Showing Posts For Reeddog.9132:

Attention Developers

in Ranger

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


This is exactly the type of post Anet is going to “poof” into thin air. Its not ok with them to be on their forums giving reasons your unhappy with how your favorite class, and or the game, is being handled and voicing opinions that are shining a negative light. I can’t find the fun seems to be some of the magic words.

This was done with a topic yesterday that was growing and full of disheartened folks talking about not wanting to play the game anymore. It was not locked or any such thing, it just flat got deleted. i went into my history and had to check the url cause i was a little stunned they are censoring their forums of such a post. There are many many posts on these forums with folks plainly saying they hate this game, ect, ect, ect…… and they are not deleted.

Must be something to do with no one raging and making wild accusations and just posting the cold facts about why they don’t want to log in and play a game they actually like for the most part. You know, the kinds of things said, that will actually leave an impression on peoples that are browsing these forums searching for opinions that may sway them one way or another in playing the game.

Whats wrong with people these days!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


what spoofy said. the commander title is bought with gold…… if your unable to see a kittennozzle is at the helm, you might be able to see it now. Do not blindly follow anyone ftw. lot of seriously flawed concepts around the commander title and what it really means. AND OH YA, FREE TRANSFERS NEED TO STOP.

Frequent crashing from "corrupted files"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Just wanted to share this. I too have been a victim of this bug as well as the “apppears to be a memory error crash”. I played this game COMPLETELY ( not one single crash AT ALL) trouble free till, while probably not 100% accurate, 10 days ago or so……. regardless here is what i did that “appears” to have worked.

I manually uninstalled all components of my Nvidia drivers through the unistall programs function in the control panel. Used CCleaner after i did that. Then went to EVGA, got their driver for the GTX 570. Installed ONLY the physX driver and the device driver. NO 3D drivers at all (this is important). I had read on several different forums, including one poster in this thread, or maybe the CRASH error thread, i believe saying the stereoscopic 3D drivers when removed are providing relief.

Then after doing this i had improvement crash wise.

So, when i first got the corrupted file error happening i had my game on a standard HDD raid0 array i use to play my big file size MMO games from. I use a set of SSD in raid0 for my Win7 OS and the FPS games i like to play only.

So my thinking was before there was much discussion on the forums about this issue that i might have some crap sectors or what on the standard hard drives ect ect. So i uninstalled GW2 and just let the game install on the SSD drives and in the default location. Which if you happen to read the technical help guide (which i did not till bout 9pm pst yesterday :P) they have for this game that you can link from the archive repair module screen that will come up and ask you if you want to check your files, is exactly where they recommend you do NOT install the game.

So again, i uninstall the game and re-downloaded the entire 16g (thank the powers at be fore comcast high speed cable! ) and re-installed to C:\Games\GW2. And bam!!! i played last night for a nearly 5 hours with no crashes of any kind.

Also, it bears mentioning that i cleaned my registry ( repeatedly, especially after new installs). Reduced my paging file to 1024 m because i got a BSOD exactly 3 different times since all this started (unfortunately i can’t remember the exact error here at work), and after researching it a bit, detailed the size of my paging file (mine was set to 16g by windows) as a potential “try this first type fix”.

Having 16G of ram and running SSD drives basically removes the need for a paging file is what the technical wizard dispensing this advice on tom’s hardware was alluding to. BUT to leave a minimal sized one (1024) because there are programs that will freak out if they do not locate a paging file. Although i have a sneaking suspicion these BSOD’s may have been related to me running GW2 in different windows compatibility modes as a potential fix. Extreme agitation was making me try just about anything that seemed a quasi logical potential fix.

I hope this helps someone.

Kill the 15% Tax

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


If they want 15% total transaction tax that is fine. Like most others in this thread have mentioned they need to make it appear at the front of the deal and not leave the plebs guessing.

The first time i used the TP to sell something i was not what i would call plus’d when i noticed i got taxed on the sale total as well. Dutch door action FTL >:(

When you have to limit your fast travel, and actively avoid death as much as i feel like i am having to do to get anything like ahead in this game money wise, i personally wouldn’t mind if they loosened up the games purse strings a touch. But only just a little mind you!

