Showing Posts For Rainiris.1975:
So, what would be wrong about adding (any ammount of) mystic coins to the Dialy Completionist rewards?
Would you want to see any changes to Courtyard before it came back? A new mechanic, perhaps?
Wider outer area. Repositioning of team bases to reflect this change.
Players of a team spawning spread out instead of together in the same spot, to raise individual skill participation.
Anet, you need to reconsider discriminating links based on language. I don’t get why Riverside is not linked.
I used to do CS for a large banking company in my area. We would occasionally have somebody call in & attempt to fraudulently gain control of a customers account. After the first attempt, notations would be made on the account to give the next CS rep a heads up. After the second attempt, the account would be marked as “Transfer to Fraud Dept Immediately” if the hacker called again and the account would be locked down. The customer would also be notified.
Long story short – At what point was Gaile notified and what, if any, actions were taken by your CS team to secure the account before it was compromised?
If this is how your CS team handles situations like this, then we have a problem.
Probably a few thousand problems.
There are a few.logistics.limitations that have come underaporeciated.
You, as, have details, like phone, email address, fax whatsapp, person-to-person villager shouting train express, etc.
Arenanet, however, only has your account and the mail associated with it as a method to contact you, so they can’t.exactly communicate with you through a ‘safe’ method as the mail is likely to have been ‘dobiously accessed’. There is also no local office where you’ll see an angry client will enter asking why their account was locked, so you can’t “bet” the client will get the initiative and ask.
They also might have based on purchases versions of things, but that they arent.exactly allowed to.keep as.they.don’t process it either.
potentially even very soon as a component of LS3 (they said this was a possibility, so no guarantees).
No. Please! Anything but that! I’m waitin on LS3. I’m waiting for the content I like! I’m fed on enforced partying content like sPvP raid and dungeons! Hell I know I’m a minority but please don’t exclude me this much!
I just got struck by this idea:
Why not just putting a pool of water under the play zone? That way the crystal gapes act more as a security exit rather than an insta kill. Of course that would make it harder to get back to action.
Hmm actually, nevermind. The problem’s still conquest.
The problem of Skyhammer is conquest. The obligation to stay on-point negates the map’s playability.
It needs to be redone into a Deathmatch map like Courtyard, into Stronghold, or completely change the secondary objective.
Only 1 question from me.
I’m sure developing creatures for Heart of Thorn’s maps and the current and upcoming raid wings has become a a fruictful experience, where mechanics have gotten more diverse and deeper.
This has been a problem with balance in the past – relying too much on mechanic to defeat a monster nullifies the need for new builds, and relying too much on player builds nullifies the need to learn monster mechanics. Just how much you think each side (MechanicVSBuild) should vouch when designing monsters in order to keep them challenging for the years to come? Is it the mechanic what makes players create builds, or are the builds what are forcing the design of new monster mechanics?
Well, maybe that’s 2 questions.
I only have one rolling thing to say about Mercenary’s amulet..
I run Dragon Stand twice todayafter making sure I had enough materials to buy a greatsword form the aftermath exclusive vendor.
I crashed both times, getting locked out of reaching this vendor.
I just wish Anet moved the vendor to the entrance of the map while these crashes are fixed. Its literally unreachable for me.
It just crossed me.
How hard would be to bring back the twisted marionette to the game? It’s unfitting as it is Living World 1 content and Scarlet is long dead. Unless, its brought back like the Flame and Ice dungeon – divided in segments and tuned properly into fractals.
I’m sure the dev team can come up with a better, more fleshed out idea but how about making it so each party member has to defend one lane (like the five lanes that were at the boss fight) and solo the corresponding boss when its their turn?
Or maybe block all lanes except one so the whole party has to make a defense effort and lock the boss entrance after one person enters.
Does this include minion vs minion interaction? Since both are essentially npc’s.
Revenant’s Phase Smash behaves differently from other mist step skills.
When switchign weapons while channeling Phase Smash, Phase Smash is cancelled on full CD and the weapon is not switched.
Similar skill Unrelenting Assault is cancelled on short CD and weapon is switched while channeling the skill.
>We now have the tech to make it work cleanly
Is this tech something related to make skills complete before the action related to them happens? (Evade, activate heal skill, activate elite skill, other trigger conditions)
Could this tech see future use in future skill developments? Like condition removal skills that trigger after confusion.
