



You’ll also note the inclusion of a cooldown timer on the Ectoplasm Refinements. Each one can be refined only once per day, per account.

what is this wow-ish bullkitten?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

New update 9/3

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


We will be getting Ascended back items into WvW and accessories are already there. We’ve been focused on the Ascended items more generally and not specifically in WvW right now. However, we will make sure WvW is at parity with the rest of the game in terms of Ascended gear.

so wvwvw is the bottom of the heap or what?
why can’t you add ascended in pve and wvwvw at the same time? i don’t understand… you can take all the time you want to do this but once you add an item you add it everywhere… i don’t think this is difficult, we waited half year to get laurel merchant in wvwvw… half year… and we’re close to a year without ascended back obtainable in wvwv…

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Commander Icon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I wonder why the commander icon above a character’s head is smaller or bigger depending on the distance from the commander…
Sometimes it’s very difficult to see it. Why don’t you make it like the target icon, with fixed size indipendent from the distance from the target?

In the left half of the attached image you can barely see the commander icon, while the target icon it’s still visible.
In the right half i was closer to the commander.


Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Buy Guild Back Banner with Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I’m not interested in commendations

Well, I don’t care about Badges of Honor (e.g. WvW).

that’s ok for me.
i’m not saying “remove the item from pve” or “purchase only with badges”

moreover, here
is shown a scene in wvwvw (eternal battlegrounds, red world overlook in background)… so why banners are not purchasable with badges of honor?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Buy Guild Back Banner with Badges of Honor

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I just remembered that with this patch arenanet introduced Guild Back Banners.
Few days ago, when i read that this kind of thing would be in the next patch, i instantly imagined me and my guildmates with those banners in wvwvw.
But now i see that you can only buy it with Guild Commendations.
I’m not interested in commendations, so i don’t care about spending them on this items, but it would be a lot better if we can buy them with badges of honor since i don’t do guil missions.
I mean, why should i wear a banner in pve? And why should i buy it with (one of) pve currency?
Wearing it in wvwvw makes much more sense, so why i can’t buy it with wvwvw currency?
Also, it is purchasable in spvp with glory (obviously spvp version), why not with badges of honor?
And wasn’t in arenanet manifesto a thing like “you can achieve things in the way you like doing it”?

What do you think?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


arrow carts are currently over powered.
no one can argue with that.
and if a thing is OP it should be nerfed.

I can argue that. I say their power is appropriate and we need to adapt our tactics to handle this. An old college drinking buddy of mine had a quote that covers this nicely:

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
Sun Tzu

Ah, Sun. He had quite the way with women. When he wasn’t beheading them, that is.

citations doesn’t make you right. this is not reality, it’s a game.
if sun tzu could play videogames he would have said “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. Or just exploit things that are currently op.
arrow cart’s insane power is currently being abused. you can easily defend everything from everything just placing 5+ arrow carts.
what’s their cost? 30 supply? you can build 3 just drying up one supply camp.
make their cost, i don’t know, 50 supplies?
just to balance power/cost ratio
i don’t say that ac don’t needed a buff, but this is much, much more than a buff

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


arrow carts are currently over powered.
no one can argue with that.
and if a thing is OP it should be nerfed.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Official WvW Patch Notes [4/30]

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


So what about everyone that wants to fight with their weapons and skills and not use siege?

go play spvp.
wvwvw is no place for them.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Official WvW Patch Notes [4/30]

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


arrow cart will be redesigned to better reflect this patch changes


Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Official WvW Patch Notes [4/30]

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


The “under attack” notice at objectives now displays 30 seconds after it is first attacked. Does not affect waypoint usage.

Does not affect waypoint usage.

edited because i misunderstood the notes.

but why do not affect waypoint usage?
it means it will be NOT usable from the first attack? then, a casually teleporting player will notice that the waypoint is contested.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

new wvw...

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


WXP should only come from killing players…… capping should just give you normal XP only

no please… the opposite should be the better solution.
do not encourage people to kill as more players as possible instead of doing the thing wvwvw is made for: cap/defend structures.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Issues I have have with WvW XP

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


You get four times as much WXP for killing the Veteran Warg or Harpy than killing a Dolyak.

Am I the only one who thinks this is silly?

no, this is not silly. it’s insane.
i understand the need to encourage pve players to enter wvw but give them more wxp for non wvw related events (killing the veteran ice wurm it’s not very profitable for you server) it’s, as i said before, insane.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Lag is making WvW unenjoyable and unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


unbelievable… same problems as day 1…

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

The End of Culling: Finally!

