Showing Posts For SadKeanu.3491:

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


You’ll still be able to get the wings, even with the considerable league changes coming with Season 5.

So I should quit now and avoid the S4 matchmaking system SoloQ fail and just wait until Season 5? Or should I continue to grind out through this current system and let my eye balls blow up?

Quit now and forever hold your peace!
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Let's hear your pet names!

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


BristleBack – Donald Trump
SmokeScale – MelGibsonJewHunter
Wolf- WrongHoleRobbie
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Desertion - change of rules for season 4 ?

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


OP similar thing happened to me. We were winning 100-0 about 2 minutes into the game, GW2 locked up hard crashed my computer. I come back its 120 to 180 us and our team is 3 capped. We bring it back and win 500 to about 350 with me having second most points in the game. I get desertion and lose pip and winstreak.

Desertion does nothing to stop the trolls who stand in base or just leave never to return. They plan on losing a PIP anyways when they do that. It just punishes the players who actually get kicked off the game for some reason out of their control and come back to help. Might as well just stay DC’d and download a game that doesn’t eat kitten. #salted
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

2 golds for daily is too much ! Its 730g/year

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


LOL this thread… complaining for getting more gold. sigh
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Stuck in Ruby, oh well

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


MMR and division are irrelevant .

even with low MMR, u will still able to reach the higher division as long you win.

That is exactly why I am suggesting the two be correlated. As it stands divisions are meaningless and no one knows where they are actually supposed to be at.

It should not be possible for a low MMR to reach a higher division without their MMR getting elevated to a somewhat similar range. Whether or not they deserve that MMR is an entirely different matter.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Stuck in Ruby, oh well

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I feel like if Anet would show your MMR to you and only you and then give an approximate range of what MMR should be where division wise, people would have a much easier time accepting their current placement in the division. Right now, no one knows where they stand in comparison to where they are supposed to be. All Anet gives is “you are where are you supposed to be when you are stuck” and for the most part that is hard to accept with really no proof.

Legendary Division Consists of on Average: 3000+ MMR rating
Diamond Divison Consists on Average of : 2500-3000 MMR Rating
Ruby Division Consists on Average: 2000- 2500 MMR Rating
and so on.

Lets say “Johnny Boy Leet Tators” the self-proclaimed pro leet rev has been stuck in “ruby hell” for 3 weeks. It is then revealed Mr Leet Tators has an mmr of 2200. This puts mr leet tators right where he should be on average and gives him a sense of OH wow, maybe I am just a ruby player. I need to improve my gameplay and MMR to get out of this kitten. Instead of i’m the best kitten REV on the planet why do I keep losing, everyone else must be bad, MMR hell, BURN ANETDOWN.

I agree that the Glicko MMR calculation is probably not 100% spot on for this game but its probably close enough. The divisions need some sort of gauge to actually prove they work for people to believe in them. That gauge should be MMR. I am guessing they do not do this for fear we will see just how jacked up the divisions actually are.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)

Lets change exalted legend

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Legendary Grinder
Legendary Nub Lifter
Legendary Time-Waster
Legend of the Mists
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Dumb Things You've Seen Teammates Do In Ruby

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I also enjoy when my team has 450 points and the other team has 350 and you see all 5 enemy players going to lord rush. You ping and type, but everyone stands there motionless. I get there in time but the 5v1 is not to be mine and I must watch the lord die as we are seconds from victory.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Dumb Things You've Seen Teammates Do In Ruby

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I like when I get search and rescued to a perfectly good location and start getting rez’d only to be search and rescued again by another druid to the middle of an AOE festival to die instantly. While watching the ele guarding home who is standing slightly off point get FULL CAPPED without noticing.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Loosing pip cause of 4vs5

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I agree this does happen way too much.

