Showing Posts For Papish.5806:

1st Day in Raiding as a Necro.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Yea, im getting similar numbers to Brayzz aswell so i also agree that viper condi reaper wins out(imo). Also a good thing to note, at the end of the night when pl were falling asleep during 2nd boss i found out i can solo-kill one of the fours guys in the 2nd phase. O, and epidemic works wonders for cleaning up adds+walls+orbs during the fight aswell.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


The food thing with blighters boon isnt something id worry about due to class balancing not being focused around wvw(food throws a kink in things for every class). As for it making the reaper omg so op sustain, it really isnt unless your ina 1v1 against another class with no burst. The reason being that as of right now in pvp the best way to kill a necro is to just slowly dps him out of ds/wait for him to drop ds and then cc+burst him while its on cd. People might not realize but…Blighter’s Boon does nothing to change this and even if u manage to survive their burst and enter shroud your teammates would literally have to spam all the boons they could ever give out to get ur hp healed enough to matter unless the team doesnt just dps pressure you right back out of shroud.

In short, coordinated burst still kills a reaper just as efficiently as a normal necro as we are still just as vulnerable to cc out of shroud(elite shout gives some stab but is also easy to counter…) and since rs is melee, if they see you go into it and are smart they will just focus you with soft cc(hard cc if infusing terror isnt on) and wait for your lf to drop then burst you.

Blighters boon would be most effective in bunker builds as they are less vulnerable to getting insta gibbed, but as to all the pwr reaper runnign aorund in maruader, yea…same old same old here.
Just my opinion

The Reaper and Dagger dilemma

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Ok so i guess ill help this out abit since its been bothering me abit. From numbers we got from beta gs auto is 10% behind dagger auto, got it. But you also have to take into account you can use gravedigger on cd even while your target is above 50% so lessen this gap(idk why ppl ignore this). Also, if you cant stay on your target 100% of the time(dodging/running away from things etc) then id say its still a toss up due to while dagger can get a couple quick hits in, you can start a gravedigger cast as you walk up so it finishes the moment you get into melee so in a situation where u can only attack for ~1-2sec before hopping off, personally id say gs wins there.

Now ppl usually bring up warhorn at this point with locust swarm. Numbers from last beta show gs nightfall doing more dmg that locust swarm. It is also on a lower cd and does its dmg in a smaller timeframe(6sec vs 10sec) and u can always drop on a boss then leave melee or w/e for mechanics and itll still be on boss while u must stick in melee the whole time for locust).

Dagger+wh wins out in single target lf gen and obviously sustain due to dagger #2. However once you start getting the ability to cleave gs wins out due to its auto lf scaling per target hit as well as #3(12% lf per target hit up to 3) and even the pull(4% per target up to 5). Obviously the sets differ in what they can bring if u want something specific(need more sustain and/or cripple spam+immob use dagger etc)(placement pulls and/or aoe blind+chills on gs)

When it comes down to it(will have to see final numbers on launch), as of now id say using a proper gs rotation is close enough to dagger dps on single target to where you should use it for melee unless u need something specific dag brings. Of course we also have gs doing more dps when target hits below 50%(dont just gravedigger spam remember to use nightfall).

Lastly use what you want but most likely id say id be bad to run two melee wep sets with reaper shroud so gs+(whatever ranged is best) will more likely be needed for encounters. Reason being, while running both melee might end up being best for top optimal dps, you have to take into account any mechanics that take you out of melee, because doing some ranged dps is better than doing no dps while out of melee dealing with mechanics.

edited for millions of typos

[Vid] Power Reaper Vs. Evade DareDevil...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Don’t forget crusader amulet either. I guess most just dont like it/or dont notice it.

Reaper: Dagger auto vs RS #1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Unless the tooltip doesn’t match the actual dmg, last BWE I did a quick tooltip check and it was showing higher damage with my greatsword on compared to my dagger+warhorn set. Made sure I did not receive any might or power modifier s while I did my check as well. Also, they were all same status(legendary)

Reapers tanky due to infinite life force bug

in PvP

Posted by: Papish.5806


Could this be the reason that many people perceive Reaper as “super tanky”? I have a very strong feeling that players, who used to focus necros first in team fights are not even aware of this.

