Showing Posts For Pug.9784:

laptop specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Every time I read a thread like this me smile…

TheHeretic’s quote of “20-25 Fps on the lowest settings” made me smile even more…

So… I’m playing GW2 on a four year old Asus N550 15.6 laptop… It has a i5 4200u cpu and a gt745m nvidia graphics card… It does run 16gb of dual channel ram and a 256gb Samsung 840 ssd.. and I use “Reshade”…

So… again… what Fps do I get…. 40 to 60 all day long… I have more problem with server lag than Fps…

Settings i hear you cry… mostly med or high…

Character model limit/quality set to medium as high/highest does affect Fps in blob/boss fights and no antialising as “Reshade” takes care of that and handles reflections and shadows (so they are set to none) better than in game settings… bonus)

So upgrade your ram to max/12gb use “reshade” or similar and ignore the “I have the baddest gaming rig EVER” brigade and you will do just fine…

On a side note check you isp settings etc are set for gaming… do a quick search on this…

This Blasted Glider...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Hi all…
Play GW2 on an old Asus laptop and just could not get on with “keyboard” play. So got myslf a Razer Tartarus keypad…
MUCH more comfortable to play with and all keys mapable…
Still have the odd f***ing glider moments but more because of my age than anything else…
Paired with the Deathadder mouse I don’t need to touch the actual laptop keyboard, once the game is loaded…
Suits me Sir…

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Love the idea of your own “house” but even a room would be ok, But it would need to be able to do two things..

1/ let other guild people enter and interact (how/where earned etc) with items…

2/ Have a big, maybe wall sized, tv that you could watch any active “boss” fight on… so when you are sitting in your big comfy chair (earnt by hour’s of (cough) grind)) and check if you want to join in… (or do a deal with sky/other so we can be in game but not miss program/sport/other :-)

I need some help guys, i just dont have fps

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pug.9784


I am using an old Asus laptop that running a i5 4200U CPU and a GT745M graphics card. Used to have a lot of problems but other “help” websites lead me to “Reshade”..
Works amazingly well for me and my fps only drops, occasionally, in some big blob WvW fights.
Worth a look at the website..

Differences between me and veteran player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Love the “what is the length of a piece of string” question…
From the game point of view… Vets have a much better grasp of the game mechanics and build that work better so, mostly, will wipe a new player – but not allways
From a quality/quantity viewpoint – will have more and better stuff
From a newbie perspective – you may beat me in this game but i am an “X” master in “X” game so you play that one and I will wipe you… (sad but true – The human animal never learns true eqality and always seems to have the need to win)
The true answer – “half as long as twice it’s length”
Say Goodnight Gracie

Mounts - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


The mount for me is a bit uncontrolable….
Fine in a straight line but just a hint of left/right and its instant 45 deg, or more.
End up doing a zig zag rather than a smooth turn
Not helpful in the tighter places

Upon talking to a guild mate it would seem that using a keypad result in jerkier movements and a mouse produces a smooth, more fliud, movement..
As i use a tartarus keypad, guess i will just have to get used to zig zaging in narrow places… unless someone wants to se why this is happening???? hint hint…

(edited by Pug.9784)

Really another 3 level map

in Living World

Posted by: Pug.9784


May have missed this listed already but … WHY DON’T ANET JUST ADD “ABOVE” AND “BELOW” TO GROUP/GUILD PLAYERS. if you can do if for enemies, why not friends?
Draconis is not to hard to get around in once you learn a cuple of tube locations, and the start high n glide down method, sort of, works… still takes to long to get to boss, ie arrive just as it dies… again….
But the running around on top of a mates"dot" and having no clue if they are above or below is a royal pain in the butt

Preferable Graphic Settings?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pug.9784


AllI can say is
Great, and free, program that has upped the framerate, improved visuals and my fan does not cut in anywhere near as much…
Asus N550 – i54200 – GT745 16gb with nearly 6 hours a day average on GW2 for the last 2 years useage.
And in answer to the obvious comment… Real life is overated :-)

Disconnect getting worse

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


This time all four lanes on the Chak Gerret event dc’d mid event… appeared back on in TD but event over… epic fail by reason of epic disconnect…

Introducing the: stretchable equipment bag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


For me… I would preffer a “bound” slot option of a “shared” slot…

So you can either buy a shared slot for all characters or a bound slot for a single characters weapons/armour…

A bound slot would simply be a slot for a specific item and each player can buy just what they need, as not all players carry everything, and, personally, I really hate having to search for an off hand weapon when swapping back from a dual hand item.

