Showing Posts For Riathen.2641:

CM 100 RNG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riathen.2641


The mechanic is fair if it happens at between 15-20 percent. It’s an almost guaranteed wipe if it starts at 40%. The only times my group has successfully killed him was when the floors didn’t start dropping away until the final phase.

New CM Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I love the fractal. I think it’s great that the challenge mode is actually challenging. But after many hours with Arkk there are so many things that feel wrong, whether it’s bugged mechanics or poor implementation/programming.

My main issue being mechanic stacking.
He absolutely does not phase properly and you can get into situations where he continues doing his rotation into the pillar ball phase or the fight can become a complete clusterkitten when your group is trying to get an anomaly killed and everyone is trying to stack on the green while the floor is disappearing and he’s firing off a solar flare while his gravity well is going off.

I’m sure there are groups that can get through this fight despite all this but I don’t believe that the fight should have RNG or overlapping mechanics making it more difficult than any of the raid encounters. It’s unfun and makes doing it without a static next to impossible right now.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I’m having similar issues that have only surfaced recently.

I can barely hit 30 fps in LA now and places like the fractal lobby and WvW when nothing is going on are stuck around 35-45 fps. Normally it’d be a solid 60.
Even if I lower the settings to minimum or max everything out the fps barely budges.

This was never an issue in the past so I don’t know what the recent update did to the game but it seems to have screwed some of us over. Nothing has changed on my PC recently so I can’t imagine it’s anything on my end.

The drops in frame rate are coming from sporadic low GPU usage and possible CPU usage. When I start the game it’ll be at 40-45 % GPU usage and then drop to 25-30 % without anything in the scene changing causing large frame drops.

I7 4970k ; Nvidia GTX 980 Ti ; 16 GB RAM ; Windows 10 64-bit

(edited by Riathen.2641)

[Suggestion] Raid modes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Whoa guys the raids aren’t hard after most of us have had them on farm for the better part of a year and a solid meta has been nailed down that trivialises many of the fights!

Who would have thought.

Possible [Spoilers] Future Plots points

in Living World

Posted by: Riathen.2641


1) We’re never going back to Orr. Why anybody would want them to put resources into redeveloping an old zone instead of seeing new and interesting places is beyond me.

2) Do you understand how these things are made? The expansion is already in development. It has been for a long time. There have been leaks on where it’s taking place already. What is happening and what dragon/s are involved is already set in stone. If we got to vote on where the expansion would be happening NOW, it wouldn’t release for at least another two to three years and that’s being generous.

3) Your theory sounds dumb. I don’t believe she is trying to find a way to resurrect her sister. Anet wanted Marjory to do something in the story so they shoved her in and made her Lazarus’s nanny.

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Riathen.2641


This thread was a fun read.

I’m impressed that you typed up a small novel on this, Ohoni. It got a few laughs out of me. You’re quite the comedian for someone on the spectrum.

What I’m taking away from what you’re saying is that you want an easy mode and a normal mode with parity between the rewards. The raiders would do the regular raid for the “challenge” and the rest could do easy mode.

The one thing that’s bothering me with this flawless solution is this.
What would be the point in doing normal mode? Do you not understand how negative of an impact that this would have on those of us that do raid? How much that this would devalue raid rewards, legendary armor included?
I can’t say that there is much prestige in raid skins, but it’s there. Those skins have an added value to them because we had to overcome a challenge to obtain them. If any brainless open world player could get them, they’d lose that appeal. Legendary armor will have a similar value, disallowing those kinds of players from simply dumping time and gold gathered from map hopping in Auric Basin all day to get their armor.

I can get behind an easy mode. IF and only IF there are no rewards attached to it.
No insights, no armor progression, no skins. Any and all arguments that are for this kind of reward parity are baseless whining and should be ignored.
Players want to feel rewarded for their efforts. Giving rewards to all simply because they want to participate is a slap in the face to those players.

You can’t have it all.
Now get good or accept that there will be some things in this game that you’ll never have.

Legendary Armor Information

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riathen.2641


It’s great to get some clarification on a few of these things, but there needs to be more communication than this.

It’s been over 8 months and none of us working towards legendary armor have any clue what it’s going to look like or when it’s going to be released.