People think reapers are tanky on maps without destructable objects. So not entirely.

yea the common misconception is being a reaper makes you super tanky or something. Other than having a 5 minion rise up(assuming they have managed to auto something to get the link and arent being kited) reaper isnt anymore tanky while out of shroud. they have more lf gen but waiting for them to exit shroud and cc-bursting them before shroud is back off cd works the same as it does currently on normal necro.

While in RS they are only less vulnerable to cc because of infusing terror, but they can be kited easier and if u wait out infusing then you can just cc-burst them out of rs aswell.(all their extra lf gen requires auto-ing and/or hitting chill targets) so if they are cc-ed neither are happening(referring to extra lf gen while in rs). Coordinated team cc-burst vs reaper=same as coordinated cc-burst vs necro.

and while the lf gen thing on khylo is nice, its the same as if the necro had full lf on any map and went into a teamfight. As is, wait for him to exit ds/dps him out of it, then use your cc+burst you should have been saving when he exits and its gg as always…..

games arent balanced around soloq. this bug does suck for ppl trying to 1v1 the necro tho so it still needs to be fixed as with all bugs.

Reapers are WAY to tanky

in PvP

Posted by: Papish.5806


Ok so i really have to chime in on this because its hilarious. Our reaper shroud and death shroud hp is the same right? Currently the most efefctive way to kill a necro is to cc and burst him when he exits shroud or you dps him out of shroud right? So tell me how blighters boon makes him impossible to kill while out of shroud? Just wait for him to exit shroud, or apply constant pressure while kiting till his shroud runs out, then cc burst him when shroud is on cd.

While in shroud the only extra lf gain a reaper has over a normal necro is chilling victory(requires him hitting a chilled foe) and his auto 3rd hit(only notable extra sustain when cleaving 3 targets).

So id love to hear how blighters makes them impossible to burst compared to current necros….

edit: and while blighters might allow him to get to 100% hp before he exits/runs out of shroud. thats no different han a full hp necro in shroud right now that gets bursted from 100-0. The game isnt balanced on completely uncoordinated soloq teams.

(edited by Papish.5806)

What is our role in new raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


edit: and by 1-2 shot mechanics i mean very quick and often one shot mechanics because if they hit hard enough to two shot us, but only hit that hard every 10sec, we can easily soak the dmg with our ds and build up lf betwee next hit, or let it hit our hp, and enter ds and heal up to full while ds soaks the small attacks in the meantime.

just my 2cents

If DS was this good, you wouldn’t see video of thieve/ele/gardian/warrior soling dungeon but video of necro doing it.

We arent refferring to current content, hence why i was talking about hypothetical mechanics…….All it would take is a hard hitting skill that is used often and unblockable(lets say it hits for about 30k) and suddenly necro is the best for that situation since we could soak the hit with our ds+hp pool and recover inbetween hits.

The reason we would be the best for that situation is, unless you have a class with a very short cd invuln and stack invuln classes and rotate them around in circles to soak the hits you would have to gear/spec defensively which the necro would not. As i said before, all hypothetical.

edit: Also, soloing dungeons as a necro is easy…just because you dont see vids doesnt mean its not possible/doesnt happen. The reason you dont see vids is because we dont do it the fastest and most of the ppl that post vids of it are trying to do it as fast as possible.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Do We Need Premium Chill?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


correct, they always take the higher % and then subtract the lower % from it and then the number left is applied.

It works both ways(reduction of duration and increase in duration). Another thing to note is that while going over 100%, ex: 120%, will not increase a duration more than double, it will still be taken into account during the calculation. So if you have 120% chill duration increase and your opponent has a -40%, you will end up with a 80%.

and example numbers wise would be a 10sec chill with 100 or 120% is still turned to a 20sec chill. But against an opponent with -40% the 100% would go to 60% and give you a 16sec chill, and the 120% will go to 80% and give you a 18sec.

edit: as i said before always works same way if your opponent has higher -% than you have +%

yes im bored and rambling….

edit edit: the sad thing is also that incase reaper ever becomes a thing with chill, too many classes have access to -% duration traits for it and can take a runeset for another -50% duration to completely nullify our chill application unless we heavily invest into increased duration ourselves.

(edited by Papish.5806)

What is our role in new raids?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


i know Chrono will be getting f5 to be able to double null field and all, but idk how ppl think we arent the best boonrippers… As a reaper we will have an aoe boonrip(2 boons) on a 5-6sec cd, and can take corrupt boon for burst boon corruption. So we do not need to trait for signets of suffering, and if u really need more aoe boonrip you can take well of corruption. Lets not forget the fact ds2 can be traited to also chill+vuln ontop of its blind and boonrip aswell if we need.

