Showing Posts For OptimaDane.3025:

Can't Login - Error 42:6:3:2158 & 21:11:5:506

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Ruins of Surmia here, same issue…

if i "consume" the sprgr8 sword, is it stuck?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


….she owes me big time. >.<’

ok….. that’s three days down the drain….


You can still use it on another one of you own characters though, theyre account bound, not soulbound on aquire.
At least thats something…

Queensdale, Events, and Mapchat Etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Someone has to put in the leg work to find the events

But he plays an asura?

April Monthly Achievement too easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Easy if you grind dungeons/fractals. Or play wvw. Easy if you only play your 80’s. To me who just does open world, last month’s was much easier considering there was one achievement that never required you to leave Lion’s Arch— finished in a few days. Instead I’m greeted with the tedious sonic periscopes crap or jumping puzzles so I’m just going to follow a wvw zerg train around.

Well, they figured they’d throw wvw users a bone. It’s really not a bad idea as most would rather not go out to pve to do their things.

The annoying thing about the periscopes is that you have to actually turn them in. It should have just been kill 100 of them.

You can just do the 3 jump puzzles in LA every few days… no need to leave LA for that one
Yeah the periscopes one is a grind especially as you cant loot the same one when it respawns until reset…. vets is a doddle in PvE or WvW. only one I will likely struggle to do quickly id the Fracs one, simply because I don’t tend to run them all the often.
Then again I am in no hurry to get the monthly in and Waypointing to Diessa to hand periscope logs in takes all of what 30 seconds….

On a side note, I’ve not really been a big WvW player since launch mainly due to the culling and lag issues.. but gees I was surprised just how much better it was since the patch and I was all “I wont hold my breath with the improved system” on these forums.. so thumbs up from me ANET.. its certainly made it so much more fun and getting most of the monthly targets done is all part of the fun again… hope to see something done about PvE soon

Nope, needs to be 12 unique puzzles, accountbound btw so cant get around moving elsewhere for those…

G keys?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


any action controlled by thirdparty software that automates an action or serie of actions in the game AND that gives you an unfair advantage may result in a ban.

So I assume you are opening lootbags right?? if you are using those keys to press e.g. G1 to automaitcly open all lootbags in your inventory that is an unfair advantage. However if you press the same button and one lootbag is opened that should be ok. (mousebutton click or G1-key click is basicly the same action).

Just me having a very hard time seeing opening lootbags without getting RSI in your hands as being an “advantage” ? (not like you get better loot from them since you open then faster… ?)

A Case of Quaggan

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Playable schizophrenic frogs? Sure why not

Omnomberry pie: long overdue change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


You believe being way more survivable while doing massive aoe and being more survivable than melee at range while having incredible diversity is balanced.

Tell me why your opinion on what is balanced matters again? I don’t care what the great unwashed have to say until its clear they have actually observed every class competitively and know the actual comparable limits in proficiency.

In other words, currently playing melee is more complicated than “pointy end goes in bad guy”, and ranged you can pretty much simply spam the 1 key over and over and have just.. swell results in a party! Why? We were tanking for you. Problems? Apparently. At least you will feel nice and powerful.. but realize your dungeon runs will become slower. You are effectively “ok” with everything taking twice as long. Thats what the math of the situation means. We were doing that close range stuff. Dodging and having to sacrifice damage to live and help the group progress smoothly. Be on the lookout for invisible heavies and a group of enemies coming to melt you.

I for one, find it hilarious.

Warriors, others who end up taking hits for these guys! Hear me!
Don’t do it, let the mobs melt them! Pop those spy kits.

Gl with that.

Ash Legion Spy Kit now has a 60-second cooldown.
Order of Whispers Spy Kit now has a 60-second cooldown.

Corrupted Files Causing Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Ok now my installation seems to be working again…
Got sick of not being able to even open client without it crashing, so i basically made a backup of the 15GB .dat file hoping that i wouldnt be forced to download that once more… then manually deleted every single file that has anything to do with GW2 off my drives.
Actually had no choice since the “proper” uninstall option via controlpanel crashed on me as well.
So after doing that, then doing setup again, until client started DL, then closing client and copying the dat file into the GW2 dir, then restarting client with the -repair shortcut it decided to work much to my amazement.

I have absolutely no clue if there was something i did that caused all this, if it was some sort of conflict or corrupt files because of something else, or something about the code or the repair failing from Anets side. A guess might be that its probably several of those…?

Regardless its pretty obvious what i had was not worth trying to salvage. Not sure if there is some way to do this more smoothly (i did do a “normal” uninstall/reinstall, but that solved nothing, go figure..), but at least i guess this is worth testing for others that tried all the ways youre supposed to actually do this.

Gl on it, will update regardless if it fails horribly on me again, or runs smooth now.


Corrupted Files Causing Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Cipher, I’ll post the report here. But what you’re arguing against, is the fact that I can play other games with absolutely no problem. If there’s something wrong with my hard disk, or memory that’s causing files to become corrupted, why isn’t it happening in those other games? It only happens in GW2. And it’s a persistent problem with GW2. Repairs only fix the file/files temporarily, they eventually, often after only a very short time, become corrupted yet again. This only happens in GW2. So do you understand why we’re saying it’s a problem within GW2? It may be true that our system configuration, hardware, and drivers are what’s causing the issue within GW2, but it’s still ONLY happening in GW2. So where is the problem?

Anyway, for cooperation’s sake, because I really do love this game and would like to see it fixed, I’m including that dxdiag report in case someone who knows what it all means and can do something about it, actually reads these forums.

