Showing Posts For Pollux.3247:

Mirage is not the solution

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I honestly think that mechanic could be perfectly added to Mirror Images:

Mirror Images:
Your illusions change focus to the targeted foe. If no illusions are active, summon two clones.

I don’t know if they will actually add more skills for core mesmer. This is simple, yet effective.

[Feedback] Utilities, Cloak, and Mirrors

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247



As mayny people have said before, there’s a key factor that makes them quite clunky, which is the risk/benefit ratio they offer. In PvP and WvW it’s been stated how telegraphed they are and how little time we have to interact with them, but I also think in PvE they suffer from the same issues. Even being a dps increase because of the ambushes, how much dps do you lose when getting to them if they don’t spawn on top of you? How many times will they be wasted in raids due to mechanics inhibiting your positioning?

Also, traits don’t allow you to have any other interaction with them, so no wonder why people is thinking they’re not optimal at all. My suggestion would be addressing this by creating traits that would allow sinergy with them or either… well, forget about that idea. They also NEED to interact in some way with either positioning if we go for the selfish approach, allies if we go supportive or enemies if we go damage. Something in the lines of:

- Whenever you touch a mirror, teleport you to another mirror. If no other mirror is active, heal -or- blink back -or- generate a clone (or two of them combined).
- Allies that touch a mirror gain the cloak effect. Whenever they gain it, you do too. Cleanse a condition maybe or give you barrier after the effect finishes.
- Shatters don’t affect illusions anymore. Instead, they turn your mirrors in crystal traps that trigger when enemies pass through them.

If they don’t go that way, I think at least mirrors should give you Mirage Cloak when they expire.

(edited by Pollux.3247)

Bulwark Gyro

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Maybe it would be a good idea to merge pDefender and pDisenchanter. Make it a new version with a 50% damage reduction and condition cleanse (not the boon removal) so it becomes a solid option for support.

I wouldn’t mind merging Decoy and Mirror Images too… I think we can have better options for our illusion utilities.

Eh, no. The boon stripping is the main reason to use iDisenchanter for me, not the very unreliable condition cleansing.

They’re fine as they are, they just need their cast times reduced (and iDefender should probably just give Protection instead of the really gimmicky damage sharing concept).

Well, actually, if they merged pDisenchanter and pDefender there would be room for another phantasm with that. They could add one that strips boons from foes and give quickness/fury/whatever to allies so we could have a clear defensive option and an offensive one.

Bulwark Gyro

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Maybe it would be a good idea to merge pDefender and pDisenchanter. Make it a new version with a 50% damage reduction and condition cleanse (not the boon removal) so it becomes a solid option for support.

I wouldn’t mind merging Decoy and Mirror Images too… I think we can have better options for our illusion utilities.

Launcher won't start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Try search Guild Wars on Spotlight, maybe you’ll find some folders you had not noticed before.

Launcher won't start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pollux.3247


So my cure was pretty cut and standard. I just opened up AppCleaner to get rid of EVERYTHING except the 20gb file in Applications.

After deleting the plist, cache, app support, and random files in My Documents, I started the *.app file again. She sputtered back to life.

Some Gremlin must have been lingering in those files.

EDIT: For me the gremlin was definitely in the cache and My Documents, something between those 2 tweaked a setting that didn’t make the game happy.

This worked for me. I guess the key to make it work was the file in My Documents folder, cause I already deleted the cache, plist and all that stuff.

It’s a shame though that the technical department hasn’t answered properly before…

Thanks to all of you, guys!

Launcher won't start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Hi there,

I’ve been having a problem when launching the client. I’ve already followed the steps of the basic troubleshooting post with no results.

This is happening since the last patch. I was updating the game but closed the client halfway and since, it doesn’t work. I tried to reinstall the client too, but now, although the program appears in the dock and in the activity monitor, nothing shows up.


[Brainstorming] iMage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Again, I have to agree with Xaylin.

[Brainstorming] iMage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I actualy really really really like your Confusion trait idea. If they do not change the mechanic for Confusion in general this would be an awesome way of giving Mesmers back their Confusion superiority. It basically would be the Mesmers ‘Terror’.

Thanks Xaylin! Merge it with Master of Misdirection, make it a Master trait, call it Migraine and I’m completely sold

Regarding the iMage, I also like your idea of making its attack blast into a combo field. That would make it have his own personality, and as you say, stay condition focused.

