Showing Posts For Sanchez.4017:

Engi/Ranger/Mesmer racism in WvW squads

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Some server like for example maguuma, they will just flat out reject any ranger. Period. It doesn’t matter if you are a full geared heal support druid. Just the culture of the server they have created and pugs have to go along with it.

This is also reason why maguuma commanders are so prone to pin snipe because they don’t have those thief, druid, engineer stealth to prevent the other party from marking a “KILL ME PLS” sign above their head.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Anet pls put SBI to full

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


To be honest, why would Anet close the gate to these bandwagon? They are making profits out of this.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

So I reinstalled the game

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


2- Condi bomb meta, thieves just roam around applying 4k+ condi ticks in an instant from stealth while your waiting for your slow skills to crit. Like what the hell is this supposed to be fun or balanced? It’s not how the game used to be.
6- My framerate got way worse (lost about 15fps) for no apparent reasons

2. I have to agree with you on this. It’s kitten OP. Doesn’t matter if you have 30k to 35k HP, you will still get killed in matter of seconds. If they ever nerf resistance, this needs to look into as well.

6. Looks like i’m not the only one having this problem.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

You know you're a scout when ...

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


When you got so used to pin up and type in map chat, “XX server zerg! My tag!”

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

new revival rules

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


It’s a great change (even though i often abuse it with mid combat stealth res commander pin in the past). In this oversize borderland, if you die in a fight and your team on losing side, well, good luck in marathon run back lol. The fight probably over by the time you get back. That’s why it became significantly important not to die especially you are in a pug following a guild group because their prority are to res their guild members first, not a pug.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Are defenders extinct?

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Been playing gw2 since release and currently 3,042 WvW rank(Platinum scout). 90% of my gaming hours are spent in T1.

1. Been a scout actively for first two years. Jumping around maps to search for enemies. Camping enemy spawn point for activity for hours. Guarding towers and keeps for hours During Season 1, I spent 20 hours on first day killing yaks to prevent enemy keep and tower from upgrading. Those are times when PPT are still desirable. Now they are sort of like cancer, people are starting to realise there’s no point going for PPT since the rewards are so undesirable even in seasons. Secondly, we are in T1 and we will be facing same opponents for the next year or two, so what’s the point?

2. Before HoT release, i used to hop around all maps and tends to find a guild commander pin to roll with them. After HoT release, i tend to stay only in eb unless i’m with my guild group. There’s very little to no actions in desert borderlands even in T1 off NA timezones.

3. All depend on the current active commander i’m following and what he wants. But now, i rather spend my full time in a zerg fights. Wasted too much time scouting in the past, commanders tends to take it for granted, just to be honest.

4. This is hard to say. Because let’s say if you are in contact with the current active commander and able to relay every piece of information but you are in fact scouting alone in the map. Is that consider solo or part of team? But yea, i tend to solo capture camps, kill yaks, sometime solo cap paper tower if there are no commander to follow.

I think the main reasons for the dedicated defenders to go extinct are
a) the side effects of auto upgrade. Although changed to depend on the number of yaks, very few people would want to escort yaks unless the server is PPT oriented.
b)years of PPT are enough for most people. I’m guessing either they quit the game totally or rather spend time in killing stuff
c)scouting is a very unrewarding job. Sometimes when you report an attack after hours of scouting an t3 objective, the fight guilds just want to contiune their fights and very reluntant to defend, and you watch your hard work just flip without any resistance. Nowadays, guilds in T1 usually has their own “information network point of contact”, so they know the whereabouts of the enemies better than having a honest scout in the map.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Going back to old BL maps is not practical

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


i think you guys use the word ‘majority’ a little too loosely.
We only have a few players commenting in the forums.
There may be the real ‘majority’ that is okay with playing on the new BL but with some fine-tuning.

This can’t be true. Look at how empty the desert borderland is.
You may argue that it’s because the players are all scattered across the huge map.

Just weeks before HoT was released when garrison is under attacked, the map would be instantly queued with everyone pouring in like crazy to try to save it. With the commander shouting in map chat and ts and everyone trying to grab a siege, the kitten was so intense.

Now, in new desert borderland, even scouts hate that place. No one even care whatever happened to the garrison and that’s the situation in T1 NA now.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Why is JQ full when is outmaned on all bls?

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Not only JQ, wvw population has dropped steeply for all T1 servers to a point where most of time BG and JQ would contact each other to organise fights among themselves, not giving a care about that illusionary PPT. Results in having a closer bond with rival guilds of the same timezone.

Not going to insult YB or anything but I really hope that YB slowly realise how pointless PPT is in T1 because let’s be honest here, no other servers are going to break the T1 wall at this point, ever.

