matchmaking is getting better much better then yesterday for sure
This game is all about teamwork,find 4 more,train and try to defend,win against premade teams and actually get better in the game,u will feel much better u will see how much improved instead of making same mistakes in solo ques and getting carried by other people or in other opposite
P.S Leaderboard doesnt work in next 2 weeks so u can lose all day long
(edited by Paragon.5479)
i love the new Uls brah,really really love it
Courtyard should be on another que for 3vs3 and 5vs5 on both ranked and unranked,that would be awesome and u will have both conquest and Dm players happy
Spirit watch and Skyhammer are nowhere near the level to be even in unranked tbh
Justin ty for the updates u made i and many others are gratefull,keep up a good work
i got 2 losses for no reason only cause i refused to accept,i should be punished with dishonor and not 2 losses on games that i did not even play
also i declined once que and i left second que before i even got the call and i have 2 losses in my record and that costed me my leaderboard 2 :S
What will happen to the people that just give up mid-match and afk the entire round? I’ve been in plenty of matches that were close until a player decided it just wasn’t worth it and stopped playing. They move around so they don’t get timed out, but do nothing for the game.
Could a timer be added to leave the starting area so if someone decides to do this they either need to take the dishonor, continue playing, or be kicked?
will u guys ever be happy?It seems no matter what they do there are some randoms posting about afk people.
omg that new system u made is awesome,ty very much good sir developer
Pls mention also u are from Na -.-
God bless his soul,his popularity is rising day by day,join us now while u can and if u are in the guild,Prince kitten Vindagor wont go afk or have change of heart in ur precious yolo que
(edited by Paragon.5479) its ip its laggy and not possible to play whatsoever
recruit him already…
Arrogant and selfish player,if u wanna make a team that will make a bond with each other and stay together this is not player for you!IF u watched Prison Brake few years ago he is like T-bag
celestial amulet is what brings ele and engi into meta,remove them and u lose 2 professions
totally agree,best changes they ever made!!!
ur mmr from wow will not help u now,game is 2 years old
Good to know u are looking for a team
they might still lose especially cause they are overconfident little spark between rom and helseth and its all over!!!Who knows many things may happen
they might still lose especially cause they are overconfident little spark between rom and helseth and its all over!!!Who knows many things may happen
Engi took hard nerfs again and abomination like thiefs and warrs says hi
I was sarcastic god kitten it -………..-
Seems s/d thiefs and warrs will still stay on top of the hill,thiefs need LOS put on steal and shadowsteps skills and warrs cleansing ire nerfed or reworked
E sports
(edited by Paragon.5479)
they need to do something about asuras asap!
nerf steal or put Line of sight on thiefs,that only will make difference between good and bad thiefs,mesmer and other glassy classes will be able to kite and all will be happy
Pls close the topic,construction worker cannot teach surgeon how to operate on some1 ,discussion here with some people is pointless,al builds do need some tweaks here and there but that’s it.Don’t make from a mouse a elephant
its fine the way it is,stacking might from runes,sigils are the things that add up a little bit but nothing game breaking
it seems its fixed,thank you evan lesh
i dont think is it fixed cause now i am rank 80 and i am not moving whatsoever
any words from developers about this bug i am still rank 81 and i am not moving whatsoever
the only reason pve has more viewers its coz pve is easier to understand and play,more casuals more views.They waste they time in GvG clusterfak and they enjoj in illusion that they are good,not to attack any1 offcourse
Countless very amuzing guy to watch,to bad his build is not viable but he is on Na so it needs time to hit him in forehead D.But its just my opinion offcourse
All of them are not viable so i don’t know why u are complaining cause they can be easily countered and cause of that they are not viable in top 50 tpvp.I am afraid is l2p issue
its not viable cause of thiefs,we will see will they be when thiefs get proper nerfs
i can’t agree more,if you change only 2 things from all that he listed above population will jump 10 fold.U wanted feedback here take it and do something.I wanna thank Seiishizo for taking his time to make this list,i hope other people bump this
(edited by Paragon.5479)
same I am 81 and cant progress anymore
he is from sweden lets see how ur vocabulary is pal
Lord Helseth teaching u difference between peasants and kings
Youtube video teaching difference about peasant and kings
Are u guys on Na cause i dont have that kind of problems on Eu especially on prime times
Engies are fine,they are jack of all trades doing many things and they have atleast 3 viable builds that can set in any good team,problem is there are not many people out there who wanna test new things they just copy paste most of the time and just cause tcg is more power oriented doesn’t mean engi is not viable
Had a chance to talk with them and also played with them in solo que,awesome,charismatic,down to earth people who always want to help.Rom is my favorite by far,that lad
it seems no1 else has the same problem or solution
When i am in WwW i don’t lag at all or Pve but in solo and team q most of the time i have lag like almost one sec.Pls can some1 from Arena Net tell me what is going on cause its not my connection,that lag i sense that delay its gone after 10 pm but during a day its almost not possible to play.So if some1 know to fix it or have the same problem pls post here
still looking for decent guard
they are not forcing u pal,u want rewards u need to solo or team que,u cant zerg in hotjoin with ur pals and get rewards,u need to go solo que and win atleast one duel or node by urself without ur hotjoiners pal.Not every1 is meant to have those rewards,those rewards are for us pvp players so we dont get bored not some casual hotjoiner thank you
did u see any engies in finals ?
ArrDee u are not number one engi u are not even top 100 stop spamming forums
Fk or FiveKings are looking for decent guard for our team,whisper me in game or send me a email,need to have some decent numbers of games under his belt.
Must have:
1:need to speak english(doesnt need to be expert)
2:to be active
(edited by Paragon.5479)
You messed up with the screens, just click on “more posting & formatting options”, then attach them to your post. Also your engi kinda looks like a ranger xD
ty very much sir i fixed
Your favorite professions and why,just to get away from some toxic threads and some character pictures
(edited by Paragon.5479)