Showing Posts For Okamy.8235:

Liandri is not hard - fake difficulty

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Camera :

yes, it sucks, especially with a norn/tall character.

Floor :

it’s not as bad as the camera, but it’s not very good either. It’s a mess if you’re colorblind.

Time limit :

seriously ? They’re regular mob, not even veteran. Even the most no-dps oriented character can defeat them in the time limit. Does it force player to engage in dangerous situation ? Sure. And it’s very nice to have that kind of situation. A game where you can wait for a good opening in every fight is boring as hell; I’m glad that sometime i’m under pression and i’ve to make a decision which could lead to m death.
The light in the darkness is doable by non-zerker character, but you’ve to hurry and take risks. Looks like it fit perfectly to an achivement defined as “difficult”.

Randonmness :

If suriel doesn’t move, wait. Pull her. Push her. Take a risk and get out of your safe zone. You’ve multiple options.
Event if strugar throws meat in a bad spot, you can cc this ugly dog. Even if he throws the meat sometime just beneath him, what’s the problem ? It’s not because the dog get 1 or 2 meat that you lose the fight.
The orbs int the Liadri fight are timed, just bring some stability/invu and you’ll be fine.

Time limit on shard :

if you can’t take them in less than 20 seconds, you don’t deserve to get the shard. The illusions are so slow, you’ve more than enough time to get the shards. It’s only a problem if you go for light in the darkness, but again, this achievement is designed to be hard.

Regarding the Forum Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Okamy.8235


This feature was available since month at least. You just had to click on the date to toggle “week ago/5 july 2013”

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Okamy.8235


I know screens don’t prove much, but trust me when I say I’ve seen those situations happen fairly often.

I’ve no doubt what you’re saying is true. But don’t worry, it’s also true in the other way.

Again, I mean no offense as I understand that roaming/skirmishes are possibly one of the less meaningful aspects of WvW. But it’s one of the things I find most fun and when my enemy either zergs me or dies in two hits I kinda get bored.

I believe roaming/skirmishes is one of the most important aspect in WvW. You can spot the ennemy zerg, disturb it, slowing it. You can cut the supply line while providing supply for your server.
For me, following a zerg is just boring and laggy. Plus, with the current state of T1, 80% of the time, following a zer mean hitting some stupid door with very little to no defense. I don’t like this kind of game.

But i strongly disagree when you say it’s disheartening Vz is not as great in PvP as it should be as the n1 server in eu for month. The way WvW is designed makes the PvP capacity irrelevant. The way WvW is designed makes that the server with the better coverage win, that’s it.
Sure you can dislike this mecanics, but you should not blame people because they play the way the dev designed this part of the game. You should blame the mecanic itself or anet for not providing other type of game more pvp oriented.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Since he’s dead set on “every server has every kind of player” while I firmly believe that VZ motto is “quantity over quality”

Obviously Vz is more about quantity than quality atm, it’s not my point.

Sfr has gread guild, but also bad zerg which can be wiped easily. Sfr has skilled player, thy also have bad player.
Guess what ? It’s the same for Vz and deso.

The sad state of the t1 eu wvw doesn’t change this, you’ll find every kind of player in every server, tht’s why screen doesn’t prove anything, they’ll never show anything more than a small part of the battlefield.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Because i read this thread since it started and the amount of kitten from sfr, deso and vz is completely insane. It’s pathetic.

A screen doesn’t show how it is on the battlefield, it will never do. In a week of fight, you’ll always get some screen whose show what you want, because every server have every kind of player.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Okamy.8235


And for this week’s episode of “1 Vizunah = 10 SFR”… again me and my best buddy, Myself! Here we see the end of the fight.

Screen war is so boring, childish and stupid.


Someone with "Giant slayer" achievment? =D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Giant Slayer is a big task, but some people got this achivement.

Weapon of the mists can be looted

in Crafting

Posted by: Okamy.8235


I don’t screen everytime i loot something, so i don’t have any screenshot (except if you want a screen of my bank).