The first tier of the three precursor armors give us a faint idea on the final product, yet it could end up looking entirely different by the time it’s legendary. Now that the final wing is released, the only incentive I have to continue raiding is for legendary insights to work on a set of armor that I may not even end up liking.

Raiding was fun, it was worth logging in for, I loved it. But now that the ride’s over it’s going to become more of a grind each week than it was before and it’d be nice to see the carrot I’m chasing instead of a post-it note danging from a string in front of me that reads “Available in a future release.”

75% of a profession

in Revenant

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Lily, I agree with a couple of your points such as rev needing access to a ranged condi weapon and more legends usable underwater, but reading many of your posts you clearly have not played it to its full potential and any buffs you’re suggesting would push rev over the line it’s currently straddling between OP and absolutely broken.
Many of your issues are a problem for most professions in the game, like pigeon-holed or useless trait lines, so realistically none of these problems are going to be fixed without a major trait rebalance from Anet.

The only way to “fix” revenant is to separate pve and pvp balance. Any and all buffs at the moment will only serve to make rev an even greater powerhouse in pvp. More stun breaks? Condi cleanse on shiro? These kinds of suggestions are pointless and are coming from people playing the class wrong/poorly.
I’ve noticed that half this thread is arguing over Invocation being a mandatory trait line. You can easily drop it for Retribution, the damage reduction and stab make up for the traits lost in that line. Depending on the match up, you’ll want to grab one or the other. They both have their pros/cons and it’ll depend on the classes you face to decide on which one you’ll want to choose. Empty vessel is strong, but it’s only a part of what makes Invocation one of the better lines to grab.

Some of you need to get good with the profession before you complain about what it needs/doesn’t need.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Why isn’t there one of these threads for Elona? Cantha was cool and all, but I really loved Elona.

That said, I just want the map to expand. Be it further in to Tyria (Crystal Desert, deeper into Maguuma, etc), Elona, or Cantha, give me more!

True enough. Crystal Desert, Ring of Fire, most of the upper third of the map.

I hear rumor that the Maguuma Jungle is the next place the story is going. Perhaps that’s been confirmed somewhere and I don’t know, but just in case I’ll leave it at “rumor.”

The jungle dragon woke up at the end of the living story so we can only assume that’s where it’s heading. It’d be a bit lame of them to lead up to a dragon awakening over the course of a year and a half only to leave it for something else.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Even if it’s (2) then what exactly would you propose have done instead? NOT make Guild Wars 2?


Then you’re being wholly irrational and unreasonable. There is absolutely no way they DON’T make a game. That’s just ridiculous.

Not really.

If a publisher orders you to not include most of your previous work, should you bow out? Absolutely. How would you react if an art dealer tells you to only show a 3rd of your painting? ANet could have simply refused, lost NCSoft as a publisher, and waited until they found another. Does that suck? Yes. Does it mean a lot of people might have to take a pay hit? Yes.

But at least they get to keep their integrity.

I’m not sure you understand the exact nature of Arenanet / NCSoft business arrangement. I’m pretty sure NCSoft is MUCH more than simply the publisher of this game….Arenanet is a subsidiary of NCSoft (i.e. NCSsoft is technically it’s owner). You can’t say NO and bow out of that arrangement like a petulant 7 year old.

Petulant child…nice way to frame your argument. =D

Here, I’ll reframe it for you:

You can say no and bow out of that arrangement so you can, you know, keep your artistic integrity intact, and not fold like a frightened lamb because a big company is holding a wad of cash over your head.

NCSoft owns ANet and GW2. It is their property. If they say that they want an aspect of the game done in a certain way of course individual employees, potentially even every employee, could quit. This would change nothing. NCSoft could/would just hire replacements and continue with their vision for their game.

Ironically, ANet had a rather large exodus of devs in ‘08-’09. Wonder what they were unhappy with…

“their vision for their game”…right. You mean ANet’s vision and game? So glad people like NCSoft call the shots in today’s MMO ‘verse, and no one fathoms questioning that. Someone like Chris Robertson(regardless of what the future holds) should probably be knighted and given some kind of Nobel prize. Because he’s obviously one of the very few with the balls to stand up for his vision.

