Showing Posts For Morzul.4625:
Just for the record:
zerg = uncoordinated or loosely coordinated blob of players who use their numbers to defeat enemy/capture points and doing this without strategy
Coordinated group of players (mostly a guild team) with strategic purpose and tactical fighting is NOT a zerg, even they are ~20 players. These groups usually use some voice communication, rarely the chat, so from outside it could seem as a zerg but it is not.
If you want to keep the mobility, escape options but being effective from range → mesmer is the way.
I don’t think so, it is not a projectile as far as I know. You can block, dodge, interrupt however.
my wishlist:
- correct bugs in general, ofc
- free hammer from standing-still effects, make its all abilities be able to use on-the-move
- on the defense line I minor trait, make it to give extra armor when health is under 50% instead of when health is over 90%
- decrease stance cooldowns a bit
Then I would be happy
Even the OP’s post is full of cry, it has some merits. Mesmers, thiefs and guardians in some extent are clearly superior to the others, especially to the warrior in WvWvW and PvP environment. There is a reason that the majority of the classes I meet in WvWvW are from these three.
But this does not mean warrior is not viable in WvWvW, PvP environment, far from it. I love my warrior and never change it to an ezmode class like mesmer. Op just need to overcome the disadvantages and know when to rush in when don’t, when to engage, when don’t.
However, I respect every warrior players, friend and foe who stick with it, especially in WvWvW. I admit sometimes it can be frustrating, but overall it is good and fun.
Leaving a freshly conquered tower/fort OR staying, upgrading defending is a strategical decision. And it should be, so no siege lockout timer please. The 3 min buff on supervisors/lords is enough.
Oh come ooon! There is no such thing “nightcapping” in an 24/7 format! Desolation did what has to be done to have 24/7 coverage and this is needed to be in T1.
Blame the format, ANet but not Desolation ppl who managed to overcome the disadvantages of the 24/7 format.
Cheers from Blacktide, looking forward to meet you guys next week.
I have 495 hours on my warrior (only char). Approximately half of these hours spent in PvE (meaning ,levelling, PvE events, explorations, dragons, dungeons etc) other half in WvWvW.
Now from the PvE part I have a full Knight, Berserker armor set (exotic ofc), full Knight and Berserker jewelry set, a pow/vit/tou set from Orr temple karma vendors and HotW (without the helm), Gift of Knowledge (500 CoE token), 2 CM armor pieces (for the look), HotW Hammer, AC GS and still have unspent dungeon tokens in the bag. Also spent from more than 300k karma on Obsidian Shards and for some charr tier2 cultural weapon (for the looks )
From the WvWvW part I have the Gift of Battle (500 badges) and the pow/vit/tou exotic helmet (~300 badges, I don’t remember the exact price) and 105 spare badges in my bag.
See the difference?
Although the problem is not the armor (its look is not appealing to me), for a full pow/you/vit armor set Orr karma vendors and some dungeons are available and faster to get. My problem is the jewelry! I have not seen pow/vit/tou jewelry set outside the Invader set from badges. To obtain that set seems to be an eternity. Obtaining any other exotic jewelry set is a matter of days with PvE.
(edited by Morzul.4625)
I would not mind that Temple of Balthazar is locked 99% of the time – due to the uber-buggy event chain – on most of the servers, but it is the only place where Obsidian shard can be obtained, as far as I know, which is needed for legendary weapons.
As it seems that the event chain leading to unlocking the temple will not be corrected soon (or will it?), please ANet put the Obsidian Shard onto a vendor that does not depend on an event. I don’t mind if it put onto a merchant available at an end of a jumping puzzle or into the depths of a lake/sea or whatever. But it is annoying that I cannot progress in my legendary weapon process because I cannot buy Obsidian shards.
Also I don’t like searching for a server where it is unlocked and stuck there for 24 hour.
All in all, if you cannot correct the event chain soon, then please find a reliable and 24/7 available vendor in the world to sell Obsidian shard.
What Sylosi said. Many forget that in this game survivability depends much more on skills, dodge, things that prevent being hit/target etc than armor/HP. 22k HP and 3k armor is good when 1vs1, still good when 1vs2, but vs 5,10,20… it diminishes as a factor for survival. If 10 ppl focus my warrior I cannot stand on relying only on my armor and HP, I need skills, dodge to be able to survive (with still low chance).
However a thief has many tools that does not affected y the number of attacker. Thief can do many things to prevent being hit and move fast away. And that give much more survivability to them than high armor/HP on other classes.
Currently, thief and mesmer are the two best classes in the survivability/escape department.
Vulneraria, from 22:00 CET is NOT EU primetime for ppl who actually in CET timezone and BT has a lot players playing in CET. These ppl usually stops playing between 22:00-23:00 CET. This decline in numbers on the WvW maps was very clear on the last days where we were able to play more (up to 4am CET next day.) Even on one day (Sunday or Monday, I don’t remember exactly) around ~1am we had Outmanned buff!
