Showing Posts For Orz.5091:

Suggestion - Tone down the mail suppression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


Mail all the food to one guy, have him take what he needs and mail it to the next.

They probably do this to keep gold sellers from mailing off gold easily. I would rather you not be able to share you snacks than have some farmer mailing off 100g every 10 seconds and ruining the economy.

That is a workaround for a problem, not a solution. The solution is to fix the problem. The majority being punished for the poor actions of few is not a good solution for a community. I would rather this be fixed. Farming is part of MMOs, botting though isn’t.

Do the halloween events repeat like normal events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orz.5091


My guess is the entrance of the Mad King is a one-time event. I’m cool with that being once. But if quite a few are one-time on weekday nights for the entire Eastern US, that alienates quite a few players.

Do the halloween events repeat like normal events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Orz.5091


Quick question; why would you have things only happen once so that a lot of people have no chance to ever see it? Designing events like this seems to alienate people who don’t have all the time in the world to participate in Guild Wars 2.

Suggestion - Tone down the mail suppression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


I sent two mails today to send each party member a piece of food. BAM – mail suppressed. Two mails is not excessive…it is me sending food to my party!

I realize if someone is sending gold selling mails that is one thing. But please, please rethink this system. It is hurting normal players.

(edited by Orz.5091)

[Suggestion] Make WvW Commander Icon Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


Really wish there was some traction behind this suggestion. It really is needed at this point and time so commanders almost 2 months in are still having to play a singular character for WvW if they wish to lead a group.

Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orz.5091


Agree 100%. This design is not fun at all. We got stuck in the loop and were scratching our heads.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


I did see any enemies for an hour last night. Plus the game seems to be using up a ton of memory now.

Boss Fights, No healing class, is there any point to this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


Go full water elementalist with a healing set and its basically easy mode.

7 Oct Client causes a Memory Leak

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Orz.5091


This started with WvW people disappearing for a lot of people and now as I’ve let the game run, it has gone over 1.3 gigs of ram being used by the game itself. It has never done this slow climb in the past.

Might be something to look at.

I think tonight's patch made rendering issues even worse.

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


I haven’t seen more than one or 2 enemies for the past hour in my group. In many cases I can’t even see friendly players.

Whatever is going on is ruining the WvW experience for a bunch of people.

Dear Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Thanks, we’ve had a great time as well. Keep up the good fight!

Disappointed in Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


It has nothign to do with needing a night crew. We are at 0-5% all day long.

We also are not going to retake anything. ET and IoJ have some alliance to farm us. They don’t even attack each other. They hold each others stuff as a show of trust and then just fight us for our stuff, they won’t even attack each other in the open. If it wasn’t for the NPCs they wouldn’t even attack anything that wasn’t red.

Except we attack IoJ every night. You must realize that in some cases it is better to not attack and allow the other two servers do your dirty work.

Quit with the conspiracy theory about an alliance. They (IoJ) can vouch for this as we spawn camped them last night after we took your (CD) Garrison in Red borderlands…

The issue I’ve seen almost every night (bar Friday night) is CD mindlessly attacks things without any strategy to win.

Blackgate Using ele exploits

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Supposedly it was fixed with the patch. I guess not.


in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Lol we’ve got nothing to prove to them, Friday night in our borderlands there were a lot of people from Team Legacy as well as RUIN and we took care of them no problem that night.

So where were you the rest of the week? One night means little. It seems people still aren’t getting that point.

Support Role = No WvW Loot

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


It is a true statement, support was touted early on in the development process with even a developer saying he loved his support thief.

At this time support does in fact gain little in the way of drops in WvW.

Suggested Keep Improvement - Make it Living Inside

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


TL;DR Suggestion:

  • More upgrade-able guards that roam outside a keep’s walls as well as roaming guards inside to make it more living

My biggest beef with a keep or tower is honestly the lack of guards and how dead it is inside.

Currently it can take a group of players less than 2 minutes to take a keep. We’ve all see this. This is way too fast. The only guards players face, even upgraded, is right in front of a door. They offer very little challenge to even a disorganized group of players. They also give very little warning to the server being attacked as they are in front of the door.

Instead, a keep could have many more roaming patrols inside based on the area (and guards who actually bring up swords on the map), as well as more roaming patrols along the outside – both should be able to be upgraded through the guard process.

