Showing Posts For Rhanoa.3960:

Permanent personal map markers with notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I don’t know about the diary so much – the amount of memory that could start to accumulate for multiple characters might be a bit much. Account-bound diary seems to almost miss the point somewhat . . . at least, in my mind.

The map markers? I’d love to see that happen, but there’s the issue of memory again. How many markers could be set before it becomes a significant toll when magnified by how many player characters there are total? What about the annotation text you could put in, how bad would that push the memory issue?

If you want 3rd party diary? I suggest Notepad, easiest method and you don’t have to risk installing anything dodgier than Windows.

Well those files can be saved locally like screenshot does. I hope that ANet will make this happen.

If it isn’t already bad enough with all the guides online this will just open the door for mods to replace those files that will do just that.

No thank you!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvP vs PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


More importantly, there’s no reason a skill needs to suck unless you’re fighting something with a defiance bar.

Reasons for short duration.

  1. Vs. normal mobs: most of these mobs die so quickly that lengthier duration is not needed. In the case of a few of them, short duration CC serves to interrupt mob skills a players might not want used. The only thing lengthier CC would accomplish in these fights is to CC-lock the mob until it’s dead. Boards don’t hit back, and neither do mobs that die before they can use a skill. This makes for boring combats. Core already has too much of this kind of fight. The game does not need normal HoT and forward mobs to not be able to fight back.
  2. Vs. Veterans: Short duration CC serves primarily as an interrupt. Some veterans have mechanics that players might find dangerous, or more likely annoying. While lengthier CC might actually expire before their larger health bars get ablated, this is hardly a necessity of game design.
  3. Vs. Elites are generally encountered (outside dungeons) in events that have scaled up due to the number of players present. Longer CC duration could mean these mobs will spend the entire fight unable to act, if the multiple players present have at least some game awareness. Meanwhile, short-duration CC would still be useful to interrupt.
  4. Lengthy CC in other games’ PvE is used primarily to remove one opponent from a fight long enough to deal with another. There is little need for such in GW2 given the plethora of cleave and AoE available to characters.

That you either disdain these reasons or didn’t think of them does not mean there is no reason for CC duration to be as short as it is. It also does not mean the skills “suck” in any kind of sense other than that you don’t like the way it is.

Someone give this cat a Medal!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvP vs PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


This argument is lame and not even slightly a justification for why control effects are so short in PvE.

It’s a Contribution!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Well…I rarely spend time in a City, nor do Dungeons or World Events. Thus, I’m afraid your statement is a bit inaccurate.

I can’t really discern what the issue is, or if there even is one, though.

What he said!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvP vs PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Why in the world would you ever use Basilisk Venom as your elite skill in PvE instead of something like Dagger Storm or Thieves Guild?

Breakbars are a thing in some fights. If every thief in Vinetooth Prime zergs slotted BV and knew when to use it, the world would be a better place.

The thing you can’t take back.

Awkward silence from OP.

No. Bar breaks are only a thing in some fights, and in those cases they replace the normal control effect, they do not supplement it, so this, IMO, is not a strong counter-argument. The thing is – you can increase the duration of control effects in PvE without interfering with how they impact bar breaks, and you’d have a skill that was generally useful and not one that was highly specialized to work only in specific contexts.

This argument doesn’t change anything.

Actually it does.

The moment you acknowledged when a skill is rendered useless when in fact it is beneficial in situational moments. It really shows the lack of knowledge and understand the mechanics of any Profession.

The conversation ended the moment Ariurotl stated the obvious.

However, shooting from the waist down seems to be perfectly acceptable.

This isn’t even coherent, and is an entirely inappropriate response to the post you quoted. Are you like 10 years old or something?

I really don’t know if I should see this as nostalgic childhood memory or be awkwardly offended.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Warhorns are awful.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Oh, ga!

The Warhorn Fairy got him!

Seriously, you can call me an idiot for using the skill straight into a mobs as I try and trek across the map.

This is hands down one of the worst arguments I have seen on these boards.
Maybe if we are lucky he/she can distinguish worthless to worthiness.

My money’s on that he/she will get it after all.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvP vs PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Why in the world would you ever use Basilisk Venom as your elite skill in PvE instead of something like Dagger Storm or Thieves Guild?

