Showing Posts For Peter.9406:

PvP Discussion: Menders vs Paladins

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


This is a great thread, I’m really loving the discussion here. I was wondering what you guys think about Sages amulet? I was thinking Sages with torch and geo sigils to up the condi pressure.

Pet damage PvP score?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


OK thanks for the responses. Kind of a bummer I’m curious to how much damage I actually dish out in a match. It’s weird how they contribute to condi DMG.

(edited by Peter.9406)

Pet damage PvP score?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I was just wondering if anyone knows if pets contributes to the damage done shown in the scoreboard at the end of the game. I tried to test it but for some reason it counted condition damage dealt but not damage dealt. I was wondering if anyone knows for sure.

Decap Ranger gonna be meta

in PvP

Posted by: Peter.9406


You guys exaggerate everything. The build is not OP and is not game breaking.

Moving spirits! Please!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I agree also. Never really understood why they made them stationary in the first place.

Astral Force needs to be built up other ways

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Signet of the Wild as well as Regen would both be OP. Basically if each tick of healing from either of those sources charged your Astral Form it would instantly be the absolute most optimal way of gaining Astral Force.

That being said, no interaction at all between the two probably isn’t the healthiest thing either.

Not if they scale it to be less than healing.

Here’s what would actually happen if they made Astral Force build with ticks of Regen. And please keep in mind I am not a dev and this is only conjecture. You’d likely see astral force generation nerfed for healing and damage, to cover the fact that Druids have more ways to build it.

I get that Regen is one of the things that base Ranger has very easy access to. And this is one area where Druid really doesn’t interact much with base Ranger. But currently the mechanic is pretty straight forward. Druid works best when you are both supporting your allies with heals and doing damage.

In my original post I said and/or regen. You make a good point regen is readily available, but I dont think making Signet of the Wild contribute to AF would be too bad. Either way condi dmg should be included to the dmg formula for AF regen.

Astral Force needs to be built up other ways

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Signet of the Wild as well as Regen would both be OP. Basically if each tick of healing from either of those sources charged your Astral Form it would instantly be the absolute most optimal way of gaining Astral Force.

That being said, no interaction at all between the two probably isn’t the healthiest thing either.

Not if they scale it to be less than healing.

Astral Force needs to be built up other ways

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Right now AF is pretty much gated through staff, TU, and very minor physical dmg. If not running staff or TU you are lucky to get get enough AF in a team fight to go avatar. To remedy this I think some other things should contribute to AF.
Here are some ideas:
1. Condi Dmg
2. Regen and/or Signet of the Wild
3. Pet dmg (this one could be a bit OP if not worked out correctly but just an idea)

Edit: Thank you! Changes are great.

(edited by Peter.9406)

Druid Bugs [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


+1 for the Signet of the Wild breaking you out of celestial form and depleting all your AF. Please fix this soon as rangers only have 2 source of stability, which is really needed to use Avatar Form, and this bug limits us to one.

swap smokescale f2 back please

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Don’t switch it I like it.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Hello All-Seeing Devs and Moderator,

After testing the current WHOA I believe a viable fix to the current state of the skill would be to allow this shout to affect all nearby allies. So in essence allow the current boons to be shared with nearby allies not only between ranger and pet.

I believe this buff would greatly help the ranger in all areas of play as it brings an element of party support that it currently does not have. If this change were brought in the might cap along with the shorter cds on every other boon would make sense and be fair.

TL;DR: allow the boon sharing aspect of the skill, not the chunk of heal, to be AoE within a certain shout radius to nearby allies. (Along with between ranger and pet)

GW2 All-Star Karaoke Tournament #2!

in PvP

Posted by: Peter.9406


Is there a video of the last one, I really want to watch it!

Poison vs. Chill

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Poison. Higher duration bc each pulse stacks duration and shorter cool down. Poison reduces the effectives of healing which also makes foes resing slower. Also you already have a cc with spike trap. A better decision to make would be spike vs frost trap.

Rox's Quiver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peter.9406


Does anyone know when they are re-releasing Rox’s Quiver or if it’s ever coming back onto the gemstore?

Rox's Quiver

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Peter.9406


Please bring back Rox’s Quiver! If only for a day on the gem store that would be great. It is only fair considering all other living story items have been added to a merchant and backpack skins can now be sold on trading post. So please just bring it back so I can buy it.