This does two things: 1) makes taking a keep (which is worth a lot of points potential) more of the challenge it should be; and 2) gives a server more time to react to an attacking force.

Thanks for reading.

Dear Crystal Desert

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Dear both of you, play WvW how it is supposed to be played and realize 2v1 is how a 3-way battle is going to always work.


in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Sad to see the animosity leaking here onto the GW2 forums.

For all those talking about teaming, do realize it is a 3-way war. Double teaming is supposed to happen continuously. There is no special deal going on; it is how the game was made in the first place. If you can’t deal with it, then you’ll just get beat. In the end it is about making points tick through whatever ways are possible.

Commander Tag Character Only?

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


As the author of the suggestion thread, and someone who would really like my other soon to be 80 character able to use the icon, I support this fully.

Guilds - Time stamp on people.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


Fully agree on this. There needs to be a way to see activity level at a glance.

[Suggestion] Make WvW Commander Icon Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


What’s more to the point, and has already been suggested in multiple threads, is that we need some control over the great big blue arrow icon. In 8 weeks time, no-one is going to be able to see anything on their LA map for big blue arrows all over the place…

I don’t believe this will be the case. Most people in the game don’t want to spend 100 of their gold for an icon, therefore this fear is pretty remote. As a commander, mine is off unless I’m specifically using it in WvW. Right now it is off because I want to be able to play other characters, and couldn’t turn one on right now. But I can’t bring my other character to WvW because of the responsibilities I hold as a commander, which is forcing me to play one character in WvW as I’m not asking my guild to cough up another 100 gold to buy me another one.

The simple request is allow the commander to be the player, not the character. A simple fix as many other things in the game have become account rather than character specific.

(edited by Orz.5091)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


Allow the commander icon to be account based. As a commander I feel locked into playing WvW with only one character because I can’t use my other characters to play.

Plains of Ashford Skill Challenge doesn't work.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orz.5091


This is a problem on Eredon Terrace as well. There are still a few on ET that don’t even show up. I bug them as I go by.

[Suggestion] Make WvW Commander Icon Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


I wasn’t asking for 30 commanders, just to have the book applied to an account rather than an individual character. Please read the OP fully. Also, voting is already discussed in the WvW section and I’ve already stated how bad an idea that is.

[Suggestion] Make WvW Commander Icon Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


For 100 gold, I love this thing, but I also believe it is the person behind the icon, not the character it is applied to that makes the commander. I’d like to see this updated so that all current and future commanders who use the book have this applied to the account, not just the character.

By having it character-based, this locks commanders into playing only one character until such time another 100 gold is able to be applied. I think this is most likely disheartening to commanders (I know this is especially disheartening for me) who want to be able to play multiple characters and enjoy each type in WvW while still being able to lead in battle.

Thanks for your consideration.

Allow currently unsalvageable items (karma rewards etc.) to be salvaged for a small amount of karma.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orz.5091


This was a good change. It destroys the market on Ectos because people can turn karma to gold easily which isn’t a good thing.

Are elementalists strong/viable in PvE?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orz.5091


It is their gear and spec if they are complaining their ele is weak.

Commander's Compendium - And Why I Think It Should Go

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Do you all not see the gravity and synergy these create? I disagree on all points. These are amazing to have for not only bringing people to a point and lessening the confusion of where to go if you aren’t in a guild or alliance, but as a squad they give the commander immediate info on members of the squad and supply.

We have 3, and they do amazing things.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Direct from the EULA:

While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.

Anytime this is happening, simply report the offender’s guilds, servers, and quote the EULA.

Transfering Servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Fugly, out of most of our matches, HoD is our opponent along with a third server. Now free server transfers need to end so they can’t stack the deck.

So, let's talk about WvWvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Orz.5091


Kaden, I believe that Anet’s goal is to have some sort of balance in WvW, so the match ups will be competitive. If this were not true, there would not be constant shuffling of the servers.

I’ve been on both sides of the issue. Recently I logged onto WvW only to find one server had every map controlled. There is no compelling reason to play when all your spawn points are camped by 50 players of the dominate server.

Im currently on Ferguson’s Crossing, so I know the frustration you guys felt. If it is any solace, we got clobbered the next server match- up.

FC does not have a large population either. When it is matched up against a high pop server, it struggles too.

Unfortunately the balance you speak of isn’t available when free server transfers at this time allow people to stack the deck 2 servers versus 1. This is happening as we speak.