I also agree on the balance issues of having it doing any type of cc. Remember that we could summon 3 of them, so either the attack rate should be extremely low or the cc (daze, fear, whatever) extremely weak to compensate. Also, though it would be useful in PvP, in PvE it wouldn’t work that well. And I’d rather see its utility boosted for both game modes if they are to improve it.

(edited by Pollux.3247)

[Brainstorming] iMage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Sorry to ask, but since when can you remove boons with a combo field?

You can let him shoot through light fields. But I personally won’t consider that a reliable way of condition removal since the bug with the 100% projectile finishers when traited was removed.

What he meant is, that Osicat apparently has made a typo there and wrote “boon removal” instead of “condition removal”. Looks like you didn’t even notice that Pollux was asking for “removing boons” either, and just replied about “removing conditions”. ;P

That. And checking if there was a new feature I totally missed

And on topic, it would be great if mesmers could have a trait that made our confusion do damage over time, same as necros have one that makes fear do damage. That would be an indirect buff to iMage without making it op and a way to make condition/confusion mesmers relevant again. It’s our signature condition after all!

(edited by Pollux.3247)

[Brainstorming] iMage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Pistol: iDuelist , burst, pressure, condition and power weapon. Single target only.

High single target base dmg on range split on several hits.
Good on apply condi dmg thru bleed crits.
Good for duels and low number pvp.
Good for Pve
Combo field most useful : boon clearing

Sorry to ask, but since when can you remove boons with a combo field?

Signet of the Ether: A bad idea? SUGGESTIONS!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


We already have a thread on this! And I also use mirror heal exclusively. Short CD, it’s almost like regen, reflect, perma swiftness on centaur runes, it’s great!

Hey all. I know there is another thread on this, I just wanted to make another one to compile suggestions instead of discussing on it. Thanks for pointing it out though, seems my idea isn’t working as I wanted.

Signet of the Ether: A bad idea? SUGGESTIONS!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


- Signet of Shattering - Passive: Grants health regeneration. Gain additional health for each recharging shatter skill. Active: Gain health and recharge your shatter skills.
- Signet of Illusions - Passive: Grants more health to your illusions. Active: Refresh all phantasm skill recharges.
- Healing skill for shatter builds and improvement of Signet of Illusions’s utility with the penalty of phantasms having less health while it recharges.

Signet of the Ether: A bad idea? SUGGESTIONS!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Hi all.

Dulfy has released a post with information on the new healing skills all professions will receive. Regarding Signet of the Ether, I think it’s a bad idea, mainly because these reasons:

- It further encourages a playstyle that has been regarded as easy mode even by Mesmers, which is Phantasm builds. These builds already have good survivability and good damage, and they would get even more of those (passive healing + burst healing and burst damage on skill use) with practically no drawbacks.

- We already have a healing skill that synegizes with our illusions, which is Ether Feast.

- While Ether Feast is the most used healing skill, the solution shouldn’t be just making a heal that is based on the same principle to compete with it, but trying to bring up the other healing skills and offer another alternative for different playstyles.

- We are still lacking in other areas that could get a little improvement.

If you agree, please, feel free to post your suggestions. I’ll try to compile them in the next post.

EDIT: Please, if you want to get more information and discuss about the heal, go to It would be great if we could use this post to throw new ideas.

(edited by Pollux.3247)

Scepter + Torch Dying to be condition...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I would not like a blind or daze on block. The effect on block is supposed to be more powerful than the default #x.2 skill. As a result, the applied torment stacks would have to be nerfed, probably making them useless. Furthermore, blind and daze are much more situational than torment or confusion making the timing very important. Block + blind would also be quite redundant. I do like the aura idea though.

I also have to disagree with the prestige suggestion. If you use prestige in a defensive way – or even for escaping – you will want your blind on cast so you are not hurt while in stealth. This is very handy since certain skills will still hit you if they were cast before you entered stealth. Blind when leaving stealth would not benefit an escape since you probably might be too far away to apply the blind. I personally really enjoy Torch#4, Sw#3.1, swap with Sw.3.2, Sw2 + burn from prestige for burst. This would not work anymore if your suggestion was implement although it is a very effective way of dealing damage. Burn on stealth is only fun for trolling people or maybe phantasm builds which certainly do not need any improvements in the damage department. Of course, this is more from a PvP/WvW perspective.