>but we were unable to get the updated build in time.
Is this why there was a “New version is avaliable!” during the stream?
I’m guessing they might be able to be slotted into any Legend, which could be pretty convenient to replace some of the less useful Legend skills…
The problem is that they are balanced around having 1 skill bar and not 2 for the right half of your bar. They are also not made with energy in mind and would need to be changed to work with revenant, but would muddy the purity of each legends skill set playstyle. I thought I had mentioned it before on one of the initial streams, but racial skills won’t be usable on revenant.
I have to dispute this reasoning. The racial skills are already watered down versions of other skills. The only reason to consider racial skills troublesome is because they dont rely on the energy costs, which is the revenant’s insignia flagship when it comes to skill balance.
This means that players would have access to skills outside the energy flow which would make the class harder to balance (for good or ill). We’re looking at skills that are “poor man’s” versions of other skills, and only one or two are worth noticing (Sylvari’s Take Root and Norn’s Become the bear, both of which are elite skills).
I agree that racials would muddle the legends, but the lack of avaliable skills per legend makes the class feel very shoehorned, which is a sensation racial skills have succesfully fixed on other classes (Asuran Condition Mesmers, Elementalist’s arguable elite skill usefulness as examples).
So, why not enable racial skills on revenant, for BWE3, and seeing what do people come up with before taking the final decission on this part of the design?
I have two suggestions:
1. Change the rewarded blooms to one per completed event in the map to everyone that has completed at least 5 events. This doesnt directly mitigate leeching, but encourages participation.
2. Re-activate this event every once in a while in pair to Living World updates (weekend after every update?). This fights content drough and gives core players something to look for, while also doubling the options for HoT players.
I havent read through the whole thread but I needed to answer to this point in particular:
>Shadowscales have too much uptime on their mist-evasion. The effect visual doesn’t match the actual timing, either. I’ll be missing for at least two seconds after the effect is gone. And by then, the shadowscale horfs up another mist within two seconds. I don’t mind the mechanic itself. It’s clever, but I think it should be “ignores damage” instead of “evade,” so that a player can still use tactical push/pull, especially when it gets hung up on a stationary object like a security wall or a turret.
Shadowscales are an example of proper design. They’re high damage low hp npcs that will most surely kill people who are unwary and sporting low survival skills/stats, thus forcing a change of mindset over the recurring zerker meta we’ve had in the game for so long.
The thing about shadowscales is to not fight them directly. The first move will be theirs, and if it isnt, it will be the second. They will drop their mist field always after their initial unrelenting assault( The idea here is to pull them off their field. Just move out and they’ll pursue you. They’re open for damage right there.
Its an example of good design because it forces you to change tactics in order to approach it. If your character has access to some sort of shielding, evasion or invulnerability, usage of these surival skills is key to surviving. Allows anet to perform a “has enough defense?” check on people before moving on harder designs and train players. Forces you to use game mechanics almost never relied upon in the core game. AI manipulation/Aggro control/Kiting is a massively useful player skill most people havent learnt in 3 years yet.
Don’t get me wrong, the elite specs are funs, the maps look pretty darn amazing but doing those meta events 10 times in a row and spending hours a day for a week just to get the last tier of mastery is beyond mental.
Enviroment makes the difference. We only have two different meta events in the beta, about 1 per outpust (which should translate in about 5 in the full map and I’m sure they’re holding back something else). That means 5 different event chains with different plot, adventures, Night-time defenses, Raids, Personal Story, and whatever the next sets of maps are compromised by.
The sense of grind comes from the limited enviroment. Its gone after you’re presented with enough choices. Which we wont till October 23rd.
Phase Smash: Weapon switching during the leap animation of this Mist Step, cancels the skill, and does not switch weapons.
Pact supply: Spawned under a vine, in the air. (I should have taken a screenshot.)
Vengeful Hammers: Incorrectly cancelled at times while entering or leaving combat. Phenomena observed on Glint’s skills during the frozen fractal.
Reapershroud: GFX glitch. Gliding while in Reapershroud returns weapon to its original skin instead of scythe on landing.
Tomorrow's PoI: What do you want to know about Pact Commander masteries?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rainiris.1975
Why do I need a Mastery Track to help others? Am I less helpfull if I have not grinded myself through it?