Breakbars are a thing in some fights. If every thief in Vinetooth Prime zergs slotted BV and knew when to use it, the world would be a better place.

The thing you can’t take back.

Awkward silence from OP.

No. Bar breaks are only a thing in some fights, and in those cases they replace the normal control effect, they do not supplement it, so this, IMO, is not a strong counter-argument. The thing is – you can increase the duration of control effects in PvE without interfering with how they impact bar breaks, and you’d have a skill that was generally useful and not one that was highly specialized to work only in specific contexts.

This argument doesn’t change anything.

Actually it does.

The moment you acknowledged when a skill is rendered useless when in fact it is beneficial in situational moments. It really shows the lack of knowledge and understand the mechanics of any Profession.

The conversation ended the moment Ariurotl stated the obvious.

However, shooting from the waist down seems to be perfectly acceptable.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvP vs PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Why in the world would you ever use Basilisk Venom as your elite skill in PvE instead of something like Dagger Storm or Thieves Guild?

Breakbars are a thing in some fights. If every thief in Vinetooth Prime zergs slotted BV and knew when to use it, the world would be a better place.

The thing you can’t take back.

Awkward silence from OP.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I’m assuming the people complaining about the difficulty of solo instances never played video games in the 80’s and 90’s…

This made me laugh, but it’s true, games used to be much less forgiving.

It would look exactly like this!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Nope I’m not arguing a lot of people want easier tstory missions. If there are 12 guys posting again and again and again, it looks like a lot of guys though. The loudest voices aren’t always the most numerous anyway. You’re just assuming that’s what I’m saying.

I didn’t want to continue arguing about this as it’s quite pointless. Just wanted to address this ‘only 12 guys’ thing.

The reason you don’t see a lot of posts is: part of the solo players frustrated with some annoying missions moved on (from the game or from doing those mission) and some of them will not post this as the forum responses can become quite toxic: lazy, just bad, playing with the monitor turned off… and so on.

So those ‘12 guys’ will be the people that do stick around and just raise this concern. It is a valid issue for the more casual players. How would you feel if the situation would have been reversed: the new PvE content really easy and the forums response will be to play PvP/WvW for difficult content or just move one to another game.

At what point should the training wheels come off?
Considering the current content has already been made easy for players like you and easier for players like me. You just have not seen it or have experience the difference.

More than enough folks have made valid points regarding the challenges you face.

Last time I check you and I are already given the same tools in game. Some of us just execute them better or get their faster than others regardless of how long you have been playing Casually or Not.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

(edited by Rhanoa.3960)

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


A lot of games nowadays include a “Story Mode” difficulty type because they’re designed for people who don’t actually want to play the game, but are there for an interactive, cinematic experience… or something. I guess those types of “gamers” exist now, but I don’t know if an action MMORPG like GW2 needs it. I don’t think the story content is particularly challenging as long as you have a basic grip of the mechanics and run a decent build/gear setup. If you die too easily, a setup that is a bit sturdier might be a solution. Sure, it won’t win you fights quite as fast, but that’s better than not winning them at all, right?

I do not want GW2 to be like a lot of other games.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Make Map Unlock Account Wide

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Another “Make it convenient for me”!

There is and has always been a “Suggestion” Thread to make your claim.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Awesome seeing folks playing in Style! So many Mix & Matches!

From Left to Right:
Thief, Ele, War, Nec, Mes, Rev, Eng, Ran, Guard.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Should Rev Profession be included w/ POF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


>OP words post in a way that is obviously supposed to generate a negative reaction
> People reply by seeing the good in Anet’s decision

It’s moments like these that give me hope.

Stating the obvious? Let me put it another way.

Standard POF $49.99 + Free GW2

New & Returning Players Get: (Non-HOT Purchasers)
*New Class
*Level Boost

Standard POF $49.99
Standard HOT $49.99
Standard GW2 $59.99
$159.97 5yr Investment. (Excluding deluxe & Gem purchase)

Veteran Players Get:
*Level Boost (By now some of may have 9 or more Characters at 80) Useless.

You can always use the boost with a level 80 character to get alternative benefits.

And when you say 5 year investment, I hope you mean investment on Anet’s part as they allow a broke kitten like me who only buys $20 USD in gems maybe once or twice a year to enjoy their great resource intensive online game at a fraction of what other nerds pay for their inferior MMO of choice :P

Pretty sure many of have been there, unemployed twice, but look at us now! dO.Ob

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Should Rev Profession be included w/ POF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


>OP words post in a way that is obviously supposed to generate a negative reaction
> People reply by seeing the good in Anet’s decision

It’s moments like these that give me hope.