Lose vs Loose

A lot of people are mixing up lose and loose. In particular, a lot of people are writing loose when they really mean lose.

loose [lOOs] adj not fastened or pre-packed; not tied up or confined; able to move freely; not tight, not firmly fixed; not close-fitting; careless, inaccurate, vague; dissolute, immoral; not closely woven; flabby; (of bowels) inclined to diarrhoea; l. box stable or van in which an animal can move about; at a l. end uncertain what to do next; unoccupied ~ loose adv in a loose way; play fast and l. behave rashly or unscupulously ~ loose n release; on the l. free from restraint; on a spree; ~ loose v/t untie, undo; release from confinement or constraint, set free; detatch; fire (gun); shoot (arrow); (eccles) absolve.

lose (p/t and p/part lost) [lOOz] v/t and i no longer have; be deprived of by accident or misfortune; mislay, fail to find; fail to get or win; be too late for; be bereaved of; waste; be defeated or beaten; suffer loss, become worse off; fail to hear, see or understand; cause or allow to perish; (of clock or watch) go too slowly; (refl) miss the right path; become absorbed in; l. one’s head become flustered, panic; l. one’s temper grow angry; l. one’s way fail to find the right path; l. out (US) be defeated after a struggle.


This knot is too loose.
I had better not lose that pvp match because someone disconnects .
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Black crosshairs--take target

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I thought it was an intentional quality of life change and was quite happy with it. It made it easier to pick out the target in the mass of red names and skill aoe. Its pretty funny that unintentional bugs are better than most of their actual changes.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Build templates due last year.

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Shure that this is realy meaningful? I won´t do the same char just for that. swaping a few traits and weapons is i like to play diffrent today is easy. I would pay for other things but definitly not for this.

If swapping builds is so easy and no one minds it then why does this thread exist. I wouldn’t get an extra slot for it either, but that is not the point. There are people who have done it and have paid for extra character slots so they don’t have to worry about messing with traits and weapons every time they want to swap builds.. I am not saying build templates wouldn’t be better they would be awesome. I am just saying Anet has other obligations than what makes us happy aka making money. I am betting if they do come out with build templates, they will not be free.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Build templates due last year.

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


They will not do this, because this will hurt their wallet via character slot purchases. This is because many people now buy extra character slots and create another class they already have, just so they can use it to hold build variant for that class. For Example: Johnny Boy likes playing longbow ranger and druid, but hates swapping all the traits/weapons around. He puts longbow ranger build on his current character, then purchases an additional character slot creates another ranger and puts druid build on it. Presto Anet makes money and johnny just has to swap characters instead of spend 2 minutes making sure he changes all the traits correctly. If Anet makes build templates, this process won’t be needed anymore and they lose money.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Guild Challenger League rewards

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


didnt know they are also giving out rewards for shameless 5 man premades who roflstomp solo queue players, bravo anet

Didn’t you read the thread, they arent giving rewards to anyone…LOL
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Queuing Outside of HotM

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I would be happy with some sort of dueling mode/dueling arena, while waiting to que. I think that would make HOTM much more enjoyable and lead to a much more skilled playerbase.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Matchmaking explained

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Now I understand why they don’t want to show us our personal MMR. Because then we will have evidence every game of how kitten the matchmaking is. classic.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Let's all just move

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I decided GW2 just isnt worth the frustration anymore, bought a ps4 and am actually having fun playing video games now. I still read the forums in hopes they will eventually get something right with this game but… that hope is all but lost.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST


in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


But you won’t play the shiny new Revenant class if they fix warrior. If you don’t play the shiny new Revenant class, then you wont need to buy an extra character slot and armor and weapons and character storage bags and all the other gold/gem sinks. Wouldn’t hold my breath on them fixing warrior anytime soon, until they squeeze the money out of rev first.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


At least you didn’t mix up “loose” and “lose”. Ty for that.

His second grade English teachers smile upon him!
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Fix stomping

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Yep, stomping on my ranger has been a struggle. Finish the stomp, pole goes down through(nothing yet), stand there for a second for good measure. Guy still laying there on the ground unharmed…. continue to stand there confused as to what just happened. Then end up just cleaving..
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Revenant way to over powered

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I feel like Revenant is fine balance wise and a very interesting and fun class to play against/use. Sure they can put out good damage if they nail all their abilities(so can other classes running maurader/zerker), but that is what they are supposed to do. As mentioned previously, it is possible to counter play them. They are by no means unkillable and require a good amount of skill to maximize their potential.

The base issue is, people aren’t familiar with this class yet. They don’t understand how it works and therefore don’t know how to play against it. So they start blaming the class instead of their own play when they die. Because everyone knows its never the person who dies fault, it couldn’t possibly be them lacking in playing ability. They cry Overpowered please NERF! instead of learning how to play against it.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST


in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I was about to drop this quote:
“I see the ranger, but where is the danger?”

