Showing Posts For Ricardo.5489:
What and Where are the 2 spots right below the main video?
A few pics contain a link to a website that provides u the hidden coords.
After a while i finally got all 9 parts into the library.And…
…that sound file is awesome. It obviously looks like a fight… and maybe a roar and some rocks falling… Maybe a dragon awakening? Or just a simple airship landing or sending some rockets? Maybe the giant drill departing? Who knows… Im excited at least!
(edited by Ricardo.5489)
Def weird! With all the distortion in her voice i was thinking: " What… now kitting scarlet wants la taken back?"
Someone from the Council, Elen, the biconics… any would be better than this threathning-like voice!
Who’s doing the voice for the next patch coming out 4th march? Is it scarlet? Cuz it’s be weird to see her motivating us to regaining la back since she started all this!
Not the point here… not discussing if scarlet or ceara not be a part of DE but if kas or marj are working from the inside of DE against us and in favor of scarlet
Destiny’s edge 2.0 is slowly gaining form. Atm we have kasmeer/marj as human, rox as charr, braham as norn and taimi as an asura… what about silvary?
Clearly we’re missing a silvary and many have been discussing who’s gonna be… ceara (scarlet) or canach or neither of those.
Another current discussion is if we’re gonna loose one of the human char of the group: marjory and kasmeer. Many think one of them will die but what if:
One of them is actually working with Scarlet as a double-agent and is actually the reason why everytime we try to destroy scarlet’s plans we’re actually working in her favor?
i did over 50 to get my last one!
that’s not ok!
i wouldn’t be bothered if i got it done in 15.. that’s one per day! but because of rng…i’ve been doing 2 to 3 fotm per day to try to get LS completed. and spent last 2 days doing runs with groups just for aether… and after 15 runs in a row… apx i finally did it!
My point isn’t if it’s doable or not or if i mind doing fractals. The point here is that you shouldn’t have rng to give points! It’s not right that someone needs to do 50+ fractals to get it while others need 15! That’s +30hours in 2 weeks just doing fractals… not counting with dailies!
same here sixmo
i need aether too…
Why the hell is fractured achievement pts rng based?!
I get that i only need to do 11 to do the meta… and that ull say that i don’t need to play them all and get all achievements… but… am an achievement pts guy… that has done all dailies and monthlies and ls achievement pts for the past 6months…
I have over 15k and I like to go for it but… after doing roughly 40fractals… i’m yet to do the aetherblade one.
I would mind if the achievement was only under the dungeon achievements but it isn’t… is time based and rng based. I know is a 3rd fractal lvl… and volcanic, dredge and thaumanova. So there are 4… and per chance to get it i have to do 2 fractals before it… so i have a 25% chance to get it but didnt get it yet.
It’s silly to have ap rng based… instead of making it like that they should have done the ls achievements like… Do x amount of diferent fractal… do x amount of total fractal… do x amount of fractal dailies… and voila… give the same amount of ap but without depending of rng!
Ill keep trying to get it… but this shouldnt be a thing! Please think about this next time anet ^^
this is a backup rig and should have minimum reqs… but anyway:
w7 32b
Intel Core 2 duo 2,4ghz
graphics: intel g965
4gb ram
Im trying to install gw2.
First downloaded gw2 client from the website.
After running it… it automatically sent all files to temp folder! So after ea time the setup was run and gw2.exe, gw2.dat and gw2.temp were downloaded the download would disappear… reappear to try to download the actual data file and disappear forever.
So created a folder in drive c: and tried it again. The client seemed buged and stuck at 0% but refreshing the folder I could check that data file was downloading.
After download was finish tried I was still stuck with game client showing 0%.
ATM i have 1 ~18gb data file, the .exe and .temp files all in one folder and when i run the .exe i get the downloading game client stuck at 0% and game not lauching to log in.
What could fix this?
Let’s explain how this all started:
1. Before the first week BP came to EB Lion’s Arch to recruit! Saying we were dead server and we had no chance! Since that time… and considering all the history between us and BP… we wanted to finish ahead of them!
2. Bp also made the mistake of thinking they were better then YB at the time and decided to troll them also.
3. The result: EB and YB even without a formal alliance ea decided to focus BP and smash them! EB had queues in 3-4 maps prime time during first week match-up and with YB and us focusing BP we managed a surprising 2nd place! YB-1;EB-2;BP-3.
4. Since that moment some of our commanders were talking about helping yb against sbi to fortify our friendship… and manage to get their help again for the last week match-up: YA;EB;BP!
5. The past week one of our commanders went to yak’s lion’s arch to speak with their commanders to see if they’d be up for it.
6. At the start there wasn’t an official alliance but we were surprised that yb was actually winning and we were also ahead of sbi! We were ahead of u till monday night and there wasn’t much of an alliance at that time.
7. On wednesday SBI was still not that far away and we actually started to team up and focus you more and more all time so we would be able to overcome u!
Could we have done it alone? NO!
Could YB reach 1st without us helping out? PROLLY NOT!
Does it suck for you? YES!
But guess what. We outsmarted you. We had an awesome response delivered by our community… and we fought till the last day! You cant win all the time. And because of the second place that wouldn’t be possible playing on our own we now have a chance to finish 4th in the end of the league with prolly the 6th coverage of all servers!
So my thx go to: YB, all EB community that made it possible and ty to the real sbi players that didnt quit till the last minute!
PS. I dont see SBI complaining when they wreck smaller server and dominate all bls just because they have better coverage… so why complain now? imagine YB and EBay as a tier 1 server on a 1vs1… OR is it ok for you to run blobs all time destroying everything and it isn’t ok for the others to do it to you guys?