Stating the obvious? Let me put it another way.

Standard POF $29.99 + Free GW2

New & Returning Players Get: (Non-HOT Purchasers)
*New Class
*Level Boost

Standard POF $29.99
Standard HOT $49.99
Standard GW2 $59.99
$139.97 5yr Investment. (Excluding deluxe & Gem purchase)

Veteran Players Get:
*Level Boost (By now some of may have 9 or more Characters at 80) Useless.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

(edited by Rhanoa.3960)

Should Rev Profession be included w/ POF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Thank you for your worries, but I am old enought to care myself.
May be this is new for you, but PoF is the second Exp, maybe that is why Revenant was locked behind HoT, actually the first one… just saying.
Have a nice one.

BTW, some people love that level boost. Don’t call it useless just because is useless for you.

Nowhere did I say I was worried! I did say it was Generous!

Though, having already 9 Professions with no character slot and be given a level boost is pretty useless.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

(edited by Rhanoa.3960)

Should Rev Profession be included w/ POF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I gotta say it is pretty generous for just handing out a Profession originally locked unless you purchased HOT.

What does that say about about YOU Veteran players who have purchased GW2 & HOT?

Standard POF
New & Returning Players Get (Non-HOT Purchasers):
*Free Core Game
*New Class
*Level Boost

Veteran Players Get:
*Level Boost (By now some of may have 9 or more Characters at 80) Useless.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Customer appreciat-GONE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


It was a 5th anniversary present, which was only present on the exact day of the anniversary. If you didn’t log on during the exact day of the anniversary, then you don’t get the gift.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Wings look so ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Your in for a rough time if how other people play upsets you. The ‘you’ is not directed at anyone in the thread; just try not to get hung up on it.

Just about anything on the internet goes!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Events are getting boring - changes in PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Real Fans of Soccer don’t get bored!
Real Fans of Baseball don’t get bored!
Real Fans of Basketball don’t get bored!

Real Fans of MMORPGs don’t get bored!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

(edited by Rhanoa.3960)

Lets open a new wanted feature: Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Don’t need another MMO with housing.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Continuation of GW 2, or Stand Alone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


thank you !!
Someday I’d like to play a new type of Diablolike game, made by the GW 2 team

May the Peace(Force) be with you !!

There are already plenty of great isometric games in the market.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

PvE enemies update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


The problem I have with every suggestion about “making the game more difficult to everyone else” is that not all players have played the game for 5 years straight, have the best possible gear and fine-tuned builds. There are still players who use blues or greens in core Tyria, they find those same enemies quite a challenge.

Again, to clarify, the game is easy for YOU, but your solution is to make it more difficult to EVERYONE.

And now, the challenge for you to try. Remove all your legendary gear, and only use white rarity. Fight without weapon like proper hero. Make sure no traits are selected. This way, the enemies you find too easy will be more challenging to YOU while everyone else is not affected.

Also the HoT was so horrible disaster because some bored players kept posting “more difficulty” in the forum. For whatever reason Anet listened, instead of looking at the players who were happily playing the game.

I already did that Fire Legion Shaman pref-Nerf wrecked you.
Now it just dies in seconds.

Not all my skills & Gear unlocked.

Now instead of leveling another alt, I just use a 80 boost all because it’s too boring just killing things so fast.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Missing all sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


What’s the point in buying pof with gems, if gems do not arrive?!? I’m missing everything and why you need 3 days to deliver? I bought, I have..

I will never trust you again.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Story missions too unfair for solo players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Incoming MORE NERFs to already solo friendly content all because some folks want to faceroll everything.

Nevermind Your:
*Boss Mechanics

Everyone are given the same tools, some of us just can execute them better than others.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

No diversity. A Real idea to fix gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


When will we ever get to go back to real Guild Wars and not this half game we have? We need to go back to dual classes!

The only thing that will make this game some what enjoyable again is if in the Crystal Desert we find the path to ascension and are able to go dual class.

We need diversity! I’m bored of every class and spec already including the ones from PoF from the preview weekend. When do i get to get my Ranger/Necro or vice versa.

