Showing Posts For Pherenice.8124:

Gear Treadmill is hurting WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Many bought GW2 for WvW only, Anet lacks to update it and people will leave.
USA Tier 1 has the least problems imagen other WvW server with half of that population.

So many bugs, so many ongoing problems in WvW, not saying the game is dying, but WvW is losing a fair chunk of players.
Our guild is making the move to Planetside 2 tonight, might come back when this mess in GW2 is sorted out, untill then we dont log back in.

If i wanted to play a carrot on a stick mmo i would play WoW.

Blacktide/Vizunah/Desolation 11/16/12

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


There is a big chanse that alot of good EU WvW guilds go to Blacktide, you guys will be a powerhouse for a very very long time.

I also think that WvW will not remain popular for very long from this moment on.
Anet made a new tier set, look at the forums and the rage (me included)
Tomorow half our guilds makes a move to Planetside 2 and hope to find a action packed mmo.

On USA there are many super servers, in EU we got 1 and that is you Backtide, you not only got Xaoc but also Nugos and many more ferocious WvW guilds.

The inbalance between tier 1 in EU is a joke
That does not mean you guys dint fought hard or was given a free ride to #1, i heared epic stories about your battles between other servers.
Ive seen movies of you guys running rampage, and i have fought against you on the battlefield.

But its still lame there is such a big gap now between servers in EU.
My guts tell me that it wont take long before most WvW guilds are going to move to other games, specialy with the route Anet has taken with gear progresion.

USA ladder is a totaly diffrent story tough, i am willing to bet that it is crossing your minds to to move to a USA server to make your name over the pond as you will get bored with no oposition real quick

the BEST equipment are dungeon only??

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Aye Sylosi thats why half of our guilds starts a new chaptor in Planetside 2 tomorow.
We werent sure before this, but anet made our choice real easy for us to bail out to the next mmo.

To many or better said way to less love from Anet for WvW.
To little to late now, no matter how many promises are going to be made, they broke 1 major promise and that brothers and sisters made all the diffrence.

WvW Night capping/stat adjustments

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


It would be abused Vizier, there is no nightcapping, it only excist in your head.
International servers have diffrent time zone’s, what is day for you is night for some1 else.
What is night for you is daytime for another person.

WvW is a 24/7 game, not having off peaks hour guilds and players on your server sucks, for any server that doesnt have them is sucks.
Having less people inside borderlands sucks to
Having less people to defend or attack also sucks

What will happen tough is that within a short timeframe all the WvW guilds and players will be playing on Super Servers with 24/7 coverage.
All other servers will be casual servers.

It is already happing, look at USA top tiers, all have 24/7 coverage, some more then others, but still 24/7 wvw going on in those tiers.

In EU only Blacktide and Vizunah Sqaure have big night presence.
Desolation lost their night presence USA guild who bailed out to Blacktide to make sure that EU has 1 super power server versus alot weaker other servers.

There is nothing you or me can do about it then join the strong or swallow the pain.

(edited by Pherenice.8124)

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Hackers made sure no short term solution could be found.
Any buff or debuff would still make them hack it, even if it was a 1 copper increase of money.

Nothing to blame Anet for, but our own servers hackers who ruined it for all of us.

the BEST equipment are dungeon only??

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Disable gear stats in WvW and make it like sPvP before half the WvW population drops GW2.
Or bring on on par Gear with the new Dungeons bought with Karma / badges.

Not doing anything within the upcomming days will be devestating to the WvW community.
Think its safe to say that something needs to be done a s a p before stuff get out of hands, it already is if you look at the discussions.

Future of WWW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


There are so many issues in WvW at,

Server balance
Server off peak hours
Free transfers
Mesmer abusing portal bomb + Culling
And now Carebears roflstomping WvW players.

This patch should have been a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR WvW patch.
This might not go well, half my guild is jumping over tomorow.
Wonder how many more people /quit by their decision.

the BEST equipment are dungeon only??