We get the danger for about 24 to 48 hours once a year. You have to look super hard for it. lol
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST


in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Welcome to being a ranger in GW2, you will be viable for ALMOST a whole 24 hours once every 6 months to a year. Then get immediately beaten to death with a nerfbat, see you guys out there!
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

The Druid [PvP] build you should use

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


if condis become a problem you can swap out nature protection for Wildy Survival. It also adds in some extra condi dmg on your torch and pet. With even more quickness and CC.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Made a great Druid SPvP build!

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491

streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)

Your pet names

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Owl: Kenny Loggins
Wolf: MelGibsonJewHunter
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Celestial Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I have been running this and taking a dump on side points solo queuing. Healing spring on the short CD is very nice with the condi clear and blast/leap potential especially while running Quickdraw. Its a tough build to kill and puts out very nice damage. Not a ton of mobility, but the warhorn helps.;9k-E;1Z_a;0256137237;9;1fgm9fgm90i
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Fix for Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Create a GrandMaster trait (“ONE WITH THE BEAST”) , this trait fuses the ranger with its currently equipped pet, giving the ranger a stat boost and the Pets unique activated ability. The ranger would be able to swap between pets just like now, changing the pet unique activated ability and triggering on pet swap traits.

This would still give the whole idea pets are still there and being used, without the stupid pet AI to deal with. This seems like it would fit perfectly fine within the ranger theme. I would suggest replacing HONED AXES in beastmastery. The benefit to this would essentially be not having a stupid AI to deal with.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)

Rapid fire belongs on SB

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I completely agree. Rapid fire fits way more effectively on shortbow. It would allow you to actually stack conditions effectively enough to do actual damage. The shortbow is a faster more mobile weapon and the skills should reflect that aka why rapid fire fits perfectly on it.

Then all you have to do is move concussion shot to longbow. Decrease the cooldown a bit, increase the damage. Give a short daze if you hit from the front or a large stun and extra damage if you hit from the back or side. This would actually have some synergy with Moment of Clarity(synergy with our traitline that doesn’t involve the wolf running into a wall repeatedly because he can’t figure out how to use the stairs, then fears the air because the guy he was chasing is far gone by the time he casts anything). This type of skill fits much better on a longbow, which is supposed to be powerful and debilitating not fire arrows quickly, that is what a shortbow does.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Remorseless Not proccing?

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Is the opening strike maybe proccing in the same hit frame as the fury, thus not giving you a chance to use it afterwards? If this is the case you should get a crit everytime the fury procs on a greatsword swing. Or else Anet dun kittened up again
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

GG Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


So the inevitable Taunt nerf has come, and rather quickly.
They even add internal CD on traits I never really bother to pick anyway lol…
Oh LotF would never be picked on any none SB spec ever, and SB is still a crap weapon.

So no bug fix for Mesmer’s blind shatter go through invulnerable/evade, while taunt has to be fixed asap? The double standard is real, so real. The fact that no ICD on all those OP traits explain alot.

Yet, no fix to any of the Mesmer or Ele OP traits lol… (PU says hi)
No fix to our off-hand, traps, and spirits problem. No fix for the pet’s missing attribute.
All it has is nerf after nerf on an already under-powered class.
GG Anet for slapping in ranger’s face once again. Guess ranger is really Anet’s least favorite profession of all time.

They didn’t slap us in the face, they bent us over and shoved a bow up our kitten . Because we are now completely useless in every aspect.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Hybrid Build in the Land of Zerker

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


You could drop bw for zeyphers, swap fire sigil for battle, and you’ll get more damage from might stacking.

I would be tempted to drop skirmishing for marks as well, as you will get the extra blast finisher and the extra vuln stacks from remorseless.

Oh and oakheart salve for the -5% damag since you will have perma regen.

I would be more tempted to drop the beast mastery, but the taunt is very good. I just like skirmishing for the condy burst it allows with splitblade/torch plus the extra 20% dmg to bleeds. The trappers expertise also makes healing spring very good on only a 24 second cooldown. The amount of times you can blast the field with quickdraw for extra health is quite awesome. (Warhorn, Leaps, Regen from Splitblade)

I would be more tempted to get rid of beastmastery and throw on nature protection for some added tank, but it felt tanky enough so I went with the buff pet. I definitely see the value in the nature protection especially in a build like this one.