If we are in a situation where we do not need boonrip then we can easily have soul reaping instead of curse for more tankiness and with blighters boon and traited for lower ds cd we can easily facetank like a mad man. The reason for this is that with 9 other people in our party able to give out boons in addition to our own boon generation, we basically have a 7sec vulnerability window of dieing. So unless bosses have one/two shot mechanics then once our ds runs out 7 secs later we have full lf and re-enter ds and with all the boonspam we can easily get our hp healed back up to full.

edit: and by 1-2 shot mechanics i mean very quick and often one shot mechanics because if they hit hard enough to two shot us, but only hit that hard every 10sec, we can easily soak the dmg with our ds and build up lf betwee next hit, or let it hit our hp, and enter ds and heal up to full while ds soaks the small attacks in the meantime.

just my 2cents

(edited by Papish.5806)

Not enough stability

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Yea i really like how they called it going on cd when the skill was activated a bug. I mean itd be like making zerk stance/endure pain not go on cd until the stance wears off……thanks for singling out necro anet.

Thoughts on the new "Rise!"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Am i the only one that wants shambling horrors to also act like their gw1 version? As is, once a shambling horror dies a jagged horror is summoned from its corpse.

edit: in addition to the dark bond thing the shamblings do atm of course. Also just noticed the post above me, need more support for this!

(edited by Papish.5806)

Jotun Great Sword > Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Personally im going to be using Greatsaw. Some1 has to turn all the mordrem/sylvari to mulch.

edit: @ The Demonic Spirit, fellblade is a Hall of Monuments skin, not black lion chest.

7/9 Necromancer Update nerfs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I feel like they also nerfed this due to Reaper gs skill: Nightfall, a pulsing blind+cripple(aka another well of darkness). Maybe they though its synergy was too good? Honestly i don’t think it was warranted especially because with reaper being focused around chill, the reaper only brought 5 new ways of applying chill: gs auto 3rd hit, elite shout, normal shout, reaper shroud #5, and chilling nova trait.

Now while that might sound like a lot of new ways to apply chill, i’m sure most of u know how often in pvp we will be able to land a full auto chain(every now and then but not reliable in any way for chill), and the two shouts have very long cast times and long cooldowns. The reaper shroud #5 skill lays down a nice ice field which can be combo-ed with for more chill, but i feel using it just for chill is a waste as its a very nice executioner skill that also has a cc on it while having a long cd(so even if used for chill not that often). Lastly is the chilling nova trait, which in pvp will most likely get overshadowed by Relentless Pursuit due to us needing to not be kited to be effective as a reaper.

The elite shout is debatable whether itll be worth always takign or not, and the other chill shout seems lackluster for its long cast+cd and only a 3s duration chill and single condition transferred on each target hit. So i feel like they are taking away a trait with good synergy with reaper before reaper has even had a chance to use it because they fear it will be “too good”.

just my 2cents sorry for long rant. edit: spelling+had non elite shout wrong.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Blood Magic aka Boss Magic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Oh definitely no arguement there for the damage. I guess I just find the damage negligible in PvP and prefer the extra healing and more utility. I would say it’s all preference though, that and I like that it gives you more burst healing rather than trickling it in bit by bit. And the 5%rez does help abit although I wish it scaled up abit with healing power.

Blood Magic aka Boss Magic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I find running LfD is more beneficial than running vamp pres if you are using any amulet with healing power. Just with crusader amulet and the bit of healing power you get from blood gm minor(this is at full hp so you get even more as you get lower) you would have to hit 44 times or so for vamp pres to pass up it’s healing.

Two days left before we die.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


CC is still the same(as posted in changes) and i kinda spammed chat abit to get him to test sigil of blood in ds, sadly it does not work. Was worth a shot guess.

Blood Bond & Vampiric Presense

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Honestly unless you are going to run a bunker or tanky reaper setup i dont think you would even run blood since you will have plenty of sustain from blighter’s boon combo-ed with chilling force and all the might from being in spite(might on rs auto and when hitting targets below 50%). While out of rs you wont have extra healing you will have extra lf gen and if using you are all weaklings(the possibly only worthwile shout) since it is a 25sec stunbreak that gives weakness, itll also give you 4 stack of might(so 4% lf) per target hit.

so while in rs i think blighters will put out more healing than blood can to our hp, and while out of rs we will generate a lot more lf so when our cd comes up from exiting it last we can have more if not full lf(can even trait for lower rs cd if you are hitting 100% before cd is over).

edit: also with blighters boon any ally spewing out aoe boons will alsop give you lf/hp depending on whether you are in rs or not.