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


This subject has gotten to epic propotions on any forum.
They realy dropped a bombshell trough their community and many dint take it lightly.

They flat out lied to us when saying it will have horizontal gear progresion.
Its only 3 months out and they already invited the wow gear grinders.
Nothing against that tough as i understand they need to earn more money, but not offering the same qaulity gear at WvW vendors is just making many people furious.

WvW was already becomming a joke, with the new tier gear it has become who got ze best gearz bros.
Ashame realy, i tought Anet would have been diffrent then all those other mmo studio’s, but it seems me and many others are fooled once again.

The New GW2 Flavor Rocks!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


having 2 accounts, both asking for a refund today /tomorow.
Reason for refund ? Gear progresion happend/ WvW getting zero love.

I still hear Anet say, GW2 will be a diffrent mmo, forget about the carrot on a stick gear threadmills.
oh oh oh and look 3 months after release rofl

Bad Anet, you made a huge mistake with this one.
For many this was a shock to hear, this is just mmo number9034981730 in the list of fail mmo’s.

Planetside 2 around the corner – check
Eve online still smiling at me – check
Elder Scroll Online 2013 – check

I knew it was to good to be true, and behold.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


The begining of the end…

GW2 was a shining of beacon of hope

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


They added a new tier of gear trough dungeons – This is WoW 2.0 now and it will not end.
They dint add WvW rewards on par with new PvE tier – much confusion in the WvW community.

No matter how you look at GW2 we where promised to quit the game log back in 6 months later and not forced to play the catchup to new tier grind.
Behold 3 months down the lane…

WvW has alot of problems……so many problems…i do not see fixes 3 months down the lane….
Call me a doomsayer or a hater, i ve had nothing but love for Anet, but i feel left out.
Still i have 600 hours down in WvW so it was worth every euro spend for sure.

But it ends when Planetside 2 is our in 3 days, might come back to see what changed in WvW.
Wait and see i gues from here on, but not playing GW2 after this weekend.

Guardian or Thief

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Make a thief and you wont regret it.
Gaurdian if fun, but the support role had been nerfed to oblivion with a 5 cap heal.
Thief you can farm badges 10 times better.

Check out some tube vids about both classes if you are unsure, i would defently suggest thief class in WvW tough.

GW2 is another PvE-MMO?

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


I had the same tought Bunzy
Seems we where wrong once again.

Blacktide/Vizunah/Desolation 11/16/12

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Devitz when a guild swarms a server and drops it to tier 1 without many wvw guilds and that guilds leaves and the rest of the weight comes down on 1 major guild named Iron who happend to have a leadership who stole all funds and what not then offcourse things get complicated.

Outmanned buff means not much people have the spirit to fight an uphill battle, also its not fun to get swarmed when you are playing with 10 people versus a zerg of 50.
You just give up at that point.

Deso wasnt ready for T1 it was still reaching out to other WvW guilds to make bonds and an alliance when RUIN appeared.
They are on Blacktide now, hope they have fun deffing towers versus critters and rabbits in the long night hours.
Thats what they wanted right ?
Dunno why VS aint fighting, cant comment on that one.

BT has all the super powers gatherd on 1 server, no1 want to get to tier 1 now, way to unbalanced.
EU servers have a hard time versus off peak servers already, and Blacktide now seems to have 24/7 coverage without breaking a sweat

Tier 1 is a joke on EU, i expect many more guilds making a jump to USA servers in the upcomming weeks.

The pinnacle of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Blacktide will lead the EU ladder for a long time, but this weekend already shows zero interest from other servers to participate in WvW.

Deso’s Iron took a week off after their leaders took the funds and vanished into thin air.
VS doesnt seem to have much spirit left either to fight Blacktide atm.
Tier 1 EU = never been so boring.
This pve patch dint make it better either, no changes in WvW -_-

GW2 developers made a huge mistake by letting it stay in 1 week battles with free transfers.
But hey we are just a few simpletons right ? what do we know about competitive gaming ?