I would also be interested to try the QZ with battle sigils though. That would definately add some dps to the build. See if the uptick in damage is worth the CC loss. That taunt is so hard not to take.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)

My Current Build in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I think this particular build would benefit more from the skirmishing line and quick draw than it would the marksmanship . Especially if you want to tank on point a bit. You can pull some fancy stuff with the extra evades and skills you can squeeze in with quick draw.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Hybrid Build in the Land of Zerker

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


you can set up a pretty good point holder/brawler using remorseless, this way you can use + toughness + vitality gear in the current meta. Things will change again once the bugs have been fixed and OP classes brought back down to earth.(maybe)

I tried out a cavalier remorseless build, it worked well and put out some good burst when executed properly. The only issue I had was using remorseless efficiently, its hard to keep track of all the fury procs and opening strikes ect and match them properly to what the opponent is doing so you don’t waste them. It may just be something that I need to play ALOT and get used to and I will probably come back to it at some point. But I was more inclined to use something with quickdraw, it seems more reliable.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Hybrid Build in the Land of Zerker

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


As much as I like running around blowing people up with a longbow and greatsword. It feels a bit misplaced in a capture point mode.

I wanted a build that could hold a point 2v1 long enough for support to arrive and have a decent chance in 1v1s while being able to offer something to larger teamfights than single target dps.;9k21;1_bZ;0237036256;4LJW4K;15NV05NV00H

This build gives good condition pressure with some decent raw damage with the sigil procs/crits/axe bounces.

It offers perma regen/condi clears with healing spring and boons with warhorn. It gives some nice aoe cc with a good amount dodge rolls and is overall pretty tough to bring down. The quickdraw makes it easy to apply conditions or spam dodges.

Is this wishful thinking in the current meta or is it better to just run around and pew pew lol
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Having a GOOD Ole Time

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I don’t know about everyone else, but i’m having a BLAST!??

All SoloQ but three or four: grouped with one other person non-ts
total games: 27
total wins: 24
total losses: 3

Playing against bots in ranked matches is thrilling! I used to love pvp, having intense close games against challenging players pushed you to get better win or lose. Now its just been dull except for maybe 5 games.

Not sure what is going on now. I wish there was some sort of indicator of the level of people we play against. I have no clue if I am actually improving at this game or playing low MMR people and the leaderboard sure as hell doesn’t give any reasonable indication of overall progression as a player.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

WTB ranked wins

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


streaming weeknights after 6PM EST


in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I do agree with you, players do blame scapegoats because admitting you suck is hard and MMR is a visable target. I just think it will happen regardless, I know it happens now and isnt going away anytime soon. It doesn’t have to show it every game, but at least some sort of leaderboard to show progress or at least visable to only you.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST


in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I don’t seem to understand the reluctance to show us our stats/MMR. Does Anet really believe showing MMR will get people flamed, that aren’t already prone to being flamed? If someone is not as good as the other people on the team it becomes apparent right away. Hiding this fact until the game starts just fuels the rage fire even more. Showing the MMR would help players prepare for what they are up against and give them a chance to form a plan/mentally prepare before the game. Its hard to help someone while you are 2v1ing because they are running in circles.

Showing stats will also help digest post match results. Right now its hard to tell why you lost, so everyone immediately blames their teammates or" Pre-made other team". Maybe the other team was just better or maybe you just sucked and brought everyone down? Stats will show that and make it easier to make sense of wins or losses. If people can understand why they lost its easier to handle and they are more likely to keep playing and RAGE LESSSSSS.

Stats also give players something to work towards, if you are 1500 MMR and the top player is 1750 you can kind of gauge yourself and have something to work towards that keeps you coming back, unlike rewards tracks or this current leader board situation(if you can’t play 30 games a day too bad?). Whether you like it or not, what keeps people playing PVP is the ability to say hey look how good I am and here is the proof, im an MMR of 1750 and average 15 kills a game ect. ITS A GAME WHERE YOU VIRTUALLY KILL EACHOTHER, STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT FAMILY FRIENDLY lol.

