Showing Posts For Nokturnal Lunacy.3186:

A Scammer or a Legit Reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Actually just got a scam phishing email myself. It actually made me laugh!
I think the scammers want me to catch a winter cold!

LMFAO donating germs. I knew anet was out for germ warfare.

Cheese Builds poisoning GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

well one thing you can do is check out the pvp forum to learn more about those builds, to help you develop counters. I too share your hatred for fighting eles, and those trolly mesmers lol

Actually I’ve only encountered one ele where i lost a 1v1 but she went down too. And ive beat every mesmo regardless of build in 1v1’s. It’s when youre in the middle of a fight with the rest of their team that they tend to be the biggest issue. I tend to find myself fighting constant 1vx in pvp cuz they other team quickly feels I need to be targeted. And I do really well until their clutch ele or mesmo comes running in. Just tonight I had a hambow, a trap ranger and a medi guard all down at mid and in comes a shatter mesmo and I had no time to react cuz i didnt even see her coming. she was just there. i think she did the portal crap there.

Expansion Thread [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Forgive me is this has already been said im not bout to read this whole thread. I believe Anet said they wouldn’t have expansions cuz the living story is and expansion being released in small doses. Not verbatim.
The problem is that the living story content is not being released fast enuf for players to be happy and then the ls releases tend to be disappointing (for me anyway). I understand that it would be an incredible strain on anet to release a new ls every week or very frequently and very costly so I hold out hope, but if Anet is going to release a new ls every 2 weeks for a month and then go on a 4-6 month break then its like a constant tease and players tend get irritated. If a ls were to be released every 2 weeks that opens up more map exploration and content then just tiny snippets like whats been happening then players would be more happier.

Cheese Builds poisoning GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

and what do you propose to solve this? People will always run meta builds, some like me like to be more creative, but not everybody, doesnt matter what devs of any game do, people will always find some build to make a meta and people will flock to it. Just how it is.

As I stated meta builds are not necessarily cheese builds but cheese builds tend to be meta.
And I really don’t expect Anet to do anything about it. As you said there will always be players that can find a build that is broken or cheese. But as we go on in the years anet will eventually find a balance in the game and these cheese builds wont exist.
What I want is for players to learn to make their own builds instead of going after these cheese builds. But then again there will always be those that are lazy and want the easiest way to play the game.

yea but thats the thing there can never be any true balance, otherwise every profession would essentially be the same. Having played gw1 which had like thousands of skills, secondary professions, unlimited build diversity etc, some people also used meta builds for every part of the game. Its just the way some players are. One thing you can do is if you see particular builds commonly used, make your own build to counter it.

I did just that lol. I am running a build that pretty much kills the cheese which will eventually become cheese if it gets out so im trying to keep it under wraps. The only counters to it i’ve had difficulty with tho are a certain ele build (i know nothing of eles so i cant say what build it is. but it basically spams chill) and pu shatter mesmo with runes of hoelbrak i think or whatever the rune is called. i cant remember. but if the burst can be avoided from a full clone shatter (all clones at once) then the mesmo will have no chance. its hard to avoid tho in pvp when youre already fighting the rest of the team.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

If you look at the track record. All changes have been the ideas of those more popular and gw2 famous players. Anet will talk to individuals, i’ve talked to them but if you look back at who had the idea for this change or the idea for that change you’ll see it came from those “famous” players.

Oooh, I love a good accusation. So, start citing, and provide links proving it.

Otherwise, I go right back to: “ANet, do whatever you like, you’ll get harassed for it anyway.”

I suppose if I was to look hard enuf and took the time to do it I could. I can’t even remember who said what anymore. But if anyone can remember times and who said what they can always chime in.

Cheese Builds poisoning GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

and what do you propose to solve this? People will always run meta builds, some like me like to be more creative, but not everybody, doesnt matter what devs of any game do, people will always find some build to make a meta and people will flock to it. Just how it is.

As I stated meta builds are not necessarily cheese builds but cheese builds tend to be meta.
And I really don’t expect Anet to do anything about it. As you said there will always be players that can find a build that is broken or cheese. But as we go on in the years anet will eventually find a balance in the game and these cheese builds wont exist.
What I want is for players to learn to make their own builds instead of going after these cheese builds. But then again there will always be those that are lazy and want the easiest way to play the game.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

But no sense in even making a thread anyway cuz anet is notorious for only listening to players that have 10k followers on Twitch, reddit, twitter, etc. Unless everyone knows you then your opinion doesn’t matter.

I dunno, they listen to me . . . had some conversations with a couple of people wearing ANet tags who explained why a few times.

Also, I’d like to point out there’s “no winning” anyway here. If they listen to one group of players, another group of players is thus “ignored”, if they hear what players want and don’t agree with it, they’re also “not listening” or “destroying the game”.

So really this sort of complaint is obvious to those who can step back from the matter. There’s nothing ANet’s developers can do which isn’t going to earn them the “they don’t listen to players” type of scorn. My advice thus is completely ignore them anyway since you’ll be nailed to a cross over whatever you do.

If you look at the track record. All changes have been the ideas of those more popular and gw2 famous players. Anet will talk to individuals, i’ve talked to them but if you look back at who had the idea for this change or the idea for that change you’ll see it came from those “famous” players.