Not logging in for the next week and maybe the weeks after that.

Arenanet might lose a big chunk of WvW players, and thats not a good sign.
if only they would read good posts and acted like they cared for WvW, then it would be a totaly diffrent WvW game.

Hope that can get it sorted out asap before only a hand full of guilds stay to WvW.

Blacktide/Vizunah/Desolation 11/16/12

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Want to add that with no WvW updates the game gets boring and more boring with each week passing.
I think the only people / guilds that will play in the upcomming week are the most hardcore players.

New PvE contend giving an edge in WvW makes this whole setup a complete joke.
Culling still not fixed.

And not much fun left playing GW2 atm, seems the honeymoon is over ?

Ascended Gear Availability in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Just started that new lost shore event got bored after 5 minutes.
Have done to many PvE in WoW and i just cannot enjoy it anymore.

WvW aint fun anymore either 7 days matches are to long.
WvW culling is gamebreaking
WvW and no specific updates released

My guild making the transfer to PS2 within a few days and have fun in a sandbox pure pvp game, altough a shooter, it stays true to its roots.

Had alot of fun since beta in GW2 tough, but it seems Anet just detached itself from their own promise.

Maybe comming back in a few months when they have some updates in WvW.

GW2 is another PvE-MMO?

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


No word on WvW progressions
No Word on WvW updates
No word on WvW Culling fixes
No Word on anything related to WvW then a few hits like we have something in the future.

Planetside 2 release in 3 days, packing my bags and switch to that game untill this get sorted out.

Strange thing is that GW2 has PvP writen all over it, yet we get nothing in last patches.
Gamebreaking culling bug is making WvW a complete joke.

Seems most of us asking for a solid WvW / RvR game are once again left in the cold.
2013 Elder Scroll Online seems decent, but iam going to wait and see what that hold before buying into another hype.
Still it has more sandbox elements then GW2, thats a good thing at least

Merge the EU/US Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


There is nothing to tweak…

1st. You play on FR / German / Spanish server ? your problem.
You choose that server knowing you would only play with 1 nation, and 1 nation only.

EU server have many nations working together, this would bound to happen as EU servers speak english and have lots more time coverage then a 1 nation server.

2nd. USA / ASIAN / EU / AUSSIES decide for themsevles where and how to play.
USA on EU ladders ? good game they want 24/7 WvW going, dont like it ? find more off peak guilds for your server or join a server that have off peak coverage.

3trd. Congruatiolations Desolation with wiping off Vizunah Sqaure from the crown.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Fast rewind to start of the match

BG screaming on forums how they roll both T1 servers without any effort
BG provoking both servers with flame posts / trash talking
BG using orb hacks (done by hackers not blaming a whole server for that one)

You called out your victory a little to early and faced the wrath and comeback from both SBI and JQ.

SBI almost won from HoD, it was so close in points per tick that many believed it was posible to win from them.
But a crushing defeat followed, it made SBI stronger as many bandwagon players left the server and made place for dedicated fighters who saw SBI as a worty community.

Same happend to JQ, they came to T1 and fought bravely and faced the same kind of defeat SBI had.
They lost their bandwagon players and rebuilded their community.

Its what you do when you lost half your playerbase that makes you stand out.
Ive not seen that many trash talk from both SBI or JQQ like BG presented the last week.

Suck it up, learn and addept, rebuild, and come back bigger meaner and better.
Each point per tick matters, its like chess.
You can lose your queen but still check mate your oponent.

As for double teaming, its WvW it happens, it happens often, it happens escpecialy when you trash talk or have idiots hacking orbs, and it happens when enemy’s smell blood of weakness.

The path of the least resistance is often taken to increase points per tick, if it was JQ they would be in the same spot, if it was us then it would suck, but we know how this game is played in T1 and had our fair share of beat ups already, and iam sure we will face some more beat ups in the upcomming games.