CC - secondary condi is blind

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Just think fellas, not only can we vuln and blind ourselves when traited for corruptions, we can also trait to add chill AND EVEN MORE VULN, HOORAH!!!!!

Plague will be devastating after the update

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I agree with Drarnor for power builds our condis will do less damage than now and with no extra Condi duration(assuming you don’t spec curses) it will only be two stacks of bleeds which is negligable. Also since it is off of the plague hp when you exit the form your hp will still be at the same total % so the actual damage you take from it won’t be much at all.

Movement Skill Changes and Reaper Impact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


1. Abjured wins(and a couple of other teams who play and rnak in the top NA also have necros, or used too i havent kept up team might have disbanded) yea, and you cant say reaper is bad cuz necro is CURRENTLY not ideal. Specially with reaper being int he future still subject to a bit of change and yea…core trait change hasnt even hit yet.
and i figured it was pretty obvious when i say dagger, and poower that they are using it mainhand….guess not or u must not play necro much.(and yes nos has been playing pwr since shoutbow came along)
2+3. Didnt realize you have played the reaper yet and know the final numbers and timings for everything..thanks.(i never said it will be good for sure, but with its mechanics it can and we wont know till its finally released)

4. yes resistance sucks but as i said before read above at how much guards actually have access to it(not that much) and that as said before condis converted to boons is RANDOM after patch, so very unreliable for them to actually cleanse chill everytime right when they want to bar using a 60sec cd(48 traited). And if your condis not taking effect( they are still on your target and new ones can be applied) for two seconds is a small window of counter against the necro and unless they actually use some mroe condi cleanse then they are only delaying.

Also, its not like we dont have access to boonrips……

edit: we are talking about reaper and possibilities/theorycrafting. So bring up reasons why it wont workbecause of current issues dont hold any water imo. Yes we have some problems with core mechanics, but those arent even being addressed in most of the “qq reaper is going to be worthless” threads.

(edited by Papish.5806)

[VID] AMAZING Necro Underwater Clip

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Yea i often go underwater when outmanned on land. I often 1v2-4 ppl successfully cuz we have such nice tools underwater.

Movement Skill Changes and Reaper Impact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


@ Tissitra, a class or two having a slight counter to us is fine, but even then you do realize they only have contemplation of purity(which only helps themselves and is on a 60sec cd) and other than that all they have is their shout trait which only converts one condition to a boon for each shout used. Keep in mind conversions select condis at random so with the shout trait as long as you have a couple condis on them there is a good chance it wont even convert it.

Edit: guildie of mine informed me engis can trait for fumigate to convert the condis cleansed by it to boons, which is the only big issue i see, and even then fumigate does not affect the engi himself, only allies. Their super elixir on it would be really nice and a good counter to us but like i said, im fine with a couple of counters.

Also, runes of lyssa has a 45sec cd, so im still ok with that, just means they are also giving up vamp rune proc and with rs3 we are less susceptible to engi cc than before.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Movement Skill Changes and Reaper Impact

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Here i will address the movement stuff and my opinion on it. First @ Kodama, slow will increase the overal cast time/channel of a rush or whirl skill as they have cast times so slow(since it makes it longer) will actually slow down those kills. Instant leaps shouldnt be affected though.

The comment about how x amount of necros run dagger and have been succesful in high level play doesnt hold water as there arent that many necros in high level pvp play. But pretty much every single pwr necro that is in high lvl pvp runs dagger and are successful with it(getting in melee to use it). As for gs not have anything to gap close, it has a 600 range 3/4 sec pull on it. All the top necros land their dark pact skill which has a .25sec longer cast than it fine, so i dont see an issue here.

The only trait we will be taking that benefits and synergizes with chill in pvp will be chilling force, and worst comes to worst we can run decimate. Of course we also have the reduced dmg from chilled targets which is very nice, but its also a minor so its not like we have to weigh taking it or not if you dont think you can have good chill uptime.