As far as we know, exp obtained is channeled straight to a selected mastery. This means I could raise Pact Commander without actually helping other people. How does this tie in? How does grinding actually make me more helpfull for others?
How am I going to be able to be more willing to help people if I raise this Mastery line?
Does the mentored player actually get something from being mentored?
I do like the idea behind this Mastery Line, but I think its too vague to make a difference between using and not using it. Please, enlight me.
Bonus: Does the fractal mastery line allow me to need less AR slotted in my gear in some sort of way?
I’m taking this suggestion to the next level.
If we have evasions that allows us to avoid damage, we cant we study the possibility of a core mechanic that allows to avoid crowd control? I’m not talking about break stuns or stability, but more something that is stand alone from any trait or abilities, or a breakbar that depends on a trait, just like how the evasion system is.
TL;DR The Suggestion Film!
Energy system hard and unrewarding.
Ventari the only well desgined legend.
Weapons dont do enough damage.
Traits are bland and plain.
-Remove cooldowns from weapon
-Reduce energy costs on all weapon skills
-Remove energy costs from non-defensive weapon skills (Staff’s “Warding Rift” and “Renewing Mists” are samples of defensive weapon skills).
-Add energy gain on successfull autoattack hits. (This feels to be the most natural solution).
-Add weapon swap.
-Add more utility skills to each legend, so each legend has skills that more or less resemble eachother but actually work so legends have better synergy among themselves.
-Add one extra elite skill for each legend, so each legend has access to an incarnation-type elite skill and one summon-type elite skill.
-Allow the usage of skills that produce energy degeneration out of combat.
-Add a small bonus on Weaponskill#1 depending on invoked legend.
-Change self- conditions to negative (0~50) energy thresholds.(Mallyx)
-Change skill bonuses to positive (51~100) energy thresholds. (Mallyx)
-Rite of the Great Dwarf changed to instant cast. Cost increased to 50. Reduces energy to 0 and does not regenerate naturally for the duration of the ritual. Keep party buff and add “Your next attack causes Taunt (2s) on the target”. (Jalis)
-Vengeful Hammers: 2 Energy regeneration per hit. (Jalis)
-Special emphasys on more utility skills per legend.
-Increase damage of Weaponskill#1.
-Blend some of the current traits together and make new ones.
Sorry It took me more work than expected to sepparate the text in different pieces.
Ventari the best? Come on. Active use of tablet makes you unable to do anything else.
This flaw comes from the energy system, not from smart usage of ventari’s tablet.
-Ventari is OP well designed on every aspect.
-Some skills that are not instant cast but act over time would be nice to amplify the variety of playstyles under ventari’s tablet.
The most important suggestion is the ability of revenants to choose different skills for each legend. This would set them different from both elementalist and engineer while also reflecting on ranger’s pet system (only the part where you choose your two pets!), by adding another layer of choice.
Right now players choose the following when deciding their skills:
-Desired Weapon
-Desired Legends.
Elementalists choose weapon, main attunement (the one they will be using the most), and utilities(three layers). Engineers choose weapon, and utilities. Due to the nature of kits, each kit counts as a layer of choice(one layer for each kit). Rangers choose two weapons, utilities, and pets(four layers). This means that the revenant has little opportunity to change skill choices, and the actual skills selected are very limited since they’re tied to a legend. I can’t emphatyse enough the need for more skills for each legend.
We can understand as a “layer of choice” when a player asks themselves what should they run. Ie: I like flamethrower. Should I run turrets, or elixirs? If the only utlity skills avaliable are the flamethrower and turrets, the need to choose between turrets or elixirs vanishes, thus eliminating a layer. More layers add more variety, albeit more intrincancy and difficulty. (II. Do not fear difficulty. Hard ground makes stronger roots.) A greater variety of utility skills on each legend would also help closing the gap between playstyles between legends, which is currently too wide for weapon choices.
This will be a short section. Staff, Hammer, Axe and Mace were the tools we could test. However, all weapons shared one problem: They’re underpowered. As already stated numerous times, the current energy system puts a lock that is too strong on them, while also having weak attacks even when using a full damage spec. This makes it very hard to survive as a revenant even with two heals veing accessible throgh legend sweap. Also, axe skill #4 does not always do its full damage.
