Showing Posts For Nyhmz.3672:

*PvP Match System*

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


What would you consider an inactive player then. If a bunker is sitting on a point and never moves from it but the point is never contested because the enemy is too scared to fight the bunker for some reason, do you count that as inactive even though he’s doing his job?

It’s not as simple as Black and White.

That’s bad play though, makes it 4v5 for the rest of your team. For all intents and purposes he’s inactive.

It’s not a bad play since it effectively shuts down whatever roamer they have, if the enemy team starts balling up 5 people on a single point then they’re gonna be in trouble because they can then easily get roamed on.

*PvP Match System*

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


What would you consider an inactive player then. If a bunker is sitting on a point and never moves from it but the point is never contested because the enemy is too scared to fight the bunker for some reason, do you count that as inactive even though he’s doing his job?

It’s not as simple as Black and White.

*PvP Match System*

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


They had separate queues before and team even though you could queue solo was 100% dead.

A personal MMR based on performance is hard to achieve in a game like GW2 since score rarely indicate how well you done. A druid who bunkers up a point a literally never lets it go even in a 2v1 but never kills the attackers would end up getting probably lowest score on the team even though he probably was the biggest contributing factor.

Having an MMR based on points would promote the worst thing in the game and that is point capture, you don’t gain anything by all standing on a point yet people do it for the points you get. If there’s no incoming threats you should literally go find something else better to do than all sit on one point to get the score from it.

A personal MMR system would have to look at the damage dealt, healing done, solo kills and etc that you can see at the end of a game.

Pvp Backpack Clarification

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


So does going up a rank in Legend count as a division cross or not?

Volume of invokes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672

Nyhmz.3672 That’s what my current volume settings are at. Off course I could turn down the Effects more but then I wouldnt be able to hear spell effects that sound okay. The volume of the legends is just WAAAAAAAY louder than everything else and it’s obnoxious.

Volume of invokes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Please allow me to lower it down.

I have Autism and whenever I use or swap Invokes, more specifically King Jalis their voices are WAY louder than everything else. When I hear loud noises it causes panic attacks and it makes it very difficult to keep playing my Revenant.

I would like to keep playing with sound on as I like to listen to the music and the character’s voices but for now I have to turn it completely off as these noises are just way too much for me to handle.

Trading Post FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Whenever I look for items and adjust the quantity the black lion trading post window just decides to be the worse piece of crap.

It makes it very inconvenient to use and very annoying. The game itself remains at 60+ FPS but the window with the black lion trading post dips down into the abyss.

What the hell?

Stronghold feedback by a long time pvp player

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


They should have literally just ported mechanic for mechanic GvGs from Guild Wars 1, this is a very dumbed down version of GvGs.

Level 80 dungeons and fractals.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Seems like it’s a major pain to get started over other classes. Especially since I cannot for the life if me find anybody to do anything with. It’s cool and all to read about what to do but when it comes time to put it in practice I’d like to at least be able to try it.

I have never had this issue. I’d say to look for better/smarter/nicer groups.

If they are unaware that most of the current records for dungeon paths include a Mesmer in the group, you don’t need to bother with them.

I get what you’re saying but I mean I can’t really find a nicer group when almost every instances of me finding a group for anything they’ve told me that they’d rather not bring a mesmer.

(edited by Nyhmz.3672)

Level 80 dungeons and fractals.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672



I’ve been looking into doing level 80 stuff for a while on my mesmer. I read up on some guides and I always make sure to fully read a guide on the dungeon I’m about to go into.

Yet every time I go look around to find a group to do anything I always get the same-ish answer, “Do you have a zerk warrior/ele/thief?” I say that I don’t and they usually give a response along the lines of “Well reroll you kittenlord”

Is that a common thing that it gets hard to get into any PvE with a mesmer? Since the game has come out I’ve only been doing sPvP so I’m nowhere near a beginner but I’m quite confused as to how I’m supposed to even do dungeons if I always get told to bugger off.