Bring back 3 ways fights!

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Last story mission is VERY BUGGED [Spoilers]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


I completed my last chapter yesterday on 1st try and didn’t encounter any bugs at all. I was soloing btw(had no idea why people want to group up for it, better rewards maybe?).

Is it because of grouping that created these bugs and the story mission are meant to be solo?

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Pet Passive F2 Activation

in Ranger

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


A lot of times when I tried to finish off a downed state ranger with stealth (Shadow Refuge) , i often get fear off by this kitten wolf. This wolf have sort of becoming the “Must Have” pet for WvW in T1.

Beside that, they don’t seem to have problems with executing pet skill .I think the main problem is selecting or deselecting target so the pet will know whether to use the skill on the target or on the spot. (Still depends on the pet skill type.)

Hope that helps:)

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Tagging of keeps

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


It takes practice and patience to watch 20 enemies guarding every gates but they still can’t stop you. That’s the joy right there.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Starscream [IRON], R.I.P

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Rest in peace, starscream

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

PPT or Bags?

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Rall wants to think they’re special and they let people play how they want, at the same time they only play to fight and think that’s how they win. The reality is every server lets their guilds play however they want, but they tend to have a healthy balance of both types of players. The Rall elitist keep campaigning for the fights, that will drive away their ppt players and eventually their pugs from wvw or even the server, hell even some of their for the fights guilds already jumped ship.

Thumb up on this quote. This is one of the main reason why I left SoR. I love scouting because I want to bring a whole different level of scouting to this game and how scouting can change the course of war. But what is the point of scouting if my server don’t even play for PPT. I don’t get bags from these scouting, and I don’t get paid for scouting. What I want to see is the outcome at the end after my 4 to 6 hours hard work.

I asked the “community leaders of sor” this question at somewhere around july last year. “What is the point of scouting if the server don’t care about PPT?” The reply I get is, “if that is the case, then ignore PPT. Just do what you want.”. I was scratching my head because they did not understand my view.

My point of view regarding bags or PPT is the same as most of the posts above. It should have a healthy balance between fights and PPT. That is to keep both of those who love fights and those who love the success of their actions happy. And if you really want bags, go karma train. I got full inventory every 20 to 30 mins, it is much more rewarding.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Nice fight from [AT], [NYS], [Hi] on JQ South bay.

Picture of us together though I cannot reveal myself to you guys unfortunately.

- Kasumi


Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

World Siege Abilities Adjustment

in WvW

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


If you are on a catapult with zero trait points and someone standing beside has full catapult mastery, you are not giving the best for the team. Because he/she can get the wall down a lot faster than you.

Save the commanders the hassles to micro manage everytime to ensure the right person gets to man the siege.

This is a very good suggestion.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

BG ~ JQ ~ SoR Week 7 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


All good then, I hate to see people trash talking to him or ignore his contributions.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

BG ~ JQ ~ SoR Week 7 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Hello Omnitek,

I am not sure what you are driving at. There’s no coverup. Here’s the link, it’s plain out in the open, we are offering assistance to guilds wanting to transfer over. No secret.

Yes, the committee has changed the “not buying guilds” stance because a majority of the guilds represented said go ahead. On how the committee is represented it’s been repeated many times through channels and server reset meetings. Again, there’s no secret. No high/war council, it’s just a simple setup of committee to help the community and Indo has given his blessings and still remains the Speaker.

I am sorry that you feel excluded. Hope to see you in game more often.

Take care

Question, since SoR is now collecting donations for “assistance packages” (translation: buying guilds) do I, being a SoR player, get to die laughing at the “we dont buy guilds” we still spew out of our collective server mouths?

Or, since only certain people are invited to the “comittees” that make server decisions, am I not supposed to talk about it?

Pls respond,
Concerned SoR citizen

Hi fan!

My name is A L T S. Maybe you have seen around a few times. I play every, single night in wvw. I would like access to the forums where you all have your discussions.


I can personally vouch for ALTS, he’s an excellent tactical TSYM necro commander back in the days. Can ask Bashido (OP of this thread) if you don’t believe me.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Fellow Lady Thieves! Show your style!

in Thief

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


My thief, Kasumi Gotoo.
Started out like any ordinary thief. Fresh in WvW and eager and willing to learn anything.

As time passes, she found her role in WvW as a scout. She realize the importance of covert operation and hiding the identity.

Finally, she gave in to mechanic body enhancement which in turn destroyed her face and forever hiding in her mask. Staring lonely at the moon.


Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanchez.4017



For weeks, while you were starting to command, a lot of SOR commanders gave you sound advice and tried to guide you including me. Kindly refrain from doing this, it does not speak well of your character.

Moving to JQ is one thing, throwing mud at your old server mates is another.


