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Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


So please, someone give some suggestions that focus on pve at 80 rather than world completion or crafting…there HAS to be something in the game, right? Please, please say that there is….

- World completion (I know you said no completion, but disregarding this is part of your problem)
- Alts (though that doesn’t qualify as lvl 80)
- RP (I’ve had all my best RP experiences as 80)
- Dungeons for the fun of it (This is what raids and dungeons in other games end up coming down to anyway.)
- Leveling with other players. I’ve gone back with friends who have lower level toons and kept them company and helped them level.
- Achievements…there are lots of them.
- Group events with guildmates, and general fun and run zerging.

I personally have no interest in crafting at this point, and I’ve had no loss of entertainment.

Raids and dungeons in other games are not done solely for the “fun of it”. They are part of advancement post max level…and the fact that I dont care to do exploration as my primary source of entertainment post level 80 is not “my problem”, it is what I like……..I want content that allows me to ADVANCE the power of my toon….NONE of what you listed actually does that…

Oh and btw, I complete 100% of every zone I go to now. I am only level 45 and I do enjoy completing the zone exploration while I am growing my toon. I simply do not think going back and completing zone explorations at 80 will hold my interest……I am not achievement oriented…this game is NOT called Achievement Wars 2…it is called Guild Wars 2….where is the endgame content that fits within the title of the game?

The very reason I gave up on WoW is that the endgame dungeons and raids end up becoming a mindless zerg. Once you complete the content there is literally nothing left to do unless you want to go back and do everything all over again to “hopefully” get a better piece of gear out of it.

It sounds like what you’re griping about here. You have the same basic endgame content (many of the dungeons are just as long and complex as many WoW raids), the same longhaul playing for loot, and yet you have a problem with it.

I don’t understand your problem here.

I dont know what the level 80 dungeons are like. I simply asked for some ideas for stuff to do at level 80 that would appeal to my stated interests. I dont play solely for loot. I play to get a sense that my character is PROGRESSING in developing power. I simply asked someone to state what content there is that might appeal to a player like me at level 80.

I have read the posts responding to these inquiries and it seems some people BLAME others for not sharing the same interests as they do rather than accept that interests differ and that there is NOTHING wrong with having divergent interests. I like this game…I like its style and I want to see it hold my interest for a LONG time…but I need more than achievements and crafts and meaningless loot drops to believe that the game will hold my interest.

I WANT this game to succeed. I have no issues with the game up to my current level of progression (level 45, all zones I have been in 100% completed along the way). I just wanted to see what there was that might appeal to my interests post level 80 and the responses seem to be that there is nothing.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


So please, someone give some suggestions that focus on pve at 80 rather than world completion or crafting…there HAS to be something in the game, right? Please, please say that there is….

- World completion (I know you said no completion, but disregarding this is part of your problem)
- Alts (though that doesn’t qualify as lvl 80)
- RP (I’ve had all my best RP experiences as 80)
- Dungeons for the fun of it (This is what raids and dungeons in other games end up coming down to anyway.)
- Leveling with other players. I’ve gone back with friends who have lower level toons and kept them company and helped them level.
- Achievements…there are lots of them.
- Group events with guildmates, and general fun and run zerging.

I personally have no interest in crafting at this point, and I’ve had no loss of entertainment.

Raids and dungeons in other games are not done solely for the “fun of it”. They are part of advancement post max level…and the fact that I dont care to do exploration as my primary source of entertainment post level 80 is not “my problem”, it is what I like……..I want content that allows me to ADVANCE the power of my toon….NONE of what you listed actually does that…

Oh and btw, I complete 100% of every zone I go to now. I am only level 45 and I do enjoy completing the zone exploration while I am growing my toon. I simply do not think going back and completing zone explorations at 80 will hold my interest……I am not achievement oriented…this game is NOT called Achievement Wars 2…it is called Guild Wars 2….where is the endgame content that fits within the title of the game?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


see GW2 as a super huge coop action rpg.

but it isnt an “infinite solo quest”….

complainers will be complaining until they get what type of answer?
there is no “endgame” as in you get stronger and stronger.

find some friends, play with them, and move on.
its a coop action rpg with 300-400h of content.
huge already!

