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Party Buffs with signets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Could we please let signet buffs, like 10% speed boost, effect everyone you are partied with?

I have to not use that signet since I usually party with my ranger, and it’s just inneffective to constantly out run my group.

LOTRO had a similar mechanic with their hunters — when speed boosts were applied they effected the whole party.

SWTOR also had a similar mechanic. If you applied “force valor” while you were in a group everyone in the group got it. Nice players who soloed could even click on people and apply the buffs (which lasted for an hour) to other toons.

Please give toons more of a reason to party. As it stands now most people ad hoc group — and it’s obvious why — there’s not much incentive to party.

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Why do you not WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I don’t WvW much because:
(a) Takes forever to run from the spawn point to the action. Too much downtime before I get to have fun.
(b) Things are rarely balanced at the macro level. Too often we either control the entire map or we control none of the map and are penned up at our spawn point. Either way, not fun.
© Things are rarely balanced at the micro level. Either I’m part of a huge zerg and everything’s already dead before I get to it, or I’m on my own and I get hunted and killed by the first enemy to spot me.
(d) I’ve done it already. Same reason I don’t go back and replay the zones I’ve finished much – I’ve seen the content and moved on.
(e) No recognition of personal effort. I pull out my big AoEs and things die – but everyone else was doing the same thing. Was my AoE helpful? Or did I miss entirely? Am I just sitting here being useless? How would I know?
(f) Costs of being relevant are too high. I don’t want to spend my silver buffing outposts or buying siege plans when we’re just going to lose all the terrain again overnight. I have better things to do with that silver that I’ll see the benefit of personally.
(g) The map’s confusing. The shortest path from a spawn point to the action is rarely a straight line – there are cliffs and bridges and water and falling damage and gates and it’s just a pain trying to actually find the battles and take part in them.
(h) PvP players are the worst. They’re exactly the people I’d least choose to hang out with of my own accord.

Nailed it. I would modify (h) to say Some PvP players are the worst. Everytime I log in there is at least one player yelling at everyone else in the map. Namecalling. QQing. Etc etc.

(i) WvW is boring. While the idea sounds cool to me (sieging/defending towers, working together in groups to take out opposing armies) the execution is lacking. There’s rarely any coordination beyond – you need to come HERE. You don’t get any rewards for defending and upgrading a tower, unless it comes under attack meaning there’s no incentive to do this thing called defend your keep. Yada yada.

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Please add a /stuck in game ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Even if getting stuck is “rare” it could easily be made “non-existent”.

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Please add a /stuck in game ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I have never been stuck in game once, and having waypoints kind of makes it a non-problem if you did get stuck.

How often do people get stuck?

Did you even read the OP?

I use a rifle, which knocks me up and back pretty far. I’ve been shot over walls into weird triangular walls before while registering as “in combat”. This, if you didn’t realize, prevents you from warping since you can’t warp while in combat.

Just today a party member got stuck in the hollow column of the Forsaken Fortune, which is an event explorer “dungeon” that you can’t warp into. And once you warp out, you can’t reenter the dungeon without starting the entire event over again. This guy missed out on the chest and looting the final boss.

A /stuck mechanic fixes the, usually infuriating instances, where a waypoint warp doesn’t work or produces undesirable results (such as missing a chest loot and event title you worked so hard to get).

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Fix Aggro Transfer Griefting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I sorta-kinda yearn for the old EverQuest trains, actually. I have never been a fan of the post-WoW mechanic of tethering mobs to within a short distance from their spawn and resetting them if they’re pulled beyond it.

Bwa ha ha ha. Glutton for punishment are we?

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Better Trading Post Information

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


It took me a moment to understand your post. I would have started with “Gear Bags need level requirements shown like other armor has”. At first it just seems like you messed up and are qqing.

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Please add a /stuck in game ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I don’t see a problem with it being in PvP. If if it moves someone a short distance — they won’t be moved out of the range of an attack and would take damage typing it in. It was available in SWTOR PvP and wasn’t an issue.

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Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


No mounts in Tyria please.

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Stop banning and roll back the bans.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


you know these anti bot banning things have never effected me in any game ive ever played? maybe im just really lucky. or maybe i just never use bots. probably because i never use bots.