That’s it, I kept wondering where have I seen that name Molasses Muscles. He used to command militia in SOR EB and it’s his errr….. “unusual” commanding style that gave me a deep impression. Thought he transferred off to BG, why now in JQ?

Just want to mention, every server has its ups and downs. SoR just happens to met her down period but I’m sure they will find their way through this difficult times. Coron Bale coming back before Christmas so stay strong, SOR!

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Open Field Scout Looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Thank you all for offering me a place in their server and guild. I have decided to stay in JQ for a change.

Even though most guild representatives unable to answer me my purpose of open field scouting. Open field scout does not mean Open Field battle. It is a skill mainly for defense and surprise tactics without the use of underhand methods such as spying in TS or map, and the trust and coordination between an open field scout and commander greatly improve the effectiveness of the tactics.
But once again, thank you for the interest in me and good luck in the battlefield.

Sorry for the late reply. I am more than welcome to teach more about open field scouting to anyone interested. I am just thinking of how to teach without transfering into WvW.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Open Field Scout Looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Hello, my name is Kasumi Gotoo from Singapore. Currently, I’m an open field scout (thief) in SoR. I’m looking to join a guild/server that is active and willing to put at least 4 hours a day in WvW. It can either NA/OCX or SEA guild as my working time is flexible.

Since launch – December 2012 – Darkness is everywhere (DIE) Commander
December 2012 – September 2013 – Tsym open field scout

Ability to follow an enemy zerg
Ability of map reading to track enemy
Strong memory of timer such as camp flipped timer, enemy waypoint timer
Depends on wits to outsmart enemy rather than monthly patch builds
WvW Rank 420, has mastery in all types of sieges as first line of defense
Willing to pay for server transfer cost and scout for whole server

Reason for leaving SoR:
Used to be Tsym main scout for 9 months before they left for another game. Currently looking for a guild that has a respect for scouting, making full tactical use of scouting report and most importantly, a friendly community that is willing to accept my disability (left ear deaf hence difficulty listening and talking in Teamspeak).

(Edited: For adding video)

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

(edited by Sanchez.4017)

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


I think personally that is called morale boast rather than hard work. It’s something like in soccer match, the morale of the team heightened so much after scoring a goal and they just want to keep the ball rolling.

Anyway, very nice fights from all 3 servers. BG has become more tactical. JQ has shown their never give up spirit and surprise. SoR finally shown its true colour far beyond anyone expectations. This is what kept WvW alive for so long.

PS: Just don’t burn yourself out, SoR. Slow and steady win the long run

From Kasumi

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

That's how WvW-Statistics should look like

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


I like the idea of queueing showing. But not the showing of WvW population.

Scenario 1:
if you know where most of the enemy is, you will certainly want to move to a map with the least number of enemy and perform PvDoor.

Scenario 2:
Let’s say you are on different timezone unlike most of the server. You about to WvW and on the WvW map selection screen. But the low number on every map just discourages you from doing it. In the end, you are forced to move to a more stacked server or simply stop playing anymore.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Engineer's uses in WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Place Turrets on walls Keeps or in front of doors at Towers and Garr.
Then run around in a big zerg where you can get away with only using weapon skills.
When a Turret dies alert everyone of which base is being attacked.

This reminds me of the shaman’s sentry totem in Wow where you can switch view with the totem. It is not useful in Wow at all, but if we have make use of the concept and implement a sentry turret which has the main objective of watching over a keep or tower, this will somehow defines our usefulness in WvW or Pvp.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Engi March State of the Game

in Engineer

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Just some simple suggestions for ANet. Wow devs realize that a simple AoE will wipe out all 4 totems, therefore they made them to be unAoEable. Players need to target the totem manually to kill it with 1 hit. And of course my main was a shaman and GW2 made me quit WoW.

I’m quite excited to see what kind of changes they can do to the turrets. To be honest, turrets and gadgets really need some love.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.

Engineer Gadget Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Sanchez.4017


Engineer should be like James Bond, that’s why we have all these gadgets to help us deal with any type of situations.

Firstly, I wish there is some kind of stealth detection ability. Like utility goggles is an excellent choice for implementing it. Upon activating it allows only the engineer to see the outline of the stealth enemy for a couple seconds.

For slick shoes, well, i don’t know, it feels really buggy. The speed boost on slick shoes tool belt seems exactly the same speed with the swiftness ones and it does not work together with swiftness either. As for the knockdown, doesn’t seems to work every time. I mean I will prefer to use bomb kit instead for escaping because of glue bomb and big ol’ bomb, they saved me countless of times. Something need to make slick boot more appealing.

Ghost Scout – You can’t kill what you can’t see.