I have 2 accounts 1 on SBI and 1 on Desolation where RUIN is present.
Gameplay is so diffrent from both servers and makes a huge impact on points per tick.
Good commanders and good sheep win games.

Blame is not to be pointed to SBI or JQ for your loss.
Again learn and addept, rebuild and come back to prove how wrong we where

WvW T1 will only be english-speaking servers

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Its give or take.

You rolled on a 1 nation server, deal with that or move to a international server.
You cannot blame EU / USA servers for inviting multiple time zone coverage as we already now and witnessed that WvW is a 24/7 thing.

You have 2 options stick with your 1 nation server or move to international server where englishj is spoken in chat.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


I dont want to dig back to the queue time roster Matt presented awhile back and show you that even at night VS had queue times.

Had help from a few canadians ? that makes it right for you and cheating for us ? great logic there…

What did VS said to us few months ago ? WvW is 24/7 competition ?
We finaly have an answer to prevent nightcapping and now we are cheaters / unfair etc etc…
We have had a lead in points most of the day…we are gaining ground and we smell #1 position after weeks upon weeks of battle.

You can say anything you like about us Desolation but before this game went live we dint lost 1 game.
We only lost to Far Shiverpeaks as those guys still have a special place and earned much respect from our community.

VS lost all respect many weeks ago with the way they flamed us and tried to form an alliance with the other french server to hold us down.

Get out there and give it 100% like we do.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Ehm iam a deso player there Kat dunno what you mean but its a combined effort from both EU / Ruin to get to #1.

What do you mean by racist ?

WvW Turtling - Intended or Not?

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Clever use of game mechanics ? you can do the same ?
Anet made AoE cap at 5 targets, otherwise it would be to devastating.
Using AoE heals + stacking at 1 spot = clever use of that cap.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Deso player reporting in.
Far Shiverpeaks has earned great respect among europe, they have been in Tier 1 since launch and remained there for a great period of time.
If anything they might be one of the strongest servers on EU prime time and have alot of dedicated WvW players.

This server belongs in the top.

Greetz from Mothanos – Desolation

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Its good as it is now, walking sucks but getting back to the point you died within 1 minute brings more hurt then convience.

Defending a keep versus 50 people who come back almost instandly means your not going to hold it.

Dont die and you dont need to walk.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


15 minutes ago SBI had a total of 6 players in EB, we coulnt even take QL.
Seems WvW is only fun in the weekends then night shifts decide who wins the midweek battles.

People flock to 1 server who dominates like chickens then leave it if kitten hits the fan.
Free transfers….the bane of Guildwars 2 WvW.

SBI-JQ-Blackgate-10/26 New and Improved.

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


seems JQ / SBI bandwagon player jumped to other servers again ?
Hail the free transfers !!!
It will all balance out gusy…after 5 years

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Ive seen it on Discovery channel SneakyErvin, Siberia aint no joke, to survive a normal day one has to be russian or you wont even live for 24 hours there

Question what happend to Nug on Far Shiverpeaks ? havent seen them sunday !

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


ive not even once see a desolation player claiming to be better then Kodash or FSP we are improving on weekly bases.

Thats all that matters for us, we learn only by fighting stronger servers and even with a mass exodus we had to endure we are rebuilding to make our community stronger and stronger.

We have a long way to go, but at least we have a few time zone’s covering our weak spots.
Thats a great thing to have in WvW versus other servers that alos use multiple timezone’s.

It must suck to drop tiers knowing your primetime force is prolly top notch, but spitting to other servers aint doing you much good.

Other people / guildmasters / officers might read these boards to and if they see how much a server is crying you might lose the benefits of those guilds making a move to your server.

I would calm down and speak with a little less bitterness before no guilds want to transfer to your realm.