Cannot see this being to hard to do… each “bound” slot has a “link” tick box and when you upgrade, or simple change to one you like the look of better, you untick/link one item and re-tick/link another (item must be in box at time of using the “tick”).
From a non programmes viewpoint this might mean only a small script/code is required to “park” an unequiped item to a specific bound box.

Players who swap stuff all the time might not like the extra few seconds taken up in linking but, I would guess, the majority of players who, simply, find a set up/weapons they like and rarely change, ie play one set up for months/longer before “fiddling” would appreciate a “bound” slot as much as I would

Agony Resistance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pug.9784


Never understand some people… maybe being poor growing up made you look at things differently to the modern generations…
I have many characters but as I only play one at a time and love playing Pve and WvW and am very happy that its quite easy to have a character play well in both wearing the same gear…
So i only made one of each (light, med and heavy) Ascended gear and made one of each type, or two when a weapon came be played in both hands, ascended weapon…
But I also like to play Fractuls… But I do not change any armor or weapons as with all the available accessories available from the new areas I just load a set up with AR…. If you attune and infuse a ring you have three slots… Running 12 (10’s are really easy and cheap to get/make but as time has gone on I am slowly upggradeing them) at the moment so thats 12 × 6 = 72AR on just the rings…
Takes seconds to change from WvW to Fractul accessories…
So where is the problem…
Personally I love the fact that AR, and other similar items, exsists… As it sorts those who really enjoy that particular area of GW2 and learn how to play it properly at max levels, where the challange is realy a challenge…
I enjoy playing up to, about, level 65 and will spend many years enjoying Fractuls without a thought of “must collect/complete everything but its so hard why cant they make it easier… just for me, cause I’m important”
Never was a “gamer” before as it was all “follow this to do that and MUST keep getting bigger weapons”
But LOVE GW2 because you can set up a character and play pretty much anywhere… some areas you die a bit more often but “free to repair” means you dont care if you die 5 times before the bad guy does…
But do learn that this game is built so that there is more than one way to do something/get somewhere…
To say “I’m not playing fractuls as long as there is AR” just smacks of premadonna footballers who dive when another player comes near them…

Caudecus's Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Typical.. you run around for agaes… put a post on here and the “just one more look” and I can now access the door on the library balcony…
So… Head of the Snake completed….

Caudecus's Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


I have defeated Caudecus – Totally agree with all the “it’s a bit like being a ping pong ball” and without a few repair cannisters he would still be alive today and not me…
Anyhoo killed Caud… check… return to Demmi… check… Enter Caudecus chambers… Err no star just the oval green over a section of the manor..
Stuck… have been in all the rooms and killed everything but… nothing… no complete… no star to guide me… and a reset fast aproaching and not sure if that means i will lose progress for leaving incomplete section and REALLY do not want to have to kill him again…
I remember there being a celler area but am unable to access that sub level… only doors active are on ground and first floors.
And Ideas/help?

Any tips to reduce skill lag?

in WvW

Posted by: Pug.9784


Running an old Asus n550 laptop i5 4th gen and gt745m card… Running ReShade seems to have solved my fps problems… 5 (boss fights/Frozen Maw etc) to 40 fps before and 30 to 60 with ReShade… Well pleased

Official Feedback Thread: Episode 3 -- A Crack in the Ice

in Living World

Posted by: Pug.9784


Liked the area but the area was to small…
like the occasional harder hitting opponent but hated the wave after wave of never ending opponents…
Liked the new challenges but hated the multitude of bugs stopping you from completing them…
Learnt new skills but really hope that Anet leaned it needs to release a bug free LS4 (or, at least, not have a “daily” that you cannot complete)

Salvage damaged armaments to build bombs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


For me its the sheer amount of “salvage” items you have to give him… The event does not seem to scale… I can collect and deliver 10 pieces and the bar hardly moves…unless you have 30+ people collecting… you are gonna fail…
The whole train to me seems harder than any other in AB and to have such a high number of items required to fill the bar is just soul destroying…
Bad enough the end game can be a real pain but to have the penultimate section so hard to complete with less than 30 players is just (your word here)…

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Still bugged – No Grawl stone or Suet..

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


I believe this is mentioned in the update notes… Many players, including myself, preferred “hearts” and therefore map completion staying at 100% after Anet started using “hearts” as “dailies” with LS3.

