Showing Posts For PhoenixDown.5467:

Dec Patch - Symbol of Swiftness - Improvement

in Guardian

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


I use runes of speed and roam with hammer/gs so it doesn’t affect me much, but I am still annoyed that our mobility is getting toned down when it should to be toned up.
Warrior mobility is way bigger even if he is not specced in it. At least they are getting kitten slapped in this patch in other departments…

We are the new necros without damage. If someone see you is matter of time to kill you if you are tank/support and you are alone or far of the group.

If you are alone as a melee train guard, you use sword, gs, retreat and judge’s intervention to travel around quickly.
95% of guild groups won’t chase a lone target blinking away from them. 1v1 roamers will – but it’s their job to kill people 1v1 and it has nothing to do with balance.
I only used SoS to sustain swiftness, not to start it (we have retreat and save yourselves for that, if alone). So the change is a good one for guard’s quality of life.

Sacrificing two utility slots for swiftness abilities is ridiculous and makes you kitten. One is a stun breaker too.

(edited by PhoenixDown.5467)

Why are there so many contested way points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Because dynamic events rewards suck hard so noone bothers with them thus some wp are contested all the time. They should revisit them asap so people are actually eager to do them not only because waypoints, but because it was huge feature of the game that was tossed aside for some reason.

Achievements causing friction

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


No escort dolyaks
Supply is a vital resource but there’s no incentive for new players to learn that escorting dolyaks and speed buffing them is beneficial.

Introducing dolly escort achievement beside current ‘kill dolyaks’ could not only help the server secure supply routes + faster upgrades, but also could result in many interesting encounters(gasp! pvp in w3!)

Achievements causing friction

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Master of ruins is the only one that’s useful if people on maps won’t go full kitten with exchanging ruins with enemies. Bloodlust is really a nice buff to have.

Nope, if it was better implemented maybe, right now if my server has already the buff I can still cap the temples and get the achievement.

I am amazed on how anet say 1 thing and does the opposite, I recall Devon’s remark on this particular subject about 1 month ago, he said that they would not give reward for capping the temples because it was too easy to exploit, I’m buffled and concerned about him.

I agree that ruins need much more thought then they were actually given by anet, but I meant that people capping ruins to earn bloodlust are actually somewhat useful for the server.

Achievements causing friction

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Imo they should delete the following achievements :

- Mists Merc Camp Vanquisher
- Master of Ruins
- Demolition Expert
- Seasonal Mists Defense Restorer
- Sentry Capturer Extraordinaire

Why? The only one in your list that is remotely difficult

It’s not about difficulty. None of those “achievements” is particularly difficult to be fair. I think the point is that those achievements make people do useless stuff instead of helping were they are actually needed. That’s why they should be removed completely or/and replaced with something actually useful. People flipping merc camps, sentries and wasting supplies to repair paper walls are dead weight on the map.
Master of ruins is the only one that’s useful if people on maps won’t go full kitten with exchanging ruins with enemies. Bloodlust is really a nice buff to have.

Season Rewards based on...Server Performance?

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


a cape and a finisher. Who cares?

I think plenty of people would.

Season Rewards based on...Server Performance?

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait for that chest with kitten skin, 100 badges, 10 greens and a rare. Scary to imagine what losers will get.

Why are traits roman numerals and not images?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Roman numerals work, but I agree icons would be cooler and much more recognizable.

No, it’s easier to give build this way !
30 (1 5 9) 0 0 10 (2) 30 (1 2 3)
Is easier than 30 ( blablabla blabla blahhh)…

Rarely anyone uses that. It’s usually 30/30/10/0/0 or something like that. There’s always a way of linking to build too.

Getting back into the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Come to WvW. Bring supply and team spirit.

Can I ask why ...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


If skipping was made impossible then I would be able to do 2 runs max daily instead of 4-6. Skipping takes some skill too. So many times I have seen people dying in SE p3 while running after first boss. Takes some practice, but now I sometimes don’t even take damage from dredge on the bridge.
To make it short: I’m really content with current dungeon design. However some of the bosses could have more interesting mechanics.

Everyone just runs past everything in dungeons? You’re supposed to kill the enemies not just rush by and hope you don’t get killed…

In other games? Yea, but in GW2 you have possibility to do that as an option. It’s WAD because if it wasn’t it would be fixed by putting everywhere invisible walls making dungeon linear as hell.

Why don’t we role-play through dungeons? I mean, isn’t this an mmoRPG?

Not sure if joking, but skipping can be roleplayed too. Good dungeons in table top rpgs have usually at least couple of ways to do the dungeon which not always involves killing everything on your way.

New Borderland Map coming

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


New map sounds amazing. It really does, but one of the most important thing that stops ppl from leaving smaller servers is the long queues on bigger ones. Now that they are ‘fixing’ the problem of people being bored waiting to get in, what stops everyone to just stack on larger servers? Don’t you think this will encourage bandwagonning even more?

The Past is Painful to Watch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


They need charrcopters to kill Shatter. Kittening noobs. I bet they wear PVT gear too.

20 slot hallowen bag...