Yes this will create total madness for the devs with what will become “overpowered” or what not. Yet that’s how great build ideas and more fun come into play. With dual classes in gw1 you had hundreds of builds going. Now you have maybe 3 per profession if that.

I begith of you anet We Want Dual Class!!!!!

GW1 is still up and running no one is stopping you from playing the CORPG.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

What is your Opinion on Elite Locked Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


The character progression that came with the introduction of Elite Specializations needs to get upgraded and expanded, to feel more like a classical Sub Class System, which at first introduces for each Class Elite Specializations – yes – but shouldn’t stop from this moment on completely by letting it be with that.

Elite Specializations need to be merged into the Mastery System.
The moment you have learned an Elite Specialization by having learned all Skills and Traits for it and having done the achievement of earning the Ascended Weapon of said Elite Specialöization that is used as the symbol of being ready to progress further and to truthfully “master” your Elite-Specialization will lead to the unlocking of a Elite-Specialization’s “Mastery Line”

Each Mastery Line of an Elite Specialization contains the exact same amount of “Trials” you have to master to unlock the various parts of the mastery line one after another, so that you can start activating them to gain experience on them, until you can master them with the usage of Mastery Points.

Example: Mastery of the Arts as Daredevil

1. Trial unlocks the Mastery Line, that once mastered, it unlocks the Elite Specialization’s unique Weapon for your Core Class of your Character

2. Trial unlocks the Mastery Line, that once mastered, unlocks the E-Spec’s Healing Skill for the Core Class to use as well.

3. Trial unlocks the Mastery Line, that once mastered, unlocks the Utility Skills of the E-Spec for your Core Class to use as well.

4. Trial unlocks the Mastery Line, that once mastered, unlocks the Elite Skill of the E-Spec for your Core Class to use as well.

The only thing that can’t be unlocked for Core Class to use, are the Elite Spec’s Traits.
If you want to use those and the E-Specs unique gameplay mechanics, then you have to play as actually the Elite Specialization.

This system would increase build diversity, it would soften the restrictions of what kind of weapon can be used by your character, so that you could be come able also to use the specialization weapons by your core class, when you truly have mastered first your Elite Specialization by fullfilling the Trials required to master your Elite Specialization.

Its a difference still, if you just only have LEARNED something, or if you have MASTERED something that you have LEARNED BEFORE.

Anet completely missed the part to make Elite Specializations part of the mastery System as well, because only when both systems would get merged, then you can receive this way the feeling of having mastered what you have learned and receiving therefore as reward the privilege to use most of the Specializations mechanics and weapons also as well as the Core Class from which the Specialization originated from, because its just false to assume, that only a specialization should be able to use, what the specialization uses, because if there wouldn’t have been the origin of the specialization first, then the specialization wouldn’t exist.

Its just impossible that a specialization should be able to do something, what the core class cant do as well, because the core class has to be able to do it as well to be able to specialize on those things and focus on the basics into which you try to specialize.
Its just a closed logic circle.
However, one needs to understand, that for keeping E-Specs somehow also unique, there needs to be something, that truly only the E-Specs have and that thing – are the traits and the unique gameplay mechanics, like shroud types of the Necromancer, as they are, what defines a character between the Core Class and beign the Specialization, giving the player a different gameplay feeling while playing the Character.

However, the Weapon Type, the Healing and Utility Skills aren’t part of that what defines an Elite Specialization, they are Character progression and as such should be mastered by the Core Class to gain permanent access to them as well.

Thats how I do see this. Elite Specs and Mastery System need to get merged for the ultimate Character Progression

PS: and to get those 4 trials, each Class/Character has to find somewhere in the world of Tyria 4 Grandmasters, 4 unique persons, which take you as their pupils so that they can teach you their secrets, until they put you under their trials to prove them, that you are worthy of their wisdom, by havign to defeat them in duels , using everything that you have learned by them, that they have tested from you to surpass on your course to truly mastery your Elite Specialization, so that they can call you with pride in their chests an Elite of your Class.

I can’t describe how do I like your ideas!
This should be in first place in the Suggestions section as well.
As for final part – being a pupil of Grandmasters – that’s so similar how I had imagined learning new skills from the beginning of GW2 (I have even dreamed of possibility learning alternate skills for weapons in such way).
It is a pity they went with generic “gather some abstract points (what’s that?) then spend them to unlock everything”.