As in Ember Bay many players seemed to moan about " map completion" disappearing after map completion…
Hope that made sense..

No, Look at the picture again. Let me help it says in the top corner 4 hearts of 4 hearts complete when if you look none are complete, To make it more clear I had not gone to that map for over 24 hours. Yesterday it was borked like that as well except it was 3 of 4 hearts complete and I hadn’t been in there for a few days, yet none of the hearts were done. The map is bugged out and still can’t buy the firestone.

Have you already map completed the area?
The actual hearts in BFF reset for everybody daily… But if you have map completed then the icon will show 4/4

Thermal Tube Arrow Anomoly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


You can always use the ‘fixed’ mini-map, rather than the rotating one, whilst waiting for the tweak, should there be one. This will always show the ‘arrows’ pointing in the correct direction.

Also, I don’t believe it is possible to vertically change the size of the mini-map; only horizontally, or change its position vertically on the screen. At least, I’ve not ever been able to.

Good luck.

Sorry but much prefer the map to spin…
Used to be able to change map vertically until an update last year.. changing its position is a pain as getting the “hand” to appear between symbols is not always easy.. But can still move the mini map up to the top right hand corner… but it’s just easier for me to keep it at the bottom

Thermal Tube Arrow Anomoly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Hi All..
I know I have a mini map bug as I cannot resize it vertically (Many have tried to help but have just gotten used to it now) but I wondered a couple of times why I had been shot out of a thermal tube in the wrong direction… ie as I run up to the tube the arrow on the mini map shows one direction but I get shot another…

But today I was standing next to a “tube” and noticed that the arrow moved with the mini map….. ie when I turned my char the arrow turned with it….

Clicking to the world map, the arrow was always in one fixed direction…

But on the mini map (and tried this alongside several tubes) the arrow turns when I turn on mini map…

Guess I will have to goto world map to check direction before “jumping in”..

Mind you… what a great idea for BFF…. might make getting where you want to go easier…. yes/no????

(edited by Pug.9784)

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Still bugged – No Grawl stone or Suet..

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


This is what I meant (see pic) It says I have done all 4 hearts but I have actually done none. Maybe you guys should check if it’s the same on yours, As I think this may have something to do with it.

I believe this is mentioned in the update notes… Many players, including myself, preferred “hearts” and therefore map completion staying at 100% after Anet started using “hearts” as “dailies” with LS3.

As in Ember Bay many players seemed to moan about " map completion" disappearing after map completion…
Hope that made sense..

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


loaded update and still no Suet drops and Grawl stone not showing up for purchase… Why have a “daily” listed that people cannot complete??? Another missed chest and berries…

(edited by Pug.9784)

Winterberry node

in Living World

Posted by: Pug.9784


Why does the Winterberry Node not show as “red” before you mine it…. As it would in map area.. ?

Icebound chests

in Living World

Posted by: Pug.9784


Why do some “icebound” chests auto loot and some don’t… I open chest with torch and some stay open and all its contents run down the screen above the mini map as normal but some close back up again and don’t “loot” until I click “open”..
Hoping everybody has noticed this, as I see some players opening chests on the run…

(edited by Pug.9784)

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Bought a few Grawl stones the first day and thought it might be the problem of not showing for sale until I had used them all (ie… only one per day) but have none in inventory and still can’t but a Grawl stone… Don’t suppose for one minute that Anet will gift me the chest items I now cannot access because of this – As I really do not intend to bring another character into this area any time soon…
Love the area but there has been some really dumb bugs…

Storyline telling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


“I honestly think ANet could make a pretty good humor based story, and would like to see them try that sometime. Not exactly sure how that would work or where it would fit in, but essentially make something completely silly, with lots of comedy and humor. Not quite Monty Python, perhaps more like Princess Bride ? Most of what I think they get right leads toward that direction.”