Our gap closing will be stronger imo due to the leap on rs 2 since even if you are blind or ur opponent is invuln/dodging, you clase close distance while with dark path and its slow projectile has soo many counters.(and its just really slow and easy to time a dodge against. Also the lower cd on rs 2 lets us have a gap closer up for often for re-engages/new fights.

For the o no chill converts to resistance things ive been seeing. yes it converts to it and its sucks but its only 2sec of resistance and not many classes have actual boon conversions so it shouldnt be coming up that often.(i only see engi being main threat for this because of their convert on incoming conditions, but this can be baited/burned out by using other skills first). Also classes that do have it arent able to spam it, so use another cripple/chill on them and when their resistance falls off they are affected by them(its not like resistance prevents you from adding new condi to ur target, they just dont take affect while its on)

Will it be easy to be in melee whenever you want while a reaper? of course not, if it was we would be op as hell. Sure thief can, but they are also more prone to getting insta gibbed due to their lower hp pool.

Ready Up - Additional Infos

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Putting normal amount/higher charges on it would make the trait too imbalanced for the adept slot it is in due to its potential in teamfights. Since teammates can remove the charges aswell, if you proc it on a target your team is focusing all it takes is for each person to hit them once with anything to get that extra 1750. With its low cd having more charges would be too much since you could get that 1750 extra dmg burst each sec.

So 5 charges is fine imo, even tho you wont benefit from as much healing due to teammates eating charges in a teamfight, them doing so also increases burst dmg from the marks on ur target. While obviously 5 charges is fine for 1v1 since that is the max we can proc ourselves anyways.

Is corrupter's fervour good?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Honestly, i think it will. One small(although not perfect example) is our chilling darkness trait. Even if our target already has blind on them, hitting them with another blind still procs the chill again. As for the one skill multiple conditions thing, i don’t see any reason why it would not work. It would also give us nice synergy with getting stacks when using other traits for chill on blind and vuln on chill, etc.

Is corrupter's fervour good?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


copied from the update post : Corrupter’s Fervor: Whenever you apply a condition to a foe gain a stack of Corrupter’s Fervor for 8 seconds which grants 30 toughness and 2% reduced incoming condition damage per stack (maximum 10 stacks).

It should work anytime you apply a condition whether it is one stacking in duration or intensity. Which means standing in a group of 5 players/mobs with locust swarm up would give you 5 stacks a second(so capping ur stacks with 2 pulses).

Is corrupter's fervour good?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I will agree the master minor is bad, and while the master options arent amazing they arent that bad imo. As for Corruptor’s Fervor, id say it is very good.

It is only “replacing” the 300 tough you would normally get from going all in on death if you ran gear with 0 toughness before, since after patch all stats on gear are going up to compensate the stat loss from traits. Also, it has the additional -20% condi dmg taken at max stacks which as far as i know, no other class can reduce incoming condi dmg.

New shrouded removal is also a very nice pick, along with getting the free prot on exiting DS from gm minor.

Boon Ripper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Could also swap Sig of spite for locust if u want more frequent(and aoe) boon conversion since traited it’ll have a 24sec CD. Also it should heal for around 1200 per target baseline after patch assuming the 20%increase siphon baseline affects it since the trait currently in-game does.

A concern about specs from a tank necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I believe he is, and ill support it all the way.

Invincible Reaper Build? (PvE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


You mentioned the chilling nova for extra chill(so also extra vuln up) in the top post which is very nice. In addition to that though, assuming chilling force stays the same/similar it is also extra might stacks since chilling nova has dmg on it(and from what i saw with he reaper gameplay vids one fo the 3 targets struck is also ur main target you hit).

This mean if you chill 3 targets then hit all 3 of them with one auto you will get an extra 9 stacks of might(3 novas hitting 3 guys each=9 hits) as well from chilling force, on top of the other might you get just from the actual auto attack+reapers might and spite minor. So hitting 3 guys(one being below 50%) could give a possible total of 15 might from one auto swing. Granted it would be gated by the 10sec cd of chilling nova, but that is more than enough might in a short amount of time.

Even without a target below 50% to hit, you can lead off any fight with reaper 5 for aoe chill/any other source of aoe chill, then just enter rs auto to get 13+stacks of might within the first second or two of engagment.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Invincible Reaper Build? (PvE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


While still strong you are a little off on the spite minor. It has a 1sec icd not a 1sec icd per opponent so you would only get 2 might max per swing no matter how many guys you cleave.