We are the 1st server to admit we where in a bad shape for a long time, but we are getting there, dont talk trash about other servers who have no intention to harm yours.

peace out.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Seems to me Demogat you are forgetting something, Anet made each server region free.
EU guilds on USA servers
USA guilds on EU servers
Aussies free to go ?
Asians free to go ?
And where do the russians need to go ? they not alowed to play GW2 ?

Maybe stick to Structured pvp Demogat ? its alot more fair as it seems you cannot handle that servers are recruiting guilds to cover their off peak hours.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


As i already said many times, the primetime EU its pretty even its a give or take and switch, there is no steamrolling from either side…
Sometimes you have to fight 2 servers at once and Desolation had enough zergs invading our lands this weekend from both Kod + FS, offcourse this is kittening your score…
But the same can be said when Deso and FS invade Kod
The same can be said when Des + Kod invade FS lands…
You cannot maintain a solid score when servers are equal in strenght and you get doubled.

I dont know what you are trying to prove ?
WvW is a dynamic battleground where scores shift up and down, having a lead for a few hours or dropping to bottem doesnt mean anything….
It only shows you struggle for many reasons.

Stop attacking Desolation with all these forum warriors…
It only creates bad karma for your server.

Once each top tier server has off peak presence it starts to balance out.
We will soon be fighting VS / Arbor both with opff peak presence.

Iam sure many Far shiverpeak players hope to see those 2 servers finaly getting some competition as they have been capping FS for almost 2 months in a row at night.
Its time to return the favor and show that Desolation finaly builded up off peak presence to counter them.

I realy hope you guys get the same off peak presence soon i realy do, but come on quit the flaming man.

What is ANet's vision for WvW gameplay?

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


To provide fun for evryone.
The top tiers hate losing a tower or keep that was upgraded, they fight for every suply and piece of ground.

WvW is for evryone in Anets vision from super alliance and super guilds to random joe seeking some adrenaline pumping WvW action.

Its up to the players how they want to compete.
There is a massive diffrence in bottem and top tier in terms of attacking deffending.

Bottem tiers just dont seem to invest alot of sieges and just want karma / exp
Top tiers drop sieges at every door and sometimes even blitskrieg attacks where 4 or 5 flame rams + catapults are dropped to take a keep in speed record before reinforcements arrives.

Anets vision is to create a platform of WvW where any1 can participate and have fun.
I think they are doing a great job, it needs tweaking here and there, but iam sure Anet is anything but done to fine tune WvW or any other part of this game.

Even GW1 is still getting attention and it still contains a playerbase larger then some other mmo’s

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Again nightcapping is part of WvW, why else do Far Shiverpeaks make posts on these very same boards to get USA / Asia / Australian guilds to join that server ?

The amount of spitting to a server that made an effort to fill the weak spots to secure 24/7 WvW coverage is a joke.

Does it suck for servers who do not have that weak spot ? yes totaly agree.
But invite other guilds who can make that happen as WvW is and will always be a 24/7 game.

Also we had great times in EU prime time and it was nikkel and dime with the score, sometimes FS leaded sometimes Deso leaded sometimes we where 3trd etc etc etc
But the fights where close and no server was steamrolling another server.

Saying Desolation was a bunch of baddies when the score was almost even whole weekend shows bad sportsmenship and a bitter tone….
Is Far Shiverpeaks that bitter all of a sudden ?

it cant be from the prominant guild at Far Shiverpeaks becuase anytime we meet them on the battlefield they show they are not a group to mess around with.

We have nothing but respect to show for both FS and Kodash, dont turn this matchup into a bitter flame fest, it is not needed people.
Want to take revenge ? show it where you need to show it on that epic battlefield where we will all fight to the last minute.

Iam sure that it wont take long before other top servers in EU get more time zone’s to cover the gaps, untill then fight hard and show your server belongs where it belongs, at the top.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Each server has kittens cheating one way or another…
If you have proof of any player of RUIN using a hack or cheat iam 1000% sure he gets instandly banned.

