Showing Posts For Nephilim.8395:

Returning player with a very basic question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


thanks for that

Returning player with a very basic question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hey there

I was hoping someone can answer a basic question, which I can’t quite find the answer to in game.

Obviously I can queue for instances, fractals, dungeons etc. via the menu but I’m a little lost as to how to get to them when the group is ready. Do I have to use the closest waypoint and then walk in? Easy enough for fractals but not for dungeons where I might not have the location.

Or can you teleport right to the entrance?


[EU] LF Guild, returning player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


thanks for that. I’ve added you to contacts and will hopefully catch you ingame!

[EU] LF Guild, returning player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hi all,

I’m looking for a social, mature / life understanding guild. I’ve just returned to the game after many, many years away (I bought it at launch, have 1 80 necro) and it’s mostly a new game as you can imagine. So far I’ve done a bit more of my story which I never finished, stuck my head in a fractal and unlocked Masteries.

I’m uk based, business owner with playtime that can vary from 24h a day to no time this week.

I’m very, very experienced in MMOs, if that counts for anything, mostly EVE and WOW.

Any suggestions would be welcome as I don’t want to just join some random advert ingame. I play on Desolation, I think…


Crafting suggestions for a returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


hmmm. thanks I wonder if weaponsmith + tailoring would make me most self suficcent in the future. I would imagine buff food is available more readily through the market?

Crafting suggestions for a returning player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395



I am a returning player, I played at launch and have an 80 Necro. I’ve just bought HoT and am slowly getting up to speed. However, I never really bothered with crafting back then and I’d like to now. But I’d like some advice over what’s best to take. I keep hearing Chef is good, generally. But am not sure what else?

If anyone can advise, that’d be awesome.

Thank you.

Returning player, completely confused.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Actually you do need to do the first part of the Heart of Thorns storyline to unlock masteries.

The good news is you don’t need to do the original story first. Open your Hero Panel (H by default), click on the star icon on the left hand side. Then select Heart of Thorns and when the drop-down opens select ‘Begin this Story’.

That will put a green star icon on your map which will show you where to go, and once you get there you’ll be prompted to enter the instance. After that it’s just a matter of following directions.

Be aware however that Heart of Thorns was aimed at people who had completed the core game so it’s harder – the enemies have more health, better AI and often need specific tactics to bring them down. The first instance isn’t too bad, but it’s probably a good idea to familiarise yourself with the game again before you attempt the whole thing.

Also just so you know you can swap back to your original storyline at any time using the story tab.

Fantastic, thanks for that.

Returning player, completely confused.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hi there.

Ok, so I played at launch, got to 80. I’ve just bought HoT and reinstalled after all these years! I’ve got a “current” build for my engineer and a load of gear off the market, so far so good.

I’d like to unlock mastery as it seems the “thing” to get working on but am utterly lost as to where, how, when or anything. Google keeps telling me to Silverwastes, so I’ve got to the entrance, explored a bit but… nothing.

I never finished my story, I appear to be on stage 5 of Part 1. Do I need to do all the stories in order before I go on to unlock mastery?

thank you.

Returning player, only slightly lost

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Can you even teleport to fractals? I couldn’t find an option, the only one I went to, I was in LA

Returning player, only slightly lost

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395



I haven’t really played much since launch, when I got my Engineer to 80. Back then (and still doing it since returning), world completion is top of list. But there’s so much else to do… like…

Fractals. I’m pretty clueless, there’s so many options. I joined two, got kicked before even setting foot. Noticed that they have numbers on them, so joined a “1”, ran around for 15 mins killing everything, got lots of blues, nothing of worth to me. Told the group I was new, was met with a wall of silence as befits most MMOs these days…

I did look up a current, decent build, implimented that. Bought reasonable (I guess) gear off the AH.

Just wondered if some kind player could give me some tips as to what to look into that isn’t WWW or World Completion?

Thank you!

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Yeah, spent the evening looking at things… once I’d figured out the trait system and spent points, I actually had the exact same build as I always had, so playing wise, same ol’ same ol’. Never got to Lion’s arch, nor did any story missions. Am currently in Silverwastes but not really understanding what to actually do.

Not heard of drytop haha!