My favorite part of this patch...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Here is my 2cents. Yes CC was going to and needed to be classified as a type of skill. Not sure if corruption was the best route they went with it due to it seeming like they put the new corruption trait together first and chose CC’s type second and went crap, now we have to do something so its not a super low cd heal. While i am ok with the cd increase i am not ok with the vuln application and the additional condition added if traited for cd.(this also puts us with only well of power for a condition cleanse that does not need a target or leave us with conditions still on us, aka cant condi clear to get out of combat to get increased movespeed for rotations).

As to all the “but we have x and y for condi clear/condi turning”. Yes we do but that makes us extremely predictable ingame of, oh look necro popped heal i bet i know what heal will do next. Also, if we are using those to condi cleanse/transfer our self applied conditions it leaves us with less options to deal with conditions applied by opponents especially since all of our condi transfers/removals besides CC have now had a cap put on them for how many they can clear.

and imo its bad taste to have to gear/trait/pick certain skills just to make one skill you have worth using(specifically that the stuff you are chosing isnt to make the skill more potent, just bearable for use).

edit: wouldnt mind if they lowered cd reduction on trait to 20% and put CC cd back to 25 sec so it has same base cd as now, with same lowered cd(20sec) as with their current version of the trait. Could also tweak other corruption cds if needed to put them in same spot.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Gray out the HP for future condition damage

in PvP

Posted by: Papish.5806


I disagree. It should “purple out” not grey out. =P

Condi Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Also keep in mind that going over 100% is still useful against people running -% incoming condis. For example if you have 120% and they are running a -40% you will have 80% when you apply your conditions. Although this mainly applies to WvW due to lemongrass melandru combo and for specific conditions from traits like dogged march.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Condi Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Rune of the elementalist isn’t a bad option either for a bit more duration on chill and burning. And if course the extra power since we will most likely be running carrion and rs skills scale well with it.

Granted you could also run unyielding blast with decimate instead for a more hybrid setup.

Stronghold and the Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Besides w/e class gets the defiance bar, we will probably be one of the top classes for mist essence capping. While we will only be able to hold 3 stacks of stabil with RS #3(4 for a bit with boon duration) the fact it pulses every second makes it so its harder for boonrips to catch us unless they time their rip+follow up cc right after we gain a stack.

Stabil with high stacks is also very good, but one boonrip can take that off. So unless teams are running no boonrips specifically for stab then high stacks would win-out.

Nerf Runes/Sigils! Say NO to RNG !!!

in PvP

Posted by: Papish.5806


We all understand there is RNG with crit chance and a couple other things that we need to account for. The reason why air+fire sigils need nerf/removal is due to how strong they are imo. Sure i can account for their dmg but its not like i can avoid all enemy burst setups/rotations, while also dodge every single little attack inbetween that is going to proc those.

An example(probably a poor one) would be having a fight with a mes which is fairly even, you both get to half hp or a little lower, you manage to juke out a couple of his big hits and even avoid his shatter combo, but then he lands an auto attack on you and both sigils proc and hit you hard and put you in a bad spot or possibly downed.

just my 2cents

So whats everyones Reaper gonna look like?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I may go with this, who knows. This is my current look for my DS build.

What helmet is that?

Grenth Hood from Gemstore. Usually comes out around October for Halloween.

The grenth hood(if they keep with how gw1 is with grenth vs dwayna) will come back during Wintersday since that is when it was initially released. It was brought back once before but that was with all the other stuff they brought back for their anniversary gemstore sales n stuff during last august. If i remember correctly

Vamp rune update

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I actually dropped it and will no longer use it anymore. Played a couple matches with it and it got me killed more than it helped. Honestly i hadnt noticed this much before(also havent used it a ton) so it could just have always worked this way and im going crazy but…

Having it proc and go on cd, cool works as intended, go on about ur business in another fight later on ur low hp (at or below25%) and you enter ds. Cool except if it comes back off cd and u get hit since u got hit and ur hp is below the 25% it takes you out of ds and forces you into mist form.

Which is bad especially if you were on the offensive or would have been able to win the fight or soak dmg fine in ds, you are in mist form, and when it end you dont have ds to enter since its on cd.

Also if you are fighting and condis get you below the 25% and you enter ds then get hit itll do the same thing.