Realy guys you cannot blame a guild or a server for 1 or 2 of these cheating kitten img src="/include/images/smilies/sad.png" />

Sunday SM siege’s from both FS and Kodash inside the Lord Room where EPIC.
We had a Kodash mesmer running upstairs porting their army in and sweeping all our sieges ( kitten you guys !!!!)
After that we had to fight with our teeth and nails for 1 hour straight.
This was for me the most epic battle in quite some time.

We also holded Klovan for 3 hours of Pure fanatic Far Shiverpeaks army…
It seemed they never even stop to think about giving up, they just kept comming and comming and comming wave after wave after wave for 3 hours…..that is determination of a great community.

We had blown up 20 trebs and numerous arrow charts balista’s catapults in that sige, untill we where kicked out.

Please do not blame a whole server for cheating when none of us had anything to do with it.
Ive witnessed nothing but pure fighting spirit from both FS and Kodash.

Desolation Server: unofficial Anglo American server!

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Joined RUIN a few days ago on Desolation and so far i can only say its a very mature competitive guild.
The server itself has excelent players that are not only helpfull but know how to get stuff done.

We are on our way to Tier 1 on next friday reset and there will the real challange begin !!!
Desolation is the choice for competitive guilds thinking of joining a european server that covers multiple time zones.

Shameless bumb !

Suggestion : Night cap "issue"

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Ehm….you should have read some of the other 200 threads about this.
What is nightcapping ? USA versus Australia for example…
Europe versus Asia for example ?

There are solutions for this…..find guilds to cover your off peak hours.
Or transfer to servers that have them ?

You cannot demand restrictions when YOU go to sleep WvW is a 24/7 game accept that or quit playing.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Just join Teamspeak for WvW, any serious players should always be on that.
Your free to join our teampeak even when not having a mic !!!
its just 100 times better then stop and type stop and type stop and type…

And please…… each server is trying to get off peak windows covered as its the only way to make sure to make it to the finals…

So far the battles have been epic between us i dont understand all that mud throwing comments…

Both Iron and Ruin are trying to lift Desolation to tier 1 and so far things are looking good, but it aint easy as both Kodash and Far Shiverpeaks are fighting like lions.

Small update

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


At least stop the transfers to servers in the same tier as you.

Server A winning

Server B bandwagon jump to server A

Server C bandwagon jump to server A

Server B and C losing substantial players… Server A gains an ever better population.

Can and will you at least stop that Matt !!!
The tier battle for that week should at least be a little more interesting unless iam totaly wrong

You have the magic numbers Matt but if iam right can you please look into our sugestion <3 !!!

And keep up the good work <3

Asian/Oceanic/EU/African Guilds: Sanctum of Rall wants YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Its the only way to get 24/7 coverage sadly.

And its hurting Europe more and more as it seems serious guilds and alliance’s move to USA to avoid the problem we have in EU.

Nothing we can do about it then swallow it or move to USA and jump on the bandwagon.

And looking at USA servers it seems a mass exodus from european guilds already happens…..

The problem with WvWvW, Graph inside

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Doesnt matter much anymore, we look forward to crushing french all day long when we get some decent numbers inside WvW.

Thing is french think their special and good at WvW when they get kicked inside out by Desolation / Riverside / Far Shiverpeaks when numbers are even.

The only pain is that they get ranked #1 each week when in reality its those Hebrew Alliens capping at midweek that makes them win that spot cough cough.

if only we had a few guilds playing a midnight from monday to friday, if only other servers had that same advantage….you french would drop ranks faster then mykittenhits the bottom of the toilet.

GW, FS and cheat!

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


What cheats ? you mean camping you french inside your own base ?
Show that skill you guys have inside your own borderlands !!!
We have been kicking your butts all the way back inside your base rofl.

Orbs giving the winning team too much of an advantage.

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


It realy depends on what server your up to.

Like on Far Shiverpeaks versus Vizunah Sqaure versus Riverside.