I don’t care if you don’t believe me, i just share an accurate information which can help some people, do whatever you want with it.

Weapon of the mists can be looted

in Crafting

Posted by: Okamy.8235



Today i killed the behemots in queensdale and i looted Spirit links
Me and my guildmates didn’t know it’s possible to loot this, so i’m sharing with you. If you want a weapon of the mist, you could want to try some meta-event boss.

2/26 Elementalist Changes: discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Okamy.8235


EA was OP with water. And the “nerf” is just for sPvP, not PvE nor WvW. For RTL, it’s a little annoying, but not so much.

2/26 Elementalist Changes: discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Doesn’t sound like a nerf.

Opinions on player ability to get gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Okamy.8235


You can easily get a lot of gold whith CoF p1 farm. Even when hitted by DR, it’s 50 silver w/o any gold buff for a 6-10 minutes run. Some others dungeons can be done very fast.

Arrow cart shooting 10 meter inside.

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


WOW, i didn’t know this trick with the windowed mode for a incredible FoV. Ok, with this, even if the arrow cart in the screen of the first post is where the engine wheel is… WE CAN TARGET INSIDE THE KEEP.

If you don’t see well on the screen, i’m even closer from the water than on the screen of the first post and i clearly see (and can target) the inside of the keep.

It’s gonna be very hard to know if someone is using a hack or is just using the windowed mode..


(edited by Okamy.8235)

Arrow cart shooting 10 meter inside.

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


You’re not at the center of the AoE showed in the screen (about the middle from where you are to the gate). I was wondering about the range too, but it looks like the AoE are exactly at the max range of an arrow cart positionned like in the first screen.

The only way to be sure is to try with a broken gate.

Arrow cart shooting 10 meter inside.

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Where is the arrow cart on the first screen ?
I can’t see it, so i assume he’s packed with the invaders. I grabbed my ele and did some tests from this position. I can easily reach the inside of the keep.. Look at my AoE on the top left.

You can even go more far if you remove your interface (ctrl+maj+h) since you will not be annoyed by party/buttons/..


(edited by Okamy.8235)

What's your EB JP Story

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Today, while doing the JP, i met a necro from Desolation who was camping at the command of the trap before the black room. Some players from Elona Reach arrived just after me, and instead of attacking each other, we worked together. In a few minutes, we were 2 from vizunah square and 2 from elona reach against the evil camper. We finaly get trough him and everybody ended the puzzle peacefully. It was very nice to see that, especially the little dance with everyone at the end near the chest !

But the funniest part arrived a few second after, when the necro from desolation got his chest ant started to dance with us !

In this run, i also found a dead guy from my server, i made my way until him and rezzed. I just asked him to not attack the player from elona reach just behind me. He didn’t attack them, and he send me an ecto. Thanks to him, i’m glad you got your chest.

JP isn’t always a battle for your life, it can also be a very nice moment for cooperation.


The solo roamer?

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


When i want to do something solo on WvW, i alway roll my d/d elementalist. No one can beat them when we talk about mobility. With proper build/gear, it’s very hard to kill and deals nice ad sustainable damage.

Take a look at this playlist if you want some video of a very top d/d ele :

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


i’m from deso… ‘doh’

Oh, ok.


Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


all i found (i’m more the soloroaming guy) was that vz don’t stand much of a chance skill and qualitywise (they need at last 4:1 at last to win fights most of the time).

You’re correct, 4:1.


Elementalist Spellbook: Zoose's D/D Guide!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Okamy.8235


In your combo section, you should mention that evasive arcana in earth atunement is a blast finisher. A very nice might stacking combo i like is this :
- burning speed trough the opponent, but not too far, so he’s still hit by the explosion
- switch to earth (+3 might with the superior sigil of battle)
- dodge back in the fire field created by burning speed (+4 might +cripple the opponent)
- eathquake (+4 might + kd)
- churning earth (+4 might at end + cripple + bleed), use lightning flash if needed
- WHILE CASTING CHURNING EARTH, switch to air/water regarding of your health bar and use shocking aura/frost aura, this way you’ll have fury when churning earth deal damages.