(edited by Ricardo.5489)
BTW… not complaining about your zergs… i’d prefer if guilds were more spreaded between all servers… but i like playing with little to none queues…so there has to be some negative pts to that I love ehmry bay community… It’s awesome… and we dont come here to cry about zerg…we just defend our server with our hearts! EB PRIDE!
It’s true that we lost a few guilds and players… and that we’re training pvers atm… and that shows during some fights… but we’re not dead as some like to point out and are coming back stronger then ever.
And btw… is easy to get paper hills and bay in our prime time… when u can queue 2 places while we’ll be happy to queue one… specially if u have ur 3 keeps at home fully upgraded… and have enough ppl to keep our keeps preasured 24/7!
Woot…the most awesome server ever (sarcasm) lost all 3 keeps in under 15min to a bunch of pugs grabed from la during morning time?!
U might have some awesome zerg busting guilds… u might have the 24/7 hour coverage that we don’t…. but you have the worst possible home dfense possible.
And your inability to fight but as a zerg was proven today… attack all ur keeps at same time… u’ll lose 3/3!
Congratz ehmry…great job we did today!
Black Zephyr [BZ] If you’re an Oceanic, European or NA L8 Night player… STOP LOOKING! This is your Guild!
Who am I?
Rorn Moox is my character name… but you can call me Rick. I’m a portuguese guy that started playing guild wars 7or 8years ago. In the past 6months i’ve started playing wvw and joined many guild raids and zerg busting guilds. I guess it’s time to give something in return!
Second in Charge: Teldec… do you really need me to tell you? He’ll be our main commader at least during the beginning.
Day 1 of first Season… Some indecent BP commanders waste the 4 hours before league start to recruit on our forum, gw2 oficial forum and even in our Lion’s Arch! Reason why you should leave? Ehmry is dying. Nothing more wrong. After pugs queued up 4 maps in wvw for 2 hours after reset and an epic morning holding our keeps it was obvious that we need to organize and train these new players!
Goldiy was kitten ed…. and so was why after he told me! So I decided to create a new Guild to help out.
What’s our Goal and Focus
We’re a WvW Guild!
You can do your pve and spvp things… but we won’t focus our events on that! Because of that you’ll be able to represent other guilds you desire.
Our WvW main goals will be to train our troops and to improve our oceanic coverage! We’ll be training you to be as good as possible… and if you listen to our advises you’ll become a death machine!
Who we want…
We want anyone willing to spend a lot of their playing time in WvW… Specially Oceanic, European and Na Late nighters… You don’t need to know what you’re doing just be willing to spend gold in armor and ready to listen to more experienced players. We want to help you… but you need to be ready to be helped!
1. Defense Always Come First!
2. Never turn your back to a fight!
3. What a commander asks becomes a new rule!
Only requirements is for you to have Teamspeak 3, making sure you hop on everytime you play wvw, and for you to be willing to learn. The rest will come with time.
We need commanders… even if you don’t feel ready yet we’ll be here to help you out. We can always need more commanders!
(edited by Ricardo.5489)
well… eb in tier 2 would keep geting 3rd place anyway… and loose every single match up.. u’d just get more winners… not make them more competitive
I just think that merging servers would be hard to implement… that would screw higher tiers over and they’d get even longer queues.
I just think that part of the solution is on increasing longer tier players rewards when they play wvw. make it so that ppl no interested in wvw start playing more wvw cuz they’d recieve increased rewards.
That’s actually what the creation of leagues will do. but i still think lower tiers are missing something else to bring pvers and spvpers into wvw.
I think wvw boost would be awesome at least for a start. Maybe some attributes improvement based on the numbers of players in ea sides at any instant.
The creation of more wvw maps i guess would be good for queues but smaller server wouldnt be able to get good coverage to every single one of them anyway so would boost the differences between servers anyway.
not from tier 1… dont think so… but from tier 2 yeah
thats why sbi is doing so well this week…
There has been many concerns regarding the new league system being implemented. Despite all the fears involving the new system i actually think that at least it will be something new and that anet can work with the experience to, in a shorter time than we could expect, improve WvW and everything about it… loots, comunity feel, zerg v zerg, defending keeps, and so on!
Nevertheless I agree with everyone that is worried about big guilds from gold league migrating to silver to get better rewards. If this happens it actually will injure communities. Ofc that a tier 1 server will win gold league and a tier 5 will win silver! And there’s really nothing that will change that… and ofc there will always be players wanting to migrate to silver league top server to win more rewards!
SO…. to try and prevent migration there’s only one solution… reward lower tiers from gold and silver leagues during the league itself! Oh… but if ur loosing u shouldn’t get rewards… well… YOU HAVE WXP!!!
If u wanna be a tier 1 gold or silver server ok…no problem! But if u actually wanna help a tier 4 in golden league… that should be rewarded.
In the Begining of the league based on the ranks of ea server reward +1% of wvw xp the lower u are. So if ur 1st server (Blackgate in NA atm) u get 100%wxp… if ur server 6 in the rank before league starts get a +6% wxp bonus (106% total) ! if 12th server… 12% bonus (112% total). Same for silver league… 1st from that league or actual 13th server gets 100% wxp… while 24th server gets 112%.
That wouldnt be a huge boost in rewards but it would help lower server geting their abilities… while geting more chests with silver and stuff…
I think that this idea would actually be useful to boost wvw base players on lower tier server and prevent some of the migration or even it out cuz there would be guilds wanting to get the champion league 7week rewards… and other guilds/players willing to stay in lower tiers to rank up their wvw rank!
And higher tier get their ranks faster as it is anyway cuz they have more wvw players and cap stuff faster!
Thx… And post your opinions… I hope devs lock at this and give their opinion on the pros and cons that this rewarding system could bring and if it’s actually a good idea or not at all.
PS. Sry bout any speling or gramatical errors… English not my mother language.