Those who hold the money get to call the shots. You can’t just say no to those sorts of decisions. It’s how most video game development works. And like that other guy said, NCsoft aren’t just the publisher meaning that they hold even greater control over the game and the company itself.
The reason Chris Robertson doesn’t have to worry about any of that is because he managed to get millions through crowd funding. Not everyone is capable of doing that and since the game isn’t even released we don’t know how successful that method is, either. Games released through crowd funding have been pretty lackluster so I don’t have high hopes for Star Citizen either.

Artistic integrity means nothing when the choice is between having your game funded or not. My suggestion to you is to never pursue a job in the video games industry because you’d never be able to find/hold a job with that state of mind. It’s not how things work.

Fractals 40+ for is rich or lucky people.

in Fractured

Posted by: Riathen.2641


You can survive level 40 and above with 45 agony resistance meaning you can avoid the ascended weapon grind all together if you want. Just avoid level 40’s instability. It will kill you. The one issue you’ll have is the final bosses pre-fight tick. If you’re not in a group of complete kittens they shouldn’t have a problem getting you up if you go down.

I dont? Mhm dont know how i finished as first person the new lvl 50 mhm or how i done ~1k Runs pre patch.

And if u are new in the game, you dont play 40+. 40+ isnt for any random noob.

Most people who play in 40+ aren’t all that great. It’s a complete gamble on what kind of group you’ll get if you do it with randoms. Any way I’m not sure why you’re touting rushing to 50 “first” as this huge accomplishment. Bragging is a pretty poor trait. Especially on something as insignificant as that.

Moving forward about Gemstore Armor

in Fractured

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Honestly I’m sick of every new skin being released through the gem store. The idea is decent but I wouldn’t want a fancy skin like that being able to be purchased for 800 gems. They need to be releasing these skins through actual content but until people stop buying them, they’ll never do this. It’s just not going to happen.

ANET killed 40+ Fractals for Pugs

in Fractured

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I’m finding runs 40+ are taking half as long as runs in the 30 range. It could be bad luck but every group I’ve ran with in the 30’s has taken 2-3 hours. But why exactly would PUG groups be killed? Like Lopez did I leveled to 50 with complete randoms in the span of 2 days. It’s entirely possible.

No Reward for Frak 50 Dayli

in Fractured

Posted by: Riathen.2641


They never said there’d be a reward for hitting level 50. What are you complaining about?

World 2, Zone 3...that's it.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Snip snip “you’re just whiny” “you just suck” “you’re just entitled” snip snip.

You’re clearly not reading either. Whatever. I did finally kill that annoying boss. Somehow. Felt more like I was waiting for it to let me hit it rather than anything I was doing. Well, regardless, I won’t play that zone again.

Pfthaha oh man that denial. Unlike you I actually read what was being said and next to none of it was valid. Try looking at yourself to see what YOU could improve instead of instantly writing it off as being the games problem. I’m sick of these kinds of complaints so no I won’t be entirely nice about it. I said to improve yourself which you do need to. That is all. People like you are what prevents games like this from having any sort of challenging content. Every patch it’s complaint after complaint on how rewards aren’t being outright handed to them. It needs to stop. Try getting better next time instead of coming to the forums to complain about your incompetence. Complaints like these flood out the actual criticisms and bugs that deserve the developers attention, not your whining.

World 2, Zone 3...that's it.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Riathen.2641


And, as if enduring all that wasn’t enough, I reach the boss. This guy is supremely annoying. Things start off fine, just hit his projectiles back at him, since nothing else works. (Note to developers: Making boss fights that render nearly our entire inventory pointless is stupid and not challenging in the slightest, just more cheap artificial difficulty)

I get the boss to half health, and he decides to be a complete jerk. He uses a cheap charge move that you can’t outrun, and even if you dodge, he just changes directions and hits you anyway, turning the fight into a battle of attrition. Make sure you have 2-3 Continue Coins for this part, because that’s the only way I managed.

And even after that, the boss goes “I’m not left-handed, I’m a frakking dragon!”

Even now, I am still stuck there, waiting, cooling off, because I basically had no idea what to do and just kept dying to all the lightning… if this is an example of what future levels will be like, than I don’t want it anymore. Just wanted to finish the levels and get what little story there is for this, and I can’t even do that with out more misery. On Infantile Mode, of all things.. sigh.