I found the perfect fix for Heal as One!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


As of now heal as one is such a below average healing skill and hardly ever see any play in the game. The fix is simple and ANet developed it themselves. Make the skill function as it did in GW1! I use to use this skill in GW1 all the time as it was so good. Why not just make it act the same? Make it a signet; the passive will be the life steal on pet hit, and the active will be the burst heal. Honestly, this would be a great change and not ruin the balance but bring more BM build into the light.

For those who are gonna complain on relying on pet even more, there are other healing skills out there to choose from. This is just another viable option that would make the skill better and would work with out traits.

Here’s the link to the GW1 Heal as One:

(Edit added the link)

(edited by Peter.9406)

Ranger changes Dec. 10 patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


is LB bugged?? each attack give you 1-2 sec of fury.

Yeah I think it is.

Ranger changes Dec. 10 patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


For the ranger, we’ve adjusted the placement of some traits in order to have more build combinations. For example, by swapping Nature’s Vengeance and Spirits Unbound so that rangers can have spirits follow players in tier 2, players can now opt out of the higher damage output from spirits and still have options elsewhere. We also enhanced some Marksmanship traits and a Skirmishing trait to make power specs more appealing. We feel rangers also currently have too much endurance regeneration through traits. Due to this, we’ve made adjustments to Wilderness Survival traits, and we’ve also brought down the passive effect of Sun Spirit and the active effect for Storm Spirit.
Long Range Shot: Increased the damage at the less-than-500 range by 20%. Increased the damage at the 500 to 1000 range by 15%.
Marksmanship V—Predator’s Instinct: Increased the threshold from 25% to 50%. Increased the cripple duration from 2 seconds to 10 seconds. Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
Marksmanship VI—Beastmaster’s Bond: Decreased the cooldown from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.
Skirmishing XII—Moment of Clarity: Stun duration increased from 50% to 100%.
Wilderness Survival 5—Natural Vigor: Reduced the increased endurance regeneration from 50% to 25%.
Wilderness Survival VIII—Oakheart Salve: Decreased the recharge of this trait from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.
Wilderness Survival XII—Bark Skin: Increased the damage reduction from 30% to 50%.
Nature Magic I—Circle of Life: Cleared up the text of this trait to clearly identify that it happens when downed, not defeated.
Nature Magic V—Strength of Spirit: Increased the conversion from 5% to 7%.
Nature Magic VII—Spirits Unbound: Moved to the Master tier.
Nature Magic IX—Two-Handed Training: Greatsword and spear attacks now have a 50% chance to grant fury on hit. Each attack will have 3 seconds of fury. There is also a 10-second cooldown.
Nature Magic X—Enlargement: This trait now uses Signet of the Wild to trigger. This reduces the cooldown to 60 seconds and allows it to interact with the Signet of the Beastmaster and Signet Mastery traits.
Nature Magic XI—Nature’s Vengeance: Moved to the Grandmaster tier.
Beastmastery VI—Mighty Swap: The might from this trait now applies to players and their pet.
Sun Spirit: Reduced the passive burning from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
Storm Spirit: Reduced the damage from the Call Lightning skill by 33%.
Bug Fixes
Trap Potency: Updated this trait to indicate the correct condition duration increase (100%).
Path of Scars: Fixed a bug that enabled the skill to be fired at enemies behind the ranger.
Whirling Defense: Updated the skill facts to be more precise, adding a separate radius for attack and reflection.
Winter’s Bite: Added a weakness skill fact.
Hunter’s Call: Updated the damage fact to reflect the proper amount of hits.
Call of the Wild: Removed the unnecessary range fact.
Ranger Pets
The ranger pet health bar now displays the current health of the player’s pet as a raw number. A tooltip has been added to display the current and maximum health.
Fern Hound
Regenerate: Removed the extra radius fact.
Red Moa
Furious Screech: Added skill facts for radius and number of targets.
Rending Maul: Updated the facts to properly represent the two hits from this attack.

Better offhand when running with sword?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Right now I’m using Brazil’s updated ranger build with two swords and am going to switch back to the old one bc I think it’s better always having a ranged weapon in case you need to retreat for a bit. I was wondering however if I should make my main set s/d or s/w. I only see warhorn good for the blast finisher as warriors will usually keep fury up on party. Dager on the other hand has an extra dodge which is valuable when fighting bosses. Do you guys think dagger> WH or WH is an absolute must?

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Wow this post blew up while I was gone. First, of I’m not an advocate of LB I’m just deciding if it’ll be worth it after the patch and playing devil’s advocate for the sake of a fair argument. Second, I’m getting mixed reviews from everyone people start off with SB is better but then say that LB has more dmg when it comes to scenarios when barrage and rapid fire are successful? So am I right to assume that LB is better in PvE if the skills fire off successfully?