Also if you are a particularly good player who does “better than any level X should do in Y situation” people tend to report you for hacking.

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Color Blindness Accommodations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I’m not color blind and support this thread. I’d love to see this game be more accessible.

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Fix Aggro Transfer Griefting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I really wouldn’t consider this “griefing” since I consider “griefing” to be more along the lines of harrasing and constantly/repeatedly having a negative impact on someone’s game play. Anet, in general, has done a great job preventing griefing from even being a possibility in this game.

everyone can loot the same node, so no one can speed boost in and take the rich node while you fight off the veteran guarding it

even if that mob does kill you — cause I guess you were afk — you can just respawn at a nearby waypoint for very little gold.

Juvenile animals can’t be killed.

There is no PvE PvP flag — so no one can exploit that flag to kill and harrass you repeatedly.

Quest items, such as pulling up grubs, can be used by everyone.

The list of awesome things that Anet is doing right continues.

I’ve never been killed by a mob chasing someone when I wasn’t afk. And when I am afk another person usually comes along to rez me (therefore negating any marginal repair bill I might have as a result of that death) before I even get back.

I don’t see a griefing problem in this game.

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Please add a /stuck in game ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Please add a command, such as /stuck, that will instantly teleport you a short distance if you get stuck in a wall or something.

Using waypoints as the stand in for this service falls short in several situations:

You are being registered as in combat, but you aren’t actually being damaged by anything so you can’t die to teleport out of the place you are stuck.

You become stuck in an explorer event, such as that pesky hollow column in Forsaken Fortune, thereby losing your ability to port out and reenter the dungeon (not to mention missing the chest and boss loot).

You get stuck inside a tower under siege in WvW, so your only teleport option is far far away and requires you to miraculously survive the zerg to renter the tower.

… I’m sure there are others. Please add this service to the game. o<

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So why is WvW so boring, what am I missing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I’ve been entering WvW and I never see anything going on. I see a battle on the map, spend 10 minutes running there and its gone. No one in sight. There is another one, run for 10min, nada.

^This is why I can not get into WvW.

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The most hardcore playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


So after experiencing the game for a couple of months, I have to say I hands down find Asura to be the most hard core race. They are just so nonchalant about danger and death.

Oh? Your lab assistant’s experimenter went horribly awry, incinerating half the lab, killing dozens, and causing the survivors to fight rampaging steam monsters from an alternative dimension … did you try calibrating your elemental caustic power infuser?

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Why is zerging shunned?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Another word for zerg is an “unstoppable force”. .

Um. No. Zerg comes from the game Star Craft where a race, called The Zerg, was capable of making large quantities of incredibly weak foot soldiers called zerglings. A massive zergling army could be built relatively quickly, but they were incredibly easy to wipe out with a few well placed siege tanks and some bunkers.

Also these foot soldiers were the mindless drones of the Zerg hive and seen as expendable fodder in efforts to promote the Zerg race.

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Maps to spread out?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I want to like WvW PvP, I really do, but each time I give it another try I run into the same issue. There’s rarely a lot going on and I tend to get bored.

Sometimes you get lucky and happen to drop onto a map that is fairly evenly contested, but even those maps have a lot of “wait and see where the action pops up, then run for 10 min over to the spot to battle…”

Taking and losing the same supply camp over and over is boring. Patrolling the 2-3 towers that are least protected is boring. The players are just too spread out over too many maps that are too large for WvW to be adventurous.

I’ve never been able to stand idle for an hour without seeing action in any other PvP setting.

Is it possible to cap the map size to make it proportional to the WvW population? Let’s keep the stakes high and up the battle frequency.

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Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


maybe people would buy the keys is the chests actually had something useful in them.

I’ve made well over 40 Gold on black lion chests — and I’m only level 50. Skins, such as the chain saw and scyth drop from them and a big money makers. I also like the boosts.

The tonics are pretty useless — although they can give you a boost around costume brawls.

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easter eggs and references?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Sorry, but I don’t remember exactly where this is, but there’s a pirate guy that you follow around in an event. The event has a few steps, then he runs off to his home point after. I followed him one time to see where he was going.