Yes, so generic many other MMOs on the market are doing the exact same thing?

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

What is your Opinion on Elite Locked Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Never ending topic about how the game continues to be GATED!

There is more than enough FREEDOM to build Profession, but it’s still never enough for some folks.

GW2 has more FREEDOM in builds compared to many MMORPGs out in the market.

We are lucky we do not have skill trees forcing you to follow one path.

Especially engi: 2 main hand weapons; pistol, riffle (100% of crappiness)… we all sink in builds yeah :’)

Weapons tied to elite spec is like the most stupid thing they could do, and they will not want to fix it because it will force them to make few more (#3) skills for weaver XD

“Oh no I forget how to use weapon because I changed my specialisation”
“I used to be a tempest but then I took sword in the knee, and cant warhorn anymore”
“There were times, I used to know how to use shield”
From logical site, it’s completely irrational to bind weapon to spec, how could you explain it in some kind of a ‘lore’

Yeah, it’s so stupid folks are still playing the game as intended.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I agree that the game does a TERRIBLE job of indicating “what to do next”. Very cryptic. In general you will encounter this over and over: the only way to easily figure out what to do in complex situations is to reference outside sources. Most developers don’t create their game so that to figure out the game you have to LEAVE the game…

There are already enough MMOs in the market where Hand Hold is ridiculously over the top.

This is nothing more than a convenience.

Real life doesn’t point you in the right direction.

There is a huge difference between handholding and being smart enough to show a player what he needs to do IN GAME when his XP bar suddenly stops. Most game designers want the player IN the game, not spending their time outside the game trying to figure it out.

Oh come on Djinn.

Oh come on Rhanoa, did you read the OP? He was doing his personal story when his XP bar stopped. He didn’t go from core to HoT (which is part of GW2 btw). Please read the OP.

So – I googled – finding lots of other people have experienced this disconnect – and all you have to do is start the HoT expansion (I had already paid for) by going to a specific destination.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I agree that the game does a TERRIBLE job of indicating “what to do next”. Very cryptic. In general you will encounter this over and over: the only way to easily figure out what to do in complex situations is to reference outside sources. Most developers don’t create their game so that to figure out the game you have to LEAVE the game…

There are already enough MMOs in the market where Hand Hold is ridiculously over the top.

This is nothing more than a convenience.

Real life doesn’t point you in the right direction.

There is a huge difference between handholding and being smart enough to show a player what he needs to do IN GAME when his XP bar suddenly stops. Most game designers want the player IN the game, not spending their time outside the game trying to figure it out.

Oh come on Djinn.

You go from GW2 to HOT and you don’t expect any change to the game?
Do you really need someone SMART to show others a considerable difference in an XP Bar?
It’s pretty obvious as you can see.

Many of us do not want ANET to be like most game developers. They have held their despite what you believe.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


So after months of restarting characters to find the build that I most enjoy – I set out and achieve level 80 – I think it took me about 100 hours.

I was comfortable with the progression format that you are rewarded for your in-game time with advancement in the form of experience (to be spent on skills) and lewts to buy shinny new gear.

Imagine my horror – when this format suddenly appears to change at level 80, where my experience bar freezes (because I have reach max exp at level 80), meaning all forward progress no longer rewards me with experience – there is some flashing message to tell me I need to go somewhere to start mastery’s – but I am in the middle of the level 80 personal story.

Because I am not getting any experience in exchange for my in-game time – I start to hate the game.

Nothing in-game shows a clear path forward from this problem.

So – I googled – finding lots of other people have experienced this disconnect – and all you have to do is start the HoT expansion (I had already paid for) by going to a specific destination.

In-game to be fair there has been this persistent flashing message bottom left – but it is just telling me about mastery’s.

More googling – and I eventually find I have to change the story-line I am on – which now gives me a compass to a destination.

This destination required me to travel across multiple maps – where I am loosing all the exp from WP’s and encounters (remember my exp bar is frozen)..

Then I get to the destination… and the game shuts down – and has to download content. I have limited bandwidth – so I usually schedule updates/downloads for when I am sleeping – but no.. I have to invest more of my precious minutes of real-life to watch a progress bar…

I could of made a clearer presentation and summary of all the points – but I don’t think I will – I will leave this post in the same condition I found the in-game transition from level 80 to Mastery’s —> time wasting and confusing.