Make pets move out of AoEs!

in Ranger

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


I am sorry if this has been taken up before, but… I would love it if pets could try to move out of AoEs! As it is now, it is just standing there and it goes “tick, tick, tick, dead”. Every time a foe summons an AoE under my pet, I have to call said pet back to me to get it to move out of the damage circle and then send it pack at the foe from another direction so it does not run right back into the AoE.

Your probably asking a bit much. Seems to me, the pathing is already questionable, in a lot of situations. Expecting pets to move around AOE to attack the enemy would certainly be nice but i’m not seeing that being implemented. F3 ftw

Where is the Quiver?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Signed ! Quivers would be a nice addition. Also Signed for the the abolishment of the pirate gear!! It was initially ok but i have had enough of it. Would like to see some more different skins for the Medium Armor.

Warrior or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


I play a ranger as my main and find it very fun. The pets can get unruly but are generally more help than not and you can get yourself a bear that can fairly effectively tank for ya. Little or no problems at all while leveling up solo for the most part as well.

Farming at lvl 80 is a breeze as far as i’m concerned beyond the fact the that the mobs placement, fast respawn times and agro ranges can get you overwhelmed easily, especially if ya loose control of your pet :P

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Look is not a carrot.

Man Razamis, here you are again with your opinions. WHY ARE YOU HERE ! This the players helping players forums you aware right? You are not paying a subscription to be here. Clearly you are very dissatisfied and have nothing better to do than play the devils advocate for WoW. You make point after point detailing that you clearly do not like this game.

Well guess what man, i hate WoW. I played WoW from the alpha friends and family invite stage until a couple months after Cataclysm was released. I watched it go from a hugely satisfying experience for me to something i eventually could no longer abide.

The pvp was a joke from day one. The constant gear grind to stay competitive in a system that was a total afterthought was a joke. The no talent spamfest that is the content that they call pvp was and is still a joke.

There is no such thing as a even playing field in WoW pvp and as such i for one was able to flat crush the majority of people as i was early on in the top of the field gear wise with raid gear. Then they dropped the pvp gears to answer the pvp only people cry’s of OMGWTFBBQ i cant compete against these raid geared people its so unfair!!!!!

Then i was able to obtain the pvp gears way ahead of the curve and once again just devastate the competition. While all that is satisfying, and yes its very very fun to be dominant in pvp, it made me very bored. And then i found myself no longer having fun and just stopped participating.

I, and i am sure many many many other people will argue the point that i don’t care about the gear past a point. I am very satisfied being able get my gear, and then go out and collect heads on a perfectly level playing field where i don’t have to chase a carrot every time i turn around to stay on top. If the gear defines the combat potential i want nothing to do with it.

Do you play any FPS games at all? If you do, i’m sure you aware, everyone playing has the same tools to use in 99.9% of them. Its not the gear load out that makes the man, its what the man does with the gear that makes him great. Or not great in a lot of cases. At least they had a chance to be able to do what your doing. This is the defining concept of competition. Clearly you seem to have issue with this concept. As do I’m sure many people accustomed to the WoW way of doing things. Once again boss, we are not in Azeroth any more.

Accept that or clear out is my advise. Your opinions are your own, which i am fine with. If you feel strongly enough to get on these forums and speak your mind in such a negative fashion about a game you really know nothing about that has so many idea’s in it you care for so little for i cant see why your bothering except to pee in everyone’s koolaid that likes this game for what it is.

The reward for me in this games PVP is i know i am collecting your head for my wall mount area. As a sideline they give me access to gear that looks different so the rest of everyone that can tell i am excelling in my head collection process to the point where i have to construct additional housing to hold my collection. I call that good stuff, you call it Sims dress up simulator. Many will agree with you, many will agree with me.

Forums are a blight is how i feel. The vocal dissatisfied group are the majority that troll around in forums like nasty black clouds raining on everything and everyone. You get enough people like yourself nay-saying and making comparisons to previous MMO’s you adore and soon new people that are foolish enough to lend credence to ideas they read in the applicable forums will no longer even come look for themselves.

So, you go ahead and speak your mind. I will speak mine, and hopefully offset the damage you and the rest of your ilk do, without making FACT like statements about what is fun in my mind and how i cant find any of that in GW2. Your good points as you call them are nothing i am seeing to be truth.