Well at least you were unbiased in your response. This does sadden me though as I know the game will NOT appeal to me at 80 and I really DO like the game now…I was really hoping there was something in the game to give level 80 players with interests similar to mine ( I dont want to run around and do achievements or complete the world exploration or craft). I want to engage in COMBAT oriented content and progress after 80. Oh well…another one bites the dust.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


And perhaps most fanbois like you are Anet employess? Seriously, some people like building a toon even after max level and right now I am concerned because I am one of those people and I am not hearing responses to questions like these that calm my concern. I really do not like to craft unless it suits a purpose of allowing me to create better gear for my character AND only if he can then use it to progress. From what I am hearing, this game drops off at endgame like Rift, Diablo 3 and many other failed games. I LIKE this game as I am only level 45 at present but I WANT to be able to advance my toon AFTER I hit max level and engage in meaningful content to make use of the advances I have gained. If this is not present in GW2, then this game is just temporary for me and a LOT of others like me.

So please, someone give some suggestions that focus on pve at 80 rather than world completion or crafting…there HAS to be something in the game, right? Please, please say that there is….

i PICKED wrong warbaner

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


“It’s not poor game design, it’s just game design.

How many games do you know tell you exactly what happens whenever you make a choice in said game? Not any game I’d play, that’d be boring as hell.

The wikipedia is there for a reason. When you create your character, you don’t know what skills he’ll or stats have until you look it up or play the game as said class. Is this poor design? No it’s just the game."

WHAT? YES it is poor game design you blind fanboi. They need to polish some aspects of the game to give instruction as to the effect of some of the choices we make rather than force us to make the choices blindly…that would be boring to you, huh? Get real.

They should tell us the import of the choices we make so that we can make an informed decision. It would not be all that difficult to explain the significance of the choice..even if you then had to look up whether the additional crit is something you would want on the Wiki….. With no explanation as to the effect of your choice, you are simply pushing a button with no idea of the effect that the choice has on your character. YES…the failure to explain the significance of the choice is POOR game design…take off the rose colored glasses.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


It was already nerfed, no way is it hitting 100 times.

This answer is kinda silly?

No more silly than you being concerned about how many warriors use HB. Why does that bother you? Oh, perhaps you really dont play a warrior…seeing as you erred in calling the skill One Thousand Blades….and you are just a butthurt PVPer who doesnt know how to properly counter an easily countered skill? Ironic that you suggest someone else’s post is silly….

What about mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Me personally… I wouldn’t want mounts at all. It is already quick and easy to get around in all the zones. No mounts is a nice time sink. MMO’s need time sinks just as much as they need money sinks in the game.

Most people with mounts would bypass alot of content on purpous. they do it with other MMO’s so why would this one be any different?

No I say walk/run. So it takes you a small amount of time reaching somewhere. No instant gradification. Mounts in my opnion are just not needed, plenty of waypoints. If the one you want is contested… so be it. Go uncontest it.

It’s bad enough people today complain about walking, do they need to do it in a pretend world too?

Well, I really do not know why you care about what other people do in this regard. You want to walk? Go right ahead and hoof it. But why do you feel the need to force others to walk as well?

No one can force you to use a mount and there really is very little fallback on you if I rode a mount. I see no reason to oppose mounts…if you dont like them…dont use them…but let others choose for themselves instead of pretending that you know what is best for them.

I personally feel like I am going nowhere in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Well, you really dont need “uber lewts” to do well in this game. You can get by with average gear, quite well, so I am not sure why it would be in the game really…I mean it would severely devalue any challenge that the game might pose for you. But not all games will appeal to all players. I played wow for years…finally got tired of it when they made it too easy and too generic……this game appeals to me on some levels because it is “different” and even “odd” in a lot of ways, lol. But I do respect your right to dislike the game if you need more “instant gratification”. Btw, stay away from Diablo 3 if that is your thing, heh.

I cannot use class, please help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Well, you can always dismiss your pet and run without one? To each his/her own. I personally loved playing my ranger with his pet, but you can run one without a pet if it really ruins the profession for you.

I Wish Vistas Were Not Needed for Zone Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


I have to agree. Along with getting rid of vista’s it would be also nice to remove way points, skill challenges and areas of interests.

also I love the jumping puzzles. If you can’t do them get a Mesmer friend to create the portals… or don’t do them at all. I don’t see why my game has to be changed by your wants.

I assume you forgot to type /sarcasm off? lol.