That’s a well-thought answer and a good one to read. I guess my perspective comes more from PvE really. Having torment more easily applied would definitely help scepter’s desirability imo.

Recommended gear sets for mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Wouldn’t be Giver’s better for support?

Scepter + Torch Dying to be condition...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I agree both weapons should be improved. And I also think that there are minor changes that could be done without too much time investment that would do so, such as

- Add a short confusion to autoattack 1st and 2nd skill or a longer one to 3rd. Make it faster too.
- Confusing Images’ cast time should be more or less equal to GS1.
- Swap Illusionary Conunter’s blind on block with Conuterspell’s torment and make it an aura so we can still cast.
- Swap burning and blind on The Prestige so it adds some offensive power right when you need it and some defense when you get out of stealth.
- Make iMage more relevant by adding damage, shorten its cooldown or making it hit faster.

Right now I feel confusion applied by an engineer is faster and more reliable than with a mesmer.

Recommended gear sets for mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Hi all,

I’m currently gearing my mesmer and I’d like to know which sets would you recommend for each role. I know it’s quite dependent on your build, but as my focus is mainly pve, I guess we can skip that out.

For instance, I was thinking in taking
Berserker or Rampager for normal dps
Rabid for condition damage
??? for support/tank

Any advice? Thanks!

Bug: Rune Of Perplexity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pollux.3247


when you hit something.

Wow. I’ve been playing since release and I always assumed when it was you got hit. This is nice to know.

I guess it’s different when they say ON hit instead of WHEN hit. But a confirmation would be nice.

Gendarran Fields 17 POI

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Does anybody know where is it supposed to be? Or in which update will it be available? Pirates is out now and I can’t seem to find it.

Change Interrupt effects to DAZE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


It would be as easy as adding an internal cd to traits that would be too powerful otherwise. I agree a timed interrupt should be rewarded, but isn’t it way too much investment to get such a small frame to act? If you want to go for all the interrupt candy, your overall dps would be pretty much kitten…

Change Interrupt effects to DAZE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Mesmers have quite a few traits that trigger on interrupt (see here). Since interrupts don’t work as well as they used to do in GW1, I think changing these traits to trigger on daze would open up another build type that would get some of the flavour mesmers had back in the days without making them overpowered.


Ups and downs of a Mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I do see a point in here. Not that much because of weapons themselves, but because our 2 core mechanics: Shatters and illusions.

Both of them are a source of damage. If you shatter your illusions (specially phantasms) you’ll lose their potential. If you don’t you lose the damage/confusion/daze/invulnerability from shatters. Yet you have Phantasmal Haste or Compounding Power in Illusions trait line, which also happens to increase your condition damage while fostering you to burst.

I must admit that I haven’t tried all of the other classes with the ‘depth’ (I’m not an expert by far) of a mesmer, but I see no clashes like that in their special abilities.

I love mantras but...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I love this idea, Id say to rework protected mantra in something like this.

I like this idea a lot too.

Glad you like it, guys.

I love mantras but...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


For me, the problem with mantras is not the long cast time, but the fact that you’re usually iddle while recharging them. Ofc, you could use another mantra already charged, but maybe you’d waste charges on something you don’t want to use just to stay “active”.

The idea of recharging stacks each X seconds sounds right to me. Also I think that while you’re casting them, you should have a side effect other than the increased armor if you invest your traits to get Protected Mantras. Something in the line of Empower, form guardian’s staff.

Let’s say that channeling your mantras would give you a boon or a benefit each X sec.
Mantra of Concentration -> Recharges your endurance bar
Mantra of Distraction -> Inflicts confusion on being hit
Mantra of Pain -> Gives you retaliation
Mantra of Recovery -> Gives you aegis
Mantra of Resolve -> Gives you protection

I also think that traits should be a little more accesible. Having to invest that much points to make matras viable seems a bit too punishing for me.

(edited by Pollux.3247)

Arcane Precision and Burning Precision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Does Arcane Precision and Burning Precision stack?



in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


3- Trickster’s Escape (1s-30s -600yd)- Shoots a chaos bullet that knocks foes down in a line, then teleport to the end of it. Combo finisher: Blast.

