Showing Posts For Rudedawg.1876:

Ranger vs revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Revenant’s problems are in PvE and spvp, not WvW.

Yea, okay, I don’t really play WvW so I’ll take your word for it I mean you must know what you’re talking about…

If you’re using hammer for roaming you’re doing it wrong anyways. And revenant shouldn’t be roaming after the nerfs made shiro and rev heals all but useless.

But you said Revenant was strong in WvW!
I think roaming is a part of that, no? Arguably the only fun part for a lot of people.

I know what you meant, but if Revenant is only good in blob vs blob, then I think the class does suffer in WvW to some extent.

Roaming in WvW is about as important as duels are in spvp. Fun for some people, but not the objective of the game format.

The match ups are won by zergs taking up and defending objectives. Roamers have a marginal impact on that on any highly populated and active server.

Blob vs blob is just <yawns>. Pretty much anything can be viable there. Grab guardian with lootstick and enjoy your loot.I actually played ranger in blobs and the only useless thing i had going for me there was pets who died right of the bat. Lb is stll useful due to its insane range and solid dps from far range, trait for pierce and there ya go. Also dem sweet mauls.

..Then again if you wanna talk about ranged weapons dragonhunter says hi with his bow that provides far more than rev will ever do in current state.

My point is simple – ranger longbow has amazing synergy within it kit, only 5 feels out of place. What kind of synergy hammer has going on apart from being a cor bot? Its just a bunch of random skills tossed on one weapon.

And roamers are far more important than you think. While your blob is busy at w/e you do, a group of 5 roamers is taking your t3 tower. You also needs camps to upgrade stuff, get supplies and what not, going to camp with whole blob is a waste of time. If anything you only show the problem with rev – hes worthless outside of zerg open pve zones/wvw blobs and that is definitely not acceptable state.

If i was all about blob stuff i would roll necro/ele.

That’s my experience with Rev in wvw – you are basically relegated to running around with the zerg as a boon or healing bot.

I find zerging mindless and boring.

Maybe I am not “contributing” as much as the zerglings are – but I am having much more fun scouting, killing dolyaks, flipping sentries, taking supply camps and towers etc…

OP; you just have to ask yourself what you want to do / enjoy doing more – pve, pvp, wvw, zerging, roaming… and then you will have a better idea what class will be more fun for you.

Ranger vs revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


It depends on whether you plan on pvping a lot or not.

Personally I cannot seriously pvp with a character with such a “clunky” way of applying stability.

Can a Rev apply stability – yes.

Is it intuitive and flow with the game – no.

Help with longbow build for WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Hi all,

Returning player who plans on playing mostly WvW and running around with the Zerg until I find a decent group / guild to run with.

I have been trying to make a longbow build that does decent damage.

But for now – it does about 500-600 on a regular attack and the specials do about 1.5 k.

I am thinking this is super low?

Any tips or links to a really good WvW Longbow build?


wow this is toxic

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Why would I want to play a Revenant healer? Might as well go play druid to heal effectively and reliably

WHy? I think Anet buffing it starts to give people a pretty compelling argument to do exactly that. If you’re rebuttal is just “play druid because the best”, then you really don’t care about what class you want to play or how you want to play it in the first place; that’s meta pushing.

I completely disagree with you.

Not everyone rolled Rev’s to play healer’s.

Anet has admitted themselves they are pushing Rev’s more and further into a support roll.

I suggest you go to the Anet description of the class and read what they have said their vision of the class is.

The players did not set up this false expectation – Anet did, they wrote the copy – not players.

By expanding our healing role; they are giving players something that the vast majority of Rev players did not ask for or want while willfully ignoring the problems that good players have taken the time to point out.

wow this is toxic

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Or it could actually be players like me who specifically bought HoT for the new class who were sold the class on…

“The revenant is a heavily armored warrior who augments devastating physical attacks with the mystical powers of legends from Tyrian history. Call upon these legends to change your heal, elite, and utility skills.”

I did not purchase HoT, and level up the Revenant to play a healer or a boon bot.

no biggy, ESO’s Morrowind is just around the corner and the Warden sounds like the class I was hoping the Rev would be.

How to use Enhanced Bulwark?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


I find using Inspiring Reinforcement to be “clunky” and frustrating in WvW.

“Create a stone road that damages and weakens foes as it’s created. Once it’s created it will pulse, granting stability to allies.”

When you have people running you down; you have to cast it, wait for it and then make sure you are running on it.

Seems like more of a pve skill than a pvp skill; as pvp and WvW are very mobile – always moving.

That’s why I don’t like the tablet build.

So rant over;

How else can I get stability as a Rev? I think there’s a rune for when you are under 20% health – but by then I am usually already dead.

Any other ways I can get stability so I can use “Enhanced Bulwark” out of the Herald line.


Retribution has a minor that gives you stab on successful evade.

Yes, sadly that’s what I thought – I hate relying on something so hit or miss for such a critical ability for pvp.

I dusted off my warrior today and played him for a bit… I’ll leave it at that…

How to use Enhanced Bulwark?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


I find using Inspiring Reinforcement to be “clunky” and frustrating in WvW.

“Create a stone road that damages and weakens foes as it’s created. Once it’s created it will pulse, granting stability to allies.”

When you have people running you down; you have to cast it, wait for it and then make sure you are running on it.

Seems like more of a pve skill than a pvp skill; as pvp and WvW are very mobile – always moving.

