Showing Posts For Pravda.7641:
I can already smell the disappointment that will come when they release info on it and its not what everyone expected. We have no tanks, healers or DPS (I guess everyone’s a DPS) So I don’t know how it will work, but it won’t be like that not to be named games we’re all thinking about.
Because in the end its boring. I haven’t even capped. I’m at 63 and I can’t get this game to grab me like others do.
I think its because the LS isn’t very interesting. I love 2 week updates, but its just story that isn’t even connected. Every 2 weeks it seems like they bring up a new story that leaves unanswered questions…and next week we get more. Who the heck is Scarlet? And why do I care? Hasn’t Scarlet been going for months now? She’s not even a big bad guy. The dragons are the real threat, but no…the heroes of Tyria are fighting this little annoyance in the corner while the dragons just eat the world. That’s how I see it.
Also a lack of a personal touch. Everyone’s personal story ends up playing the same way about half way through getting to 80. Which is also why I love housing. I want to have my own touch on Tyria….but no each week I get a lame story with zerg after zerg…and it just gets boring.
TL;DR – The story is boring and uninteresting and everyone does the same thing week after week.
Personal housing…and not this personal instance stuff that there is literally nothing to do in. I want to build a house or something. Or any information on an expansion. What? I can dream….>_>
Depends on the story and content…if it looks remotely interesting I at least log in a few times. Although running the tower over and over again and waiting for a GOOD zerg group to form got boring.
LS as its going is starting to wind down for me. Nothing looks worth putting the time in for it anymore. I’ll wait for news on a big update, or an expansion…otherwise my time playing has started to dwindle.
My thing is, the story just isn’t that interesting to devote a lot of time to it. Isn’t the world being destroyed by dragons? Who the frak is scarlet? Why do I care? There are dragons flying around mucking things up!
I just want epic storyline, and honestly the latest story makes me go “meh” and go watch netflix. I wanna go out and slay dragons and big bad guys and be like “What’s work?” and play. And I have a secret dream of a living story devoted to Orr, but that’s me I know.
Disclaimer: this is all my opinion. I do log in from time to time, just not very long.
I always res people, but most of the time they just stand there and die again and it turns out they were just AFK. And to me that’s a waste of time because they stand there and die again.
Where are these players? I mean, I’m on High Population NA server.
Yesterday I spent around 15min playing the TP in LA and I didn’t see a single /map , /say message.Seems fishy.
Plus, if the game is so popular, why can’t we get 1 Mil likes? Seems awkward.
Made up data probably.
Same. Sure the numbers are nice, but I never see anyone anywhere. Leveling alts, playing my main…I’m lucky to see a few people a day. Never see a map chat besides the occasional event call out. And you know what? I’m on TC, one of the supposed most popular servers. Its hard to play the game anymore since a lot of the time it seems like its just me playing.
Its hard for me to believe those numbers. I hope I get to see a rise in activity eventually. My love for the game is slipping since I feel like I’m playing single player nowadays.
I have no idea what the hell they’re even saying in that trailer, and its my favorite guild wars 2 trailer of all time.
I couldn’t recommend it because I knew my friends wouldn’t like it. I love this game, but all it really is now is new gem store items and the occasional small new zone and a little story here and there. I want to fight dragons and kill bad guys and save the world! Not race people in mini games and get a new outfit. There are apps on my phone for that stuff.
Other than LA I only see people in Divinitys Reach. Mostly RPing. But that’s really only the TC server. The Grove is always empty when I go, and so is the Black Citadel. I might see the occasional few people in Hoelbrak.
Makes me sad. I love all the cities, and I like The Grove a lot but no real reason to go there.
I like getting new stuff through living story more. With an expansion I gotta wait what? A year or more until I get it in my hands? No way. I know its because I’m an impatient kitten , but I’d rather get it in pieces rather than waiting for a year or more.
5 the highest being 37. I switch between characters too much that it takes me much longer to hit the level cap. I’m still trying to decide on a 1 and only main character though. Its a long process for me.
1 Human, 4 Charr. I kinda love the Charr
I want to get excited, but at this point for me personally, the only reason I’ll get super excited is if they announce work has started on a new expansion.
I know that is extremely unlikely. I’ll still watch and see what comes up.
Human because I like the lore and the look of them in this game.
Elementalist because its my favorite profession.
Either Whispers or Priory. I usually just pick a order on the spur of the moment thing anyway.
I’m a one main character kind of guy anyway so it doesn’t bother me.
For me its just luck. When I started my Charr character, I found events left and right. They were popping up like candy in the starting area and I leveled fast, without touching my personal story. Other times, its a lot harder and it can get frustrating.
I find I can complete things faster than most people.
Not to sound like a moa kitten or anything, but usually I find that I’m done with a quest or heart or whatever faster than my group mate. I mean, its fine everyones at their own pace but I like to get in and get out, be done, experience what there is and hit the next area. Most people are slower.
Krait. I can’t pull one of them without pulling 2 or 3 of his friends it seems. In the Sylvari areas they pretty much own my face when I have to fight them. I never just fight one krait, its two or three of his friends as well.
And for the future: Orr mobs. I get the feeling that when I get to Orr I’m going to want to punch puppies. Those mobs sound horrible.
I was wondering about the lack of undead charr in Orr as well. I know they were there and like someone said they even reached the gates of Arah but when you get to Orr there is a lack of undead Charr. Also, there are a lot of mobs. In other zones you kinda have more breathing room to run around. In Orr you can’t really do that.
I still love Orr as a zone though. I do wish there were hearts but meh, whatever. I love the zones lore and running around it.
And another comment that goes against the core design of the game.
Pretty much.
I don’t know how big the “hardcore playerbase” is, but I hope they don’t listen to them.
I’ve had the game since its official release, only playing when I can and I’m loving it, and I’m only level 20.
There will always be those who rush and rush through it then complain of nothing to do. Like someone said, you can write a dictionarys worth of content in a game and those people still won’t be satisfied.