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


the cobs can drop from mobs.. so 15 cob drops = bag.. no gold needed

I’ve been running in labyrinth quite a bit yesterday and today. No drop and nobody posted in chat that they had a drop either. So yea it’s not that simple.

20 slot hallowen bag...

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Halloween bag is WAY too expensive and too time consuming. Time spend farming candy corn could be spent in much more fun ways like in WvW, dungeons or champ farm and get more profit(and buy/craft yourself the bag).
I know they can’t be too cheap, but come on. It’s Halloween event. Let us have a bit of fun and reward as at the end. Don’t make us farm like a madmen, anet.

I Beat the clocktower!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


I finally beat it after making it to the last jump 10 times.

Is it me or did they make the hit box for the last jump smaller.

It’s big as hell. I completed it, but I swear I’ve hit the wall right below the clock.

Jormag Idea

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


I hope they get it that Tequatl in the open world was just a fail and leave Jormag alone because i think he is fine for the open world.

Shatterer could maybe need some love but when more in Jormag direction and not like Teq.

Jormag is as boring kittenter unless you’re a glass cannon and can’t take few hits. However I wouldn’t call getting downed over and over again ‘fun’.
Teq on the other hand is quite exciting, but you clearly need to organize huge amount of people who know how to follow basic orders. Join one of the bigger guilds on your(or not) server. Should help. On my server 4 guilds organised to kill it some time ago with success 2 times in a row. I for one hope Shatie and Jormag get the same treatment as Teq.
The only thing that needs to be adjusted is the main server/overflow thingy. We had to create our own overflow to kill him with 4 guilds.

(edited by PhoenixDown.5467)

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


It’s sad to see that I made this thread 11 months ago, got a lot of replies but no feedback from “WeAreForTheCommunityANET”…

Champ rewards were introduced, but yea dynamic events still suck.

How hard it would be to add a champ box to every event that doesn’t have a champ there is? Right now on level 80 you get lousy 1,5s and pitiful amount of karma. Nobody bothers with it so the events are dead. It’s better to run champ trains in queensdale if you want rewards and karma. DEs are in sad state.

Scarlet's worth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Once I got to Scarlet with ~15 seconds left on timer. Event failed but Scarlet stayed and we were able to kill her.
I got scarlet box which had yellows inside and some other yellows from chest. Nothing too exciting.

LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Yes it’s very useful. It’s basically simpler gw2lfg, but in game. It’s convenient and I hope they will improve it in the future like adding desired party composition.

Is the Gold League Pointless

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


There will be 2 teams fighting for top spot in silver. Whichever 2 of SoS/FA/Mag/SBI don’t make gold. It’s not like 9-15 are going to have any chance to overthrow 7 and 8. Silver league is actually worse than gold. 7 and 8 crush 9-15 just as much as 1-3 crush 4-6.

Yep, there needs to be more reward/incentive for the two crappier sides to join forces rather than #2 trying to batter #3 harder than #1 batters them.

Easy. No need for even a ‘reward’. Add the bloody chat between servers so there can be actual politics and alliances. Drama would be welcomed too. Would make the WvW a bit more interesting at least.

Can problems be mitigated with server pride?

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Each server needs personality to archive that. Maybe each server should have unique logo(make a contest and choose the best work from each server if you don’t want to hire artists), color(you have millions of colors for your disposal I bet you can choose one for each server) or titles(covered in OP post)?

I don’t think loyalty within a video game should be encouraged.

We’re all here to play for fun and if there’s a more fun situation out there than the present situation you should take it.

Loyalty can be fun too. Why do you think people cheer for their teams in football and not jump to another team when their team starts losing? Why do you think in school people are proud to be part of their basketball club and wear their school colors? Because it makes you feel like you belong and thus makes it a fun activity. I think encouraging loyalty could help more the game and the servers overall rather than hurt it.

(edited by PhoenixDown.5467)

the dungeon forum icon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


why does it look like a pile of kitten guys?

Ok you got me. I laughed.

What are we allowed to do about saboteurs?

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


The most interesting thing about it is that you can’t prove anything. So called saboteur will deny it and say he was just playing the game. The only thing anet could do about it is giving players way to dismantle siege machines, but that would be a tricky mechanic hard to balance. Maybe give the ability to ‘take out’ your siege supply with 20% loss?

all’s fair in war

Yea, but it’s unfair in >game< as there are no mechanics to counter it.

The WvW holy commandments!

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Great post! Funny and informative.

If you’re an achievement hunter like me, at least wait til Friday and run the puzzles then.

I can’t agree with that. Jumping puzzle in each BL takes few minutes at best(unless you didn’t do it before) and gives FREE siege equipment. Everyone who is not filthy rich or cares about their coins should learn to do the puzzle and do it at least once in 2 days.

Thou shall learn the jumping sequence and master it, so thou will not waste too much time. Thou shall not participate in the puzzle quest when mother land is in time of need.

Thou shall place war machines whenever the time needs it, thou shall not be stingy with the subject of siege.