As i said before though i only recently started running vamp(was running condi or just a diff rune before for pwr) so i didnt have a lot of experience with that happening if it could pre patch. Also maybe since it used to be 20% i just neverwas in ds or went to enter ds when i was that low and it being at 25% is just me noticing it for once now.

reaper=no meta for necros

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Papish.5806


i would probably lead off with focus5—>4 for the starting chill since if you just immedietely swap to gs after #4 and use nightfall—>ds ur target doesnt have chill on yet. While in pve chill uptime will be easy id still rather have that starting chill for 3 procs of chilling force+however many procs you get from it from nightfall pings before you would be able to get a chill applied after entering ds.

While we will most likely be running sigil of ice it is only a 30% chanc eon hit so you could miss a couple trait procs before it applies.

but of course warhorn would be better in any aoe situation since aoe chill—>locust swarm would be 5 chilling force procs a sec, and of course aoe dmg.

Condition duration mechanics

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Bhawb is correct as far as i know. I havent tested having over 100% with a reduction personally. But two days ago i tested the opposite. I had an engi friend run leg mods+automated defense+runes of svanir for testing purposes in a pvp arena.

At low hp with the traits in effect he had a total of 133% chill reduction, so when i hit him with a chill it promptly said “immune”(i was running 0% condi duration).

I then tested right after by putting 6 into spite so i would have 30% condi duration, in which he was still immune since it only lowered his reduction to a 103%.

Last test i threw on runes of ice and hit him with a chill and it applied it, although for a very short duration since it had a 73% reduction on it.

How it works with condi duration is while your skill duration stops going up once you hit 100%, anything over that is still there and it utilized when facing an opponent with -% of incoming condis. While this is extremely hard to achieve in pvp, it is more prevalant for WvW as a lot run -40% food and also melandru runes for another -25%.

Chilled to the Bone+Executioner's Scythe

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Well darn…was really hoping for a deepfreeze effect on the elite, with the amount of ways they enemy can stop it(cc+aegis+blind+dodge roll+invuln) and it having a huge tell with a long cast it needs a little something extra in their imo.

Not saying its cant be used fine since people have hard times stopping a warr banner, but warr banner can also be cast at max range then they can run even farther away(during the cast) while itll still go off without a “out of range” error. They arent forced to stay close range like our shout has us do(so easily focused).

Chilled to the Bone+Executioner's Scythe

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Been watching the stream over again to double check some things and look for anything that i might have missed, and i noticed a couple things with these two skills. As of right now most are saying that Chilled to the Bone is lacking in effectivness due to its cast time and cd and that executioners is far too slow.

However, what i noticed with these skills is when the target is struck by them instead of the normal stun icon they get a different one that looks a bit similar to frost aura icon. Not only that but they get the ice block effect on them such as the ele ice bow #5, Deep Freeze.

So basically what im getting at is that there is a possibility that it is a deepfreeze effect and that your target would not be able to stunbreak out of it. What are your thoughts on this as i think it justifies their cd+cast times and makes them very strong.

Dhuumfire on Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


I vote that the dhuumfire trait changes the Reaper’s scythe while in reapershroud or give it a dhuumfire(green fire) weapon trail. Since the lifeblast projectile is changed when traited with dhuumfire i think we should keep this going.

Chill DMG scales with....?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


if traited for chilling darkness, gs could be viable on a carrion(pvp)/sinister(pve) setup do to still doing decent normal dmg and with poison(on a cc pull) and the #4 pulsing its blind(chill) and cripple. Also keep in mind(i noticed a lot of ppl have overlooked this) chilling darkness’ tooltip in the stream showed 2s of chill per blind.

And in pvp if you could stand losing chilling force you could take decimate defenses and have crit chance.

(edited by Papish.5806)

Minion masters will be gods again !

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


The reason why your build would be good on paper is because of the massive team/minion healing through auto-ing with renewing blast trait. This is where i have to ruin your dreams though. Renewing blast is being removed in core trait update and its spot is being taken by dhuumfire. Sorry bud

Blighter's Boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


and dont forget chilling force(if left as is) also gives 1% lf aswell. So while its is giving you extra might(and healing ur hp pool) while in RS, it is also giving you more RS staying pwr.

Interrupt Mesmers Ultimatum

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


While minorly off from your numbers , our cd reduction trait for ds skills is 15%, so 5.1sec cd for the leap and 17sec for the stabil btw.

Meet the Reaper!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Papish.5806


Also lots of things are open to interpretation, and specifically Necromancer who is most aligned with Grenth: the god of death and CHILL makes perfect sense so yea…