When he gets to his home spot in a busted up ship/town/townmadeofships he starts belting out “I am the very model of a modern pirate general…” (pirates of penzance) or something along those lines. He actually goes through an entire round of this song modified for the game and NPC. It was one of the most hilarious surprises I happened across and loved sitting there laughing my kitten off at the lyrics they came up.

Great stuff….I wish I could remember exactly where that was..

EDIT: looked it up..wasn’t hard to find…imagine that…his name is Captain Penzan. You Anet guys are great.

THIS had me laughing so hard! The Pirates of Penzan is a classic opera famous for those fast cadence tunes such as “I am the very model of a modern pirate general …” So Funny!

In general I am really impressed with the amount of effort the team put into detail. One time I found a group of grape harvest nodes behind a pirate den, and I happened to get hit by a patrolling npc called the vinter pirate.

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Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Not sure if this is a bug — but on the harpoon the net wall seems to have too far a distance to actually work as a net shield. It always goes through the target and explodes behind. Not useful.

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30 skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Am I the only one who was uber dissappointed in the 30 skills?

Mortar — I can see how it would be useful in pvp, but in pve you rarely have the time to let something like that drop and the fact that you can’t heal while using it…

Golem — WHY do I have to get in the golem for it to work? It takes me 2X as long to kill a single enemy with the golem than it does with supply drop!

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How can crafting be made profitable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I like how GW2 has “discover” recipes for the basic/master results, it adds a sense of accomplishment when you first figure out the system.

In other MMOs I’ve played, the crit system has worked well as a way to improve the profitability of crafted items, but there were also a lot more recipes/tier so that each person could specialize in a crafting tree. If I chose to focus on toughness/vitality, I could train to make the best at level gear for those specs. I didn’t have to learn every single recipe and gobble up all of the “small claws” just to level.

By best at level gear I mean: a crafted white > dropped white; crafted blue > dropped blue, etc.

Another issue is that everyone needs to use nearly all the same auxillary mats, and those mats drop at a very rare rate for even tier 1 materials. Thin blood, for example, drop only from some mobs and can also be found in goods bags (also relatively uncommon).

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


You aren’t supposed to sit in a stronghold, waiting for something to happen for an eternity. That’s not how you’re meant to play. You’re supposed to go on the offensive the second you defend a wave and try to take over the enemies’ territory, coming to defend when needed. There should not be a reward for sleeping in a tower for an hour before a zerg comes in and rolls you.

That actually does bring up a thankless job that is full time on some servers. The guys who touch all the siege equipment in Stonemist or any other large fortification before the 30 minute expiration. They clearly are coordinated and do their job quite well, so they deserve some XP and loot or at least a beer or something.

Exactly! It’s a thankless boring job that no one wants to do but its a tremendous help to the team. Give them a carrot they deserve it.

POW! Right to the cranium!

More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I totally utterly disagree with almost all of what you said. THE WORST THING ABOUT PVP GAMES in the past, what…. 5-8 years? Literally YEARS, has been rewards for PvP.

I’ve had the complete opposite experience. PvP isn’t ‘one size fits all’ and there are several types of PvP. In addition to the fight to the death pits-type PvP you mentioned above, there are strategic PvP games such as capture the flag, and even the weird huttball PvP I mentioned above. These more strategic PvP types requires players to assume various roles. My experience has been that unless you give someone a reward for doing the boring work, like guarding the turret your team just worked so hard to capture, no one will do it ever. Why? Because it’s boring. It’s more fun to run around and kill things even if it leads to the entire team losing at capture the flag/huttball/losing that tower.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


You do gain XP, karma and coin for helping upgrade a stronghold. You even get events like “help build the cannon” or “help build the oilpot”.

You aren’t supposed to sit in a stronghold, waiting for something to happen for an eternity. That’s not how you’re meant to play. You’re supposed to go on the offensive the second you defend a wave and try to take over the enemies’ territory, coming to defend when needed. There should not be a reward for sleeping in a tower for an hour before a zerg comes in and rolls you.