Weapons need a general buff. The suggestions on this matter are the sames as the suggestions to fix the energy system, plus one:
-Remove cooldowns from weapon
-Reduce energy costs on all weapon skills
-Remove energy costs from non-defensive weapon skills (Staff’s “Warding Rift” and “Renewing Mists” are samples of defensive weapon skills).
-Add energy gain on successfull autoattack hits. (This feels to be the most natural solution).
-Add weapon swap.
NEW-Increase damage of Weaponskill#1.
This means that correctly adressing the energy system will fix any imbalance regarding to weapons.
There is a small conceptual flaw with the traits the revenant has access to, and this is something it reflects on every other class. In order to make the transition from the older trait system to the new one, several traits were mixed together, while others were ridden off or completely changed into new traits. This is not the impression on revenant. Every trait feels like the equivalent of one old trait, instead of the equivalent of one new mixed or reworked trait. This is specially obvious with the lack of cooldown reduction traits, or what would make more sense traits that reduce energy consumption. There’s also a severe lack of damage multipliers, which everyone suspects have been moved to the future DPS-oriented trait line (Shiro’s). I would suggest heavily against this if this is the decission made, since we would be tied to always running one specific legend (Ventari) and one specific trait line (to-be DPS), which would effectively shut revenant into the role of a healer.
The beta has finished in the process of writing this post, so I can’t recall or check names, but I suggest to fuse some of the traits currently existing and creating new ones. Ie.: fuse the traits that make legend swapping instant and stun breaking granting fury. There isnt much more I can come up with this, since every multiplier I found was more or less oriented to outgoing healing power, traits that seemed good enough.
The elementalist defines its playstyle under two axis: Weapon and attunement. Fire is more damage oriented, Water is more healing oriented, Air is more CC oriented, and Earth is more Defense Oriented. Paralelly, Staff is a ranged’ish weapon (Meteor rain on fire, Static field on Air, are samples of ranged applications of the above concepts), Dagger/Dagger is a melee combo (Dagger skills 3 and 4 on fire, Electric Aura on Air 3, Earth 4 and Water 4 are samples of melee applicatiosn of the above concepts). Scepter/Focus offers a playstyle that stays at mid range while keeping the safety of ranged attacks.
The engineer defines its playstyle bassed on how many kits does it use, and which. Weapon selection is as important as selecting your kits (even more if you dont use any kits!). Toolbelt skills also balance every skill by offering proportionally balanced alternatives, which might be prerred to the actual utility skills, procuring variety this way. This means that more utilities to choose from benefit the engineer as a wider variety is born.
The Revenant fails to reflect on any of these two samples. Utility skills (mainly due to the flaws of the energy system) don’t set the playstyle and weapon skills are still more important. It also fails to reflect on the elementalist as weapons do not flow correctly with legend switching.
Because of this, my suggestions to fix this problem are the following(as before, pick none, one, three, or all, as preferred or needed):
-Add more utility skills to each legend, so each legend has skills that more or less resemble eachother but actually work so legends have better synergy among themselves. This reflects on the elementalist.
-Add one extra elite skill for each legend, so each legend has access to an incarnation-type elite skill and one summon-type elite skill.
-Allow the usage of skills that produce energy degeneration out of combat. This cuts or nullifies the combat options for revenant when opening.
Ie.: A revenant fights a thief that turns invisible. Because the revenant is still out of combat, it is unable to cast “Vengeful Hammers” to protect itself from a sneak attack.
-Add a small bonus on Weaponskill#1 depending on invoked legend.
-Change self- conditions to negative (0~50) energy thresholds.
-Change skill bonuses to positive (51~100) energy thresholds.
Mallyx is a powerfull demon that is not happy with his powers being borrowed by “any” human and because it requires great power to surpress. I think this should be reflected by punishing the player if using skills under a certain energy threshold since they would hypotetically be too weak to surpress mallyx’ influence. Successfully hoarding energy should reward the player by unleashing its full power and punish it for miss-spending energy. Current system unnecesarily punishes player since every scenario engouh conditions were had, the player is effectively already dead. (Yay burn stacks!). Resistance per skill use is not enough.