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


wait a moment…

Lower resolution fallback models – These are the models that we’ve been using as placeholders in WvW while the hi-res models load. They differ depending on race and armor class, though human, sylvari, and norn share the same model.

why not another option with

Lower resolution fallback models – These are the models that we’ve been using as placeholders in WvW while the hi-res models load. They differ depending on race and armor class, though human, sylvari, and norn share the same model.

so who doesn’t want to see how pretty the enemy is can break his kitten without loading problems or fps drops due to high texture loading

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I did not know that about the keep colours, thank you.

So our server permanently has green keep. I am missing the blue EB keep poi/vista. I should fight for coming second place in my tier down from first. Thanks, invaluable advice.

if you are strong enough to be green, why don’t you organize with other people to help you with this keep?
just conquer it to take the poi/vista and then leave it alone if you want…

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Reading a lot of your interviews pre-launch your philosophy seemed to be “Is this fun?”

Having logged in for hhhrm i think the past 6 weeks to find we were allocated the exact same position in the WvW maps, I can tell you that trying to get the World Completion medal is not fun. In fact it is downright irritating.

I have done all the donkey work and completed everything I need to complete out in PvE but now to get my medal and Legendary weapon item I just have to cross my fingers each Friday and hope that our server is given the right spot in WvW so that I can unlock otherwise unreachable areas of WvW.

No skill involved. No hard work to be rewarded. Just dumb blind luck. Sort it out.

no luck man. if you’d ever followed wvwvw you should know that position isn’t random.
green for the first, blue for the second and red for the third in the tier.
don’t whine. yust roll up your sleeves and fight for your server.
you want green keep? fight for being the first in your tier.
you want blue? fight for being the second in your tier (lol that sounds awful)
you want red? …

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I am posting on behalf of a friend who cannot post on forums due to a permanent ban,

Account name: Ethereal.3294
Ticket: 130125-002260

thank you

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Are you so ignorant that you think people don’t know what Endure Pain is and that multiple people (not just one noob randomer) is going to report someone for using it? Come on, think before you post.

How do you even know that the people who reported him did it because the warrior was using endure pain? You could have prove of it, but I doubt that. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Now about the mesmer. I too hope that he gets banned, he is a bad reference for UW. For future reference, It’s always better to clear such things with the Anet staff instead of coming to the forum to whine and try to make the whole server look bad. Yesterday I saw a Fs upscale mesmer trying to glitch onto our starting area on UW border. Did we come to the forum to complain? No, we just reported him.


He was using endure pain so he was invincible for melee combat. He managed to don’t die even once in few hours. Many uw invaders /laugh @ my guildmate. He was banned.
Too many concidences, and i don’t believe in coincidences.

If you look at the video, it’s dated 23/01 and not 26. i didn’t posted it before just because there was no reason to do it.
i didn’t came here complaining about that mesmer. i posted the video just as example of cheating. i didn’t care about the server. this scum is everywhere.
i hope that you have taken screenshots and maybe a video of that fs mesmer because i heard of him too.
people like this don’t deserve to get away with it.

report for botting (because there is no cheat or hack option) and open a ticket.
that’s what i read here

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


They don’t ban people based off just reports from players, they look at data too.


But seriously accusing a server of been noobs for reporting someone they think cheated and Anet banned for cheating says more about and your friend I imagine.
If the ban wasn’t justified he will be unbanned, otherwise he cheated. its stupid to flame a server for reporting someone they actually think its cheating… what’s the alternative? don’t report anyone?

i know that player and he doesn’t cheat. for sure.

and it’s not the first time i hear of people banned for no reason than unbanned after few hours because they did nothing.

right now i’m thinking that anet ban people in advance, then look at data.

i might have been misunderstood. i’m not accusing the entire server, only the ones who reported him.
just learn to look at boon/condition bar.


This must be the guy we ran into on Wednesday night,i am glad he is banned

EDIT. we are talking about the OiT mes here (in youyube vid) and not some warrior right.????

no he was talking about another guy that got banned this morning for something that he hasn’t done yesterday evening.
i hope that the mesmer (yes it was the same mesmer you’re talking about) has been banned and his account deleted from the database.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


guys you must hear that.
one of my guildmates has been banned because some underworld noobs have reported him for cheating… but he was only using ENDURE PAIN!
they didn’t even distinguish between an hack and a legit game skill?

THIS is cheating
(as mesmer i suck a lot, i know)

changed “you” to “they”

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


So stating that a certain server is stronger then our server is already crying? Check the difference between the FS/UW/DZ topic and this one. It was your ppl who said that you stoped playing cause of … why ever? Cause DZ is stronger? We are not giving up anything.

i never stopped playing wvwvw even if everything was lost.
i don’t follow very much this forum, but i believe you.
there is always someone who doesn’t like losing.
i don’t mind losing. i just like things done well.