Well I for one would love a new Monty Pythonesc daily/seasonal activity or standalone mini game option… Characters having to battle in the style of silly walks with parrot style weapons ie… axe is a perch with a parrot nailed to it… maybe a rubber chicken for a sword… all the while avoiding the dreaded “big foot” dragon…

The newBL drop, just increase another issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


You only get two choices of booster in BL… They could have, at least, added the Combat boost.. My poor char will miss the speed booster in WvW etc…

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Played WvW earlier and just caught the last half an hour of running around with a really good commander (trust me some are just "if you can’t keep up… tough) and he logged of saying… “17 hours straight on here, gotta take a break”

No matter how much you talk about it – Achievements in GW2 are different for everybody…

The “god I spend most of the day on here and must collect/own everything” will feel hard done by (and they are because someone might just see them as cash cows)…

Those who “just play for an hour or two most days” want more for nothing (and guess who is happy to provide the nothing)…

Those, who still love the game, but can only play for half an hour, every so often are really pleased with the 10AP a day and the chance it gives them to get a “big kitten chest” yearly as it makes them feel that someone does care about the casual player…

Guild Wars 1 used to flash up a message telling you how long you have been playing (their way of saying “go out and get a life”)… maybe the “Cap” is trying to say the same thing??? Answers on a postcard please to “someone else – somewhere out in the boondocks – boondock”

Do think the “Agent of Entropy” should not be capped but with all the drops these days (think “city”) it should increase in steps ie 2AP for every 200 items for the first 200 points then every 300 items for the next 300points and (maybe 3AP) every 400 items for the next 400 points?…

Daily Heart of Maguuma Forager bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Thanks for the update but would suggest not saying “do JP’s instead” as the first option…
Many players don’t like JP’s so putting it first might, just, make people think that’s the reason for the bug?..
As a question… How many players actually do JP’s as a daily compared to how many simply use the gather/lumber/mine option????
My own history should show I use WvW often, PvP sometimes and JP,s almost never for dailies

Premafreeze with rift closer aoe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Why am I always getting premafroze when doing rift closer events.
Started a few days ago… If I do not roll out of the red quick enough I just freeze… sometimes in the air halfway through a roll out..
It does not clear… nothing works… skills do not recharge… and It only clears the second before the next red ring appears… so insta froze again and die… I cannot move or use skills… but can still be hit..
Playing a Charr Reaper… not tried another character as really like just using the Reaper.
Any ideas???

Gem Store Login?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Can buy/sell and look at the exchange page of the Black Lion but Gem store says “login to view” which dies not work and just loops to “login to view”…

Bloodstone Fen Books

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Why do I have three “incomplete” books in my inventory, that say “some pages appear to be missing from this book” after collecting all pages and getting “Conspiracy” of dunces" award???

No Bloodstone to Mine in Bloodstone Fen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pug.9784


Have the same problem…

Decent laptop for GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pug.9784


Will add that I use a Razer Tartarus keypad – for comfort rather than the Asus keyboard action – tried a few other laptops and stumpy fat fingers cause more problems than the key action :-)

Decent laptop for GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pug.9784


Been running GW2 on my Asus N550lf for over a couple of years… runs at 50fps+ med/high setting (adsl connection… should be 8 to 10 meg but runs more like 4 to 6). does not get to hot or to noisy when playing, and this while having a 6+ hour a day average play time (don’t get out much).

Would say any laptop with a separate (or decent dedicated) graphics card would be OK… My lowly GT745 plays more than well enough for me but it does drop fps in big WvW battles etc

Experience Points... Totally useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


The lack of movement is my point…. may be years before i unlock all mastery’s… and that little bar, moving from left to right, just make me feel like the points are going somewhere…
As to points carrying over…
I sent screenshots of a mastery level that that did not overflow into the next line… only to be told “Oh”

Experience Points... Totally useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Getting really frustrated by the lack of movement on that innocuous little “progress” bar…

Done all the experience points required to fill every line (except raid as not interested)…

But I do not have enough mastery point to “activate” them…. And not liable to for a very long time….

My level is 128…. and most remaining mysteries are hidden in some very expensive collections, more luck than judgement jumping puzzles and the personnel story that makes me want to cut my wrists if I have to watch another… can’t even say it… (please please please…. skip to end button for the sake of my sanity….)

So when I play (and I average many hours a day) the bar just sits there… full… no movement..

So…. Am I wasting any new experience points… is it pointless uses experience boosters… Don’t know because I can not see… So, to me, yes..

I know you do not get much for each “level 80” now… but a spirit shard was better than nothing….

My frustration is really all about a total lack of movement on that stupid little bar…. Might not have noticed it to much… clocking over for the 100th time… but I do miss the lack of it’s movement…

Sort of like… “someone” is not interested if the fact that the little numbers that pop up, when you kill or complete something, actually mean anything…

Is it just me or do you feel this way to…

Maybe an option to toggle the progress bar…. experience/mastery’s ???