I’ve gotten events like “Help defend the workers as they upgrade the wall” but I’ve never gotten anything more than 15 xp for helping to build any upgrades. Is it possible that upgrading the equipment before the event appears nulls this? I got nadda for removing the catapults after the battle.

Also – why aren’t you supposed to have someone in a tower? It gives you the ability to call in reinforcements well before the attackers arrive and it actively discourages mobs from coming. When we zerg we always go to the places that are only defended by NPCs first.

Also – do the NPCs ever remove the enemy siege equipment? I would think the advantage of doing this are self-evident. I spent ~ 30 minutes in the keep building it up and removing the siege equipment. I had just finished when the mob arrived. If I hadn’t stayed behind and done the boring work they would have had an even greater advantage with 2 ready made catapults, and no finished defensive materials like oil pots and arrow turrets.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


The only one I directly disagree with is 4. Because honestly, I can imagine it would be really annoying from the other angle to plant and start building a siege, only for someone else to finish it and hijack it. I mean, you did spend money on thekittenthing.

Good point – I didn’t even think about people using that ability as a way to hijack someone’s equipment. I always forget to think about how people would abuse an event because I just don’t act that way.

Maybe give people a bit more xp and some karma for helping to build instead.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


3.Once someone attacks a stronghold, you gain an event note. If you hold out long enough for it’s timer to run out, you gain quite a bit of XP, karma and coin. Soon after – it restarts, allowing you to gain even more if you hold out for longer periods of time.

The loot you get from players and monsters in WvW gets placed at your feet in a bag, allowing you to loot from the top of the ramparts without any issues.

You gain guild influence for every kill and every event that you do in WvW. The influence gained is a lot bigger then that, which you would get outside of WvW.

Since this doesn’t relate to my original post, I’ll try to be more clear. My complaint is that there was no reward for defending a tower during the lull period. Which encourages people to take off with the zerg offensive and not stay behind to build up, watch for enemy scouts, and destroy catapults or other siege equipment the enemy previously placed. There should be rewards for this. When someone stays behind to defend and watch over a tower, missing out on zerg looting and offensive events, they should be compensated for making that sacrifice for the team.

SWTOR created a reward system in place that encouraged players to fulfill all roles in the strategic PvP environment. You got rewarded whether you spent the entire time standing next to a turret that never came under fire or if you made a kill. At first you only got rewarded for “kills” which lead to the highest ranked players in PvP being the ones who snuck in the last second to land a killing blow even if they did jack all to help the team win at capture the turret, download the data, or huttball. Once SWTOR changed the rewards system to actually reward team players (e.g. an experience bonus for passing in huttball), PvP became a lot more enjoyable. I’d like to see GW2 put a reward system in place for WvW that rewards people for strategic actions like destroying enemy siege equipment at the end of the battle.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


1.You needn’t repair after every death. There are no downsides for waiting until something breaks, and, that way, you save cash. At level 80 it costs 6-8 silver to repair one broken piece and all damaged ones (more if there’s more then 1 damaged).

Actually there is a downside if you are <lv 80. Your “scale up” stats are proportional to your gear and when a piece breaks you lose the bonuses. Plus it reveals my Asura’s pink bathing suite like undies!

I provided the cost/death because it’s data and not mush like “a lot”.

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This game has been out for over a month now

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Hmm. I wonder if the devs can’t help by having a server based PvP channel? SWTOR had one. Even if you weren’t qued for PvP people in PvE could shout out on that channel to rally the masses.

I think the big issue is that WvW requires organization and communication on scale that is not traditionally seen in MMOs and is currently not supported. Maybe GW2 could create a new tier of organization — one where entire guilds can join to really ramp up the communication about PvP tactics?

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Wasn’t sure what to title this — but since my biggest concern was the need for more defensive “carrots” I thought it fitting. Have a suggestion? I may be able to edit it.

3 & 4 are my biggest issues, the repair thing is annoying but would be rectified if defense rewards were put into place.

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AoE Zerging.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


My main problem with AoEs is that people can target the base of the tower and hit everyone on the top of it. Sorry – but I don’t think AoEs should have an infinite vertical range.

Also, this may be just an engineer issue, but my range is so short that I can only hit people who are practically right on the castle while I stand on the wall.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Ha ha ha. Yeah — I certainly do have a lot of those carrots!