Hiding under cliffs

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


nah, you don’t seem to understand. If you take the northernmost towers the defenders can put up siege on the cliffs immediately outside their spawn to knock down your gate/walls and stand safely inside the invulnerability safe zone to defend them. Your team literally has to suicide rush up a cliff while getting spammed by AoEs from invincible defenders to take out the siege.

Ah now I see what you mean.

Hiding under cliffs

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


There’s a couple specific situations I’ve had where the spawn invulnerability can be abused like sieging up right outside spawn at the citiadels on the borderlands to take the towers. Especially the west tower. When the only way to kill the siege they set up is to suicide run up a cliff past invincible defenders spamming you it’s a little lame.

Your realm doesn’t get anything from attacking the citadel. If your enemies want to siege up on the cliffs of their citadel let them and laugh at them from afar while you drink tea and enjoy points ticking towards victory.

Hiding under cliffs

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Like previous poster said: if you’re camping their spawn you are in the advantage and invulnerability gives you a tip to go do something else or change borderlands as you roll over this one.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Culling is the only issue with portals otherwise they are fine and dandy. They are great tactical utility, which limited could still work, but would not be that effective or interesting.

Most people/group leaders/commanders already learnt how to counter portal like siege which can be built in few seconds behind your lines if your group carries supply and has good reaction time, tactical retreat to better position etc, etc. Not always works out, but that’s how battles go. No army in the world proven to be invincible.

People also learnt how to prevent those things from happening. Even in unorganized zergs. There’s always someone watching out flanks and behind for mesmers. Look around and read teh chat sometimes or start doing it yourself.

Final Event should be repeated.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Finally some sense! Great idea OP. Repeat only the final event(nobody wants to sit another 2h) with rewards only for people who didn’t open the chest.

Please Take Back Rewards.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Removing rewards? Ha! Ain’t going to happen pal.

not your “pal”

Whatever you say, friend.

(I feel totally like Canadian now!)

Removing rewards for people is one of the dumbest things I heard today. Think about it. People were so overjoyed yesterday because of it. So happy. You want to take away that little thing from them, because you’re jealous? Whoa talk about being an kitten.
I dc’ed at the end and didn’t get anything from the event and I am happy for people who got dem rewards. I’m angry at the game for my misfortune not people playing it.

Please Take Back Rewards.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Removing rewards? Ha! Ain’t going to happen pal.

Concerning lost shores event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


The heck with precursors. Would be nice of course having additional gold or progression towards your legendary, but that’s not the point. The point is that people wasted 2 to 3 hours got disconnected, sucked into the scenery thus couldn’t be revived, couldn’t reconnect, were left behind and didn’t get anything from this. I’ve got trash worth 5s covering my repair bill. Thanks ANet for the pleasant evening! /sarcasm.

No I don’t want another “hit 1 to win” 2-3h event instead of playing WvW. I want my 20 slot bag and that accessory at least…

Patch changes weaken offense, improve defense

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


That’s pretty much it. Engineer’s got a pretty big buff to Magnet, which is now the most overpowered wall pull, and comes with a 5 second cripple to boot.

Scorpion wire has now 1200 range too so life will get a bit hard on walls.

Thief Patch Discussion

in Thief

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Shortbow damage nerf – what were they thinking?!! Nerfing mediocre weapon…

Scorpion Wire – oh poor people in zergs and on the walls /insert evil laugh here/

50% damage reduction on dancing dagger?
It now does less damage than a shortbow auto attack and STILL costs 4 init?
Methinks they did not think this one through very much.

It’s a utility skill.

GW2League - now with sPvP Rankings, Need Info

in PvP

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


There’s a spelling error on US tab. It should be “North America” not “North Amerika”

Supply Invaders - What WvW has now become

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


I think night capping IS perfectly ok. Enemy is not going to just wait for you to get good night sleep, but this is just stupid.

Everyone knows that keep with full supply goes down quickly if not supplied and what if someone wastes supply? Devastating! Someone mentioned that he is doing it for achievement – obvious lie. Nobody right minded would build rams instead of useful arrow carts, catapults or trebs.
Obvious traitor in the camp and you can’t do anything about it. Maybe voting system should be implemented? Commander enables votes for traitor and if he gathers enough votes he is marked as traitor for 1h and people/npcs are free to kill him /alternatively kick and ban him for 1h?

human - noble - 1. quest (level 3) - got swarmed by bandits + insane spawns

in Personal Story

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Sorry, but it is problem on your side mate. Some missions are very hard, however they are all doable and not impossible. Their challenge level is just right. You need to have to playstyles: vs group and vs single target. Also dodging is crucial(not only by hitting arrows two times, but running in circles helps too).
Later on in human noble quest line there’s two quest that gave me horrible problems, but I felt accomplish when I finished them.

First one was a mission where you blow up the risen ship.kittensharks took 95% of my health in one shot and for some strange reason I couldn’t dodge it. I finally got lucky and could trick shark to run around in circles.

Second mission was Mouth of Zhaitan. This fat dude gave me so much problems… I finally downed him by dodging and stealth reviving my NPC companions and then when they tanked him I switched to condition damage and throwing rocks at him.