I agree that the game does a TERRIBLE job of indicating “what to do next”. Very cryptic. In general you will encounter this over and over: the only way to easily figure out what to do in complex situations is to reference outside sources. Most developers don’t create their game so that to figure out the game you have to LEAVE the game…

There are already enough MMOs in the market where Hand Hold is ridiculously over the top.

This is nothing more than a convenience.

Real life doesn’t point you in the right direction.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Trade PoF lvl-80 boost for equivalent gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


With HOT, the outrage was over extra Character Slot.
Folks got enough chocolate and now they would rather have vanilla instead.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

What is your Opinion on Elite Locked Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Never ending topic about how the game continues to be GATED!

There is more than enough FREEDOM to build Profession, but it’s still never enough for some folks.

GW2 has more FREEDOM in builds compared to many MMORPGs out in the market.

We are lucky we do not have skill trees forcing you to follow one path.

We do basically have skill trees though. The only difference is you get to change them whenever you want. The problem is: not being able to mix&match like you can with a lot of “skill tree style games.”

I’m fine with not being able to use more than one elite spec at a time, but the lack of freedom to create builds has always been GW2’s weakness. GW1 had hundreds of skills to choose from, any profession could wield any weapon, any profession could choose any other profession as their secondary.

GW2 is severely lacking in build diversity. Part of it is the cancerous “meta” cooked up by tryhards who like to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of everything. The vast majority of it is Anet’s implementation of skills, traits, and specializations.

In GW1, I could make my necromancer into a very viable healer. I could give my ranger a hammer and spam knockdown combos with my pet. I could load up my mesmer with fast casting fire magic spells. Can’t do any of that in GW2. I will admit, they are fundamentally different games, but if Anet really wants to expand diversity with the implementation of elite specs, they either need to balance them better against one another, or allow us to mix&match their weapons/utility skills.

Without a doubt GW1 has a lot of depth.
GW1 is a Lobby Game, Instanced gameplay not a Shared World!
It was always a CORPG, but someone decided to roll lobby games into a MMORPG one day.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

What is your Opinion on Elite Locked Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Never ending topic about how the game continues to be GATED!

There is more than enough FREEDOM to build Profession, but it’s still never enough for some folks.

GW2 has more FREEDOM in builds compared to many MMORPGs out in the market.

We are lucky we do not have skill trees forcing you to follow one path.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

World Completion for experienced players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I’ve done world completion on 11 chars. it was actually kinda fun. But.. I only did 3 WC’s by myself. My previous guild ran Map Completion zergs twice a week. getting all Wp’s, POI’s, Vistas and Hero Challenges.
We ran close enough to open each heart, and the only work put into each heart was any events that would contribute to it, and only if it scaled and was quik enough.
we usually had 15ish guildies and would announce in map chat that anyone was welcome to tag along, creating a zerg of about 25-30. you can rip out a map like that in 30-45 min, a tad longer for those big maps (lornar’s pass comes to mind :/ )
then, at your leisure, go back and finish the hearts.
Throw in a Trivia Game while running around mappin, winner getting some Gold, and you gots yerself a good time.
THATS how you map
i kinda miss that now i created a few of my chars just to have something to map!

But what about us solo players who just want to do it on our own time?
There has to be some incentive for every 5th character completing WC.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

World Completion for experienced players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Maybe WC should be account bound the way Masteries are or maybe not!
I really do not care.
I did it once and it was great, but I do not feel the need to do it 8 more times.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


To be fair, I used the Term Casual, in it’s intended usage when applied to activities, I did not invent or try to re-define what Casual meant, I used Causal in the same application that it would be used to say “take a Casual walk” or a “Casual bike Ride”

While it seems that as far as games have gone, some people have tried to warp the term Casual into meaning a lack of skill or time, I would surmise o try and turn it into an Insult, Ergo “Filthy Casual”, but, since that is nothing more then a colloquialism, I am under no obligation to use or respect that terminology.

I used the Term casual as it would have been applied to any activity, I have no intention to give video games some special privileged that would not offer someone that plays Rugby Casually.

That being said, a lot of my reasons for leaving to the game were voiced when HoT came out by many other players self identifying as Casuals, as such, since I shared many feelings and points with that demographic, it stood to reason that I too was a casual.