We controll 3 orbs atm, but by no means we are controlling 100% of the map.

I think balance is imposible in W3……Good alliance – Good guilds – Good players its so hard to get right and it can change on any moment when 2 servers turn against you and start clearing the maps.

The TOP 3 servers in the entire Europe region...

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Put servers with queues at night versus servers who has queus at night.

If Far Shiverpeaks remain second and Vizunah Sqaure stays first htne it grows old real fast.

I little diversity goes a long way.

What i realy like to see is USA – Europe – Asia – Australlia mixed into each other.
Why ? becuase it will be much easier to build up 24/7 community’s on servers.
Witch in the end makes the balance alot better.

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


What kills games faster than anything is a bunch of impatient people running around saying the game is dying simply because they don’t want to wait for the matchmaking system to play out as intended.

If you don’t want to wait for the matchmaking system to settle into a stable configuration of server groupings, then suggest a viable alternative that allows arenanet to accurately determine reasonable groupings. Provide support above and beyond, “I think this will work”. This support should entail a fair bit of math (as that’s what went into deciding on the existing matchmaking system).

And since you’re worried that protracted annealing will drive people away from the game, your solution should be a one-shot fix.

If they pay me I will tell them exactly how to fix their problem and take responsibility for it. Until then I will point it out just in case they arent sure.

The idea that matchmaking will solve anything, is a story they concocted for obedient rubes like yourself. Even if it did make a more enjoyable experience for everyone it would do anything to fix any underlying problems.

If you posses any amount of congnitive ability, it should not be hard for you to deduce problems with a game without the game designers telling you what they are. You can agree with me or disagree with me and support yourself all you want, but dont tell me we are incapable of knowing what the real problems are. Thats a BS argument that might work for you, but people who actually enjoy thinking may not be satisfied by it.

As far as games dying, it isnt really important if people are right or wrong for deciding not to play any more. What should be important is identifying the reasons and doing what you can to rectify them. That is, if you want a healthy population playing your game.

lol dude, its WvW with 3 servers hundreds of players 1 million variables and you claim you can solve it when they pay you ?

WvW it is imposible to have it balanced, they can rematch you and you can have a perfect balance today, but tomorow you can lose evrything.

Get out of your fantasy world.

I see a little Eve inside WvW – espionage – backstabs – Good guilds – good alliance – off peak hours – good players – bad players.

^how can you balance this wise elder ?

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Hard to score 50/60k points versus a server that plays 24/7.
I can name 2 sollutions for this.

1.-24/7 servers versus 24/7 servers NA / Europe server merged = more servers = more balance

2. advertise you want more time zone’s on your server, talk to guilds who are also looking for servers to have 24/7 WvW coverage.

EU has 27 servers
NA has 24 servers
Combine then into 1 pool and within a month balance will settled down, maybe sooner maybe later.

WvW can never achieve real balance.
There always has to be 1 dominating and 1 getting the whip and 1 that stand inbetween.

But the more servers you add to the pool the more balance you can achieve.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


I bet you cant stop chuckling when reading this thread Eva

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Rage feeds the europeans, the war has not even started yet, wait till the 2 weeks battles come

Everybody transfer quickly to the winning servers!

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Each server has WvW queues, i went to a medium server and coulnt get in as many claimed.

Way to popular WvW is, seems the whole server stands in queue xD

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Pherenice.8124


Vizunah Sqaure – Hero’s of the night – Runner’s from the light.

Oh man you french should wait when the serious WvW guilds can get some more guild members on the battlefield at prime time

Not much to brag about anymore ? its getting silent on the other side ? no more play ?

Please stop showing your face inhere and fight us at primetime like real men do, dont hide behind your night crew to show pics of scores.

Deso and Far shiver proofed the complete oposite of what your pro WvW guilds claimed.
Your nothing special and you should be ranked 6 or 7 on the ranking list.

Lets see what tomorow brings