So, there is a 1-2 hour overlap on our primetime and your primetime, but in your favor, as you still play when majority of our players go asleep.
I read through the whole thread and I am very surprised with this “nightcapping” debate. Me and my guild play in CET timezone (Hungary), on BT. We had a long weekend due to a national holiday, so we could played a lot from Saturday till yesterday. Day, night, morning, etc. What we saw is that in OUR prime time (~5-6pm to ~23pm) BT led each days both with the tally points and the summary, during OUR night time (~23pm – 4am) SFR zerged the whole map (consequently led with the tally points), during OUR morning, early afternoon time (4am – 4pm) BT got back most of the map (coming back with the tally points), so in OUR prime time BT led with tally points again.
So in our viewpoint, SFR IS the nightcapper, but we don’t complain, because we understand the wonders of the timezones.
However, despite that we found out that SFR is a formidable enemy on the battlefield, worthy opponent (we don’t like weak opponents) what I see on this thread ruins all this respect. Seriously SFR, stop this nightcapping excuse nonsense.
I agree. Without mass player movement, after a time (a month or two) the system would arrange the servers according to their power level, so servers close to each other would represent similar power, hence more balanced matchups.
As a rifle+S&B warrior I love thieves when they appear in the midst of us and start bladestorming. Why? Projectile reflecting shield block Plus, if they proc Spiked Armor, the retaliation is a cherry on top.
You know what dear shortcake! I already have a full exotic set (except back and breather item), crafted ones. So thank you for your very constructive post.
Comparing the price and the time to get the WvWvW/badge gear items to the same level karma/dungeon gear items it is ridiculously unfair against the badge gear.
The nominal price is quite the same of the badge and the dungeon gears, yet the dungeon gear an be obtained much faster and more reliable. You do the dungeon, you get the currency, fixed amount, and always, no RNG. Same time, in WvWvW badge are random and nowadays seems to very very rare.
Exotic karma gear also obtainable faster than badge gear, karma income is fast, can be done both in WvWvW and PvE.
That is totally unfair against players, who play WvWvW majorly, want the Invader gear stat, especially the weapons and the trinkets, as no dungeon/karma/crafted items has that same attribute set (pow,vit,tou).
I think either the price of the items – at least the weapons and trinkets – should be lowered, at least to 2/3 of the current price, OR the drop rate of the badges should increased, the time/effort to get will be inline with the other lvl80 exotic gears’s time/effort to get.
Yes, but there are NO pure melee class! Each class has both melee and ranged options, single target and AoE. When playing WvWvW, adapt, use ranged/AoE and good to go. It will not the world change for you, you have to adapt to the world.
To make it clear, personally I don’t give a heck to the scoring, we play on a decent server and we have lot of fun in WvWvW, even if we are the 3rd in a match. All of you above has valid points. The reason I came up with the idea to include WvWvW population ratio in to the point calculation is the many many complaint read on this forum.
As I see a lot of topics about “nightcap”-ing (which not always nightcap, if there are players from different timezones).
Here is my idea. The system counts points based on occupied objectives in a period of 15 min (hmm is 15 min now, sure, not 5 min still?, anyway, does not really matter). What if when the calculation period expires and the system adds the points to the summary of each server it takes the actual population ratio into consideration. The system knows how many players are in each zones from each server, because it needs to know for the queuing. So, for example, if server A is present 90% of the server A cap, server B is present 30% of the server B cap , server C is present 1% of the server C cap(as they are sleeping), then the points A,B,C earns is modified, so server A does not get the full points, just very much decreased, server C though gets actually more, server B also gets something more, but the increase is less than C, as they are more than C.
The zero modification point should be when each three servers are present 33% of the server’s summary cap, if the actual population ratio differs form that, then the points added to the summary is modified, increased if lower than 33%, decreased if higher then 33%.
In this way in the night/very early morning, when 1 or 2 server is practically not present will not be punished for that so much, the third server which is active, but “fighting” doors will not have much benefit from that. The prime time, when server 1 and 2 is active, they would have much more chance to reach up the “nightcapper” server.
Also, this mechanism – taking the population ratio into the calculation of the interval points – would help the situation overall, as the underpopulated side would have some moral raiser to keep fighting and the overpopulating side would slowed down in points, which would result much more realistic (i.e. more skill, organization etc reflecting) results.
What do you think?
P.S.: yes, I don’t know the calculation formula for this, but I think the basis of the idea is clear, the calculation formula is another thing to find out.
(edited by Morzul.4625)
Guys, seriously, don’t be fooled. In sPvP armor pieces has no stat except defense and the stat from rune. Majority of the stats comes from the sPvP amulet, which was used! Also, weapons have their weapon strength (and sigils).
This is NOT naked fight! Do the same in WvWvW, 1on1 with no gear at all only a weapon, it would be wayyyyy different!
Since the system allows players to go any servers regardless of their local timezone this is pointless debate, there will always some guild/server that will be capable to “nightcap” the zones, as what is “nightcap” in one timezone can be prime time in another.