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


They will be needed for the elite specialization once HoT launches. Current datamining suggests you’ll want, oh, around 90 more points for that on top of your 110. You get them by doing what used to be skill challenges with blue chevrons on the map. They are the same challenges but now are called hero challenges and have almost invisible brown icons.

Ah Awesome, thanks. My main “aim” previously was to do… everything. As I’m at 69% map completion, I’m guess I can easily pick up 90 or more with the 30% left

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


I can’t believe after 2 years or so my gear is still as good as 99.9% of stuff on the AH.

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Thanks all… quick question. I seem to have all things trained (everything in “training”) and still have 110 hero points… do these get used anywhere else?

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hello all,

I played GW2 at launch, I have a capped Engineer but with all the publicity and forthcoming expansion I thought I’d delve back in… and am confronted by what feels like screens full of shiny dialogs and flashy things and ohlookitsalldifferent.

It’s actually kinda overwhelming!

Pointers as to where I should start to find my feet? I’m (probably) in semi decent 2 year old gear and have a vague recollection of how to play my class


Is crafting level linked to character level?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Cool, thanks for the info.

Is crafting level linked to character level?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Just wondering as I have a lvl 10 ranger, can I take him to 400 huntsman (buying mats, obviously). Up till now, my only experience of crafting was going from 77-80


Starting afresh, new world?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Hey all,

I’m a returning player, been away some months and I’m a little confused about something. I have a couple of characters who I’m happy to give up, I want to start on a different homeworld, level 1, like a new player.

but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to? Can I really not just make a character on a different world? I don’t want my old guys, dont want to transfer, dont want to guest. Just wanted to start over!

many thanks!

How big is this patch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Ah ok, thank you.

How big is this patch?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395



I’ve logged in for the first time in 3 days and I seem to be downloading a hell of an update. At 5% it’s got 100MB so I guess it’s 2gb? Is that right?


PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Not even vaguely I’m afraid, it literally starts with nothing that could even be described as graphics intensive unlike, say, the 10 man event I just did in Metrica filled with flame AOE (flame elemental boss)

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


PC wise, nothing is happening, the only thing I run other than anything OS like is MS Security Essentials. Clearly entering an instance is causing problems, quite severe ones.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


expect if it was system load, Lions Arch would cause this if it where system load issues(Temps or bad psu) far quicker then entering any instance would…..

Sure you are all having fun but just to add, all 5 cities are absolutely fine. I had a complete shutdown just now on lvl 8 Asura story “funhouse” which, lets face it, compared to any city or event, is negligible in power drain. Hell, it’s 3 npcs standing around talking.

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Cheers, will try a checkdisk, you never know!

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Yes I understood that from your other posts. However, 5 hours playtime with no shutdown and into an instance and shutdown?

What do instances do that ramp up the power to that degree?

PC Shutdown but only in instances

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nephilim.8395



I see a fair few people have the unexpected complete PC shutdown problem, but I have it only when in an instance – and not just groups things, but personal story. I can play the game for hours do events, pvp, pve and all that with no problems.

But personal story? Nearly always results in a complete shutdown.

Not sure why, I’d assume PvE is more taxing on the processors?

Anyone else have the same?

All drivers etc, are up to date and the game works fine except for this

What about mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


As an asura I’d love to see mounts. It seems highly unlikely this particular race hasn’t invented some form of mechanical mount.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


I can go back, quite easily to the other games I play and this is simply because I have nearly always played a healer. I enjoy healing, always have.

Dungeon Difficulty seems random

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Interesting thread, I did AC last night, my first instance. Now, I’ve played probably every major MMO for two decades and I’d heard AC was hard, but that didn’t prepare me for what happened. On the one hand, it really did show the positive side of humans playing together in a bad situation. On the other hand we unanimously called it after 2 hours as the fun factor was gone.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for hard. However, hard has to be tempered with fun / reward and AC, or the bits I saw of it, were not.

We were lucky enough to have 2 players who had completed it previously, and so knew the pulls and trap and so on. I can only imagine how much worse it would have been for 5 newcomers to stumble through.

Although I greatly applaud the loss of the trinity, AC made me wish for a tank.

What is the Funnest Profession/Race combo?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nephilim.8395


Titles says it :]
But for me Necormancer/Sylvari was kitten;

Can we stick to slang terms that mean something? Kitten? Good? Bad? Small and furry?