Cheese Builds poisoning GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

The title says it all. From experience the number of players using “Cheese” builds in WvW and PvP is well over 85%. It’s poisoning PvP and WvW. It’s to the point that most players I know that used to love doing pvp and wvw have just quit altogether because of it. I am still hanging on, but am finding it really hard to even log on anymore to do what I love. When it comes to the point that players have to all run cheese builds in order to actually be beneficial in wvw or pvp cuz all the enemy is running cheese builds then there will be a time when every class has only one or two viable builds and all the personal creativity is taken out of builds. Everyone will be running cookie cutter builds and nobody will have fun except those that think running a cheese build is a good thing.
And fyi a meta build is not necessarily a cheese build altho cheese builds do tend to be meta.

"Play How I Want" Is Gone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

But no sense in even making a thread anyway cuz anet is notorious for only listening to players that have 10k followers on Twitch, reddit, twitter, etc. Unless everyone knows you then your opinion doesn’t matter.

Stealth Classes OP in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

I’ve been playing PvP for over a year. And I’m finally to the point of saying enough. Enough of mesmers killing me all the time. Enough of mesmers taking two or three players to kill. Enough of losing time and time again to teams w/ stealth player

There already is a counter category that tracks how many kills a particular account has. What needs to happen is this. The Devs NEED to create a “killed” tracker. There needs to be a counter that tracks each and every “death” in PvP. By toon type category. Then a breakdown should be done in regards to percentages and frequency.

Then after a month the results need to be analyzed and ideally, published for general consumption. I am SICK AND TIRED of people saying that “oh, look at the playoff boards. You don’t see any mesmers there…” What MY individual experience tells me is that neither my warrior, my engineer, OR my necro can routinely KILL a Mesmer.

In FACT, I almost NEVER kill a Mesmer by myself. Unlike warriors or guardians, which my eng routinely eats for breakfast. Unlike rangers, necros, engs and thieves. Mesmers are the one class that in PvP that I perceive to be bulletproof.

So this will not only settle the argument of Mesmer invincibility once and for all, BUT should ALSO should show that STEALTH classes have an UNFAIR advantage in PvP.

Nuff said.

IDK I kill mesmos all the time in pvp. and thieves. I will agree with one thing tho that stealth is widely abused and overused in pvp and wvw. it’s a mechanic that does give an unfair advantage to classes that cannot use stealth. there’s no counter to it other than popping all blocks when enemy goes stealth. sadly the block goes into cd before the stealth expires. I would be happy if stealth were removed from the game entirely but then all the teens would cry about it. after all cant get any easier then attack, hide, attack, hide, attack, hide, attack, hide.

Ranked Matchmaking "Phenomonem"

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Yo what is this…? happened to me the other day was lucky enough to catch it on video…we were winning that match to Anet.., but still good as ever match on the second so it was kinda of worth it.

were your teammates aware you were a clicker before you joined?

Make separate leaderboard for tpvp and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

ive lost like 3 soloq ranked matches out of like 13 or so. and it doesnt have to be cooperative. hence why there is a soloq. i dont care for trying to find teams so i can dominate the other side. im a solo player and shouldnt be shunted because I choose to remain that way.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/5

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

You see those people winning games, they are people who party with others in PvP. People just need to get out of that solo que all day mindset. Those who party will see more success.

This is good, because this game could use a lot more people playing cooperatively rather than I solo everything. Partying up means you might make a friend, and playing with friends makes games more fun. Playing with guildies you like make games fun. Things that are more social see more success. Look at facebook vs myspace. Myspace was like a solo site, you make your page look good and that’s about it. Facebook, you post status, everybody sees it and object is to keep commenting and liking other people, rather than Myspace where focus is just keep trying to make yourself look good. Facebook you make friends and you talk to them. Myspace you just try and make your friends list look as big as possible, to make yourself look good.

Dude you are chatting kitten. It has nothing to do with being in groups. I have duo queued and solo queued and its is the same. Farming total idiots. Anyone who has put enough time into this game to be good will be finding it the same. The issue is 100% just that the matchmaking is terrible for highly skilled players. Nothing to do with how they queue (group or solo or full team). They need to make it so that the system takes longer to find matches and only pops like it did before. I could team queue (on the rare occasion I did) with certainty on the old system that I would have competitive games. Now I know I won’t have any.

I was duo and trio queue btw. I didn’t try. Was half asleep. Let them cap points over and over. Messed around. And still won by miles. Not sure I died. And all this in 1 minute queues? The system has to try harder to find me a fun game imo.

wow talk about egotistical. Where’s your proof your so good? You talk a lot but where’s your proof? Let me guess you are using a cheese build too along with the rest of your party?

Make separate leaderboard for tpvp and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

So I noticed on the leaderboards the tpvp and the spvp are mixed together. This is unfair to the spvp players because it is very hard to rank up when you are stuck with a team that is incompetent. And tpvp will always scale through the ranks when they have a dominating team and comms and everything else.
So it would be more fair if there were separate leaderboards for tpvp and spvp.

PvP not showing correct stats

in PvP

Posted by: Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

So after looking at my PvP scoreboard or whatever you want to call it, I noticed that the numbers do not reflect my actual wins and and losses and games played.
*NOTE: all number hereafter are based on my ranked solo queue and are approximate as I do not know the exact numbers.
It says I’ve played 7 ranked arena games where I’ve played around 13. (This is a new account)
It says I’ve won 3 of these matches.
Of all the games I’ve played, I’ve lost 3 of them which means my total wins should be around 10 or so. Not 3. And it says my favorite profession is Engineer and I’ve played like 2 unranked games as Engineer and all my ranked have been as ranger.
I also played 2 tpvp games which it shows correctly but I won 1 of them and lost the other but it shows I did not win any tpvp matches.
So what gives? Why are these numbers not correct?

(edited by Nokturnal Lunacy.3186)