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Third Birthday Gift - Opinions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

a birthday finisher…. what use is that when not playing pvp?

You could always do the Toxic Alliance events that are still around and stomp the Nightmare Court members. Sadly, that’s the only place in PvE where the stomping mechanic exists.

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Fast Forward – All players have permanent swiftness and quickness. Added bonus, movement speed slowdown while in combat is disabled.

Rata Sum - LA Asura Portal Malfunction

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Noticed this too. Was a little confused when I went to jump on the vines for the vista and they weren’t there. I checked all of the other portals and they’re all fine, it’s just the one to Rata Sum that is doing this.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Profession: Mesmer
Armor: Flame Legion Pants with Soul of Koda chestpiece

Description: There is a gap between these two pieces of armor that lets you see right through the character as if the torso is severed from the legs.


Human Starting Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

The earth elemental boss at the end of the human starting quest seems to be bugged. Facing it from the bridge, the hand on the right side only seems to pop out of the ground when you are very close to it (like melee range close). It also takes a long time for the hands to be able to be targeted, which makes the fight last a lot longer for ranged classes, like the Necromancer. What makes this even worse is that the hands have a knock back skill that puts you far enough away for the right side hand to go back into the ground. which in turn makes the fight drag out much longer than any of the other race’s starting quests.

Unbalanced Heal Skill

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942!%22

Guardians can already cure all conditions on 5 allies, which seems to be the norm when it comes to AoE abilities. And if combined with Pure of Voice and Altruistic healing, it could potentially already be better than this new healing skill.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Race: Asura
Sex: Female
Profession: Mesmer
Armor: Savant Coat and Invaders Acolyte Cowl

Since both the helm and coat hide whatever armor is in the shoulder slot, it causes some weird issues on the coat. If you look at the screenshot, you’ll notice the ring around the shoulder gem has a red square around it and other parts of the coat have turned red.


Throwing Matches

in WvW

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

I seriously doubt DB will be able to win by 200k, let alone win at all. We don’t have the numbers anymore to keep up with the higher tier servers.

I’m not saying you’re accusing us of throwing matches, but we’ve had a lot of guilds leave the server recently and therefore have nowhere to go but down in ranks.

Steal / Infiltrator's Signet failing?

in Thief

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

I’ve been having this problem too. It’s weird though. Sometimes when I use steal, I’ll appear next to the enemy, then snap back to where I was when I used it, but I’ll still have the stolen ability. Yet when I use Infiltrator’s Strike, I’ll do the same thing (appear next to the enemy, then snap back), but it sort of won’t hit the enemy (they don’t take damage or get immobilized, but I still draw aggro).

The first annual Hobo-sack protest rally!

in Engineer

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Will you guys still be doing this around 6:30 PM EST? I’d like to come out and join you. I’ve always wanted to level an engineer, but the lack of being able to see legendaries and the fact that you can’t see your backpiece with a shield have really turned my off from doing so. Not to mention the ridiculous cost of having to buy 2 make over kits and a whole new set of armor for my Charr guardian because his facial fur poked through the helmet.

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Got a new look for my guardian today. Here is Graahl:


Transmutation splitter on back skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

I can confirm that the shattered wings skin becomes account bound. I used a splitter on it the other day to switch it over to another character. Basically, it becomes a backpiece without any stats instead of a skin.

SAB Dagger Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

I actually like the green version of the dagger. Kinda looks like my thief is running around with a poisoned dagger.

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Here’s the video from reset night:

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Had a bunch of good fights at ruins in DB tonight. I’ll be uploading our point of view tomorrow when I get a chance. Looking forward to a good week.

PS – A lot of us former AR members are happy to be fighting Borlis again.

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Graahl / Arrian
Profession: Guardian/Thief
Gear: Guardian – Exotic (except 1 ring), Thief – Exotic (with 3 ascended)
Traited: Guardian – Shouts/Condition Removal, Thief – Crits
Experience: Done all paths once or twice except path 4
Time: Most weeknights after 7:00 PM EST, weekends any time
Other: Looking to finish path 4 for Dungeon Master and farm other paths for gold and tokens to gear my alts.

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Finally got my necro to 80. The look is complete, just need to finish upgrading her gear.

I present to you Valaiya:


Is Thief really the worst class?

in Thief

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Thieves are great for applying conditions and boons with the proper group setup. With our spammable blast finisher, we can give a group 25 stacks of might within seconds, or apply mass vulnerability or blind.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Night Fiend.1942

Night Fiend.1942

Honestly, trying to get people in AR to defend our borderlands is like pulling teeth. I was running clean up last night and we had 5 or 6 people standing in Hills watching our 2 trebs hit Greenlake while our “zerg” (myself and 3 others) stood next to a wide open Greenlake (2 walls were down) calling for reinforcements. We eventually had no other choice but to leave it.