Showing Posts For Mortec.5684:

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Mortec.5684


This thread needs guidance – quick. Moderation too, but more guidance.

It has, sadly – in my opinion, turned into a mess.

So far there’s a bunch of Rangers sitting in a room – eager to to find/help/try to mend and improve their class, but lack of input and feedback just turns the discussion around on ourselves.

We need feedback and guidance for this to be a Collaborative Development.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mortec.5684


1. Ranger
2. Elementalist
3. Necromancer

Ranger balance preview from Devs...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Probably not – the patch in months away. Its just stuff they are pretty certain of/already been done I think.

Well, I’d reckon – was just some early angst, hehe

Ranger balance preview from Devs...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Apologies, been away for a few days – so might’ve missed the, if any, discussion – and! I don’t want to sound like a whinging basterd, but…

That’s it?

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Just want to comment on this thread – and discussion in general.

We’re doing really good here chaps. Good discussion, good ideas, not alot of bickering. People adding to ideas etc.

Well done – and lets keep it that way.

Please reconsider base-health values

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mortec.5684


the fact is, not everyone can play guardian properly. at least this is the case for me. therefore, guardian can be classified as one of the professions not so easy to play.

but a lot of people can play warrior easily. hence, warrior is one of the easier professions to play.


Following that logic; if Warrior is a hard to play for me – then it is a hard profession?

Do you see how flawed this is?

Apologies for the small derailing.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


It seems pretty clear to me that for the Rangers to get.. what word to use.. good pets. They have to be separated from the existing mobs out in the world.

Then again, that would mean they have to code a truckload of new pets..

Or, do they?

Now, I’m no programmer, but surely there are other, better AIs to draw from in the game? Which will still fulfill the, (which seems to me), the #1 criteria from ANet; pets telegraphing their attacks so they can be dodged. I have no problem with that – thats just fair.

Making us use a snatched dog/bird/pig/what-have-you from out in the world – that has serious issues with actually hitting its target, not to mention pathing etc etc
Is not fair.

I actually thought about starting a similar thread some time ago. How about we get constructive – what other AIs are there out there that can be used? Just slap a dog skin, (or your pet of choice), on that instead – could that be something?

Amazing things for ranger!

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Flippin’ ell.

Could we at least get the basics of the pet done properly before we dress it up?

You know, hit moving targets [players], F2 not firing – but still going on cooldown, scale with Ranger gear, and so forth and so bleedin’ on…

Please, get the fundamentals on how our pet will, can and should behave – THEN add more, paint them, buy them jewelry and whatnot..

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


At “Other issues” I added the fact that dead pets go on an excessively long 60 second cooldown. Who agrees or disagrees that it should be on the list? Also, what “other issues” are there which aren’t exactly bugs, but bother you anyway?

As Durzlla says, it’s, sadly, not a bug – but an absolutely abhorrent design and I think it should be on the list and then, yes, under other issues.

I’d love to see how others [classes] would react to being without their class-defining-mechanic™ for such a long period…

looking for pvp advice

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Gah. How rude of me, I should at least try to offer some input in stead of rambling on on meself.

@conditions. We (Rangers) have kittene removal. So I run with what I can. Empathic Bond and Sig of Renewal.

Re: warriors. If you’re up against a good one – it’ll get tough. A ‘bad’ one? Evade, evade and evade, (I love it!), swap to bow, get a bit of distance, kite as best as you can, when up close and personal get the Serpent and Stalker strike at the ready. Swap, rinse, repeat.

looking for pvp advice

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Heh, that’s pretty much the build I’m running – and I just recently started sPvPing, (was pondering making a thread on me own, but here we are).

My variant goes like:

I’ve dabbled with 10 in BM for the might-on-swap and some changes in the other traitlines; prot in NM tree, sword cooldown etc etc, but the spine is pretty much the same.

Now, why this build? Surely there’s other more ‘effective’ ones out there. Probably. But this one suits my playstyle more than any other. I’m a Shortbow skirmisher, that’s what I do. I’ve tried condi/regen, spirits, LB what-have-you, and I find them.. well… not my cup of tea.

And I’ve been fairly successful with it. I’ve had some dominating rounds as much as I’ve been melted away. Regardless of how it ends; I do have to play out of me kitten skin to be, (somewhat)…functional. It is, to some extent, annoying to see how absolutely pitiful damage the shortbow deals, it is infuriating when Pets behaves as thick as a 2"4" and it’s outright downheartening to see how others just blindly smashes keys to ‘win’..

But! I’m an evading mofo, a proper nuisance and once in a while – the stars align and I’ll stomp a fair few on me own.

Now, buildwise. As said, I was wondering to start a topic on me own for some input, but this thread it is then.

Runes. I do like both Vitality and Power and the swap CD is something I really like. The evades can come faster.
Which leads to;
Sigils. Now, I run with Ice in WvWvW and I like it. Alot. But I’m thinking I might need something more beneficial re: weapon swap. Not sure. Same goes for the Sword/Dagger setup. Probably something more clever to think of here.
Accessories. Toss up of a mix of Barbarian and Berserker really..

Probably should round of this now, (at work and everything eeshk).

