Showing Posts For Mufflarn.2137:
Five gods* Kormer doesn’t count because she took what wasn’t hers.
So you mean Grenth doesn’t count aswell since he took his powers from Dhuum?
Oh i had reached my mail limit, thanks for the quick help!
I bought 10 keys about two hours ago and i still haven’t received them, is it normal that it takes this long or am I just missing something? :/
As the new dungeon has made its entry to the game and I am unable to play I am curios about what the reward for completing the dungeon is?
Hey all! I was just reading about the different kind of lodestones and it struck me that there are very few recipes which requires Crystal Lodestones compared to the other kinds of lodestones:
If you compare it with onyx lodestone for example you can make 3 runes, 3 sigils and 1 weapon with Crystal compared to 7 runes, 4 sigils, 3 gifts and 2 weapons with Onyx.
Do you think Crystal Lodestones deserve some more love even though you can’t get it from any dungeon except fractals?
So I have been taking a break from GW2 during the holidays and therefore i don’t feel very updated regarding devs recent statements and things like that. My question is: Have there been any mention of a new or improved way of earning lodestones? I am specifically interested in charged lodestones.
If not then ill just have to start grinding… well any answer is welcome!
Well earlier today i joined another guilds party for FotM and they claimed that they and their alliance were going to push the ecto price even higher by buying kittenloads of them this weekend, so if you can trust that you should buy some ectos.
Well Kazy i wouldn’t say that this was a “Massive” content update, they added a small new area that barely contains anything at all and a dungeon.
If you didn’t know this Arenanet have a dedicated team which only works on content updates like these and no it isn’t the same team that creates the Halloween event and other holiday events. If this team has been working on this since launch it is indeed possible for them to develop an update this size during this time.
And so what if they developed it prerelease we still knew exactly which areas, dungeons etc. we were going to get when we bought the game for 60 dollar and we knew that there wouldn’t be something called the lost shores. They could have charged 10 bucks for this update, just saying.
So yea that argument is still invalid.
(edited by Mufflarn.2137)
Well the fact is that nobody did have to pay anything for the this FREE content update, the 60 dollars you spend when you bought the game didn’t include this free content update so the “we paid for this” argument isn’t anything to come up with. Besides if you missed it this time maybe you will get to do the next arenanet puts out and then someone else will miss it, they can’t satisfy everyone.
I love my Guardian and I always have since I created it but the one thing that is bugging me is that I feel like our elite skills our kind of meh… Even though Tome of Courage and Renewed Focus are useful they have a pretty long cooldown and doesn’t actually feel that “Elitish”.
This is just my opinion and if we get some more elites in upcoming expansions I would like them to stand out a bit more than just beng the traditional Guardian “Protect and Buff”.
What are your thoughts?
Well this was really generous of you OP, thanks for this chance to finally get a precursor