Showing Posts For Ponytales.7264:

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Thanks for a lot of fun tonight guys.

The AM blob is really easy to identify at least – if in doubt, use this checklist;
1. sec Pc starting to lag slightly ?
2. sec You’re downed?
3. sec Look up and see first screenshot

If in doubt, zoom in!

Time to go sleep about steel umbrellas and lost keeps.



Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Big shoutout to Dius, TDA, YaK, XxX and the rest of the people for the fights this evening on Miller’s server. This have been our best and most fun WvW night for ages!

Big thumbs up!

Gandalf Vs Aurora Vs Millers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Thank you for an awsome reset!

I’m so happy to see you two servers on our WvW map.

Let’s make this week an awsome week with a lot of fun fights

Mesmer Illusionary Leap Bug Report

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Please fix this asap

Glade, Mouth and Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Really enjoyable and hectic rush hours after reset last night.

I’ve never been so happy to spot a mesmer in time before, as I was last night, when I saw a mesmer portalling AM players into SM, right after we captured it from them at the reset. So much fighting and so much stress – both in the initial fight about SM which you won – and I was quite sure we’d lose the one afterwards on the outer wall, but somehow we managed to wipe you in last second. I enjoyed the fights tho – You always put up a nice fight AM, cheers

Gandara Vs Aurora Vs Dzagonur

in WvW

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Big thanks to ECL – the GvG was very fun. A really nice way to test out own abilities and progression. I wish more guilds would do GvG

Also regarding the comments on nightcapping; We would love to fight more people at these times. Sadly a lot of us have RL’s that don’t allow us to play in what is your primetime, so ours is a big different. I don’t think there’s any reason to call us outon that tho – ours can be just as right prime time than yours is Feel free to stick around later and fight us – we’d love that

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Error 42:5:7:878:101
Aurora Glade
Eternal Battlegrounds, WvW

Error 42:5:7:878:101 unable to login [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


I was in WvW with a few parties from my guild. We’re also all stuck on loading screen and then this error now. :-/

Aurora Glade vs Abaddon's Mouth vs Jade Sea

in WvW

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Has been an awsome week and I look forward to one more

I don’t think we’ve ever defended Dolyak’s that intense before as we did last night,- it was so fun

The final score was something around AG 210k, AM and JS both on 201k. Closest scores I’ve ever seen all around. It has been a really tough week on all, I think But worth it!

Suggestion for guilds and friends list.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


This is something I think a lot of Officers and GM’s would find very handy. If you’re administering a large number of members, then it can be very time consuming to track all members activity manually as you have to do atm.

It would be a really nice improvement, and I think guild-administering tools such as this one, should be prioritized a bit more.

Magic Find %

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


It might be a boring stat for some, while it’s an interesting stat for others.

I would also like to see a % stat in my stat line.


Guild Hall and GvsG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponytales.7264


Guild vs. Guild but especially the Guild Hall is a very good idea, which I would also like to see get implemented.
