Showing Posts For Saruba.7124:

Insane number of bots.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


I don’t see any problem here….just loyal Anet customers.

I'm just not happy with this game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


I have no comments on your last post as I haven’t reached the end game and do not I am very close to loving this game though, despite its flaws of which there are many. It’s still very young and I’m willing to give ANet a bunch of time to slowly improve upon and add to the game. I really like the core mechanics and the world but they’re not for everybody; I would guess they’re not for you.

Wait until you hit so called “endgame”. I and many many others felt exactly like you do until we hit the great wall of Anet at the end.

I feel like this beautiful girl that I fell head over heels over suddenly revealed that he’s really a shemale….

Lost Characters due to Hack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


I have already left due to the multitude of other issues, but if this happened to me it would definitely turn me sour and I can’t see how anybody could blame someone for leaving after that.

…but of course you must be a bunch of exploiters, stop playing the game wrong and go play Wow…something….something.

3 Patches No Notes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


They found out somebody was having fun so they had to quickly patch that out before it spread.

Lets talk about that GW2 Article on Gamespy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Finally!! I was wondering how long it would take the gaming press to stop kissing Anet’s kitty, and start reporting on the utter mess they have turned this game into.

All you “go play another game…” ostriches will be the downfall of this game if Anet doesn’t stop listening to you soon and start taking care of the problems that are driving MOST of us away in greater numbers day by day.

Is this really what you wanted from an MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


I re-learned to trust in my instincts and never buy a game until a few months after launch. I fell for the hype of this game and broke my own rules, and regret it.

I also learned that re-opening my 11 year old Asheron’s Call account and playing is, despite the museum quality graphics, actually a boat load of fun, unlike “playing” this game. The funny thing is that ancient game comes closer to living up to the GW2 hype than GW2 does.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


By no means a white knight here, go ahead and check my posts…..but they added a bunch of servers during the peak rush, so population is bound to have dropped off by now even without all the horrible choices the design team has made to suck all of the fun out of this game. I’m pretty sure they expected this “thinning out” that is obvious to all but the purposely blind among us.

If you could fix ONE thing right now ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


If I could fix one thing I would fire the entire design team that has ruined this game since launch, roll back their nerfs and replace them all with a new team who’s main directive would be to make no changes that infringe on normal players activities.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


indeed… i guess i am just about fed up with it and looking for some resolution that doesnt involve me moving to another game….

I can totally sympathize, I’m in the same boat. When this thread gets locked and we both get infracted for daring to speak about the verboten topic it will give us both another little nudge out the door. Kinda makes you feel like thats what they want.

open pvp in pve - let players fix the bot problem since anet cant/wont

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


They are all over WvW and people aren’t killing them there, so how would this help? It would just end up turning the PvE realms into giant grief fests with bots on the side.

In my opinion, the game lacks longevity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Of all the MMORPGs I have ever played, Guild Wars is the first to put PvP first and PvE second.

Thats sure not how I remember it, and as someone who is still playing GW1 I’d say my memory is pretty fresh. If you had instead said that Guild Wars was the first to completely separate PvP and PvE, then I would be able to agree with you. They have separate versions of skills, one for PvP and one for PvE so that balancing PvP doesn’t screw over PvE and balancing PvE doesn’t screw over PvP.

Why they didn’t follow suit in this game is yet another big mystery.

The Economy - A discussion not a complaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Massive problem with Bots farming and dumping their stock on the TP (increasing supply) coupled with a mass exodus of players (decreasing demand) are sabotaging any attempts Anet is or could be making to develop a healthy in game economy.

Until those two issue are addressed I don’t see anything changing.

Would you be upset if they did away with gold mailing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


They’d just use the TP or a guild vault anyway. Thats most likely how they are doing the transfers right now because tracking gold transfers through mail is trivial for Anet to do. I wouldn’t make the mistake of thinking of these people as stupid just because you don’t like them.

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Actually in short, only read with your trusty rose tinted glasses firmly in place.

Q.Qers and why they feel the need to stick around and insult/attack people who like the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


DR hasnt effected me at all since the last patch……

And therefore anybody that dares to complain is a Dbag right? I don’t mean to put words in your mouth, but thats what it sounds like you are saying. Maybe it hasn’t affected you, thats great I am really happy for you, honestly I am, not being sarcastic. It has affected me, and a lot of others. I guess that means I’m playing the game wrong right? I’m an idiot that should go back and play WoW right? Despite never playing that game.

A lot of the so called QQ threads I see start off with the poster saying I really love this game, but….. and then they are deluged with overt hostility like you have posted. What do you expect the discourse to be like?

Q.Qers and why they feel the need to stick around and insult/attack people who like the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Some of us don’t hate the game, we hate what ArenaNet has done to the game since launch.

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


can you get a higher score in monopoly?……

Do you honestly think people would even know what “Monopoly” the game was if the only thing you did was roll dice and move your cool little car around the board, and were told to just have fun moving your 8 spaces?

This game's business model was hype

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


For me, the game did in fact live up to the hype… for the most part. What is huting the game for me is dev decisions after launch. Things like too many gold sinks, not reimbursing players for anet mistakes, bugs left and right, bots (lets face it they should have had something in place prior to launch), nerfs…. the list goes on.

This……so much this. The game I played in beta is not the same game I can log into tonight. The one from beta might have had some issues, but at least it was fun to play. The mess that we have now due to drastic inaction on some issues and drastic over reaction on others is just not fun any more, and the reason people like me are so upset is because we still easily remember the fun to play game we had just a few short weeks ago.

Would Exploratory Behavior Be Encouraged if You Could Toggle-Off The Map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Open the world map, click on the eye symbol in the bottom left corner and uncheck all the options.

And the answer is No it won’t. Exploratory behavior will be encouraged as soon as Anet stops discouraging it.

Bot Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


How exactly do you expect Arena Net to fool prospective new players into thinking that they are really doing something about bots if you keep posting about the bots?

My exit review of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


I don’t really agree with all of his points, but he (or she) made them all without insults or bashing anything. I think that overall the management team for this game is in way over their heads and it shows.

It was fun before they started “improving” things.

Why dont i want to play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Well the way point travel is there to be a economy drain so that depleting resources (your gold) stay important.

This was the viewpoint originally proposed for this mechanism, and at first I wholeheartedly agreed with it. Now all I see it as is a way to chase people away, and do so with extreme efficiency.

How long are we going to continue defending an obviously failed concept? At what point do you step back and say “OK it sounded like a great idea, and I really thought it would work, but it just isn’t.”? Do we wait until no one is left playing except for the most ardent supporters? Are there really enough of them to sustain this game?

I started out completely enthralled with this game. Beta weekends and the first week were days of playing the game I always hoped someone would make. I supported Anet like a zealot on Reddit. The past several weeks, however, have been a nightmare of watching management decision after management decision that seem hell bent on squeezing all of the fun out of what was a wonderfully fun game to play.

It almost feels like the group managing Guild Wars 2 is not the same group that designed Guild Wars 2, and they have a completely different philosophy on what constitutes good game play.

I have a grand total of about 190 hours played since head start and I only just hit 80 recently, so I was not one of the “rushers”. I play for a couple of hours each day and a bit more on weekends. Now with all the issues (including the one we are forbidden to discuss) and the poorly chosen attempts at dealing with those issues, I am finding myself with less and less reasons to want to log in.

If you wish to just dismiss me as a “hater” then go ahead, that’s up to you, but in all honesty I am not. Bitter disappointment at seeing something you truly enjoyed, being systematically dismantled is not the same as hate.