We pretty much owned FS borderland this evening, just too bad we can’t keep doing this more often, that’s the difference between the servers, FS got simply enough ppl to take any keep in any borderland in anytime.

numbers? we have numbers?
the same excuse like all the others.
we’ve just resisted 15 minutes an UW zerg of at least 40 people sieging Greenbriar with 10 FS.

i don’t know if you really “owned” fs border, i wasn’t there. the few times i looked at that map it was 33-40% FS and the other part half UW half FS.
and you call it owing.

uw assaulted dreaming bay with i don’t know how many ppl. at least 20.
there were 3 of us at the broken gate of bay preventing them from entering.
you call it numbers.

seems legit.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


You outnumbered us… Constantly…
Just so you know.

yea i can confirm this.
in most battle i fought vs UW or FR we were outnumbered.

I’m sure you will be able to stand your ground in the next tier, where you belong. Eventhough I’m going to miss you guys after all these weeks.

i hope so… i’m a bit afraid of what two [DE] servers can do against us…

I’ll just say FS is a joke.

The only reason you win is because you’re many more all the time. But you’re also cowards.

The moment we or FR put a fight in EB, you just go for the BL… indeed good, you’ll win and you’ll win by a lot. But when the faction with the biggest numbers rely on guerrilla tactics, you know they’re bad and cheap.

And congratulations for winning, it probably makes you feel proud of it LOL

don’t cry like a baby.
you call cowardice what actually is strategy.
we are not much more than you and you know that is true but you prefer to lie to yourself.
I don’t see this fight over yet, nothing is really certain, but you are clearly giving up after 2 days of battle saying “OMG they are so many but they are so bad and cheap so i let them win”.
And this makes me sad.

FS simply doesn’t belong to this tier. They have numbers to kitten UW and FR in the same time and yet in any time. Can’t wait when they are gone from this tier. I feel FR and UW are about equal. Could be some really nice fight yet with GH or RoF.

Only I am afraid, if FS goes tier up, will they cry about other servers being stronger and stop playing like they did with Dzagonur? Then they will drop a tier and cure their broken ego on weaker servers again.

maybe you don’t see you are crying about other server being stronger?
lol this thread is hilarious

So xxx jumped the bandwagon… I hope you have long qeues as the openingday of a Hollister store.

no jump, no bandwagon, no queues. deal with it.

I don’t understand why you gave DZ their win on a platter, would be interested to see you take it a bit more seriously.

that’s simple.
first week. they underestimated us (FS) and they focused on you (UW). they won but we made it hard for them.
second week. they knew we were the major threat so they attacked us every instant. they were simply too many and maybe better than us all and all against us.

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

(edited by Moloch.8013)

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013



1) Remove free server transfers

2) Mesmer Portals like AOEs. 5 players only

3) Max 1 Breakout per half hour

3 aren’t enough…. there are sooooo many improvements to do!
i like:

4) Daily/Monthly WvW Achievement

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I find the Breakout Event a really nice idea… but it needs tweaking…
It happens too often!!
This evening we had to go from one tower to another every 5-10 minutes without break…

I think every half hour should be good

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Portals no longer need to be nerfed

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I still stand by what I’ve said before.
Make portal cap the same as AOE cap.

Then no one can complain and cry either AOE’s or portals are OP.


Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Would you like some clarifications?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


No. They all seem pretty obvious to me to be honest. 1.yes 2. sounds like the same question as 1? 3. no 4. if not now eventually for sure.

these are the answers i’m afraid of…

for the 2., yes and no…. just to be sure…

btw, i really hope for: 1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Would you like some clarifications?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I’ve read the recent blog post by Linsey Murdock and forum post by Chris Whiteside, but i find them a bit ambiguous.
I’d like some more clarifications about these statements:

So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.

Q1: Will you add new levels of rarity in content updates (meaning not the expansions that we will buy and not every content updates of course)?
Q2: Does the next update fall under the “expansion pack” category?
I mean, we should expect new levels of rarity in content updates that are not real expansion packs?
Q3: Will the Ascended rarity be the only one added without an expansion pack (again, i mean the expansions that you need to buy)?

Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content.

Q4: Can Ascended items be obtainabile through Crafting and Karma and Badges of Honor?

Do you think that devs should answer these questions?

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moloch.8013


Well they say you get these items from these dungeons.

i don’t like dungeons, i did my first 5 runs only for this monthly achievement.
i don’t want to be forced to do dungeons to be at the same level of the other players.
i want to be able to craft ascended items or buy them with karma like fine, masterwork, rare and exotic items.

unhappily this isn’t the only thing that anger me…
arenanet you are betraying you long time fans

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]