It gives you 15 stack of might + fury, paralyze the opponent for 5 to 10 seconds and deal a very nice amount of damage. Plus, 12 of these might stack are area might, your party will love that. And the best part is that every part of the combo are AoE. ;o

I usually don’t use it, but if you’ve arcane wave, it’s +4 mights stack again for you and your party.
If you don’t like burning speed trough the opponent, you can just burning speed to him, then use ring of fire while walking trough him then dodge back while in earth.

EA earth blast finisher can also be used in many situation when you party land some non-fire combo field (my favorites are area healing, frozen and chaos armor). And just with fire combo field/EA and the sigil of battle, you can very easily maintain 12-16 stack of might on yourself and 8-12 stack of might on your party.

Elementalist Healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Okamy.8235


With decent healing power, signet of restoration is nice. I get about 250hp by spell. If you’ve decent healing power and you need a heal burst, just switch for water, skill 2, skill 5, signet. If you have evasive arcana, dodge for more heal.

Might stacking as D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Evasive Arcana on earth attunement is still a blast finisher, so you can get might with it.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


This week we much more than 20 at night because of holidays. We had 40+ bus even at 3 or 4am yesterday. In regular week, we’re at least half of this.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


What a huge joke. Arborstone, was at some point, almost better then BT. Now they dropped T2, and this week they lost tremendous Tire points (almost 100), wich only happens if you play incredible bad.

Yeah, exactly like Desolation, Blacktide, Elona Reach and some others at different time. I guess that everyone from every servers moved to VS.

It’s ridiculous, but a lot of AS and VS are the worst ennemies in EU ladder, they just hate each other. Give me some proof that former AS came to VS. It looks like SFR loves screen, give me a screen of an AS zerg in VS.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


It’s not because you see someone using a fly hack or any other hack than the server is just behind them supporting or waiting for them. And it isn’t because the hacker isn’t yet ban that he has not been reported by people from his server.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason viz wins on points is the ludicrous number of unemployable french teenagers they can field offpeak. It sure as hell isn’t ability – lost count of the number of times a massive viz zerg has gone down to a much smaller sfr force this week.

You’d have more people fighting if whole guild wasn’t camping jumping puzzle.

VS has been completely crushed by somes servers. Also, it’s holidays, it looks fine to me to have more players during holidays.


Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Hackers have to be banned and Vizunah Square server should get penalized for the rounds they were in. Yes, because this is the only way to isolate them from the honest community: not reporting hackers on your own server shall get your server penalized.

Yeah because we all know that every hackers are on VS. So cute.

Hackers live on many servers, they should all get banned. A whole server isn’t responsable for some stupid hackers.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Merry christmas everyone. I hope SFR enjoy PvDoor on christmas. No queue at 11pm on EB, i never saw this.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Also enough with those fake night numbers you people keep bringing up. We ARE there, we SEE what we are up against. You don’t have to tell us. Enjoy 2 weeks of PvDoors, we come back in New Year for you.

You were not on VS BL yesterday, you wouldn’t say it is PvDoor if you were.
At 3am (gmt+1), we spent 2 hours, 4 golems, i don’t know how many ram/.. to take down Bay.
We were facing a PRX huge group (easily 40+). When our friends from EB almost destroyed everything in the SFR side, they switched, bay collapsed, EB completely changed. SFR side was blue again, we lost klovan very fast.
I left at 5:30 am, our BL was very calm and fully green, but there was still a lot of fight in EB.

We have a very decent night team, but SFR also have one.

Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Thanks for your replies. I’ll try to get some piece of exotics ASAP.
I’ll also do my best to learn how to play the class, i’m very new to necro and i really feel i’m far from master it.