The exotic aquatic helm is called Heavy/Medium/Light Water Filter (respectively to the armor category). Anyone knows where can this item obtained?
Similarly to the healing shout trait it applies its effect to allies within the range. I tested it, so it is for sure.
IMHO, GS with warrior is … lame. I like Guardian GS skillset much more, even ranger’s GS is better. GS warrior is soooo overrated, and I think the reason is that many many ppl does not know how to counter HB combos, which is super easy if you know what to do. I played GS for a time, never again. Rifle, longbow, axe/axe, axe/shield, sword/axe, axe/warhorn etc. so many other combinations that are good, usable and can the char built around with traits and utility skills.
Independently to compare or not to DaoC, does not matter as a WvWvW progression would be good anyway, like a renown rank system as in Warhammer and … khm … DaoC.
I don’t want complicated stuff, also agree that time=power is a hell no category, but a simple rank system would be good.
Unless u run a mace build that does 0 damage but has some surbibility warriors are by far the worst class atm
WHAAAT!!! Come oooon! That is totally not true. I play a warrior and kitten enjoy it in every aspect of the game. I use rifle and axe/shield in sPvP, rifle and axe/warhorn in PvE and WvWvW. Have power,toughness,vitality gear and defensive traits (10/0/30/30/0). Using superior rune of the soldier my shouts (beside their base effect) heals about 1k and cancel conditions. I don’t crit, that is true, but still hit quite good (with rifle I have 3k attack power)
It is very effective, very good, even I have no problem with these famous thieves many whines about them.
So, you are doing something wrong, warrior is a very good class if you build/use it well.
Downed state is good in PvE. Downed state is good in tournament. Downed state is sometimes annoying but acceptable in hot-join sPvP.
But downed system is bad in WvWvW. Not because with good play it can be done, or circumvent, even not because it breaks the flow of the fight but because it promotes zerging! That is the problem!
When a smaller team, a TEAM, with good players give a very good fight against the zerg, downing many ppl, but able to execute very few and the zerg (a total pug with medicore players) struggle to to defeat this team (eventually they do, inevitable) then the small, good team is not rewarded by their awesome play and effort. And this is not fictional, it happened, we where that team, we had a very great more than 10 minutes fight with a zerg having ppl least third times than us, and no it was not us running they chasing, it was a real fight at the far north objective on a borderland. We could kill 2-3 ppl for real, but downed much more during the fight. And don’t say we did not outplayed them, when a zerg needs more than 10 minutes to kill 5 (FIVE) ppl, I think it is safe to say we played much more better than them! But this kind of act is not rewarded with this system. That is the problem.
However, this is not so serious, gamebreaking or what that make us leave to play, we enjoy this guerrilla warfare very much (and we hate zerging), so we can live with it, but I admit after such situation, it is a little bit sad, that we could not brought more of them with us (and getting more chance to loot badges), because we think we would deserve it.
So if downed state would be taken out from WvWvW, or the finishing move would be shorter, we would second it.
(edited by Morzul.4625)
I really dont like it at all to begin with because the logic for me is that, if im level 50 i should be able to tank 10 level 1s if i wanted to no matter what i am. I earned my levels after all and i think i should have a ridiculous advantage on things that have a much lower level than me. whats the point of leveling if no matter where u go, theyll force ur power to match the power of the npcs? i wouldnt have such a problem with it if i wouldnt get dumbed down to the same level as the npc’s in the area because often times, if i go to a level 1-15 area, a lvl 8 area, i get dumbed down to level 6, and im fighting level 8s. i think it would be fine if i get dumbed down, and still be a higher level than the area im in. say i go to a level 1-15 area ok? the highest level i can be there is level 17 where everything else is 15 where and the lowest is 1, instead of getting dumbed down to 3 i should get dumbed down to 5 instead.
if i get dumbed down, because i earned my levels i think i shouldnt be dumbed down to where my levels serve as no advantage in the zone
You think in the wrong way. First of all you are not dumbed down, only your level and base stats scaled down to the level of the area. Your gear/weap bonuses (rune proc effects for example, sigils etc.), traits take effect, so you are definitely more powerful than you were at the that real level before. Also, the benefit of this scaling is that you can level up anywhere below your actual level, you can go other races starting area and get XP/karma, leveling effectively. Also, when you are 80 and you want to complete unfinished, untouched maps, you do it with challenge, not boring walk in the park. Same for instances you skipped, like AC which is a lvl30-35, but you can go back at lvl80 and do it as you were lvl30-35.
Level scaling is one of the genius additions of this game.
Even with warrior I can heal others, with healing shouts and healing power build/gear + healing banners
So, supporting/healing/buffing/decursing others can be done almost by all classes, which is great.
Cannot buy gems for days: Card Approval Failed, though the card is ok, I checked it (MasterCard). Also tried a VISA, same result.
Incident number: 120905-002349