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


It’s basically AA on quickness how is it not useful aside from the vulnerability?

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Rapid Fire is worth using, but only because of the vulnerability.
Neither remorseless or hunter’s shot are worth using because the attack does less damage and interrupts your attack cycle. This will not compensate for a free crit.

Rapid fire is LB highest DPS attack it is totally worth for more than just the vulnerability imo. I mean 5% isnt too shabby and remorseless reapplies opening strike to pet when you kill someone, so thats 10% there and if you use hunter’s shot right after a kill thats 15%.

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Nice finally someone with numbers. Now did you take into account remorseless and hunter shot couples with rapid fire for 20 stacks of vulnerability? How does that affect the damage? And also you mentioned the bleed and poison on SB but failed to mention rapid fire on LB which puts out a lot of dmg. I’m curious to how this affects your data.

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Shortbow will always be better than Longbiw in a current state when we speak about <1000 range. Keep in mind AA on LB is slow as well as projectile, when SB offers DPS with comparable or even greater damage than LB while shooting more often, having bleeds and arrows flying slightly faster. When it comes to any form of PvP, Shortbow is better because attack are performed instantly, when LB AA needs over 0.5 second to charge up, making it very easy to break the shoot when target is very close, in result slowing you down and murdering dps.

I’m talking about a PvE perspective. Although, I do agree with the projectile speed on LB being too slow; I think it could be very useful in PvP power builds if the attacks like Hunter’s Shot were easier to hit.

Unless you’re in a group that provides 0 boons, I doubt it since the LB forces you to be far away from your team (boons have a 600 range) or causes you to lose a ton of damage when you’re close.

After the update they are buffing dmg done close range and with rapid fire and vulnerability stacks I don’t see how SB how dmgs longbow. Yeah if you solely base it on AA then it does but that’s not how you use LB.

Have you guys honestly tested this out in HotM or are you just typing what you’ve read in the forums? Because SB was far superior than LB in the beginning of the game, but since some nerfs to SB and buffs to LB as of now they aren’t that far apart. With this upcoming update they maybe equals or LB may be better, and that’s coming from a PvE perspective because in PvP it’s projectile speed is still too slow.

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Even just adding frost spirit to just LB, which is about 7% increase in dmg, at mid range LB does as much dmg as the SB.

(edited by Peter.9406)

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I just tested it out in HotM and LB at max range did just as much as dmg and killed the golems at the same time. (That’s allowing crossfire to bleed) At the other ranges it definitely was slower but with a 20% and 15% boost that may change. Have you guys recently tested LB since the last buffs it received or are you basing your comments on hearsay?

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


And LB max range beats SB dmg, I just tested it.

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


You think so even with the 20% buff its getting at close range? I mean as of now the dmg SB does isn’t that much greater, 20% might make a big difference.

Will LB beat SB dmg in PvE after the patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Just as the title states. I know bc of the SB rate of fire it has a slightly higher dmg output, but after this patch will bringing the LB be warranted since it could potentially deal more dmg than SB or will it still be sub-optimal? Also, do you think it’ll be worth bringing?

(Edit added the last question)

(edited by Peter.9406)

Suggested Changes for Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I like those trait ideas as it fits well with the theme of wilderness knowledge. I think lb needs more work on hunters shot bc its really hard to land in a moving fight.

Suggested Changes for Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


The devs have asked for some ideas on changes that could be made to the ranger and here is what I think would be beneficial:

Reduce CD of sig of renewal- this would allow the ranger to have active condi removal on a shorter CD without having to spec 30 into WS. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if the AoE cleanse was removed if it meant the ranger would be able to use it for themselves more often. This would also open up power builds as it would:
A ) help with the condis w/o speccing 30 in WS and those pts can be used elsewhere.
B ) If traited would mean might when sig is activated on a shorter CD.

Storm spirit’s active should scale with power- this would make it more useful for offensive spirit builds being coupled with frost spirit, while not making the bunker spirit rangers OP.

Lightning reflexes should have some sort of condi cleanse- This would help with the lack of active condi cleanse rangers currently suffer from.

Heal as One should give both ranger and pet some buff- honestly this skill is lacking compared to the other 2 heals and a boon addition, maybe even two, would really help bring some use to it.

Anyone have any other ideas or input on these suggestions?