Juggermancer[Final][Blog Link]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Okamy.8235



I recently got my necro till 80 and tried this build, but i feel being pretty weak. I’m really hard to kill, no doubt about this, i solo’d 6 veteran yesterday and thief can’t take me down without spending 2-3 min.

But my dmg looks bad. Against a lvl 80 doe (the ones just outside of Valley in EB in WvW), i do 300-500-800 with my auto-attack from dagger.

I don’t have a full exotic setup yet. I’ve full exo armor PVT with crest soldier, full rare invader earring, ring and amulet also with crest soldier. My weapon are PVT rare, no sigil yet.

My stats are :
power : 2,160
presicion : 917
toughness : 1,900
vitality : 1,774

attack : 2,993
crit : 4%
armor : 2,820
health : 26,952

Am i supposed to do that kind of dmg ? I don’t expect to do 5k+, but it takes a very long times to kill something. Is it because of my incomplete gear ?

Thanks !

(edited by Okamy.8235)

Finally someone find a counter to alt-f4

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Sure you can leave if they killed you, but you shouldn’t be abe to leave while downed/fighting without being punished. If you don’t alt+f4, you’re punished by the repair bill and the death itself. If you alt+f4, currently you’re not punished. You should be.

Finally someone find a counter to alt-f4

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


In Guild Wars, when you left the game multiple times in some PvP (Jade Query for exemple, ..), you got a hex called Dishonorable.

Here is the description of this hex :

Hex Spell. You are considered Dishonorable because teammates repeatedly reported you for leeching, or because you repeatedly abandoned your team in Random Arenas, Alliance Battles, or Competitive Missions. You may not participate in PvP until this effect expires.

A solution for the alt+f4 would be to have this kind of system.

Group "Leader" going afk during dungeon.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


So people can’t hurt others w/o hurting themselves, that doesn’t solve anything. Leader can still hurt others.

The root of all theses issues is the same : the instance is owned by someone. Why ? What’s the point of such a system ?
In GW anyone could leave the instance w/o destruction of the instance. Why did you change this system which is far better ?

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Doing some JP without speed boost is almost impossible right now. Revert this change, it’s just so frustrating. Sometime on the edge you jump, sometimes you don’t. It’s ridiculous.

Did the patch break jumping?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Same problem here. Before, you could almost jump immediately after the falling started. Now, you sometimes can’t jump when you didn’t reach the edge.

This is just so much fun for the jumping puzzle.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Arah path 3 boss 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Since a lot of people pm’d me ingame to say how much i’m bad blabla, i ruined your lifes, i konw.

SO Big thanks to ANET wich clearly did this hotfix because of me only 15 min after i posted this. You’re really strong guys.

And to the poor people who lost their nice farm, i really don’t care about you. Seriously, i couldn’t care less, especially when some of you wish my children will be ALS ( You’re really the future of this world.

Arah path 3 boss 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


If people in cursed shore are right, the hunter doesn’t drop anymore.

Arah path 3 boss 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


- This ‘farm’ makes less gold/hour than running AC explorable

How much g/hour do you do in AC explo ? You can easily do 3 or 4g/hour with c3b1.

- This ‘farm’ makes you zero (0) karma, whereas AC explorable also nets you great karma

Vials drop very often, a friend of mine got about 100 in a day, wich is 40K karma. Doesn’t look so bad.

You make far fewer tokens doing this (6 at best, but they don’t always drop bags) than you used to back in ye olde’ Arah farm (8 tokens guaranteed, same amount of time for similarly competent groups)
- You get fewer tokens / hour doing this than you would with similarly competent groups running Arah p2

Peoples i know don’t do this because of the token but because of the gold they can do without using their brain, that’s why i didn’t mention token in my post.

- People in LA are asking for full Arah explorable runs all the time and getting groups for it

Glad to hear that, but in my server (vizunah square [fr]), there’s almot no one grouping for arah in cursed shore nor in LA.

In addition, i would to add this : this run can be repeated as long as you want, you’ll never be annoyed by the dungeon DR. Your reward will get worst if you repeat AC.