I swear to God I didn’t see this before I just posted… great minds think alike lol

We’re all teleport maniacs!


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Well, scepter clones only cast Ether Bolt, so having them casting just Duelist’s Shot would be enough of a fix then.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


My take on mh pistol:

Name (activation time – recharge time – range)

1- Duelist’s Shot (½s-900yd)- Shoots your foe. Combo finisher: Projectile (20% chance)
-> Mind Shot (½s-900yd)- Shoots your foe again. Combo finisher: Projectile (20% chance)
-> Discharge Shot (½s-900yd)- Fires a shattering bullet that damages foes nearby. Radius: 120. Combo finisher: Projectile (20% chance).

2- Illusionary Fragility (¾s-12s-900yd)- Fires a shot that applies weakness for 5 sec and sends a random condition on you to your foe. Creates a clone by your side that casts Duelist’s Shot.

3- Trickster’s Escape (1s-30s -600yd)- Shoots a chaos bullet that knocks foes down in a line, then teleport to the end of it. Combo finisher: Blast.

The idea would be keeping it more or less flexible, so you can decide to go for condition damage and have it interact with ethereal fields, crit for bleeds or sheer power and enhance that gameplay further depending on your off hand weapon choice. Of course, numbers should be tweaked to make it balanced.

(edited by Pollux.3247)

Mesmer Clones

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Check the traits that enhance clones here. You can get an idea of what you can do with them. They can also be somewhat tanky if you play a support build.

How is scepter better?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Confusing Images now can hit up to 5 people, which means that it can potentially have 5 enemies afflicted with 5 stacks of confusion, and that’s neat. I don’t see it THAT much improvement overall, though, I mean, it’s just one ability that has a medium cd and has to be channeled. I would rather see Ether Bolt chain fixed.

Upcoming Mesmer Changes/Concerns/Suggestions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Well, there are quite a few things that got me concerned about the Spatial Surge and Confusing Images’ changes.

- Will their total damage be split amongst targets or will it hit for the same amount on each one of them?
- If it’s split, will it hit for full damage if you get to hit just one target?
- If it hits fot the same amount, will it be nerfed because of its AOE potential?
- Will our clones hit multiple targets too?
- Will traits apply to all the targets they hit or just your main one?

Also, on shatters, well… Buffing 2 attacks shouldn’t justify to nerf them, as there are 2 other weapon options that won’t be buffed. Guess they should either redirect some damage out of the shatters into the other weapon’s abilities.

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Deceptive Evasion’s clones attack the nearest enemy instead of the targeted one.

Should clones always cause a condition?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


Right now, clones apply these conditions:

Sword – vulnerability
Staff – vulnerability, bleed, burn
GS – none
Scepter – none, but looks it should apply confusion on the third strike.

I think that if they fix the scepter one and add vulnerability to the GS one, they are mostly ok. I know Mirror Blade (GS 2) adds vulnerability on its own, but GS clones are quite useless other than for shattering. I don’t think all of them should add a damaging condition untrained, as they are suposed to enhance your weapon playstyle. GS and sword are precision/power weapons and scepter/staff are condition ones.

Change to Mass Invisibility and Mimic?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I think Mass Invisibility and Veil are indeed redundant. I wouldn’t mind getting another elite after adjusting MI a bit. Also, in my opinion , Mimic would be far more useful if it was some sort of boon you have for a little while that would make you absorb proyectiles so you could still do something, not just channel.

Pistol for mainhand.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I would definitely go for a MH pistol, though I agree they should fix scepter first. I think scepter should empower the confusion theme and pistol should be a raw power/mobility weapon. Something in the line of teleport+clone (and maybe blind nearby enemies or so) for #2 or even swap positions between you and your target.

Class Philosophy: Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pollux.3247


I guess our ability to stealth is merely defensive. The only one that seems more offensive is The Prestige, though I would swap the blind and the burning. I think blinding your enemies when they can actually see you would be far more logic than blinding them and then cloaking.

What I’d like to know is how developers see Mass Invisibility and Veil. I don’t get that, honestly.

Regarding mobility, yes, it seems we’re a bit slow. Having some sort of speed bonus nested into a signet would be nice.

Also, illusions seem way too squishy. If “without the illusions, they become fairly fragile”, i think they should bump their health a bit without having to rely that much in traits.