That’s why I don’t like the tablet build.

So rant over;

How else can I get stability as a Rev? I think there’s a rune for when you are under 20% health – but by then I am usually already dead.

Any other ways I can get stability so I can use “Enhanced Bulwark” out of the Herald line.


Hammer skins - which are your favorites?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Juggernaut. You just cant beat the effect where it changes your armor into a liquid silver color. And also the color changes depending on the ambient color theme of your surroundings.

Liquid metal trail effects when swinging hammer etc.

Just Awesome.

I just checked it out – over 3200 gold!


Is Revenant really that bad?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


seriously ppl are 2 use to power build shiro / herald….i’m seriously having great success with condi rev and especially rev tank/healer spec (i could bunk a pt all day long and provide imba amount of heal to my team)

Please provide your build – sounds awesome!

Is This Rev Build Viable, Malyx/Herald..

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Unyielding Anguish is a decent mobility skill, it has freezing when it hits to help chase down kiters. It’s not too bad for moving between points and escaping.

Unyielding Anguish is a terrible skill imo; and is one more reason that the Rev feels “clunky” to me as a class.

I like fluid movement, intuitive.

Warriors get a fantastic leap in sword 2 skill called “Savage Leap”

so much better for mobility.

Is This Rev Build Viable, Malyx/Herald..

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


With Glint instead, you’ll probably have better damage and sustain, but you’ll also be really slow so you might get kited a lot.

New player so excuse me for dumb question… I thought Glint has Facet of Elements?

Hammer skins - which are your favorites?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


I really like the look of The Punisher but not the stats so much – but from what I can see I can’t just buy it’s skin.

Anyone have a super cool weapon skin they can link for me that either I can farm or buy?


Friend to friend teleport how to get?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Hi all,

Returning player really enjoying HoT; but I have a problem.

I am pretty un-coordinated.

About half of the time I can make it to the HP’s – the other half – I missjump, get stomped by mobs, etc…

so today the entire group about 40 people made it to the HP, but I died and of course their not going to come back for me.

Any way for me to get more of the friend to friend teleports?

Or is there some other ability or item that will do the same thing that I can either farm or buy?


How to get hero points for Elite?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


I just did it for the 10th time a few weeks back. Given you have everything BUT the 250 needed for elite, (presumably from leveling and from Tyria), drop into HoT zones and start doing the 10x HP ones map by map. Most (75%?) are solo able. Some are just hunt them up and commune, others require killing a Vet and a few adds, and even some of the champ ones are solo able. Others, just start and someone will show up and help.

You only need 25 of them, you won’t be entirely through the 3rd zone and you’ll be done. Takes about an evening. The additional benefit is you’ll learn a lot of the maps.

Awesome! Thanks for the tip!

Quick question; what do you mean by 10x HP?

Is Revenant really that bad?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


I find because of the power requirement to run weapon and legend abilities that combat feels “clunky”.

For instance if I run the swiftness buff Impossible Odds from Shiro – it uses so much “energy” that I seldom have anything left over to use anything else.

So it really restricts me on how to play the Rev.

It’s like use one power and wait for regen to use another.

Well where’s the smoothness in play in that?

I hate global cool downs; and although it’s not quite the same, it feels the same way in what I would prefer which is fluid gameplay.

The only reason I am sticking with the class is because I hear with Glint the class does get a little bit better.

Crosses fingers

How to get hero points for Elite?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Hi all,

Returning player, who has come back and taken the free level up.

From what I understand I need hero points to lvl up my Elite to access it’s trait line and abilities.

I have started the storyline for HoT.

Is there another way to get Hero Points?

I really did not buy this game for pve; I find pve is boring.

I bought the game for PvP.

WvW Returning player; Warrior or Revenant?

in WvW

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


OP will you be running with a zerg, small group organised, unorganised small groups, solo roaming or seige hugging and flipping camps?

Or all of them?

The answers you get will depend on what you are doing and the environment you will be playing in. If you want an engaging dynamic class then I wouldn’t pick warrior as it’s very passive, not to say there isn’t a clear difference between a good and bad one just they do well against other classes regardless.

Revenant is very weak to condition damage and we are in a condi meta where they are strong especially in roaming so you will get your backside handed to you. A good rev can play around this and get a win but it’s a hard fight. It is a great power spiker and has great cleave though.

If you want something that has risk vs reward while being engaging play a zerk/zealots druid, power mesmer, non DP thief, core any class or power revenant. If you want an easy build you can do whatever with and be effective no matter where to berserker warrior and just switch headbutt to battlestandard if needed in zerg fights.

Thanks everyone for their well thought out responses.

I think I will pretty well be running with a zerg solo because quite honestly I don’t have the time to play more than an hour or two; two or three times per week.

Druid – isn’t that more of a support class that heals?

WvW Returning player; Warrior or Revenant?

in WvW

Posted by: Rudedawg.1876


Hi all!

I am a returning player – I used to play a Guardian for WvW; but found him too “static” for my liking so I stopped playing. (and yes maybe I played him wrong).

I am looking for a class I can play in WvW that’s a bit more “dynamic”.

I am thinking about either building a Warrior Beserker who from what I understand has good mobility, good survivability and can do decent burst or a Revenant.

I am not interested in playing a “role” per say – more about playing a build that’s fun, engaging and dynamic.

What would you say are the differences in playstyles, strengths and weaknesses of the 2 classes?