-Thus, I make the conclusion that you’re blowing this out of proportion. This is not bad, and honestly, I don’t want to see this changed because it sucked so hard before doing Arah and only getting rewarded at the end.

That’s why i said i agreed with their decision to give reward at almost everey boss. But it makes no sense to give the same reward for a boss you can meet w/o anything else than 20 second of walking and a boss you’ve to kill many foes to reach. This is why i’d like to see a progressive system, deeper you go in the dungeon, better is the reward.

This statement also answer to the rest of your post which is completely false, did you even read my text until the end ? I’d like to see a progressive reward wich reward everyone but wich reward more the players who can beat the dungeon and reward less the players who just rush one of the easiest boss in the game.
And i’ll add this : the progressive reward should work with the numbers of bosses you’ve beat, not just LP give x silver, bria give Y. You can actually get to GL in 2 minutes in path 3, you shouldn’t get a bigger reward if you use the exploit. You can skip a lot of bosses in AC too. Plus, i dislike the idea that someone who joined the run at the end (ie, before last boss) get the same reward than someone who get trough the whole dungeon.

This is how the gem in domain of anguish worked in Guild Wars. You had 4 area to beat, one chest at the end of each. First chest gave 2 gem, second one gave 4, third 6 and the last 8. You could start with any area, you always got the 2/4/6/8. This is exactly the kind of system i want to see in dungeons.

(edited by Okamy.8235)

Arah path 3 boss 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Each boss gives 10s (14s with omnomberry bars, = 28s) + some silver from a bag.

Arah path 3 boss 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235



Atm, it’s almost impossible to find a group for Arah since everyone just want to run the first boss of the third path. You can do this in 4-7 min an get a lot of silver (30+), chance to loot gold/exo and karma.

I completely understand why you added some loot to bosses in dungeon and i completely agree with this, but you have been to far with this. The reward is way too much for the time/difficulty involved. Reward should be progressive : little reward for the first boss, bigger for the second one (not the one standing a 1 feet of the first obvisouly), even bigger for the third, etc. With that system reward, these fast run would be pointless and full run would grant much more reward.

It’s almost impossible to get a group because of this, and it’s really annoying.

Thanks for reading.

New Zone Difficulty

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Okamy.8235


If your anti-condition isn’t enough, bring one more anti-condition. You can change your skill/aptitude, just do it.
Use degen build against them and look them die while you’re laughing at them.

The drake are mob with specific attack, use specific build/method for them.

(edited by Okamy.8235)

New Zone Difficulty

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Okamy.8235


I’m not finding it hard, just broken like everything else so far with this event. The stacks of confusion from drakes are just ridiculous. 10 stacks from 2 drakes that were right next to each other = impossible.

The karka are annoying but at least one on one you can generally just dodge their crazy barrage attacks.

I don’t know, maybe I don’t get it, but I just watched a group of 6 level 80s get wiped out over and over by 2 drakes and an event spawn of 8 young karkas. Nobody can get past it because the drakes just stack confusion up and the karkas keep focus firing half the group before anybody can move on them.

le sigh

Stop spamming skill 1 under confusion ?
Use condition removal ?

You can easily solo 3 or 4 young karka.
You can easily solo 2 drakes.

If 6 level 80 full exo can’t handle 8 young karkas and 2 drakes, they’re just bad.

The vet and champion big karkas are hard, it’s just impossible for me to solo them. I love this, finally an area where you have to play with other people if you want to take down the big foes.

(edited by Okamy.8235)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


[RUIN] going to Blacktide ? So pathetic, as they’ve been used to be since three weeks.

Anyways, i want to say that Blacktide is a very valuable opponent. We met some [RG] bus on EB yesterday, and they were very impressive. Stability on everyone, might on everyone, act as a single person, no one spread out of the bus, very impressive.
They don’t rush more than necessary, they are able to retreat and come back fast for killing the remaining people without any danger.

