Showing Posts For Romarix.5829:

Humans and Norn

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


It was retcon’d between games. No race can have children with another.

Sex on the other hand is entirely possible.

As a Human, do you hate the Charr?

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


Yes! Those kitten hairy animals! They won’t let me give them a belly rub!

I will not be denied!

So this war with the centaurs.....

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


Right, Humans, next time we move into a new space, we’ll just need to be absolutely sure to genocide every other living creature nearby. This “you took our land!” stuff is just getting annoying.

Human Gods...

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


Well there’s always the theory that the Sylvari and the Pale Tree are simply another Dragon. One that has a compatible morality with the rest of the world.

Possibly as a result of Ventari’s tablet influencing it.

The Good things about being a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


Best thing about being a Guardian? Being able to facetank pretty much anything and hearing “Oh my god, how are you so tough?” after every other dungeon run.

Do you feel bad for the Ghosts of Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


Not really.

But, then again, I do have a worrying lack of empathy for pretty much everybody.

Why do I only make humans?

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


It’s because you’re racist. -sage nod-

Rate the Humans name above you

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


8/10 For Heppin. It’s just a fun name to say, and I think it fits an engineer well.

3/10 for Angyoouh. This is most emphatically NOT a fun name to say.

And as for me, I tend to give my characters a title.

Slayer Romarix – Guardian – A smashing together of three words. Rome (the empire), Marxist (the theory), and Mare (the folklore creature).

Traveler Rhea – Thief – Nothing particularly special. I was just going for a “flighty” name and liked how this one sounded.

Human Zones and Totalitarianism

in Human

Posted by: Romarix.5829


As many others have already pointed out, you’re simply reading too much into this.

Which is a shame, because I totally wanted to put on my stormtrooper uniform and go crush some rebel scum.

We have a shield as a class symbol....

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


The shield is a great tool for handling out of control situations. Scatter the foes with the AOE, then roll backwards and give everyone in front of you protection with the “wave” ability.

I generally use it when running with inexperienced PUGs. Provided nothing else works better at the time anyway.

Guardians, What annoys you the most?

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


1- The lack of scaling traits.
2- Some of the traits we can pick up are great at lower levels, but once you get to 80 they become trivial.
3-Obviously the solution would be to make them scale with level. Though the actual amounts are beyond me and would require someone versed in this sort of thing to determine what would be “fair”.

1- The Scepter
2- I am not a child playing with a can of “bubble solution” and a blower stick. Also, the AOE attack for it is unreliable. Not every “fist” hits, even if you’re standing still in the dead center of the attack.
3- A change to the animation would be nice. Something with fists from the aforementioned AOE attack. Perhaps even making it appear as though we are punching our foes at a range.

any signs of fixing hammer

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


For every situation, a weapon to suit it.

Guardians are walking armories. Start acting like it instead of lording the virtues of one weapon over another.

So how is killing things Jolly?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Romarix.5829


I for one take a great amount of joy from the act of murder.

Snaff jokes aren't cool.

in Lore

Posted by: Romarix.5829


That’s pretty funny actually. I lol’d.

Please rename "Retreat!"

in Guardian

Posted by: Romarix.5829


I use “Retreat!” for charging the enemy.

When is first wave of dungeon changes coming?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Romarix.5829


My 2 cents.

Currently, I believe that the difficulty of the dungeons needs tweaking. Specifically, Story mode needs to be less difficult, and dungeons in general need to be less . . . utterly deadly to melee users.

I like the current loot system though. With the sole exception being that fact that the final boss of a story mode dungeon only drops a hat the first run through, and nothing else the subsequent times.

Aside from these complaints I’m quite happy with the game.