I wouldn’t even know how to start looking for a guild that would welcome players like myself who have a lot of experience in PvP but little to none in PvE and that wouldn’t mind actually bringing me along for stuff.

So yeah, what should I do? I don’t really wanna roll a class that doesn’t interest me in the slightest and I just generally don’t like alts :/

The REAL problem with SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


So like, GW2 right? Like have they made PvP good like, yet?

Counter mesmer using heavy retaliation

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Make a Ranger, become god.

Auto Balancing because of rage quitters...

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Stop doing hot join…….

The REAL problem with SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


So yeah, skills, PvP versions and what not… Yeah….. Oh and GvG.


How does my guardian build look?

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


I mean, if the game skills would look a little bit more like this……

(Also PvP version of skills)

How does my guardian build look?

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


>Sees DPS Great sword Hammer Guardian.
>Not being bunker guardian.

Dude just make a kittening Bunker, DPs Guardian is stupid, any good players will avoid their damage. Same goes for 100b Warriors.


in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


They would need to make spvp a game of its own, currently devs have to balance around pve wvw and spvp making it so balance changes are stale and not enough for esport.

Just make spvp have its own balancing so they don’t have to try to make pve wvw and PvP players happy when changing a class.

Lag on foefire

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Nope, my 50mb up/down connection is doing just fine and if it is about fps lag, I get 80+ with everything maxed except super sampling on foefire.

Rename PvP: PvC

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


In wish it was called GvG……. goes to log in GW1 to cry at the emptiness

Illusionary Berserker

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


I don’t understand the fuss about mesmer, I’ve been playing my guardian since launch and never had problems dealing with them in any of my builds.

I am rank 45 and only been playing tournies and apart from the rare times I see people rolling 3+ mesmers to annoy the kitten out if me, I just have no complaint about them.

Lack of variety = Crippling SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


Also GW1 had spectator mode and skirmishes which were sorta like a custom arena.

I don’t understand how ANET didn’t port anything over, it`s like how main draws of Diablo 2 weren’t implemented in Diablo 3.

(edited by Nyhmz.3672)

Lack of variety = Crippling SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


I agree with this and have been saying it for months. The lack of game types is what has caused me to get annoyed and takes breaks from this game so often. We really need some ctf. Arena style combat would be nice as well, but I would be fine with them starting with a good ctf map and working on arena combat later.

For the guy who said they need only one game type, you are completely wrong. Sit on the point combat gets old, and it has been old for a while. Why do you think the pvp population has been steadily declining?

LoL/StarCraft/World of Tanks all have only one competitive mode, that doesn’t stop them from being popular now does it.

They aren’t MMOs.

They are MMOs, just not mmorpgs. GW1 was successful as an early esport and it only had one competitive mode, it just had a kitten ton of balance change and skills to keep the players thinking for new strats.

Lack of variety = Crippling SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


I agree with this and have been saying it for months. The lack of game types is what has caused me to get annoyed and takes breaks from this game so often. We really need some ctf. Arena style combat would be nice as well, but I would be fine with them starting with a good ctf map and working on arena combat later.

For the guy who said they need only one game type, you are completely wrong. Sit on the point combat gets old, and it has been old for a while. Why do you think the pvp population has been steadily declining?

LoL/StarCraft/World of Tanks all have only one competitive mode, that doesn’t stop them from being popular now does it.

Lack of variety = Crippling SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nyhmz.3672


You don’t hear the DotA/LoL community complain about the lack of maps or game mode. You know what keeps people in ? Variety in how the game is played, hell I never heard anyone complain in Guild Wars 1 about it until builds came down to like one optimal skill set that everyone ran.

My opinion for a fix ? Change the meta around, add more skills, there is so few skills compared to GW1, keep it competitive so teams have to figure out new ways to play. Design new traits and skills how Riot would design a champion on a monthly basis.