My only hope is that [RUIN] will not ruin the reputation of Blacktide as they did with Desolation.

Disconnected, no credit for dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Okamy.8235



Ths has probably been reported but anyways.

I’ve done the mursaat path in arah, i spent 3 hours and some money with repair bill, i’ve been disconnected at the very end of the last boss (brie), unable to reconnect before it dies.

No credit in for this path in achievement.
No reward.

My internet connection was fine, i just got disconnected by the game without any apparent reason. When i logged back, i’ve been stuck on the character selection, nothing happened when i picked the character i was using on the dungeon. I launched again the game, worked this time, boss dead.

Thanks for the time and money lost.

This happened yesterday to a guildmate.

We can get full credit and reward only by doing the last boss but we can’t get anything if we’re not there when the boss lose his last HP. This is insane.
You should save the participation to a dungeon exactly as you do for event.
You should put a trigger at the end of every dungeon path to claim you reward if you’ve participed to the dungeon.

Do something.

(edited by Okamy.8235)

Desolation versus Vizunah Square versus Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: Okamy.8235


3 way fight are commons, especially on eternal battlefield. If we should claim there’s an alliance each time we’re in a 3 way fight, i guess we could claim this every day on every tier. I can’t count how many times three server formed a big party in SM at boss, so much fun with the clipping and so many people coming from three direction.

The fact is i think the “there’s an alliance” is just a very convenient tought in almost every case.
If we lose, not our fault, it’s 2vs1.
If we win, we’re so good, we keep a 2vs1.
See ? Very convenient tought.

If you look at fr forum, alliance didn’t last more than a day, there’re multiple topic where AS and VS claim they’ve been betrayed by each other (yes AS think VS betrayed them and VS think AS betrayed them, so fun, isn’t it ?), some topic where AS claim they want to take VS down as much as they can so the score will almost be equal for next week, blabla.

I do like WvW, but i don’t give a kitten about being 1st server nor in tier 1. From my sight, all three servers are very strong at EU primetime. Score are often quite equals. The main difference between these servers is on EU night. AS is like a ghost at this time, VS is sometime very competitive, sometime competely outmanned.
This is clearly showed by the graph on millenium :

Oh, by the way. It’s not always an alliance either when 2 servers attack the 3rd. Desolation is obviously the most threatening server in T1 this week with its incredible nighcapping force. If VS want to keep the 1st place, they basicaly have to keep desolation income as possible, which mean they’ve no interest to attack AS. And since no server could focus another for a whole week, it makes a lot of sense that desolation get stabbed by both AS and VS sometimes.

sadly disappointed in Halloween Events

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Okamy.8235


Books aren’t the main event, they’re a very small part of the halloween event. You still have access to 90-95% of the activities even if you’re level 1. And we didn’t see yet the whole halloween event, so definitely, there’s no way books can be considered as the main event.

Emissary of the Mad King

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Okamy.8235


If you don’t need the Clock Tower achievement everyone on this forum is going to feel like an kitten including me, for complaining so much.

You don’t need Clock Tower achievement for the emissary title, ANet already confirmed on this forum.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Okamy.8235


it’s a fake problem because in most case, there’s almost no one with you when you past trough the very start of the puzzle.

This makes me wonder if you’ve even gone in.

Not only is everyone with you when you start, but there’s a 6-second pause waiting for a platform to spawn soon after the start, which ensures that all players will be on top of each other (making most characters completely invisible if there are any charr or norn) when the real jumping begins.

Want a screen maybe ?

The very start of the puzzle === until some jump after the platform where everybody wait. If you find the puzzle difficult at this point, good luck to finish it because it’s easy as hell at this point.

Anyway, it’s easy to get rid of almost everyone after the platform where everyone wait : be fast to do the jump. Actually, you don’t have to wait that the animation of the rock ends, you can’t jump when it just started.
If you are the first one, you don’t care about big norn.

And the first jump on the witing platform can be done blindfolded.

A little video if you believe it’s not doable :