(edited by Peter.9406)

Storm spirit suggestion! Make it "powerful"!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I believe storm spirit is a big part of why spirit ranger is considered OP, bc it allows a bunker condi spec to deal a big power spike plus its AoE. However, I dont think the upcoming Nerf is the solution to this problem, bc before storm spirits dmg was buffed it received no playtime bc swiftness is not really in demand as far as buffs go. I suggest instead that call lightning should scale with power. This would allow power builds to also want to bring spirits and would allow the skills to be brought in more types of builds other than bunker. Also, frost spirit might see some more play bc it’ll couple nicely with storm spirit in power builds who run spirits.

TL;DR: storm spirit’s active should scale with power bc it allows power builds to utilize spirits and it would also bring more play out of frost spirit.

Signet Change and Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I agree with this! It would allow rangers to build for signets w/o having to spec so far in marksmanship to make it viable.

Enlargement change, how does it work?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


AHHH ok makes sense. Thanks guys/gals.

Enlargement change, how does it work?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


So I’m really confused as to how the new enlargement is going to work. The devs posted this in the patch thread:Nature Magic X – Enlargement. This trait now uses Signet of the Wild to trigger. This reduces the cooldown to 60 seconds and allow it to interact with the Signet of the Beastmaster and Signet Mastery traits.
Harro Terravos! This trait is now basically the active portion of Signet of the Wild, meaning it can be reduced with Signet Mastery and will also apply to the ranger when Signet of the Beastmaster is equipped and Might if you have Beastmaster’s Might equipped.
but it still doesn’t clear anything up for me. Anyone mind explaining how it’ll work?

My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


Thank you!


My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


SO some news on the armor color changes.
They made the cultural armor glow which is cool but my eyes are messed up…

My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


Ok so glad to know that it’s happening across the board; now to see how they will fix it. I paid to have my eyes the nice green color they were before and now they just look horrible so it’s money lost. Hopefully they revert it back or I’m gonna lose trust in buying stuff off the gem store if they are gonna change it without us knowing.

My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


The dye on my cultural armor changed colors too. I had to find a new combo.

My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


I’m a sylvari by the way. Idk if that helps figure out the problem.

My eyes are now solid black after patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Peter.9406


I just patched and my eyes went from green, to a solid black color. I know this is a minor bug but I paid for make over kits to redo my character and eye color was something I changed. I really hope this is a temporary bug because I spent money getting his eyes the color I want. Is anyone else experiencing eye color bugs after the patch?

Stealth Changes?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


There’s a spirit buff that I hope stays in the game. Right now their CDs are 20 sec instead of 25 sec.

Ranger Game Update Notes - October 15, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


AWESOME PATCH! I am happy with the results; good job ANet.

I'm confused 71% HP increase in Pve?

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


WvWvW is considered PvE

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

no no no, horrible horrible idea it’s the worst crap I ever heard, buying pets? really you want to buy your pets in the gemstore? no offence but wtf is wrong with you people?

You don’t have to buy them, they’re just cosmetic. If it would bother you that much just don’t buy them, and the people who would want them could get them. I would love for them to be free but just like all other skins in the BLTP, ANet is gonna sell them to make profit to help keep the game running that’s how these things work.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


I think it’s an absolute terrible idea the thought of buying my petskins makes me cringe, add rare pets in the open world instead make them bloody hard to find too and make me hunt that kitten down for months until he’s mine not only that make him champion level and force me to solo him before taming is possible.

I want it that way and afterwards I can love him forever.

That sounds good and all but that’s too much expansion for just one class, leaving all the other classes with the short end of the stick. I think skins would be a perfect implementation because it’s purely cosmetic and wouldn’t change the dynamics of the game; let’s say they were only for PvE so it doesn’t confuse PvP players as to which pet you are using.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


When was it discussed?

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Don’t make me buy my own mechanic. Purely cosmetic maybe.

I assumed it was literally a skin nothing more, IE you pull out a Wolf and I’m the pet menu get an option to “reskin” the wolf as a lunar wolf. Make it so you don’t even double up like with HoM (IE you couldn’t run Lunar Wolf + Another wolf with same F2 to get double F2).

^ This.

Just for cosmetics purposes; no new added skills or mechanics.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406

Here’s my post about the lunar wolf which would be an awesome skin minus the immense amount of mist.

Purchasable pet skins!

in Ranger

Posted by: Peter.9406


Alright here’s my idea and I’m pretty sure ANet would make bank because I for one would buy all of them. Make skins for ranger pets and put them in the BLTP!
Some examples:
Phoenix skins for birds
Mist wolf for canines
Dragon skins for drakes
I would collect them all! Get to work guys!