I never just woke up and said “I’m casual gamer” or that “I identify with the Casual Gamers” I realized after reading their posts, that I feel into their demographic by virtue that we shared many of the same feelings about the game.

Now if someone wants to come to this topic and claim to be a casual, and yet, not share any traits with the other casuals posting here, it might be time to realize that you’re not really a casual players, maybe you are something else? The world is not Casual or Hardcore, you can take a Brisk walk, and not feel that it needed to be a Hardcore walk, or a Casual Walk.. Just saying.

I’ve also identified as a casual, but somehow my 6k Achievement points did not qualify. Did I miss it by 3000 points?

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Thank you, this is exactly the problem. The players that always argue in threads like these have tried their best to derail and muddy the issue. As usual.

Well I just got back over a long absence, and have no idea how most of m skills work.. as such my play-style at time looks like this.. .

Now, I left because I was unhappy with the HoT expansion and as opposed to playing a game past its’ point of fun, I simply took my own advice and moved on to other games.

But, if you really had not idea of the many thing that were done that made HoT unfriendly towards casual players, so much so that you needed to ask this question, I am going to wager that you are nowhere near close to being a casual player yourself, so, no offence to you in any way, but it would be impossible for you to gauge if PoE was in fact casual friendly or not, thus you really could not answer my question.


If you don’t think Anet forgot about the casuals when making HoT.. then.. simply put.. you’re not a casual so would not notice it. No shame in that.

“Casual” is a mindset, or more aptly put, an approach on how someone plays the game. In simple terms, “casual” defines their motive and drive, as opposed to being serious about the game, or hardcore. Truth is, being “Casual” is irrespective of skill or time played. As how many hours someone invests into a game or how skilled they are at playing a game, have no bearing the mindset they have or how they approach the game.

In short, a “Casual” is not looking for a something serious that they have to work at or treat like a job, they are looking to escape into a fantasy world as someone might take a casual stroll in the woods to escape the daily grind of life.

However, HoT with its mob density, abundance of mobs with break bars, coupled with no clear path to what was around you, including not being able to get POIs, and MP’s that were, as far as the map goes, right next to you, in some cases, paths were totally blocked till timed dynamic events opened them, with no clear way to know how or when these events would come about, made exploring the zones tedium to get through and an exercise in frustration to complete, for me at least.

These statements all have a mutual relationship with number #1

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

When can ride dragon? Like Game of Thrones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


That’s what Riders of Icarus is for.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Bard should be a duel-wielding warhorns thief focussed on multi boon giving and daze cc. Make it a low damage high cc support class.

Or new 2 hand weapon based on the lute toy that has initiative based channels that spam high stacks of boons but root you.

Meta Elite Builders will not allow for this.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


If we get a Bard I want a tamer for my ranger.

Two pets out at all times, spec focuses on making them kittenes and loosing the ability too switch between them. Id prefer a rifle as a weapon but pistols will do perfectly fine, call it “The Huntsmen” and its done.

No offence, but that does not sound very “Bard like” it sounds more like a Ranger with a Sidearm.

Its not supposed to, I was saying if you get bard then I Want this. Sorry for the misunderstanding there.

Why should anyone have to get something else if they put Bards into the game?

If they put bards into the game, then you get the chance to enjoy playing a bard in GW2, which should be it’s own reward.

You’ll need Mastery Points to unlock Bards.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


If we get a Bard I want a tamer for my ranger.

Two pets out at all times, spec focuses on making them kittenes and loosing the ability too switch between them. Id prefer a rifle as a weapon but pistols will do perfectly fine, call it “The Huntsmen” and its done.

No offence, but that does not sound very “Bard like” it sounds more like a Ranger with a Sidearm.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Has the game really failed? Far from it.

Nobody said it did; well, nobody other than you.

We said Heart of Thorns failed. Which it did.

It did not, not by any reasonable measure. It didn’t do as well as predicted, which is very different.

You realize that not meeting predictions, is Failure.. right?

forecast that’d we’d make a certain profit, but something would happen and we made less. But the business wasn’t failing. The prediction didn’t take into account certain realities we’d be unaware of.

