Showing Posts For Samiri.6439:
Sometimes the fact of reality is cruel and unfair.
Now I don’t know what your disability is, but how about changing your skillset to something you can do now. Go learn programming, web development ect ect. You can earn some cash that way. There are also Internet jobs, they don’t always pay well, and some are scams but they are out there, and you could again maybe get a job.
I knew a friend who hired foreign people to translate news into different languages for money. The pay was not great but it was still a pay.
I hope you start learning something and maybe change your situation, maybe just a little, just dont give up.
WHat to use Karma on, I never use it for anything
A little OT, but what to use Karma for anyway, I have 300.000 and dont know what to spend it on
I love my Dx12 Windows 10, its running sooo smootthhh
Today when I played in WwW, I couldent cast skills for 1-3 sec, when in Internal battlegrounds. Other people in chat was talking about it whit out me even asking if they had lag as well.
In page 11. How do you put out the fire???
Were is page 11 ?
So your saying the events starts when?
I am having the same issue with the sound. Its really annoying if it happends in WWW because you have to wait 2 houres in Que again :-(
The game actuly crashes sometimes when this bugs acours.