I Wish Vistas Were Not Needed for Zone Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


I don’t know who decided to put jumping puzzles in an MMORPG, but it wasn’t a good idea. They can stay, for casual players that like content like that, but the requirement to do them must be removed from what’s needed to complete a zone. I haven’t found any that I wasn’t able to do, but some of them were just purely annoying, and felt like a waste of time, as I was not enjoying it at all, but needed them for the zone completion and the exp that comes along with that

The worst, and most time consuming one I found was one in the South of Dredgehaunt Cliffs, which took me almost 15 minutes to do. This sort of thing just doesn’t belong in an MMO

Vistas are NOT jumping puzzles, they are 2 seperate things. But aside from that, nothing is really forcing you to take the vistas, nobody fault if you have to find everything. Some people do enjoy the views and like the vistas, no reason to take those away just because you personally don’t enjoy it.

And no, I don’t really care too much for the vistas themselves either, I like the view as I walk around, but I see no reason to not have them.

Well the vista in diessa IS a jumping puzzle lol. You cannot get to the vista without making at least 100 jumps…some quite perilous. So they are not two sepArate things…they are not mutually exclusive…and frankly, the reason to have vistas is to make you take time to explore more as you level and fully appreciate the areas. While you might take the time to do that, most players would not as a lot of people are caught up in the leveling race. I LIKE the vistas…I LIKE that they can be challenging to get to and I would not like to see the zone requirements lessened as the game is already too easy in a lot of respects. I really hope Anet does not pander to the masses the way Blizzard did and that they do require some effort before handing over rewards to the playerbase……..Leave the Vistas in the zone explore requirements….earn your rewards rather than racing through the game to level 80 only to say, what now?

(edited by Rhoame.6917)

Endgame missing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Well here is a new argument for the forums. Lol….pro and con support for dungeon finders in MMOs is like saying vanilla is better than chocolate (it isnt btw). I personally dont understand why people who have no issue filling groups without a DF would be opposed to implementing one…I mean, if you don’t like the DF, don’t use it….but let others have the choice of using a DF or not. How would the presence of a DF hurt any of you naysayers?

Or is it that you just want to control other players’ enjoyment of the game?

Endgame missing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Well here is a new argument for the forums. Lol….pro and con support for dungeon finders in MMOs is like saying vanilla is better than chocolate (it isnt btw). I personally dont understand why people who have no issue filling groups without a DF would be opposed to implementing one…I mean, if you don’t like the DF, don’t use it….but let others have the choice of using a DF or not. How would the presence of a DF hurt any of you naysayers?

Seriously? No black dye for armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


Well isn’t the standard set color “ebony” black?

Black Lion Chests?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


What a predicament…if they up the chest contents…people will say it is a money grab so that the playerbase wastes real dollars on keys…if they dont upgrade the chest contents, no one will buy the keys…this is a no win situation for them. I suppose we all should expect to spend some real money in this game, given that it has no sub fee…I just feel cheap in doing so as all the other games I played (except for diablo 3…and that worked out so well) discouraged using money to buy items.

I Wish Vistas Were Not Needed for Zone Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


I disagree. Vistas are a nice change of pace and I LOVE the jumping puzzle vistas. I dont see any reason to remove vistas as opposed to POIs. Of course vistas require patience and strategy at times….which are rarely required in the remainder of this game (cant speak for high end, I am only level 27 at present). I dont see any reason to remove vistas from the completion requirement. Stop asking for the game ot be made easier. It is already painfully easy.

My review after playing for two weeks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


I like the game so far. I am not “in love” with the game the same way I was with D2, EQ or Wow, but I am not sure that I am not just burnt out on MMOs. I do like the world a lot. I love the jumping puzzles and the storyline quest. I do not like targeting even a little bit. I find combat to be somewhat cumbersome and repetitive…and I cannot imagine going through to level 80 using the same 5 skills over and over and over. This is a combat oriented game and yet the combat aspect of the game is deficient (to me at least). I really want to be immersed in this game and I just dont feel that it is happening at the moment.

Why no direct trade?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


I am not buying the anti scam reason for a lack of direct trading. What I see is a complete lack of interaction between characters AT ALL. You cannot inspect another player….cant trade them something as simple as a piece of food…..this is just an unfinished aspect of the game and concern over trade scams is a cop out.