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pug.9784


Another one for a jet pack.. maybe “rocket man” style with finned helmet… or… “Bell Rocket Belt” style where you glide upright.

Trouble resizeing the mini map

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pug.9784


Mini map will not resize vertically (up down)… Side to side is fine but vertically or corner in only changes width not height?

Any help is appreciated.

Shatterer Discussion [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Like the new Shatterer, it is much more fun than stand here/ do this……. but why does it not give a mastery point…… There are not enough options to gain these if you hate jumping puzzles etc…. but then again you only have to get them right one time to get a mastery…….With all the effort and number of times you need to do this event to complete its well worth, SHOULD HAVE, a mastery point… my two penny’s worth anyway..

Too many wings in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Agree… to many wings… and other effects that “widen” players… often cannot see what I am aiming at/trying to pick up….
Personally the only thing I would buy would be a jet pack…. not that would be fun AND not get in anybody’s way…

Cannot resize mini map height.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Cannot resize my mini map vertically…. can make it narrower but cannot alter the hight… Have already been through the “ticket” process with this but not found a solution so putting it on here to see if anyone else has the same problem…
Windows 10… i5… Nvidia graphics…

We need more wings!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


I would buy a set of “jet pack” glider wings….

Suggestion: Luck Eater

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Have read somewhere on here, in an post, that even though luck appears to stop at 300 it does continue up…

Copied from GW2 Wiki post
After reaching 300% magic find bonus, the bar will turn green. Luck will continue to accumulate up to 472,510. It is important to note that Essence of Luck can still be consumed after this point, essentially wasting the item.

Dont know If I will reach 472,000 in my lifetime but what a naff system that stops before it stops (assume there’s no extra bonus’s after 300).

Personally… I feel that if a player achieves that figure Anet should them GIVE them a “luck eater” as a “Thank you for playing with us so long” gift…. not gonna hold my breath on that one though…..

Get rid of Orange Adverts at top right [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


They are advertising other parts of their game….. not product adds. The more area’s you play in leads, potentionally, to more gear that you need to buy….. one way or another…
Already incrased the number of my “banks tabs” because of all the stuff that does not stack with HOT…. times that by a million players… you do the maths…

Used to be easy to play this game without spending a real penny….. now… not so much

Get rid of Orange Adverts at top right [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


Psychological advertising…. the longer its there the more likely, they think, you are to having a look….. Did you notice that the pre release pricing page allways opened up with the highest price option highlighted…. sort of thing you get after “someone” talked to a consultancy….

My current pet hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pug.9784


As someone, over 60, who had 3500 hours plus, Three level 80 & 100% world complete chars…. and I’m still 20 odd points short for getting all the Tyria mastery levels done…. I do feel that the powers to be got something wrong in the points converson. Don’t collect/buy mini’s, dye’s, skins, worthless collections (there are a couple that do actually give a good reward) or try to get every last possible “achievment”.

I hate fractuals…. dont do dungeons…. did PvP a few times before the “new and unimproved” balanced version…. liked WvW and was about 300+ in that but not played the new maps, other than a quick look.

But the most anoying thing to me is that I did pact comander to get auto lot (really handy in mob fights as you dont die becuse of….. just gotta get that…. and have filed the bars for third level “legendary” and “fractual” and now…. nothing… cannot “unlock” as no points… and the “nice gold bar” at the bottom just sits there full…. I have no idea is my points are still acumilating…. I do know that I have lost points because of not noticing the “level” had been completed and when I have clicked “train” for the new level it has started at 0% 0 points….

Have started an official ticket on this and was just told…. do a few boss events etc…. I have done karka/worm/fire/been there done that/tec/claw/ and many more… you dont get the point again….

I asked about taking another char to 100% map complete and was told that its tied to the “bin dare dumb nat” so that will not work either….

Did try a couple of rounds in a fractual this morning (luckily with a really good crew who I just followed/ kept getting rezed by…. but its not changed my view on them

Really am more concerned that I am playing now for no points reward/level reward (not that shards so great)—— but the lack of mastery points around central Tryia just sucks…

Bad play Anet making people go to area they do not like… Bad play to just want new gulible players who “have to have” all these clothes and other pointless stuff you’ve generated since the HOT release

Huge ping after loading screens

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pug.9784


Hi… Found that if I cntl/alt/del ie to get to task manager… i dont even have to open anything… just go back to GW2 and the load screen dissapears… the areas is loaded… What gives with that….

connection issues after new build

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pug.9784


same here unable to connect