-Rite of the Great Dwarf changed to instant cast. Cost increased to 50. Reduces energy to 0 and does not regenerate naturally for the duration of the ritual. (Meaning other sources of energy refreshing would still be useable). Keep party buff and add “Your next attack causes Taunt (2s) on the target”.(As if thief venoms, once per application)
-Vengeful Hammers: 2 Energy regeneration per hit.
The costs on Jallis’ skills are generally too high for what the skills actually achieve. Additionally, his elite skill has high costs and cast time for just some damage reduction (in other words, cast time and energy costs are too high for that damage reduction).
12625 letters article. Jeebus! Post 2/4
The Energy System
The revenant’s energy system can reflect upon the thief’s initiative system, in the sense they are both systems that put a limitation on how many skills can be used. There are two main differences however, and both of these differences work against the revenant and favor thief.
-Thief has access to skills that regenerate raw ammounts of initiative. Revenant can only gain a set ammount of of energy by switching legends (which actually resets energy).
-Only weaponskills, excluding autoattack(Button 1) are limited by initiative for thief. Revenant has every skill but autoattack(Button 1) limited by energy. On top of that, weapon skills and heals are also limited by CoolDowns.
This produces the end effect of the Revenant accessing less skills than the rest of classes, being the class that can use the least ammount of skills, which is counterproductive to the decision of taking out weapon change off revenant because it would have access to too many skills.
On top of this, thief has access to Stealth and Shadowsteps, which allows thieves to regenerate initiative safely. Revenant can only wait it out, accepting everything coming their way. This makes the system not work as intended (it is overlimitting).
Here are some suggestions to rebalancing the energy system(pick none, pick one, pick several, or pick all, as required):
-Remove cooldowns from weapon
-Reduce energy costs on all weapon skills
-Remove energy costs from non-defensive weapon skills (Staff’s “Warding Rift” and “Renewing Mists” are samples of defensive weapon skills).
-Add energy gain on successfull autoattack hits. (This feels to be the most natural solution).
-Add weapon swap.
We’ve been able to test Mallyx, Jalis, and Ventari’s legends. Ventari’s has come to be the best out of all three by exclling on its field of defense and warding. However, Jalis and Mallyx are not as functional or compatible, since they’re incarnation-type legends that only require attunement to use their skills and Ventari is a summon-type(lets call it summon for the time being )legend, producing a massive change in playstyle. Different weapons are workable in different legends, but current weapon skills (and because of this extends to future weapons) do not adapt to the different legends on the fly. For example, we have the hammer, which has been associated with Jalis. The problem is that the hammer is a ranged weapon and Jalis encourages melee confrontation, while Ventari synergizes possitively thanks to the projectile negation.
On the other side of the coin, we have the Staff. The staff complies well with Jalis since it is a melee weapon with a handy block skill, and a push knockback. However, taunting an enemy with the ultimate goal of blocking them with your staff or knocking them defeats the purpose.
To reflect into the meaning of these words, we got the elementalist and engineer classes, both of which are classes that are locked out of weapon switch as well.
(edited by Rainiris.1975)
The standard edition will be available in a “boxed copy” version from some authorized retailers. Some of those retailers are engaged in the pre-purchase program. Others are offering a pre-order, which is not the same thing and will not gain the benefits of the actual pre-purchase.
Hope this helps!
Any way we can get a list of which are these authorized retailers? I mean, I’m sure Game is one of the authorized retailers, but it doesn’t hurt to verify just in case. With all that’s been happening lately.
Crossposting my 7 question from the other used amde thread for convenience:
My questions
1. Trait “Soothing Ice” is explained to grant generation and frost armor. Is this a lookover? I recognise there is a water trait that grants you regeneration when you are critically hit, and not when you critically hit. I dont want to have my hopes up on this one! I use this trait when tanking the fire elementals on aetherpath for my team, but that’s not the issue. I would be disappointed if it granted you Frozen Armor and Regeneration when you are critically hit. So the question is: Am I disappointed right now?
2. Revenant specialization! Nobody ever speaks about this! Ever! We got a new clas yet to master and an specialization avalaible at the same time right off the bat, unlike our other 8 classes we’ve been using for the width of two-three years. So the question is: How exactly are we going to feel that the revenant sepcialization is different from the normal revenant? Will be able to tell these styles appart if I just happen to feed my mistswalker a bunch of books in the morning?