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Low levels in need of a bigger boost to stats?

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I like the idea of tiers in the WvW PvP personally. There is just no way a low level character is going to be competitive in WvW as it currently stands. If that’s the way the devs want it — fine. But by having this “scale up” feature it seems as if they wanted to encourage active engagement early on. That, coupled with the fact that you start running into NPCs talking about the “eternal war” as low as level 10.

Rimarlk — define “casual” gamer. 3 weeks to reach level 80? I’m on week 2 and level 34 — 30 of those levels I got in 3 days while on vacation. Not everyone can play every evening or spend the entirety of the weekend grinding out levels.

People have different play styles — should PvP be exclusively for the “hardcore” people who are lucky enough to have the time grind? I think their is room to accomadate a variety of players in the WvW system — it’s just not there yet.

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More carrots! Less stick.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


I love the idea of massive WvW PvP but I’ve found the execution to be … lacking.

As I see it the pitfalls keeping WvW from being fun for all are:

1. repair costs at lower levels
2. ability to see all the region maps while in the WvW area
3. lack of any sort of experience/loot/guild prestige etc for defending a tower/keep
4. the “owner” can take over the turret/oil pot etc that YOU actually put all the resources into building.

For a quick breakdown of each issue:

1. Repair costs are prohibitive for my character currently lv 34. This is mainly because I get ~ 1 silver in damage to my gear per death. At best, when our side is doing very well and I managed to join a zerg swarm I break even.

2. Ability to see all the regional maps leads to people hopping over to the servers they are doing well on and/or organizing mass hops from a server. It’s not fun for the team struggling to eek out a tower when they are outnumbered and then swarmed.

3. Defense is very important. If you don’t have toons defending your tower and upgrading it you lose all your progress. Yet there is not much of a reward system in place to encourage people to stay and defend. This is a great opportunity to open up the PvP world to players at lower levels who are currently at a huge disadvantage despite the “scale up”.

For the final point, an example. I was the only toon who stayed behind to actually upgrade and defend our keep (yet I couldn’t claim the keep for my guild because it’s first come first serve even if not a single guild member stays behind). While staying at the keep, picking up supplies, and running back and forth repairing, building, and destroying enemy rams and catapults wasn’t very rewarding (fun, experience or loot wise) it made a big difference when an army 2X our ranks arrived to attack the keep. We had defense at 100 and they had to start over with their siege attacks.

Yet when that army arrived, and I started using the defensive items I spent all that time building up with supplies … I got immediately kicked off as soon as the “owner” arrived. Okay, you spent 4 silver on that item, but the fact of the matter is that the item wouldn’t even be usable if I hadn’t taken the time and effort to build it. Do you really deserve to use that turret over me? So in the end, despite the fact that I was the only person who stayed behind to defend the keep I got a total of 100 exp from the ordeal, no guild prestige, and then got booted off of the heavy artillery once the fun stuff began.

I think WvW has the potential to be immensely rewarding and fun for all levels and styles of play. Put more rewards in place and chill out on the penalties.

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Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


Has anyone else experienced the issue where your turrets don’t self-destruct and you therefore can not use that turret until you go all the way back to the place you first used it and pick it up?

This has been an issue for me … it happens so often that I now pick up my turrets immediately after the fight just in case I decide to move on. I’d prefer to leave them there (sometimes new events spawn shortly after old ones end) and just destruct them once I know I’m not going back ….

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Are Asura racist and chauvinistic?

in Asura

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


The Asura a definitely the race for you if you enjoy laughing at your own blunders. Asura aren’t “racist” in the sense that they dislike other races, or think certain races should be banned from x, y, or z … but they definitely think they are superior to other species.

Also, this is a bit off topic, but it’s not really races we are talking about, but species. Race would be more like black Asura vs Brown with white belly Asura — and there is absolutely no categorizing by race within the Asura species. I honestly think “species” is a more appropriate term as opposed to “races” but gaming tradition dictates here.

So, if you want to be technical Asura are Chauvistic and “Asuracentric” (e.g. human’s who think they are better than Jaguars are Anthrocentric). :>

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