I forgot to add, my install is the electronic version downloaded from the link provided in our account info section on the GW2 site. So it’s what Anet provides us as the game client. I’m not trying to install some pirate copy a buddy put on CD. LOL

Can only agree with the above. Hardly looking to annoy anyone, just want to get the game running again.
And yes ofc it can be some sort of compability problem, but the 60+ (no, not kidding, i get seriously stubborn when testing stuff like this) games i tried ranging from DII to crysis, WOW, Skyrim, DIII and alot of other online/single player offline games, mostly stuff released the last 1-2 years for it to make sense, all work perfectly.
Also digital (deluxe) DL here.

Regarding setup:

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
MoBo: Asus Sabertooth X79
Memory: 16384MB RAM (Corsair)
Pagefile: 3216MB used/29502MB Free
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
PSU: Corsair AX1200 gold
GFX: Gigabyte HD7850 1753MB
GFX-Driver Catalyst 13.1
Drives: 128GB SSD for OS, 600GB raptor for games (incl GW2)

DxDiag as attachment, the part of it i can understand basically says no problems found.
I also did memtest, CHKDSK and a couple of others, all reporting a “clean bill of health”, and also tested a couple of different drivers for the GFX. Windows update reports zero upgrades to be found.


(edited by OptimaDane.3025)

Corrupted Files Causing Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Been spending some time on google (lots of time in the evenings atm since the only game i play atm is/was supposed to be GW2 :p)
Apparently this is an issue alot of people had even as far back as launch (and even beta in some cases), and the common things seem to be that;

Everyone tried CHKDSK and got no errors, they also tried memtest, reinstalls, new gfxdrivers, total reinstall of gfxdrivers etc. to the list.
Basically: you name it, people tried it (with no errors showing on their end) to no avail.

Also what seems to be a common thing is that the problem “solves it self” after a while, without people actually doing anything actively, it suddenly works just fine a week/few days later (often involving a patch from Anet). In several cases though it seems the problem comes back a while later on its own.
I.e. the problem “switches on/off in circles”without people changing a thing about their setups.

Now i dont know much about programming, barely anything infact, ill be the first to admit that, but going by the above i say it (at least) seems unlikely that this should be consumer side only? by applying normal human logics?…
Also while some of the links im gonna post as reference are quite old, the problem is so 100% spot on the same that it makes sense to compare imo.

Been playing games since 92’ where i built my first computer, and i have at least never seen anything similar to this. Ive seen major clusterfluffers before (often with my own tinkering being at fault, back when OS wasnt as stable as today :p) but OS screwing up or me screwing up has always effected several/most/all games i played, not just a single game?

Some links when you google around a bit just for the “memory cant be read” crash report, havent tried the other ones, since this is mainly to illustrate that this is hardly a new problem…

Top5 results on google:

Corrupted Files Causing Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Celery and Zilent Night,

Your Crash logs are showing CRC errors, what this means is that something has caused a file to be the wrong size and corrupted the installation. The first thing we want to rule out are issues on your drive.

Please do the following first to check and repair your drive:

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.

2. Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

4. To check for both file errors and physical errors, select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.

5. Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this may take several minutes. For best results, don’t use your computer for any other tasks while it’s checking for errors.

Once that is complete, Please navigate to your Documents > Guild Wars 2 folder and in there you should see a file called Local.dat. Delete this file.


1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 installation folder.

2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”

3. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Repair.”

4. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”

5. Edit the “Target” line to include -repair at the end.

Note: Please make sure -repair is outside of the quotes

Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” -repair
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -repair”

6. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes.

If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try step 5 again.

7. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Repair” to start the repair process.

Once completed, please try starting Guild Wars 2 again and see if this resolves your issue.

No luck im afraid… went through the list, it found no errors. Regardless if i try to start the client normally or with the “-repair” addon it just refuses to repair, then crashes, and asks me to send in yet another report…
Its not an Nvidia thing btw as some mentioned above, im using an HD7850…

edit: im aware your post was a response to someone else, but since i have the same issue…

Remove Pets and give us Animal Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


How about instead of removing what we have atm, and putting in something completely new, they change it into a similar swap-system as elementalists have?
That way the people that like to have a tanking pet as it is atm (although tweaking is needed, no secret there), can keep doing that.
However pressing lets say… F5 switches into a new subset of spirit/similar (lots of good ideas in thread).
Could even add more than one subset, like…
F5: Animal spirits adding strong permanent buff + special combat move.
F6: Petsystem similar to what we have atm, with a physical pet thats melee or ranged
F7: Physical pets that can have their own specific signets for several (small?) bonuses decided by the player.
F8: New set of orders for pets: Pull and lure mobs to specific location, plant bombs…
None of the above thought through at all, some blazenly stolen from earlier in thread, and yes (especially on the F8 one) i kinda ran out of ideas, so use it for examples only please :p

Would add a whole new dimension to it with alot of added variety/builds.
Wouldnt mind seeing something similar on all classes tbh, variety is always nice.

easter eggs and references?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


“Icevine Dale” on norn starting area map ring a bell? :p

Tequatl the Sunless ownage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Dude.. Is that a cucumber tail on your plant, or what the hell is that?

How is this game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


Honestly, I think the game could be dying, slowly but surely, and Anet is going to have to do some Major changes. At first all the new features seemed like the greatest things ever, new, fresh, innovative. But people are starting to see all the major faults of this game (Lack of depth in dungeons due to removal of trinity, poor endgame, etc.) OF course I may be wrong, I am sure many will disagree with me

Its kinda funny… Theres alot of problems in GW2 atm (remember its still a “young” game though, should be lots to come content/UI/etc from devs as we go along), but if theres one single thing that would actually make me leave its forced trinity…

Giant Wintersday gift

in Wintersday

Posted by: OptimaDane.3025


90% goes baibai? Its like the best. sink. ever.