Crazy Redesign idea. MUST SEE (for fun)

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


What happens when the Devourer burrows!? O_o

Otherwise, I welcome all ideas to the Ranger class

Short bow got nerfed? Why?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


note to self

Check when I get back from work.

New healing skill

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Didn’t mr. Peters wax on about opening up build options for Rangers? Especially towards the power side?

(for the sake of argument – let’s say this Water Spirit thingie is true)
How is this opening up more build options? Is it not just adding to the Spirit Ranger Build™?


December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


As I stated, this change is a lot about low hanging fruit. The problem with ranger is things that are good we don’t want to overpower and the things that are not as good are difficult to change.

This, I think, more than anything else is a huge part of the problem.

Belter of a post.

And the more I read that sentence;

the things that are not as good are difficult to change.

the worse it gets..

Given the stance of ‘low-hanging-fruit-fixes’, which, by all means, can be good – aren’t you just delaying the inevitable? Isn’t that sentence almost a verification that Rangers are not in great shape?

As the discussion has progressed, and as others have mentioned – kudos to Mr. Peters for interacting, I get the sense that it’s a reluctance to acknowledge the absolute humongous elephant(s) in the room; our pets. (and our bows, I really wanted to hear something about our bows – I miss them).

As said, aren’t you just delaying the inevitable? You will have to deal with our core mechanic issue at some point. Maybe it’s time to actually get cracking on it? (And in the meantime, buff our damage to absurd levels, you know – just to compensate :P)

December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


I dont get all those tweaks…

As long as the “defining” ability (Pet) is not working properly (and no – no matter how many “pet is fine, ltp” guys out there want to tell me how awesome it is – no it is not!)

It does not matter….
Nice tweak here and there – 7% more damage here, 25% less vigor there, I really dont care….

tell us what you consider to do with the really not working very well petsystem?

Or is that also “working as intended” – cause if so I would not have to wait for patch after patch… you could save me some time reading the ranger forums

pretty please with a quaggan on top…

This, this and this again.

Also, as mentioned elsewhere, I’d like the question to incorporate the fact that we risk being without the class defining ability for 60 secs..

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Had some really good fights so far. Thanks to all participants.

As others, there’s a sense of refreshment in this matchup. 4 weeks with the same old faces gets, well… you know.. old, heh.

Special mention to the Ele I fought at the back of Briar Tower. Been outta 3W for a week and needed to get the rust shook of me. Tho I lost by a hair – it was a good, fun fight.

Here’s to more of the same!

Log in issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mortec.5684



Same here.

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Having some trouble here aswell, no idea what it can be.

Logged in to Gendarran Fields, no problems. Zoned to Lion’s Arch. Crash.

Now I can’t get in..

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x3!

in WvW

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Just gotta say I’ve had some of the most fun I’ve had in WvWvW these last 3 days. Small skirmishes, big sieges, skin of teeth wins and losses, horrible gawd-allmighty-I’ve-been-rolled-over-so-bad deaths, epic solo encounters and much, much more.

Round of applause and thanks to all my opponents.

Why does gear and food affect rangers less

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


That is a brilliant point – never thought about that, heh.

Moment of Clarity

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Been toying around with this aswell.

Another thing we have to think about is the attack following the stun/daze. You want that to be a hard hitter.

Also, do we know how it works? Say you use a shortbow; daze, and then pop QZ. Would it just be the first arrow? How ’bout Rapid Fire?

If this is to be traited for, we need to know what our follow-up should be.

(disclaimer: it might be bleedin’ obvious – and I’ve missed it. Blame it on the works christmas party last nite..)

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Breeze Rider.

Preferably the steam one.


Launch Time?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Mortec.5684


1st of. That is an enjoyable picture.

Now, here’s what I don’t get.

“it will arrive sometime today”.

As far as I see it, there’s only two scenarios here;

1. You’re not done with the patch yet, (testing, tweaking, changes, what-have-you). But, how can you say sometime today then? You might find errors/bugs/whatever. How can you guarantee the patch today?

2. It’s already done. Finished – and ready to be pushed. But for some reason, I’m not going to speculate as to why, you decide to wait.

Not sure which one I hope/fear is right..

Increase in Warrior / Guardian play?

in WvW

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Hehe, been thinking the same. Seems like wherever I turn there’s a Warrior or Guardian.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


1st of. Stop with the: the ‘range’ in Ranger should equal being a ranged class.

2nd. for practicality, and nothing more, make it possible to stow the pet – regardless if I take damage or not. Let me decide when I want to bring out something from my entourage of critters..

Next update is on 12/14/2012

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Aw man, posting those just makes me sad..

Far Shiverpeaks vs. Gandara vs. Fort Ranik

in WvW

Posted by: Mortec.5684


Been some good fighting over the last days. Well in all around.

Been an interesting matchup this. Started out with Gandara and FR fairly even, FS being a little behind. Now it seems FS have picked up some numbers and are coming up the hill. Gandara – I feel we are fairly steady and FR have, as someone said above me, digged their heels in.

All in all. Well in lads’n lasses. Hope for more good fighting to come.

Oh yeah. Jumping puzzle camping – thoughts? Meself, I just want to get it over and done with – so I don’t attack, (tho some guilds are nearing KoS status), but – as said – thoughts?