This game is fun for me. It seems to be, in my mind, an individual standing out in a very well established crowd. That alone provides me reason to like it all the more. And considering i payed little or no attention to this game prior to release if find myself pleased constantly and surprised daily at the methods Anet is using to run a game designed around Spvp and WvWvW combat. Having seen a lot of what i call failures in doing so, its nice to see a company doing something i find entertaining without wanting $15 a month sub fee’s.

One more idea that needs to be thrown out there…… Who is to say NOTHING gear wise is ever going to be added as pvp rewards?? This game barely launched. Does no one have any patience these days? Is there so much instant gratification-ism going on out there, that a game can not even get off the ground floor before people come in waving the demand hammer around doom-saying the future of this game???

GTAoE skills on an elementalist are a waste

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Its really amazing the total lack of innovation some people have.

So your saying because you cant seem to make use the GTAoE spells in any real way that benefits you in solo play you want the whole system refurbished?

Perhaps you should go ahead and rethink how your doing things. All the posters in this thread have given you food for thought. GTAOE is a tried and true method that has been used to deadly effect in virtually every game there is. I think you need to go into WvWvW and go defend a keep or two and come back and tell the class how useless your GTAOE wasn’t in that setting!

WoW player looking for advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


There is infact tons of endgame if you actually take off those very narrow glasses… Endgame does not mean wheres my shiny loot. Hit h go down 5 tabs to achievements and pick a spot to start. Those of you who rushed by the content to 80 to complain really need to learn that due to the way GW/ANET approaches endgame you infact have WAY more content. You just refuse to see it as theres no shiny piece of gear with uber stats.

I know what is there, and those achievements are not fun like the WoW achievements are. Not to mention GW2 entire achievement system is invalidated by the fact that achievement points can be earned by dailies and monthlies. Which means that in GW2, someone who only did dailies for a long time could have more achievement points then someone who actually did all the actual achievements. Achievement point gain should never be repeatable, it wrecks the system.

My glasses are not narrow, I am not talking only about loot, but I know when there is no real character prorgression to be bad, and here there is not.

There is NOT in anyway more content in GW2 then there currently is in WoW. Sorry but there is not. That was just anets marketing. Endgame does not start at level 1. As for me rushing.. really? Just wait two weeks, you will see loads of people at 80.

And your here playing GW2 why? WoW and the panda’s want you back bad!!!

Both your posts in this thread are littered with misinformation at best. I find it offensive you wanna even call WoW fun. Hows that make you feel? Hopefully much like i felt reading your posts.


dungeons need some rebalancing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Let me see if I understand. The content is too hard for you, so it should be made easier so you can complete it? You’re not going to learn to play better, you’re not going to get better gear, you’re not going to study the dungeon and try again. You’re just going to complain to the developers until they give you easier content.

I sincerely hope Anet doesn’t listen to any calls for nerfs.

Quoted for Truth.

Please try harder before you spew forth on the forums in the “Players HELPING Players” section. Your not helping.

Keeping up with Tradeskills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132



Everything you do in this game means exp so you will certainly find yourself out leveling your crafting zone area well before you can collect enough stuff for the second trade skill.

although, with the account wide bank and crafting supply collection area your alts you may want to play can easily contribute to your mains crafting needs rather than going back to low lvl areas with your main to farm.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Ok fanbois, you are totally missing everything. 100% whooooosh over your head.

Nobody is saying that they want to tear through dungeons, nobody is saying that they want easy mode, nobody is saying they want ubar epicz in a 10 minute dungeon.

The fact is, dungeons are terrible. GW2 is a lot more PvE base than what it should be in the first place. So to throw in dungeons where all you do is kite and CC non stop or you get one shot and wipe, is not fun in any way.

Another fact. People are not going to spend 2-3 hours in a place that gives you trash. There is no reward at all for going in there, so don’t bother wasting your time.

I am willing to guess that 90% of the people here who are actually defending this PvE garbage have never actually set foot in there. They are just like “oh this isnt WoW, L2P, use skillz, etc.” In no game out there does every trash mob one shot a tank, and there is a reason for that. Challenge the player yes, but make instances where all you do is kite and CC? Sorry, no thanks. It’s not skill, it’s not challenging, it’s straight up boring.