Based off the OPs statements throughout this thread, I really hope he is not a hiring manager.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


I am a 60 year old grandma with arthritic hands. I am also the 2nd worst player in the game, grandpa is the worst, and we LOVE HoT. We found the base game a bit boring so we left for a while then came back to HoT. We love the challenge and the additions like gliding, bouncing mushrooms, and ley lines. Challenge is fun….easy is boring.

So you are players that love challenges – that’s great but that’s not casual. There are also people in their 80s with artificial hips that run marathons, people in wheelchairs that climb mountains, etc. I love people like that, but that is practically the literal opposite of casual

It’s not like you can ask a mountain to change it’s elevation so the casuals can also reach the summit area and enjoy the view. Even some of the easiest hikes will have at least 500ft-1000ft elevation gain.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Leave the damage Condition and Power

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Oh, the necros no longer getting the boot.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Can we have Bards next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


you mean Bard like LOTRO Minstrel ?

like ad&d bard.

’m not picky, in fact, I would love to see Anet make their own spin on the Bard, just to see what their creative team could come up with.

So-wa… there is a lot of things wrong here especially knowing many of your previous statements. It may very well may not suit your casual play style.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


They did it so that people who wanted mounts would shut up about them already and buy PoF. I agree, GW2 never needed mounts, but there was a ridiculous yet vocal demand for them, so there you go.

At least the dead horse can now rest in peace.


MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Honestly we already have lots of masteries that do exactly the same stuff as them i.e. jumping over gaps, reaching high places: Updrafts, Leylines, Bouncing Mushrooms, Nuhoch Wallows, Rift Traveler, Explosive Launch, Thermal Propulsion, Oakheart’s Reach. We can already do all that the mounts can do ok?

This is all you had to say.
Now go read how folks do not want to take the time to unlock these features that you and I took the time to do.

They are leveling the playing field once again.

However, blood vessels will burst out of foreheads when they realize they have to unlock mounts with masteries as well.

It will be fast and easy for folks like us because we know how all this works.
We will then squeal like a couple teenage girls at a New Kids on the Block concert in excitement only to be resented all over again.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


Has the game really failed? Far from it.

Nobody said it did; well, nobody other than you.

We said Heart of Thorns failed. Which it did.

It did not, not by any reasonable measure. It didn’t do as well as predicted, which is very different.

You realize that not meeting predictions, is Failure.. right?

Yes your right.
In your opinion the game failed.
What I do not understand is why you keep logging in?

What it tells me ANET has done a great job successfully retaining you as a customer!

See you in VB!!!

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhanoa.3960


“Casual” is a mindset, or more aptly put, an approach on how someone plays the game. In simple terms, “casual” defines their motive and drive, as opposed to being serious about the game, or hardcore. Truth is, being “Casual” is irrespective of skill or time played. As how many hours someone invests into a game or how skilled they are at playing a game, have no bearing the mindset they have or how they approach the game.

In short, a “Casual” is not looking for a something serious that they have to work at or treat like a job, they are looking to escape into a fantasy world as someone might take a casual stroll in the woods to escape the daily grind of life.

By following your definition, I’m a casual.

I get into Verdant Brink, I equip the fun build I enjoy the most (Flamethrower FTW!), jump from a cliff and begin to search for any close event to participate. I run across mobs I don’t want to fight, and surprise those I want to kill. I can prevail fairly often, but I’m killed often too, so I begin anew, usually in a different direction, following any of the outpost stories because they are just amazing.

Sometimes I just fly around from air vent to air vent

If you flew around when you first got to VB, I wouldn’t admit it…

After getting the masteries to move around freely and certainly by now I’m sure a lot of people are fine. And Anet nerfed HoT also of course.

But as has already been pointed out many times in these forums, some people are just inherently better at GW2 than others. I don’t do nearly as well with my Engi in VB as you seem to.

Not to pick on you, but this right here is a perfect example of it not being the game’s fault.

You and I are given the same tools and opportunities to capture and record Masteries and Hero Points.
Folks see at as Grind, Gated, & even as a Chore.
Other folks see it as character development and character progression.

We are unlocking skills, abilities, items, areas, & even convenience.
How is this any different from when you first started playing the game?
Before you had to unlock skills to everyone weapon for your Profession.
Now your unlock skill & utility slots as you level.

We are all on the same playing field, how you choose to get there that’s on you.

I think folks forget the RPG at the end of MMORPG.

MMORPG’s are not easy, you’re just too PRO!!!