Showing Posts For Otiveht.5482:
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Otiveht.5482
This is so the base game doesnt get to 10$, as a result there would be 1million alt accounts just getting the daily log in rewards which would alter the economy to much.
Being a life time Guardian, im personally really excited for this new direction for the guardian. Currently im not a fan of the range abilities the guardian has, nor the weapons used for those abilities, it just doesnt appeal to me as a player. Im drawn more towards the GS and Hammer, but we all know that there are plenty of times in group content that guardians need to use other weapons. So this added range damage option with the longbow i hope is going to fill that void for me.
I also have always wanted to be more of a condition focused guardian, just because its fun for me, but i know it hasn’t been the “best” way to go for damage so you get shyed away from it. So im hoping in HoT with the changes to condition change and the Dragon Hunter addition, im really hoping i can play marry those two things and be viable in groups, and not be kicked.
I truly believe the “Pre-Purchase” idea has run its coarse and players should not fall in to this idea of marketing. Im not saying the GW2 expansion isnt worth it or isnt going to be good, i just believe people shouldnt pay for something that doesnt exist in the players hands yet.
Thanks ELBuenDavs.
I think my current goal is to finish the personal story. Then i think its to do some map completions. Then i think its to get back in to the dungeons to buy the armor. Then and maybe at the same time do some crafting.
Thanks all for the directions. I need to work on my mindset and expectations, then i can enjoy the journey more.
To all fans of GW2;
Like a lot of people, i bought the game when it came out supper hyped about a new MMO that isn’t like all others, enjoyed the kitten out of leveling, thought it was amazing. But i soon became very lost and overwhelmed on what i should do now that i’m 80 to progress my character. Maybe why im lost is i need this question answered, what is progression in GW2? Since its not a typical MMO progression system, or alteast one im use too. I just want to know that im using my time correctly or wisely. Now what type of feed back do i want, i want the PvE side of feed back, im not really crazy about the PvP quite yet, maybe later, but if i could get some guidance and reasons i should be doing “X”.
Thank you for your time!
My question is the topic. Is the Guardian Greatsword/crit build viable in PvE dungeon runs? Its what i have the most fun doing in this game and i dont want to be forced to change to other builds.
there are currently no plans to implement a dungeon finder.
If you are having trouble finding groups for dungeons, you can use our LFG system. Open up your contacts menu in-game, and there should be an option in there for grouping. That way it’s not just people standing out in front of dungeons shouting LFG until someone invites them. This system does not stretch across servers, or to other maps.
Dungeon finders are one of the things that kill community. There are much better ways to help players find groups for instances.
Its very nice to know that you take the full amount of damage, even though it has the word “Reflect” in the description.
Its just another one of those things that you have to support that talent. Don’t just get it to get it.
Be Asura, and use the Attack Golem!