Even if Anet is adamantly against the showing MMR/stats in game, what is the harm of making a separate MMR leaderboard along side the current point leaderboard. If people can’t see how they stack up to others skill wise, there is really no point to playing and the player base will be gone so fast. I think everyone agrees this current leaderboard isn’t a very good representation of skill.

I would also love to see additional stats such as: Average Kills a round, average points defended/assaulted, average stomps and so on. I think it would add some additional content that would give pvp players something more that just tracking wins/loses/MMR.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Bye bye solo q

in PvP

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


I have q’d 6 games solo from about ~5:30PM EST to ~7EST and had a very good experience with all of them. The first few games the other teams seemed a bit lower skill tier(not horrible though)and the last few were very close and competitive with equally skilled players on both sides. I am happy with it so far, a little under two minute q times and fairly even matches with a nice balance of team comp on both sides. Seems fine to me… maybe I just lucked out?
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Ongoing King/Queen of the Hill Results

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know i’m always willing to duel/test out builds so if anyone wants to try something out, hit me up.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Ongoing King/Queen of the Hill Results

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Siroso! I am fresh off my ban from GW2 and ready to challenge you for your kingship.

**Special thanks to FrouFrou for the support during my exile.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Ongoing King/Queen of the Hill Results

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Yeah, the duel with Siroso was pretty intense. Not that I think I’m the best player ever, but his build immediately highlighted the limitations of my own, and confirmed a few things I had on my mind going into the KotH challenge:

  • Survival of the Fittest with Lightning Reflexes and Entangle alongside Signet of Renewal is enough condition cleansing to counter other rangers (not necessarily other condi classes like Engis and Necros, but there is certainly a possibility there)
  • Shortbow does not do enough damage on it’s own to kill a sustain capable, bunker stylized build unless the person makes more than one or two mistakes

Those factors out of the way, I couldn’t have asked for a happier defeat! Against an uncommon (at the very least unpopularized) build no less. I won’t give away ALL of the secrets (not sure if they are secrets, but still, no unfair advantages haha), but I will say that I was both surprised and impressed with it’s capabilities.

I will admit that during the heat of the moment, he actually pushed me to my performance limit, both with the match up fights and the few for fun duels we had afterwards when I switched things up…..
…..Which is exciting! I already have a few ideas on what I could have done differently and the optimal build to play, BUT, I still need to get hands on with his playstyle to figure out the exact limitations of the build (given my own current skill cap as a factor).

Siroso, the meta-killer (I’m sticking by my word hahaha), I do have one request! Please message BadKeanu in game and give him the first chance you can at a duel. He was one of the first people to ask me but our time zones didn’t match up and in the spirit of keeping the activity going and not putting it on hold, I played first come, first serve when I was available.

So please play him as soon as you can! He will have been waiting patiently more than long enough.

To the theorycrafting drawing board with me!

JCBroe I would love to duel you/the current king, unfortunately my account has since been blocked for an unspecified amount of time by Anet for reasons unknown to me (sighh). So my quest for king will be put on hold for now. This is an awesome event/community and I am saddened I can’t participate in it anymore. Oh well, you win some, you lose some and then you get banned for no apparent reason lol. I look forward to dueling with you guys.. at some point?! hopefully haha.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Ongoing King/Queen of the Hill Results

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


SadKeanu.3491, Eggyokeo.9705, I’m on right now. Message me in game when you are ready.

Completely missed this post, my bad. I will try and catch you something this weekend?!
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Ongoing King/Queen of the Hill Results

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Where are the NA peeps??

@itisfinished I challenge you. I am available tonight 9/30 or Tommorrow 10/1 after 6:00PM EST.
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

Theorycrafting a LB Dueling build

in Ranger

Posted by: SadKeanu.3491


Here are a couple of general longbow builds that come to mind for the new updates:

This build provides a decent amount of survivability for running Zerker while still outputting a large amount of DPS and can be modified easily for 1v1, tpvp or wvw roaming.

This build is a signet variation with less survivability with the possibility of giant burst dmg potential on the greatsword with signet of the hunt activated and Maul. Also activating signet of the beastmaster for another dmg boost with quickness on petswap for stomps/rapidfire/barrage. Not to mention the pet attacks.. will be huge with full beast line and might on crit. BUT…If you get condis on you or found by a thief you are dead.. lol
streaming weeknights after 6PM EST

(edited by SadKeanu.3491)