3. Since the Q&A session is based around specializations; which scenario was in mind while designing the (yet to known long or shot) bow weapon for the guardian specialization? Any long-forgotten folktale, or any classic rpg character stereotype? I was already getting a “Zelda-esque” feeling playing Sword/Shield on my guardian (Sylvari, by the way!). Does the specialization further extends into this theme?
4. MA-GE-KNIGHT. MA-GE-KNIGHT. I’m such a huge fan of using maigc and blades. what hooked me up into Guild Wars 2 was the elementalist class being able to dual wield daggers while casting ice-ish types of magic! And mesmers can dual wield swords for a full field control on 1v1! Oh struck! <3 Anyhow, I’m also love using my conjured weapons from time to time (so that magic becomes the blade itself! Priceless!), but I mainly run a signet build since when properly traited they help me greatly on the small skirmishes. So, by taking the concept of a mageknight as “someone using blades and melee weapons”, ahem, HOW MUCH OF A MAGEKNIGHT IS THE NEW SPECIALIZATION? When traited with Fire, Water, and the new Elite trait line. C’mon, give me an answer that will deprive me from sleep a whole week!
5. Armor Stats. Since stat bonuses that were given by traits are being moved to base stats and armor stats, I have a little, too specific question: Which boon duration bonus will Giver’s armor give now?
6. We know one mighty lucky class is getting a hammer as their main profession. The question is, will the new Elite Trait Line focus turrets, gadgets, or a completely new deal?
7. Last question and time for a selfish request: Can we have a full view on the elementalist’ new earth trait Line? Even if it is not final.
8. I just remembered something I really wanted to ask. How will actual characters with their unlocked traits transition into the new system?
My questions
1. Trait “Soothing Ice” is explained to grant generation and frost armor. Is this a lookover? I recognise there is a water trait that grants you regeneration when you are critically hit, and not when you critically hit. I dont want to have my hopes up on this one! I use this trait when tanking the fire elementals on aetherpath for my team, but that’s not the issue. I would be disappointed if it granted you Frozen Armor and Regeneration when you are critically hit. So the question is: Am I disappointed right now?
2. Revenant specialization! Nobody ever speaks about this! Ever! We got a new clas yet to master and an specialization avalaible at the same time right off the bat, unlike our other 8 classes we’ve been using for the width of two-three years. So the question is: How exactly are we going to feel that the revenant sepcialization is different from the normal revenant? Will be able to tell these styles appart if I just happen to feed my mistswalker a bunch of books in the morning?
3. Since the Q&A session is based around specializations; which scenario was in mind while designing the (yet to known long or shot) bow weapon for the guardian specialization? Any long-forgotten folktale, or any classic rpg character stereotype? I was already getting a “Zelda-esque” feeling playing Sword/Shield on my guardian (Sylvari, by the way!). Does the specialization further extends into this theme?
4. MA-GE-KNIGHT. MA-GE-KNIGHT. I’m such a huge fan of using maigc and blades. what hooked me up into Guild Wars 2 was the elementalist class being able to dual wield daggers while casting ice-ish types of magic! And mesmers can dual wield swords for a full field control on 1v1! Oh struck! <3 Anyhow, I’m also love using my conjured weapons from time to time (so that magic becomes the blade itself! Priceless!), but I mainly run a signet build since when properly traited they help me greatly on the small skirmishes. So, by taking the concept of a mageknight as “someone using blades and melee weapons”, ahem, HOW MUCH OF A MAGEKNIGHT IS THE NEW SPECIALIZATION? When traited with Fire, Water, and the new Elite trait line. C’mon, give me an answer that will deprive me from sleep a whole week!
5. Armor Stats. Since stat bonuses that were given by traits are being moved to base stats and armor stats, I have a little, too specific question: Which boon duration bonus will Giver’s armor give now?
6. We know one mighty lucky class is getting a hammer as their main profession. The question is, will the new Elite Trait Line focus turrets, gadgets, or a completely new deal?
7. Last question and time for a selfish request: Can we have a full view on the elementalist’ new earth trait Line? Even if it is not final.
Turrets are already useless in PvE, that’s why the proposed changes can not affect PvE. Any boss will one shot any type of minion.