TL;DR Bottom line is, PvE is not FUN at all. And the rewards for taking the time to do it are non existent.

The only fact i can find in your post is that you need to consult a dictionary on the definition of the word FACT. And go ahead and try not to gloss over the idea that people are indeed saying…

" they want easy mode, they want ubar epicz in a 10 minute dungeon. "

Some may be being obtuse about it, but if you wanna go ahead and read in between the lines i think most will agree that this is exactly what many people are saying. Whether or not you cop that that is up to you.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Nice vid man. thanks for the info!

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


One word for you… NO. That is all.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


I’m happy to hear that dedicated and experienced players who have a trained and regular group are finding some challenge and fun in the dungeons.
You all must remember that GW2 is supposed to be for every kind of players, not only very good raid specialists. Meaning that everykind of people should be able to get some fun in game.
While the challenging dungeons are great for some, i think that the other ones, the casual players, which represent in fact the major part of the population of a popular game such as GW2, should have access to some adapted content too.
Yes maybe we are dumb, slow, losers or whatever you think, but we are customers as much as you.
So concretly, keep the dungeons as they are for the ones who like it and can dedicate so much time and skill to it, but add an easier mode for casual players, with shorter sessions adapted to family life, with of course less reward etc…
WHY NOT GIVING SOME CONTENT TO EVERY KIND OF PLAYERS ? After all the dungeons are already here, it shouldn’t be that hard to add some easier modes, and yes some harder modes too if there are enough people enjoying it.

This is the kind of thinking that is practiced with kids playing sports in this day. You came out and participated and WHAM!!! we have a trophy for you at the end of the season for you!!!

Hogwash! As a child when i played sports if you didn’t play on a winning team. NO TROPHY FOR YOU! I played on some teams that were winners, and i played on some teams where we lost. Having done this i learned to win, and to lose.

What you must remember is you are entitled to absolutely jack nothing in this life. I for one am tired of hearing people that describe themselves as casual( mainly touted to be the MAJORITY…… so what, i say.) moaning about how it is unfair that they are unable to complete some form of challenge in a MMO game. In this game it is the dungeons, they are hard. And they very well should be.

It is this state of mind that has lead to the nerfing, and just plain dumbing down of the majority of all games of this kind that i have played. I’ve run into content in MMO’s i was not able to complete, that vary in reasons, and i either decided to fix whatever it was making me unable to complete the challenge or i moved on deciding it was not something i could get done.

Achieving goals that are out of reach for some, or most, is a MOTIVATOR for some people, such as myself. As my opinion is worth as much as yours (and be aware i am aware my opinion means nothing to 99.99% of everyone else out there) i say no, you cant have a free pass because your special, and need lovin because you find no enjoyment in running the dungeons in GW2.

I like the fact that this part of the content of this game is tough. My family life allows me to play these dungeons and complete them. I own a business, have 2 sons, 1 irrational female partner and a whole passel of house plants that want my attention every day, day in and day out.

So again, i for one think, if you want to do the dungeons, try harder, assemble a group that is willing to try harder with you and do what it takes to get it done.

Hopefully folks spending their time on these forums detailing how it is not fair there is no easy mode for you to play goes in one dev ear and out the other. As many in this thread have said, the lewts are dookie at any rate, and are not the motivation to get in there and get it done in the first place. Its called a challenge!!! Try challenging yourself, you might dig it.

Also, what i am saying here is not addressed to you personally, rather it is addressed to the frame of mind that wants this type of content( your post is just a very good example). Be assured they will give it to you at one point or another, because if you are the type that will vote with your wallet you can guarantee this company wants your cash and will remedy your woes!

The whole fact that this game just rolled out and already people want EASIER CONTENT PLEASE!!!!! compels me to come here and say to the Dev’s i think it should not be so. At the least not right off.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Yes there does need to be some tuning to the dungeon content. Yes the trash is the hardest part. Yes you do need to plan what you are doing to succeed. NO they do not need to make it so you can faceroll through the dungeon instance.

If you cannot adapt and overcome in this game you are going to fail horribly at dungeon content. THIS IS NOT WOW or any other MMO you have played. If you take the time to learn something and apply the tried and true concepts of all instanced dungeon running you will succeed. And let me tell you from the experience of having cleared a couple of these nightmares its prettykittengratifying when you do!