I’m still not buying that stupid Infinite Coin. Now I’m beginning to think that the people arguing that the coin essentially means pay-to-win might actually be right, in a manner of speaking. This is how bad that last zone is.

After reading this I can say that all you really need to do is get good. You’re the problem here, not the developers. The storm wizard is as straight forward a boss as you could ask for. Reflect his attacks, run from him when he charges at you (WHICH YOU CAN DO), and then on to the second phase. Once you’re there all you have to do is wait in the middle until the lightning orbs disappear on the outer platforms and then kill any lightning orbs he sends after you in the center. After that, jump to an outer platform as he’ll blast the center. Next he’ll eat a platform and fall on the center where you can damage him. Repeat until dead. Easy.

World 2, Zone 3...that's it.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Riathen.2641


Complaining about too much content is a null complaint. The zone is not all that long to begin with and you can get through it rather quickly if you’re a decent player. The enemies can be annoying, sure, but I’d rather have enemies that you have to make some sort of effort to kill or avoid over enemies that just stand there and allow you to pass.

If you didn’t purchase the upgrades in other worlds, that’s your problem. What’s the point of having upgrades in a game if you’re not even going to be required to use them at some point? Needing certain items to continue was used in games that SAB is influenced by. If that’s not your thing, I don’t know what to tell you. Don’t play it, I guess.

Overall I don’t understand your complaints. You state that you needed infantile mode to complete this zone which unravels what you say about the zone being too long. This shows that you need to improve at jumping puzzles to lower your clear time instead of coming to the forums to incorrectly say that the content is too lengthy.

We need an expansion.

in Living World

Posted by: Riathen.2641


IF we dont need to wait for an expansion for new weapons for each class. For each class to get dual wield skills. And for new utilities then we dont need an expansion. they are pumping out stuff like crazy.

I think we’ve gotten a few class balances and one new skill for necromancers in around 6 months. We’re going to need an expansion. They may be releasing stuff like crazy, but it’s all very light and sometimes heavily bugged content.

We need an expansion.

in Living World

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I feel as if many people are in favor of what Anet is currently doing and I find that baffling. The Living Story has been for the most part entirely underwhelming. It hasn’t exactly been “bad” but in terms of content, there hasn’t been much. Especially if you weren’t there for many of these arcs. Their current model of making everything temporary in some backwards attempt to make the word seem more alive is terrible. If you’re a player that takes a break for a few months, you’re not coming back to a bunch of new things, you’re coming back to the world exactly as you left it because all of that added content has been removed. The game needs more dungeon content, more weapons/armor to get outside of RNG boxes from the gem store, more areas to explore, and more in-depth pvp and WvW. All of this can be achieved from an expansion. Not from the Living Story. At the rate that they’re putting out content, it just isn’t feasible to believe that what Anet is currently doing is enough and that an expansion isn’t necessary. It’d take years upon years for them to accomplish this at their current rate.

We do need an expansion. The OP doesn’t mean NOW, but to have one at least in the works to come out some time next year. So far comments from NCsoft/Anet have led me to believe that this won’t be the case and that’s very disappointing. I don’t feel that this game will hold onto its player base if it takes much longer than that.

The Minstrel

in Crafting

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I plan on going for it next simply because it’s the most underwhelming Legendary. I would welcome some added effects or a complete redesign, though. I’m surprised it wasn’t part of the first batch of Legendary reworks.

(edited by Riathen.2641)

Time Limited Chevos in AR

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Riathen.2641


What kind of groups are you guys running in? I’ve been in multiple PUG’s and all of them have done it in under 15 minutes. Even some horrendously bad groups where I didn’t think it’d be possible for any one to get the achievement. Multiples downs and deaths on the boss yet still doing it within the time limit. This dungeon/achievement doesn’t need a nerf. If anything we need more difficult content. People like you prevent any sort of challenge within this game because whenever the slightest bit of difficulty arises you cry for it to be nerfed.

All I can say is get gud.

Legendary Owners: Do you regret it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Riathen.2641


I regret putting so much time into making them. I put all of my focus into grinding these skins and in the end it just feels hallow. After making Eternity, my fourth, I stopped playing. I couldn’t conjure up the will to make another. They were the only thing to really do PvE wise but they weren’t worth the effort looking back on it.