The proposed changes only allows thieves to reign over turreters since they can now one shot turrets. This opens the turreteer for about a minute of “Look at me look at me! All my skills are on cd nad my rifle is all left!”.
Mesmers can burst the hell outta the engineer.
Guardians gotta be
Rangers reach farther than the turrets.
The warrior’s bow burst skill fills the whole capture point and deals enough damage to screw the rurrets.
Powermancers just lich. One autoattack, second autoattack, third- oh wait the turreteer is already dead!
Elementalists ready their whips.
Triple Kit Meta engineer, just as Ranger, reaches farther than the turrets.
Turrets have higher than average CD when destroyed (salve healing turret that itself could use a nerf), and count as destroyed upon death. So you’re about a full minute useless after respawning.
Everyone can run from a turret engineer (turreteer from here on), given they arent blindly staring at the rocket turret, but the turreteer can not escape from any fight(unless other team members are involved and the turreteer is not focused). This is my gripe with the proposed changes. Easier to destroy destroy turrets in order to being as vulnerable or more since turret uptime is the only thing that keeps the turreteer alive.
So, some people argue that the turreteer doesnt require many key presses, but I disgress. Turrets are only effective the time they’re overcharged. The rest of the time they’re just there. Its the massive ammount of CC that allows the turreteer to outstand fights. So pretty much anybody with stability can counter the problem, specially if it is a certain magical Juggernaut warrior. Positioning of the turrets are the only real problem that could be conisdered as unfair when considering confrontations, but these unfair spots should be reduced to none without the corresponding tele-placing trait.
Now, back on the keypress topic, supercharge on turrets only lasts a few seconds, so turrets on top of having Cd, are not effectively active their full lifetime, so they are doing less than “other minions”. In both, destruction Cd and supercharge CD, teh turreteer only has access to 5 skills – the ones from whatever weapon it chose to use, pistol/shield. rifle, or pistol/pistol. The build effectively has less skills to choose from for a total less than the average perfomance. On the opposite, we have guardians using 3 skills and effectively downing everything in their path – while still having access to a variety of survival skills.
So, about engineer being too “OverPowered” in 1v1, I must disgress. Following the statement that thieves are the only ones actually un disadvantage, the turreteer cannot outlast unlimited combat time. Unlike guardians. Unlike mesmers which can escape at any time. This joins paths with the “anybody can run from a turreteer, but the turreteer cant run from anybody”.
Bunker builds slow down gamne progress. this means that matches become longer and slower, instead of a speedfestbasedonhowquickyoupresskeyswhichallowsyourteamtocampthe entirefieldbecausemesmerscanputthatportalwhileeveryonegetsfreeswiftness
Slowing the game’s pace does good to the game. Too chaotic to allow it to be too fast.
So how does a character that can not so easily be 1v1’d slow the pace of a game? Two members of an opposing team need to leave mid or far in order to terminate the bunker in close, forcing their other 3 teammates to “play smart” so the least advantage possible is lost, since sheer damage will not win a 3v4.
Turret Engi is OP but Shoutbow warrior is ok.
Turret Engi is OP but Guardian is ok.
Turret Engi is OP but Burst Mesmer is ok.
Turret Engi is OP but Power Necro is ok.
Turret Engi is OP but 50s cd is ok.
Bias logic.
Hi all,
As a follow-up to my post from last Friday, I wanted to give you a run-down of the changes we’re looking to make to the engineer’s turrets:
- Engineer turrets will be able to be critically hit.
- Engineer turrets will be able to be affected by conditions.
Considering most minions/summoned pets are already susceptible to the aforementioned changes we feel that this is a fair way to bring turrets more inline with the rest of the game. These changes should only slightly affect the viability of turrets in PvE/WvW (low creature crit chance/condition application), while providing for more counterplay against turrets.
We’d love to hear your feedback on these changes. Feel free to respond below with your comments.
Allowring turrets to recieve crit damage and condition because “other minions” do doesn’t feel like a correct justification. They can still not move with you, and they still have high cd, where these “other minions” can be respawned just faster.
So, since turrets are getting easier to “kill”, can we get something based on how long have they been deployed? You know, something to compensate the 1 minute plus of coooldown after death.
Edit: There’s also the upcoming taunt mechanic.
(edited by Rainiris.1975)
At least OP can take pics. “Match Ready” doesn’t prompt up for me.
Iason — I am not sure about the answer to this. As pdavis and mtpelion point out, the wallet is account bound and does not have a limit. So I’m curious why you feel a second storage option is needed.
I need to add an extra answer to this portion. Players are using personal guild vaults as a method to self manage themselves. It’s the same as taking a small part of your money off your pocket to buy ‘that hot expansion’ the day its off, without having to worry if that day you’ll have the money to.
Only answer I need to hear is “You can continue to play as per normal, we’re working on this”. And Gaile already said they’re working on this, so…
The error has been cut, but the rewards produced by the error havent been dealt with yet, it seems.
They need to stop the glitch from working, and then visiting all cases one by one. Its the only ‘TRUE END’ to this.
Wish this didnt happen midway to the expansion. They might be overrun with work already.
People are not getting the HoM skins because HoM is magically unaccessable as another byproduct of the latest patch. There’s a big chance that if the problem was left unattended and access to Hall of Monuments restablished, people would be able to get these skins anyway.
As curiosity is capitalizing me, is the weapon sheated, or unsheathed in the above picture?
The source must be simpler than just a linked account. Remember that linked accounts are set to have the same email and password (GW2’s data takes preference), and the glitch happens in a specific scenario that can be controlled.
I’m sort of scared here. I have sent a report throug hthe ingame tool but I think I hit the wrong option with all the gibberish.
I was awarded 26 HoM points (total of 39, from 13 I legitly own) after completing the tutorial area of Humans. This has triggered my next Achievement Points reward. I havent opened the reward chest in fear. I can’t access the Hall of MOnuments either, the game reports a disconnection error and closes.
I’m scared. Is it safe to just continue playing before everything is fixed?
(That 45 character title limit)Hello.
This is a recurrent topic pretty much since I started playing the game. Super Adventure Box was also the event that bid me welcome into Tyria. However, as a player, and moreso, as a human being, I recognise there are certian limitations that would prevent the scenario of returning Super Adventure Box to the game, and before starting the debate, I would like to point them out:
The problems:
-Arenanet’s resources are focus ed on development of Heart of Thorns.
-Super Adventure Box has not been worked on since its last release.
The claims:
-Halloween and Wintersday events were successfully recicled.
-Players who bought Infinite Continue coins to show their support to Super Adventure Box feel ripped.
-Players do not have an inherent need for new content to be released next time Super Adventure Box is released.
*There are more points that might have eluded my knowledge and perception, so please, feel free to add them up.
So here we have a problem that makes, albeit still legit, The claims to ge low priority. So the question here is, "How could Super Adventure Box be brought back without slowing progress on Heart of Thorns?"
Here is my suggestion: Allow us to buy our right to access Super Adventure Box. No need for a recicled meta achievement even. Just Access to the fun it provides and its rewards. Considering you can individually purchase Living Story Season 2 Chapters for 200 gems, allowing such such content to be avaliable for the same sum, or maybe even splitted for access for each world.
A small observation:
It seems that an improved entity targetting system could actually take care of half of the issue. Maybe allow group choices for interactables within melee distance? Ie. when a siege is placed on top of another interactable like, another siege on building process, or when two NPC vendors are at the same distance forcing you to manually target with teh mouse or moving out, instead of having a single key to interact with the closest item, show a list (ie.: F, Ctrl+F Alt+F…up to 4 maybe?) with further names of what are you going to interact with, so the player can avoid interacting with the entity thei do not wish to. (If a troll builds a different siege type than required, players wil lbe able to select the correct type of siege. Because people will then not fall for the worng type of siege, the siege will not complete and will not hit construction limit).
This would also change slightly PvE, as a very minor addition. Just disable this feature if “AoE Loot” is selected on options.
Of course, a troll could still try to deploy several copies of the correct siege to an atetmpt to dry resources off. Build percentage should be added to construction sites to counter this, since the first siege deployed is going to be the one the commander placed.
Thanks. Exactly the information I needed.
I was wondering if the health regained through health draining/syphoning skills is affected by your Healing Power stat, or any stat at all. Does anybody know?
Those of you who can login and be lagged while playing are the lucky ones. I can’t even load character selection.